Cheatwood 2020-03-051
Cheri Flores
Sent:Thursday, March 5, 2020 2:40 PM
To:Cheri Flores
Subject:Travertine Specific Plan
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
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To Cheri Flores, Planning Manager
cc. MSA
In regard to the Notice of Preparation
The cover sheet is flawed
A. Avenue 60 now exists West of Madison for some distance.
B. Madison now stops at 60 Avenue and maybe extended so it should be shown dashed.
C. Avenue 62 stops near Monroe at this time therefore this portion shown should be dashed.
D. The longer line along the drawing I believe to be the berm, not a road as shown. It should be identified as what it
actually is at this time!
On page 5 the Trilogy Golf Club is identified as a place that does not now and may never exist. It would be much better
to describe it as about 2,500 feet NORTHWEST of Monore and 62 Avenue a point which does exist!
I look forward to the presentation on the 16TH.
Harlin Cheatwood
60119 Honeysuckle
Trilogy La Quinta