IID 2020-04-01IID A century of service. April 1, 2020 Ms. Cheri Flores Planning Manager Design and Development Department City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: (New) NOP of an EIR for the Travertine Specific Plan Dear Ms. Flores: www.iid.com Since 1911 On March 3, 2020, the Imperial Irrigation District received from the City of La Quinta Design and Development Department, a request for agency comments on the (new) Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Travertine Specific Plan Project. The applicant is proposing the phased development of 1,200 residential units of varying types, a resort facility with up to 100 rooms, a 12-hole golf course with clubhouse as well as parks, public trails and recreational open space. The project site of approximately 876 acres is located in La Quinta, CA; generally bounded by the extension of Avenue 60 on the north; the extension of Avenue 62 and Coachella Valley Water District Dike No. 4 on the east; the future alignment of Jefferson Street on the north and the Santa Rosa Mountains to the south. The Imperial Irrigation District has reviewed the project information and finds that the district's February 14, 2018 comment letter and May 23, 2018 Will Serve letter (see attachments) continue to apply. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. Re a ull , Don Id Vargas Compliance Administrator II Enrique B Martinez — General Manager Mike Pacheco — Manager, Water Dept Marilyn Del Bosque Gilbert — Manager, Energy Dept., Jamie Asbury — Deputy Manager, Energy Dept, BusineWRegulatory Charles Berry --Mgr., Energy Dept., Distr Services & Maintenance Operations Enrique De Leon —Asst. Mgr., Energy Dept., D;str., Planning, Eng. & Customer Service VanceTaylor —Asst General Counsel Robert Laurie — Outside Counsel Michael P. Kemp — Supern+.endent, Regulatory & Environmental Compliance Laura Cervantes — S;eperv:sor, Real Estate IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT • P.O. BOX 937 • IMPERIAL, CA 92251 February 14, 2018 Comment Letter 11D POWER.. A century of service. February 14, 2018 Ms. Cheri Flores Senior Planner Design and Development Department City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: Travertine Specific Plan Project NOP of a Draft EIR Dear Ms. Flores: www,iid.com Since 1911 Pursuant to the City of La Quinta Design and Development Department's Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Travertine Specific Plan Project, where the applicant is proposing the phased development of 1,200 residential units of varying densities, 100-room boutique hotel and a golf/skills course and clubhouse, south of Avenue 60 and west of Madison Street in La Quinta, CA; the Imperial Irrigation District has reviewed the information and in addition to the district comment letters on the project's site plan submitted to the City on June 19, 2017 and November 30, 3017, and the completed Electrical Service Questionnaire submitted to the City's environmental consultant on December 8, 2017 (see attachments), and to reiterate certain concerns, has the following comments: 1. The project proponent is responsible to provide rights of way and easements for any IID facilities necessary to serve the project, thus the DEIR should include these as well as the conduits for IID facilities (electrical and communication) across any bridge improvements located within U.S. Bureau of Reclamation rights of way. 2. Relocation of existing IID facilities to accommodate project or street widening improvements imposed by the governing body will be the project proponent's responsibility. The DEIR addresses substantial improvements to several roadways, including the southerly extension of Jefferson Street and westerly extension of Avenue 62. These road improvements will impact IID facilities including the N108 and N104 distribution lines and potentially require their relocations and should be addressed in the DEIR. IID reserves the right to make future evaluations of project impacts to its system. 3. The project requires construction of a new electrical substation site. It is the responsibility of the project proponent to acquire an acceptable site for the construction of a substation as defined in the IID's Substation Standards. Project IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT . P.O. BOX 937 . IMPERIAL, CA 92251 Cheri Flores February 14, 2018 Page 2 proponent shall bear all costs to extend distribution and transmission lines deemed necessary to provide electrical service to the project and to the new substation site. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. Res - CtfullyrZ ❑ Wald /Va�- Co Administrator II Kevin Kettey - General Manager Mike Pacheco - Manager, Water Dept Vicken Kasarjtan - Manager, Energy Dept. Charles Allegranza -- Manager, Energy Dept , Operations Jamle Asbury - Deputy Manager. Energy Dept., Operations VanceTaylor -Asst General Counsel Robert Laurie - Asst. General Counsel Carlos Vasquez - Planning and Engineering Manager, Energy Dept. Enrique De Leon--Asst. Mgr„ Energy Dept., Diatr., Planning. Eng. & Customer Service Michael P. Kemp - Supedmendenz, Regulatory & Environmental Compllance Harold Walk Jr. - Supervisor, Real Estate Randy Gray - ROW Agent, Real Estate Randy Gray - ROW Agent. Real Estate a 11D 1' A century of servicc. June 19, 2017 Ms. Cheri Flores Project Planner Planning Division City of La Quinta Design & Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Travertine Development Project in La Quinta, CA Dear Ms. Flores: www.iid.com Since 1911 Pursuant to the City of La Quinta Planning Division's Request for Agency Comments on the site plan for the Travertine development project, where the applicant is proposing to develop 1,200 residential lots, a 9-12 hole golf course and a 100 room resort & Spa on approximately 680 acres west of Madison Street and south of Avenue 50 in La Quinta, CA; the Imperial Irrigation District has reviewed the information and has the Following comments: 1. Although the 1I0 has reviewed the plans For a preliminary project impact assessment, the district will not begin any engineering or estimate costs to provide power for the project until the developer applies for electrical service {the application is available at, htt ;Ilwww.lid,comlhomelshowdocument?id=12923) and the project's construction tirnelines, loading information, panel size information and estimated in-service date are provided. 2. Furthermore, IID will require that developer to request a will serve letter. The district will respond to the request and guide the applicant to start the customer project development services application process. l 3. Once the applicant provides the district with the required information, IID can carry out a ' more thorough assessment to determine the specific requirements to supply permanent power to the project. Likewise, I I D will determine the availability of temporary construction power based on load information and construction schedules and or phasing. 4. It is anticipated that the additional power load requirement of the proposed project will necessitate the acquisition, design and construction of a new substation in the vicinity of the project, all of which would be at the expense of the developer(s) in the area, i t 5. HID will require a minimum of 315' by 315' substation site. Site requirements include grading, fencing, applicable permits, zoning changes, environmental documentation, landscaping (if required by the City of Coachella), and access rights for ingress and egress to power line facilities and all rights -of -way and easements for the substation and for the transmission line extension route, all of which are at the expense of the developers in the IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT • RO BOX 937 . IMPERIAL, CA 922S I Cheri Flores June 19, 2017 Page 2 area. The proposed substation site and transmission route/right-of-way and easements should be addressed in the projects' environmental documents. 6. The applicant should be advised to contact IID Energy - La Quinta Division Customer Operations, 81-600 Avenue 58 La Quinta, CA 92253, at (760) 398-5841 for information regarding requirements to provide electrical service for the project. Ms. Rosaiinda Escobedo (rescobedo iid.com), IID project manager, at 760-398-5821 can also provide assistance. 7. It is important to note that it is 11D's policy to extend its electrical facilities only to those developments that have obtained the approval of a city or county planning commission or such other governmental authority or decision -making body having jurisdiction over said developments. 8. The applicant will be required to provide rights -of -way and easements for any power line extensions needed to serve the project. 9. Line extensions to serve the project will be made in accordance with IID Regulations: No.2 (htt .!/Www.iid,com/home/showdocument?id-2540). No. 13 (h# ;1/www.iid.comlhomelshowdocument?id=2553), No. 15 (htt ; vww.iid.com/home/showdocument?idm2555) and No. 20 (httP:/Iwww.iid.com/home/shgwdorument?id=2560, 10. Any construction or operation on IID property or within its existing and proposed right of way or easements including but not limited to: surface improvements such as proposed new streets, driveways, parking lots; landscape; and all water, sewer, storm water, or any other above ground or underground utilities; will require an encroachment permit, or encroachment agreement (depending on the circumstances). A copy of the IID encroachment permit application and instructions for Its completion can be found at the following llD website: http:Nwww.iid.comlhorrrelshowdocument?icf=3306, The )ID Real Estate Section should be contacted at (760) 339-9239 for additional information regarding encroachment permits or agreements. 11. Any new, relocated, modified or reconstructed IID facilities required for and by the project (which can include but is not limited to electrical utility substations, electrical transmission and distribution lines, etc.) need to be included as part of the project's CEQA and/or NEPA documentation, environmental Impact analysis and mitigation. Failure to do so will result In postponement of any construction and/or modification of II❑ facilities until such time as the environmental documentation is amended and environmental impacts are fully mitigated. Any mitigation necessary as a result of the construction, relocation and/or upgrade of IID facilities is the responsibility of the project proponent. 12. The city will be required to provide and hear all costs for rights of way, easements and infrastructure relocations deemed necessary to accommodate street or road improvements imposed by the municipality. Cheri Flores June 19, 2017 Page 3 Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 760-482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. Rerspidctfully, I C] inald Vargas Compliance Administrator II Kevin KOUOY- 0aneral Mermgor (Nike PaCh000 Manager. Welerpept Vickea Kaliarjian - MRilagor, Energy Dept. VanCa Taylor - Aast, Gaiturat Counsel Robert Laurie -AsaL General Counsel Jesse Montaft-TweMissior% Plannfng and Engineering oversight Carlos Vasquez - Planning and Engfngedng Man agar. Energy Dept Samuel E Singh - Supt. Customer Project Development, Energy Dept. Michael P Kemp, 5upenntenden1, Roal Estate & Envirownealot ConiplIWICe Harold Walk Jr - Supervisor, Real Estate Randy Grey - ROW Agent, Real Eetale 9 - .11D norvr A century (f Sctvice. June 19, 2017 Ms. Cheri Flores Project Planner Planning Division City of La Quinta Design & Development Department 76-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Travertine Development Project in La Quinta, CA — Additional Comments Dear Ms. Flores: wwwiid.com Since 1.911 In addition to the comments provided in the Imperiai irrigation District's letter of this date, be advised that II❑ will require developer to provide rights of way and easements for any electric infrastructure needed to serve the project including crossing of the Coachella Valley Water District Dike No. 4. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 760-482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. Respec#fUily, Donald Vargas Compliance Administrator It Kevin Kelley -- Generat Manager Mike Pacnec4 - Manager. WE, let Dept Vlcktin Kan-arlian - Manager Energy Dept. Vance Taylor - Asal. General Counsel Ratiert Laune -Asst General Counsel Jesse Mon(nft - Tranamissron. planning and Engineering OtrHrsighl Carlos Va ,quex • Planning and Errglneerinq Manager, Energy Qepl Samoa E Sinp+r - Supt. Custarll©r projec! Oavdloprnent, Energy Dept. Micngel P Kemp - S11pennteflaenl, Real ES15te 6 Environmental Conlpllanco H,Ir4la walk Jf - SuPurw=. Reel enlate Raney Gray - R0W Agent, Real Estate IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT • P,O.,BOX 937 • IMPERIAL, CA 9225 1 I 11D ONWW __. _. A co ltury 0 f servicc, November 30, 2017 Ms. Cheri Flores Project Planner City of La Quints Design and Development Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: Travertine Specific Plan in La Quinta, CA Dear Ms. Flores: www,i id.com Since 1911 Pursuant to the City of La Quinta Design & Development Department's request for agency comments on the initial site plan for the Travertine Specific Plan project, where the applicant is proposing the development of 1,200 residential units of varying densities, 100-room boutique hotel and a golf/skills course and clubhouse south of Avenue 60. west of Madison Street in La Quinta, CA, the Imperial Irrigation District has reviewed the information and has the following comments: 1, The applicant should be advised to contact the IID Energy - La Quinta Division Customer Operations, 81-600 Avenue 58 La Quinta, CA 92253, at (760) 398-5841 and speak with the area's project manager, Ms. Rosalinda Escobedo, to initiate the customer service application process. Ms. Escobedo can also be reached at 760-398-5821 or by email at rscobedo _llD.com_ 2. I11) will not begin any engineering or estimate costs to provide service until the owner submits an application (available at httio:l/www.iid,conithomelshowdocLimenVid=12923) and detailed loading information, project schedule and estimated in-service date are provided. 3. Once the applicant provides the district with the required information, IID can carry out a more thorough assessment to determine the specific requirements to supply electrical service to the project, which can include but are not limited to new circuit reconfigurations with backbone line extensions. Likewise, IID will determine the availability of temporary construction power from existing power lines based on load information and construction schedules and or phasing. 4. However, based on the information provided, IID has performed a preliminary assessment of the project and has determined that there is a substantial impact to the IID electrical system within the area. 5. It is anticipated that the additional power load requirement of the proposed project will necessitate the acquisition, design and construction of a new substation in the vicinity of the project and transmission fine extensions. IID will require a minimum of 315' by 315' substation site that meets district specifications The site, including grading, fencing, OMPLR.IAI IRRI! A11(_'^) )I�1,RI( i • PO 60X 977 , INWER [A I_, CA 9) 51 Cheri Flores November 30, 2017 Page 2 applicable permits, zoning changes, environmental documentation, landscaping (if required by the City of La Quinta), access rights for ingress and egress to power line facilities and all rights -of -way and easements for the substation and for the transmission line extension routes/corridors, are at the expense of the developers in the area. The Proposed substation site and transmission line routes/corridors rights -of -way and easements should be addressed in the projects' environmental documents. 6. It is important to note that iID's policy is to extend its electrical facilities only to those developments that have obtained the approval of a city or county planning commission and such other governmental authority or decision -making body having jurisdiction over said developments. 7. The applicant will be required to provide rights -of -way and easements for any power line extensions needed to serve the project. 8. Line extensions to serve the project will be made in accordance with IID Regulations: No. 2 (htt :llwww.iid.comlhome/showdocument?id=25A0), No. 13 (htt :I/www.iid.comlhomelshowdocument?id=2553), No. 15 (htt :Ilwww.iid.com/horns/showdocument?id=2555) and No. 20 (htt :Ilwww.ild.comlhomelshowdocument?id-256 . 9. Any construction or operation on lID property or within its existing and proposed right of way or easements including but not limited to: surface improvements such as proposed new streets, driveways, parking lots, landscape; and all water, sewer, storm water, or any other above ground or underground utilities; will require an encroachment permit, or encroachment agreement (depending on the circumstances). A copy of the ii13 encroachment permit application and instructions for its completion are available at htt :Ilwww.iid.com/home/showdocument?id=3306. The IID Real Estate Section should be contacted at (760) 339-9239 for additional information regarding encroachment permits or agreements. I 10. it is important to note that this project will require crossing of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Dike No, 4 and will require authorization to construct, operate and maintain I IID facilities across Reclamation lands. 11. Relocation of existing IID facilities to accommodate the project will be deemed developer- s } driven and all costs, as well as, securing of easements for relocated facilities shall be borne by the applicant. 12. Any new, relocated, modified or reconstructed IID facilities required for and by the project (which can include but is not limited to electrical utility substations, electrical transmission and distribution lines, etc.) need to be included as part of the project's CEQA and/or NEPA documentation, environmental impact analysis and mitigation, Failure to do so will result in postponement of any construction and/or modification of HD facilities until such time as the environmental documentation is amended and environmental impacts are fully mitigated, Any mitigation necessary as a result of the construction, relocation and/or upgrade of IID facilities is the responsibility of the project proponent. Cheri Flores November 30, 2017 Page 3 13. The applicant will be required to provide and bear all costs for rights of way, easements and infrastructure relocations deemed necessary to accommodate street or road improvements imposed by the governing body to address the implementation of the project. 14. Applicant should be advised that landscaping can be dangerous if items are planted too close to IID's electrical equipment. In the event of an outage, or equipment Failure, it is vital that IiD personnel have immediate and safe access to its equipment to make the needed repairs. For public safety, and that of the electrical workers, it is important to adhere to standards that limit landscaping around electrical facilities Guidelines are available at OilP.1 ww.iid.comlener Isafet 1landsca e- uidelines, Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. Respec ly, rr i Donald Vargas Compliance Administrator II Kevin Kelley - Genernl Manager Mika llachi2co - NiglIng9f, VVajer j)ept Vickan KrisaQan - Mariager, Energy Dept Charles Allegrariza - Manager, Energy ❑ep; , Operatlons Jumie Asbury - pepuly Manager, Energy oapt,. Opere ons Van Ce Taylor -Ayst. General Cc) 4,gel Robe rtLaune--Asst G en e ra I Cou nsel Garrns Vasquez • Pin nrnnI) and Engineering NnPage r. Energy oupL Enrique Do Lnon - Asyl. Mgr , Energy 1)001.. dlptr . planning. Cnq 4%CuSlonrer Service MiCh net P XgIrin - SUpurill tendenf. 134701 EHfule & Enym>rii lenInI (;gmpltpnCO 110ra1A Walk Jr - SutlerVlBer, Real Es[a10 Ramify Gray - ROW Agsn1, Real F:gt,11e Randy Gray - Royu Aganl, Reat Eatale 11D 0 It A century of service. December 8, 2017 Mr. Taku Shiozaki Assistant Environmental Planner The Altum Group 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 219 Palm Desert, CA 92260 www.iid.com Since 1911 SUBJECTS Electrical Service Questionnaire on the Travertine Specific Plan Project in La Quinta, CA Dear Mr. Shiozaki: Pursuant to your request for information to analyze the Travertine Specific Plan project's potential impacts to Imperial Irrigation District's electrical facilities, under the California Environmental Quality Act, attached please find the completed questionnnaire you provided. As additional information, also enclosed is IID's November 30, 2017 comment letter to the City of t-a Quinta Design & Development Dept. on the initial site plan. Please note that the wehlink referenced in item no. 9 of the letter has been updated. It is now htt :llwww.iid.comfhomel howdocument?id=11541. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter_ Resp ally, —� Do i Varga Compliance Administrator II Enclosures Kevrn Kelley - Ganoral Manager Mike PaCheCo - Marrage r, water DaPI. Vrrken Kaaarllan - Manager Energy peps Charles Allegran40 - &&onager, Energy D90I., CPera[fons JamlaAstsury-oepuly MaPeg et. Energy 0epl- 0perakona Vance Tayfor -A"t. Go noraI Colrns;el Rabert Laurre -ASM. General Counsel carroa Vasguot • Pfann1n9 a"I frrgrnennng Manager. Energy {]ept Fnrrqua po Laon -Asst Mgr . Energy Depl., r]Islr , Planning, Fng & CI'll tome r Service Mlcr?aei P Kemp - $uperrnW110111. Real Estate & EnVironmenlal compliance Harold Walk Jr - Supsuvlsor, Real Eatale Raney Gray - ROW Agent. Rear Estate Randy Gray - ROW Agenl. Real FState IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT , P.O. BOX 937 . IMPERIAL, CA 92251 EIS• wMy • e„•a�,.��,.�w A.AJ u. avup 71-M�w.e-s u,,,,c S•,rzfp, pa,mi4�t cr, mal c 603"w IPO iMniMmC�onp.mm e, +k]W 0.W Electrical Services Questionnaire 1. Does your company provide electric service for this site? If the site is not within yourservice area, who will provide electric service for the site? Yes, the site is within IID Service Territory, 2. Are there currently any deficiencies in your system in the project area? There are no current deficiencies; the IID distribution system is adequate for existing loading and services. However, as additional load comes online, the anticipated demand will create deficiencies, thus new customer service applications are required and evaluated to assess mitigations needed. 3. What are the nearest distribution facilities available to serve the proposed project? (If available, please send relevant system mapping.) New transmission and distribution line extensions will be required as well as a new substation site (315' x 315') with two (2) 25 MVA transformer banks. See attached map. 4. Do any above ground facilities cross the project site? if so, what Is their voltage and location? No above ground facilities cross the project site. A single-phase 7.2 kV line, runs west of Avenue 62 and Madison Street outside the perimeter of the project boundary. 5. Will any new or upgraded facilities be required to ensure that the proposed project is adequately served with electricity? If so, how will these facilities be funded? Based on preliminary and the anticipated load requirement of the proposed project, IID will require new transmission and distribution lines extensions with easement corridors and one (1) new dedicated substation site (315' x315') with two (2) 25MVA transformer banks and distribution feeders to serve the project adequately. The environmental documents will be required to encompass III) requirements and mitigations, all of which are at the expense of developer. 6. What is the average rate of consumption of electricity (kilowatt hours per year) on a per -unit or square foot of space basis for the type of development proposed in this project? Average Residential--13,045 KWH/YR 7. Do you anticipate any adverse impacts associated with providing electric facilities to serve the project site? If so, what mitigation or conservation measures would you suggest? Based on preliminary and the anticipated proposed load requirement of the proposed project IID will require new transmission and distribution lines extensions with easement corridors and one (1) new dedicated substation site (315' x315') with two (2) 25MVA transformer banks and distribution feeders to serve this project adequately. The environmental documents will be required to encompass IID requirements and mitigations, all of which are at the expense of developer. a. Will the cumulative effects of the proposed project and other expected development in the region significantly impact your company? Will this constrain your ability to provide service to the community? If so, what programs do you have to address these cumulative effects? Please return to: Audrey Nickerson, Project Planner audre .nickerso th malturnigroup.com The Altum Group 760-346-4750 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 219 Palm Desert, CA, 92260 ` --� •� � •Hnr4un�W n:cor,.�w.n.; nrrn, wis aaw�e.+..cnru+o Electrical Services Questionnaire �ns.ienu ]4.,,3ismR;,wpmn 1. wO.WRN We need more detailed project information on construction timelines/milestones/phasing and the anticipated loading requirements. 9- Are there any other relevant issues you believe should be addressed? The applicant will be required to provide a dedicated substation site and rights of way and easements for any power lines extension needed to serve the project site in accordance with IID Regulations. All IID upgrades required for the project should be assessed and mitigated in the project's environmental documentation. 10. Who (name, title, telephone, fax) should be contacted for further information on facilities and planning? The applicant should be advised to contact the IID Energy — La Quinta Division Customer Operations, 81-600 Avenue 58 La Quinta, Ca 92253, at (760) 398-5841. IID Project Manager, Ms. Rosalinda Escobedo will be your primary contact for this project, she can be reached at 760-398-5821 or by email at rescobedo@IID.com. Please return to: Audrey Nickerson, Project Planner audre .nickerson a thealtum rou .corn The Altura Group 760-346-4750 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 219 Palm Desert, CA, 92260 11D November 30, 2017 Ms. Cheri Flores Project Planner City of La Quinta design and Development Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: Travertine Specific Plan in La Quinta, CA Dear Ms. Flores: www.iid.com Since 1911 Pursuant to the City of La Quinta Design & Development Department's request for agency comments on the initial site plan for the Travertine Specific Plan project, where the applicant is Proposing the development of 1.200 residential units of varying densities, 100-room boutigLle hotel and a golflslcills course and clubhouse south of Avenue 60, west a Madison Street in La Quinta, CA; the Imperial Irrigation 01strict has reviewed the information and has the following comments: 1. The applicant should be advised to contact the IID Energy - La Quinta Division Custorner Operations. 8 1 -600 Avenue 5a La Quinta, CA 92253, at (760) 398-5841 and speak with the area's project manager, Ms Rosalinda Escobedo, to initiate the customer service application process. Ms. Escobedo can also be reached at 760-398-5821 or by email at rescobeda IID,00m. 2. IID will not begin any engineering or estimate costs to provide service until the owner submits an application (available at htt:llwww.iid.comlhomelshowdocument"yid=12923� and detailed loading information, pr provided. oject schedule and estimated in-service date are more thorough assessment to determine the specific requirements 3- Once the applicant provides the district with the required information, IID can carry out a to supply electrical service to the project, which can include but are not limited to new circuit reconfigurations with backbone line extensions- Likewise, lID will determine the availability of temporary Construction power from existing power lines based on load information and construction schedules and or phasing. 4. However, based on the information provided, IID has performed a preliminary assessment of the project and has determined that there is a substantial impact to the IID electrical system within the area, 5. It is anticipated that the additional power load requirement of the proposed project will necessitate the acquisition, design and construction of a new substation in the vicinity of the project and transmission line extensions 11D will require a minimum of 315' by 315' substation site that meets district specifications The site, including grading, fencing, Cheri Flores November 30, 2017 Page 2 applicable permits, zoning changes, environmental documentation, landscaping (if required by the City of La Quinta), access rights for ingress and egress to power line facilities and all rights -of -way and easements for the substation and for the transmission line extension rautestcorridors, are at the expense of the developers in the area. The Proposed substation site and transmission line ro,iteslcorridors rights -of -way and easements should be addressed in the projects' environmental documents. 6. It is important to note that 1113's policy is to extend its electrical facilities only to those developments that have obtained the approval of a city or county planning commission and such other governmental authority or decision -making body having jurisdiction over said developments. 7. The applicant will be required to provide rights -of -way and easements for any power line extensions needed to serve the project. 8. Line extensions to serve the project will be made In accordance with IID Regulations: No, 2 (h t :Ilwww.iid.corni melshowdocum nt?]d=2540), No. 13 (htt :llwwwJid. mlhome/shawdo u n 25 3 No. 15 h # :Ilwww.iid.corrrlh melshowdocument7id�2555) and No. 20 (htt:Ilwww.lid.comlhamelahawdocument?id=2 60. 9. Any construction or operation on IID property or within its existing and proposed right of way or easements including but not limited to: surface improvements such as proposed new streets, driveways, parking lots, landscape; and all water. sewer, storm water, or any other above ground or underground utilities; will require an encroachment permit, or encroachment agreement (depending on the circumstances). A copy of the iiD encroachment permit application and instructions for its completion are available at h t :llwww,lid.comlh melshowdocumeAnt?id=33 6. The lID Real Estate Section should be contacted at (760) 339-9239 For additional information regarding encroachment permits or agreements. 10. it is important to note that this project will require crossing of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Dike No. 4 and will require authorization to construct, operate and maintain IID facilities across Reclamation lands. 11. Relocation of existing IID facilities to accommodate the project will be deemed developer - driven and all costs, as well as, securing of easements For relocated facilities shall be borne by the applicant. 12. Any new, relocated, modified or reconstructed I ID facilities required for and by the project (which can include but is not limited to electrical utility substations, electrical transmission and distribution lines, etc.) need to be included as part of the project's CEQA and/or NEPA documentation, environmental impact analysis and mitigation, Failure to do so will result in postponement of any construction and/or modification of IID facilities until such time as the environmental documentation is amended and environmental impacts are fully mitigated. Any mitigation necessary as a result of the construction, relocation and/or upgrade of IlD facilities is the responsibility of the project proponent. Cheri Flores November 30, 2017 Page 3 13. The applicant will be required to provide and bear all costs for rights of way, easements and infrastruc,ure relocations deemed necessary to accommodate street or road improvements imposed by the governing body to address the implementation of the project. 14, Applicant should be advised that landscaping can be dangerous if items are planted too Close to I0's electrical equipment. In the event of an outage, or equipment Failure, it is vital that IID personnel have immediate and safe access to its equipment to make the needed repairs- For public safety: and that of the electrical workers, it is important to adhere to standards that limit landscaping around electrical facilities- Guidelines are available at htt�.-IJwww.iid.com/enter lsafet Ilandsca e- uidefines. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at dvargas@iid.cofn. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. Respec ly, I Donald Vargas Compliance Administrator ll Kevin Kclfoy - [;enernI Mpnagnr Mike Pachow-MIII uunr. WaI(Ir 08oI MdanKasnyinn-Nfrnagor EnurgyOrtpf Chlfrles rlllegrar>e.i - Mil nunur. ElIe,gy Dope - Qperalions Jnmre Ayoury - f]npuly Munagor. Energy Oepl oper llions VaRca raylnr - non¢ General CcurtSaf Aotre:t Lair IIB -Asia Gepera) Coon Sal Carley Vn9uuut Pfonnrnn arru Cn�lnaeriny AAnn[eunr Errargy pups. Enrlquu Orr Larrn - Ads[ Mer - tnprip Ogpf., Ofalr PleoniroSJ, E,r� ,k Cuglomer Sorvlrr, 15AIChrifli P Kemp - $un$Nnlen[fnnf, RanI Enlola d EllW on inIP%laI Complrn Ice Hnrple Wafk it - S4parvra6r. Ran, EStulo Rorr[iy Gray - ROW Apnl, peal Fsiifr. Runtfy VIFAY - Ri]W A,1,,I, Rom l;tifrr{c May 23, 20181 ill Ser►►e Letter -11D down A century of service - May 23, 2018 James Hildenbrand Hofmann Land Development Co, LLC P.O. Box 907 Concord, CA 94522 Subject: Will Serve Letter for Travertine Project, La Quinta Dear Mr. Hildenbrand: www.iid.com The purpose of this letter is to provide a response to your correspondence dated April 16, 2018, requesting a Will Serve letter for your Project known as Travertine in the City of La Quinta. For purpose of this Will Serve Letter, the project is as described on Attachment A. The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) policy is willing to extend its electrical facilities to developments that have obtained the approval of the City or County Planning Commission or such other governmental authority having jurisdiction over said developments. Based on the preliminary information provided to the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), and as a result of the completion of the loading and feasibility study to serve the area of Madison Street and Avenue 60, we have concluded that we can extend electrical facilities to serve your project under the terms and conditions set forth herein. It is important to note that a detailed and final study will be developed once a Customer Service Proposal (CSP) and loading calculations are received. This detailed information package will allow IID to perform an accurate assessment and provide a full report of any additional potential impacts and additional mitigation measures. Based on the preliminary analysis conducted, IID offers the following plan of service: 1. It is anticipated that the additional power load requirement of the proposed project and projects in the area will require the acquisition and construction IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT • LA QUINTA DIVISION • 81-600 AVENUE 58 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 May 23, 2018 Page 2 of a new substation starting with 1-25 MWA transformer bank 92/ 13.2 kV. In addition, 92 kV transmission line extensions and associated distribution feeders/ backbones and distribution fine extensions will be required. This work would be conducted at the customer's expense. 2. A minimum -dimensioned site of 315' by 315' substation site that is satisfactory to IID will be required from the developers) in the area. The substation site proposed dimensions are not taking in consideration any catch basing or any other Storm Water improvement. All setbacks, rights - of -ways, sidewalks, berms, public utility easements, catch basins, etc.; are considered off -site improvements, and shall not be within the substation set aside area. It is the developer(s) responsibility to include the substation's storm water plans and mitigations as part of the development's overall plan. Additional requirements such as environmental compliance documentation, landscaping (if required by the City or County), all rights -of -way and easements for the substation, transmission and distribution line extensions, all of which are at the expense of the developers) in the area. 3. In addition to the dedication of the electrical substation sites and rights -of - way needed to extend transmission service to the substation site, the developer shall bear all costs associated with the construction of the electrical substations and transmission lines needed to bring electrical service to said substation. Substation construction process should start once the substation site is fully accepted and site parcel deed is received by IID from the developer(s). In addition, the developer(s) should meet the substation site requirements listed by IID. 4. Developers should be advised that as per IID process, the standard time frame for the implementation of a new substation (engineering, equipment procurement and construction) takes a minimum of 24 months. As a result, the developers should adjust their projects in service dates accordingly. The procurement of the new substation bank would start upon receipt of the Customer Service Proposal for the substation bank acquisition including payment to cover for full cost. 5. A new transmission corridor with 2-92 kV lines will need to be extended from existing 92 kV line to the proposed substation site. IID will require that additional rights -of -way be provided for the said transmission line corridor. Additional requirements such as environmental compliance documentation, all rights -of -way and easements for the transmission and distribution line extensions, all of which are at the expense of the developer(s) in the area. PECVWSL18-08 May 23, 2018 Page 3 Additionally, the developer shall bear all costs associated with the construction of any additional transmission lines needed to extend electrical service to the proposed substation. 6. Developer(s) shall bear all costs associated with the construction of any additional facilities needed including the new substation facilities, transmission line extensions, distribution feeder breakers, feeder/ backbones and distribution overhead and/ or underground line extensions and upgrades needed to extend electrical service to the proposed development. 7. Underground infrastructure that includes trenching, conduits, pull boxes, switch boxes and pads should be installed following IID approved plans. Physical field installation of underground infrastructures should be verified and approved by an HD inspector prior to cable installation as per IID Developer's Guide. Additional requirements such as environmental compliance documentation, and all rights -of -way and easements for the distribution line extensions and underground infrastructure are at the expense of the developer. 8. Line extensions to serve your development will be made in accordance with lID Regulation No. 15, Regulation No. 2 and Regulation No. 13. The final cost will be determined once the developer/builder submits a Customer Service Proposal application and final design is completed. 9. Any construction or operation on IID property or within its existing and proposed right of way or easements including but not limited to: surface improvements such as proposed new streets, driveways, parking lots, landscape; and all water, sewer, storm water, or any other above ground or underground utilities; will require an encroachment permit, or encroachment agreement (depending on the circumstances). The IID Real Estate Section should be contacted at (760) 339-9239 for additional information regarding encroachment permits or agreements. 10.Any new, relocated, modified or reconstructed IID facilities required for and by the project (which can include but is not limited to electrical utility substations, electrical transmission and distribution lines, etc.) need to be included as part of the project's CEQA and/or NEPA documentation, environmental impact analysis and mitigation. Failure to do so will result in postponement of any construction and/or modification of IID facilities until PECVWSL18-08 May 23, 2018 Page 4 such time as the environmental documentation is amended and environmental impacts are fully mitigated. Any and all mitigation necessary as a result of the construction, relocation and/or upgrade of IID facilities is the responsibility of the project proponent. Due to unforeseen development, other projects could impact existing resources which could affect our ability to serve this load, if not completed in a timely manner. The construction of the initial phase in addition to the application for the connection of services for your project are required to be completed no later than May 17, 2019. After that date, a new loading study will be required. Furthermore, any deviation from the proponent's project plan regarding loading and schedule will require a new study and a revised flan of Service. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jose Gerardo, Distribution Supervisor at (760) 398-5823. We look forward to working closely with you to facilitate the success of your project. Sincerely, Guillermo Barraza, Superintendent, Distribution System Planning and Engineering CC: Mr. Enrique De Leon, Assistant Manager, Distribution System Planning and Engineering Mr. Jose Gerardo, Distribution Supervisor Mr. Donald Vargas, Compliance Administrator PECVWSL18-08