2020-03-09 NOP DISTRIBUTION STATUSFrom: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsultinginc.com>
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2020 4:57 PM
To: Nicole Criste (Contract Planner); Cheri Flores; Consulting Planner
Cc: Wanda Wise-Latta; Lee, Asia; Brizuela, Christopher
Subject: RE: NOP Distribution Receipts - Travertine [2514-MSA1.jnpf]
Attachments: SCH Posting_Travertine Specific Plan.pdf; Attachments.html
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution
when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **
Nicole & Cheri,
Attached in the ShareFile link is the proof of delivery for the certified mail. I went
through and added the recipient to each one. Most are delivered but there are still
some that appear to be in limbo.
Southern CA Gas and CV Mosquito and Vector Control have been returned to our
The following is short list of those that still in a non-delivery/pending status.
Andalusia HOA
LQ Historical Society
City of Coachella
Riverside County ALUC
Asia sent out 48 revised NOP Notices with the new circulation dates last Friday.
Those went out by regular US Mail and not certified. Chris sent over the County
Clerk filing notice to Cheri this morning. I am also attaching the SCH
posting. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Citrix Attachments Expires April 8, 2020
Travertine SP Proof of Devlivery_March 2020.pdf 15.1 MB
Download Attachments
Nicole Vann uses Citrix Files to share documents securely.
Nicole Vann
MSA Consulting, Inc.
From: Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 5:13 PM
To: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsultinginc.com>; Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Nicole Criste
Cc: Wanda Wise-Latta <wlatta@laquintaca.gov>; Lee, Asia <alee@msaconsultinginc.com>; Brizuela,
Christopher <cbrizuela@msaconsultinginc.com>
Subject: Re: NOP Distribution Receipts - Travertine [2514-MSA1.jnpf]
Thanks Nicole! Get better!
Nicole Sauviat Criste
42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101
(760) 341-4800
FAX#: 760-341-4455
E-Mail: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com
From: "Vann, Nicole" <nvann@msaconsultinginc.com>
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 5:07 PM
To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>, Nicole Criste <Ncriste@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Wanda Wise-Latta <wlatta@laquintaca.gov>, "Lee, Asia" <alee@msaconsultinginc.com>,
"Brizuela, Christopher" <cbrizuela@msaconsultinginc.com>
Subject: RE: NOP Distribution Receipts - Travertine [2514-MSA1.jnpf]
Resent-From: <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Hi Cheri,
Chris and Asia in our office will take care of getting the NOP to the County Clerk
for posting. We’ll be sure it’s there by Monday.
Thank you,
Nicole Vann
MSA Consulting, Inc.
From: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 3:33 PM
To: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsultinginc.com>; Nicole Criste <Ncriste@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Wanda Wise-Latta <wlatta@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: NOP Distribution Receipts - Travertine [2514-MSA1.jnpf]
Hi Nicole,
We usually send three copies of the NOP notice and one copy of the full
document itself to the County Clerk. We can do this if you don’t have
anyone on staff to take care of it. Let me know. We will need to extend the
comment period by 7 days if we can get it to the County Clerk by Monday.
Thank you! And hope you feel better!
Cheri L. Flores | Planning Manager
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760-777-7067
From: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsultinginc.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 2:05 PM
To: Nicole Criste <Ncriste@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Wanda Wise-Latta <wlatta@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: NOP Distribution Receipts - Travertine [2514-MSA1.jnpf]
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution
when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **
I’m out with the flu and wont be back in until next week. We did not submit the
NOP to the County Clerk so that is something I will have to see if one of our
assistant planners can do ASAP.
Nicole Vann
MSA Consulting, Inc.
From: Nicole Criste <Ncriste@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:22 PM
To: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsultinginc.com>
Cc: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Wanda Wise-Latta <wlatta@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: NOP Distribution Receipts - Travertine
Good Afternoon Nicole,
Now that I am back, I am following up on the NOP distribution for Travertine. Could you please send us:
1. Proof of delivery for the documents (you can get that from the USPS web site).
2. Proof of posting with the County Clerk. We will need the stamped and dated form from them for
the record.
Nicole Sauviat Criste | Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760-777-7132
Website | Map