MITCHELL TSAI 2020-04-07P: (626) 381-9248 F: (626) 389-5414 E: mitch@mitchtsailaw.com Mitchell M. Tsai Attorney At Law 155 South El Molino Avenue Suite 104 Pasadena, California 91101 VIA U.S. MAIL & E-MAIL April 7, 2020 Cheri Flores, Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Em: clflores@laquintaca.gov RE: Notice of Scoping Meeting & Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Travertine Specific Plan Project Dear Ms. Flores, On behalf of the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters ( “Commenter” or “Carpenters”), my Office is submitting these comments on the City of Menifee’s (“City” or “Lead Agency”) Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (“NOP”) (SCH No. 2018011023) for the Travertine Specific Plan Project, which proposes to grant entitlements for the planned single-family residential and hotel development on approximately 898 gross acres within the City (“Project”). The Southwest Carpenters is a labor union representing 50,000 union carpenters in six states, including in southern California, and has a keen interest in well-ordered land use planning and addressing the environmental impacts of development projects. Individual members of the Southwest live, work and recreate in the City and surrounding communities and would be directly affected by the Project’s environmental impacts. Commenter expressly reserves the right to supplement these comments at or before hearings on the Project, and at any later hearings and proceedings related to this Project. Cal. Gov. Code § 65009(b); Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 21177(a); Bakersfield Citizens for Local Control v. Bakersfield (2004) 124 Cal. App. 4th 1184, 1199-1203; see Galante Vineyards v. Monterey Water Dist. (1997) 60 Cal. App. 4th 1109, 1121. City of La Quinta – Travertine Specific Plan April 7, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Commenter incorporates by reference all comments raising issues regarding the environmental impact report (“EIR”) submitted before certification of the EIR for the Project. Citizens for Clean Energy v City of Woodland (2014) 225 CA4th 173, 191 (finding that any party who has objected to the Project’s environmental documentation may assert any issue timely raised by other parties). Moreover, Commenter requests that the Lead Agency provide notice for any and all notices referring or related to the Project issued under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), Cal Public Resources Code (“PRC”) § 21000 et seq, and the California Planning and Zoning Law (“Planning and Zoning Law”), Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 65000–65010. California Public Resources Code Sections 21092.2, and 21167(f) and Government Code Section 65092 require agencies to mail such notices to any person who has filed a written request for them with the clerk of the agency’s governing body. If the City has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my Office. Sincerely, __________________________ Mitchell M. Tsai Attorneys for Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters