Peters 2020-04-021
Cheri Flores
From:Sharon Peters <>
Sent:Thursday, April 2, 2020 1:16 PM
To:Cheri Flores
Subject:Travertine Specific Plan Comments
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Hello Ms. Flores,
Thank you for taking our comments for projects in La Quinta.
I would like clarification on the exhibits in the Travertine Specific Plan.
Exhibit #10 ‐ Blue line (road) is 62nd Street. Key indicates blue line (road) as Jefferson which is incorrect.
Exhibit #11 ‐ Same error as #10 ‐ Also labeled incorrectly.
Exhibit #12 ‐ Key indicates blue road as Jefferson which is correct.
Travertine is proposing Jefferson as their main road to project, and their #1 choice. I would like to know how this
roadway would be constructed through PGA homes.
Travertine #2 choice of roads is Madison which would be constructed very close to homes in the Trilogy community.
I would like more information on the process that the city follows to okay or allow contractors to build or not build new
streets. If it is in the environmental impact report, who does the homework and report for street construction to see
what it will entail? Secondly, where does the city stand on new street construction for Jefferson and Madison?
Thank you for your time.
Sharon Peters
(949) 309‐7002
61765 Living Stone Drive
La Quinta