191114 Section 2 LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-1 LAND USE PLAN This section identifies the development standards applicable to each planning area with the Travertine development; this includes the project description, land use descriptions, permitted uses and requirements. The design and land use plan address City of La Quinta community planning goals and concepts as well as aligning with community wide conservation and design. 2.1 Project Description and Summary As illustrated in Exhibit 2.1 and 2.2, the Travertine development will be comprised of a variety of land uses. Residential land uses will range from low density to medium density. A resort/spa facility will serve tourists and recreational visitors. A golf skills course and banquet facility will provide recreational opportunities. Some related commercial uses will be combined with the resort/spa and golf club to serve the daily needs of the community and its visitors. Table 2 identifies the overall land use summary planned for the property. Table 2: Land Use Summary Land Use Acres Percent Residential 380.4 ac 43.4% Resort /Golf Club Facilities 84.1 ac 9.6% Master Planned Roadways 32.5 ac 3.7% Open Space Uses 379.0 ac 43.3% Total 876.0 ac* 100% *The change from 909.0-acres in the original approval to 876.0-acres is due to the revision to the project boundary along the west and south sides of the site. 31 acres of the previously approved project site has been set aside as a Resource Protection Area for Cultural Resources. 2.1.1 Land Use Plan Description The Conceptual Land Use Plan is illustrated in Exhibit 2.1. The Travertine Land Use Plan incorporates a broad range of uses consistent with a master planned community by providing: • A broad mix of public and private uses, • A pattern of residential neighborhoods defined by interconnected loop streets linked by an extensive trail system, • Access to open space via pedestrian walkways and bike paths, • A moderately curvilinear primary street pattern connecting to local streets as the street system connects the Medium and Low-Density Residential neighborhoods within the Travertine community, • Sidewalks and bike lanes throughout the Travertine community with a Class II bike lane located along both sides of Jefferson Street, • A central walking path system to connect the community from north to south, • Recreational areas located throughout the community. 2.1.2 Preserve Open Space, Natural Beauty and Critical Environmental Habitat Approximately 379-acres or 43.3% of the Travertine Specific Plan area are designated as open space. This open space area includes restricted open space and recreational open space. Approximately 216.5-acres of the site are planned for Open Space – Recreation uses (Exhibit 2.1). Designed to offer both passive and active oriented recreational opportunities, areas planned for Open Space – Recreation include picnic tables, barbeques, golf facilities, a tot lot playground, and staging facilities for the regional interpretive trail. Natural Open Space accounts for approximately 162.5-acres predominately along the southern boundary of the property. DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-2 2.1.3 Recreational Trails Exhibit 2.2 shows a network of trails suitable for pedestrian use is planned throughout the community, offering recreational opportunities to the residents. The core of the network is a community spine trail, which provides a direct link to community open spaces and gathering areas, as well as passive and active spaces. The system also provides connectivity from the individual residential homes along internal local streets and bikeways along Jefferson Street. There are 2 staging areas, one is located to the south of the extension of Avenue 62 and will provide parking and access to the 2-mile interpretive trail that circumnavigates the project boundary, as seen in Exhibit 2.3. The other staging area is located to the north of the project and will provide a parking staging area for the Boo Hoff trail, in addition to the Travertine community trail. A variety of amenities are provided along the trails, including rest stops, and interpretive signage that serve to further enhance the natural experience afforded by the trail network. 2.1.4 Master Planned Roadways The development of Travertine provides for substantial improvements to several roadways, including the southerly extension of Jefferson Street as a private Modified Secondary Arterial south of the proposed Coral Mountain property and the westerly extension of Avenue 62 as a Modified Secondary Arterial. Loop roads emanate both north and south from the Jefferson Road spine via two roundabout intersections. 2.1.5 Residential Residential areas account for approximately 43.4% of the project’s total land area. The project proponent proposes a maximum of 1,200 dwelling units based on range of lot sizes, resulting in an overall average density for the project of 1.4 du/ac. Residential Planning Areas vary in density from 1.6 du/ac to 7.9 du/ac. In conformance with project goals, several housing styles are proposed to appeal to a range of future Travertine residents. The residential lot layouts are designed to reflect the project site’s natural character by minimizing areas proposed for grading and softening the slopes between the residential pads. The Travertine residential products will provide a variety of options. Six residential types are proposed: • Estate Homes • Single Family Luxury Homes • Single Family Mid Homes • Single Family Entry Homes • Patio Homes • Single Family Attached Units For lot configuration see Exhibit 2.3 for estate and luxury SFD lot configurations, Exhibit 2.4 for large and mid SFD lot configurations and Exhibit 2.5 for small SFD and single family attached units lot configurations. 2.1.6 Tourist Serving Recreational Facilities A luxury resort and wellness spa are planned for an approximately 38.2-acre site located at the northwest entrance to the project from Jefferson Street. This area will consist of resort related amenities including restaurants, small shops, spa facilities, lounge and activity rooms, outdoor activities; tennis, yoga, walking and hiking trails. A golf club with related facilities is located near the southeastern entry to the project on approximately 122- acres. This will provide a high-end practice facility and entertainment/banquet facility for both the residents and guests. The proposed amendment would allow fractional ownership/time-share development in the DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-3 recreation/visitor-serving commercial zone. Approval of fractional ownership would be subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The hotel/resort wellness center proposes 75 rooms and fractional ownership development of 25 Villas within the planning area. For purposes of ensuring orderly planning and development of the property in the future, the overall Land Use Plan is delineated by Planning Areas, Exhibit 2.1. The Planning Areas provide a more detailed direction as to land use, intensity and maximum numbers of dwelling units. The Land Use Plan is intended to provide a general representation of the proposed land uses. Table 4 provides details regarding the maximum number of dwelling units allowed in each Planning Area. Some flexibility is built into the development regulations in order for the project to respond to evolving market conditions. Table 4 describes the allowable density ranges of all Planning Areas. This provision allows for adjustments and refinements in acreage and subsequent dwelling unit counts in response to changing market conditions and final design review without the need to amend the specific plan (see Section 5, Implementation Measures and Administration, for an explanation of this procedure). Though some flexibility and adjustments are provided for, the maximum number of total dwelling units for the entire specific plan (1,200) will not be exceeded in the implementation of the specific plan. Specific information on each of the 25 Planning Areas is provided below in Table 3 and Exhibit 2.1 and within Section 3.1, Planning Area Standards. Table 3: Planning Area Summary PA Land Use Acres Density Range Target Density Target Units Rooms 1 Open Space Recreation 17.2 2 Resort / Spa 38.2 100 3 Medium Density Residential 26.1 4-8 du/ac 7.9 205 4 Low Density Residential 29.2 2-4 du/ac 2.9 85 5 Low Density Residential 9.9 2-4 du/ac 2.7 27 6 Low Density Residential 11.3 2-4 du/ac 2.7 31 7 Medium Density Residential 20.7 4-8 du/ac 7.9 163 8 Low Density Residential 18.1 2-4 du/ac 3.4 61 9 Low Density Residential 21.7 2-4 du/ac 3.4 73 10 Medium Density Residential 14.8 4-8 du/ac 5.0 74 11 Low Density Residential 26.5 2-4 du/ac 2.8 75 12 Resort / Golf 45.9 13 Low Density Residential 50.5 2-4 du/ac 2.1 107 14 Low Density Residential 30.6 2-4 du/ac 1.6 48 15 Low Density Residential 35.2 2-4 du/ac 1.8 65 16 Low Density Residential 35.1 2-4 du/ac 2.0 70 17 Low Density Residential 50.7 2-4 du/ac 2.3 116 18 Open Space Recreation 18.1 19 Open Space Recreation 8.8 20 Open Space Recreation 22.0 21 Open Space Recreation (Golf) 122.0 22 Open Space Recreation 28.4 23 Open Space Natural 151.8 24 Open Space Natural 10.7 25 Master Planned Roadways 32.5 TOTALS 876.0 1,200 100 DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-4 Master Planned Roadways Acres Jefferson 17.4 Loop West 9.4 Loop East 5.4 Section 5 Access 0.3 TOTAL 32.5 2.2 Development Regulations & Standards The following section describes the development regulations and standards for Low Density Residential (Section 2.2.1), Medium Density Residential (Section 2.2.2), Resort/Spa Mixed Use (Section 2.2.3), and Open Space (Section 2.2.4 and 2.2.5) land use categories. The land use character within the Planning Areas is intended to facilitate estate living, medium density villa-style life, and a Resort/Spa and tourist orientation. All three categories are anticipated to be implemented via a range of lot sizes. Whenever the Specific Plan is silent on any development regulations or standards, the City’s Municipal Code will apply. 2.2.1 Single Family Detached - Low Density Residential – 2.0 To 4.0 Du/Ac Planning Areas 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 And 17 The Single Family Detached – Low Density Residential (2.0-4.0 du/ac) category will be characterized by larger single-family residential lots (6,300 to 9,600 square feet) with the opportunity for custom homes. These homes will have the largest setbacks in the development, as well as the smallest maximum lot coverage. Permitted Uses Please refer to the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.40 Residential Permitted Uses and Prohibited Uses, Section 9.40.030 Table of permitted uses for Low Density Uses (RL). The following uses require a conditional use permit: • Mobile home subdivisions and manufactured homes on individual lots, subject to Section 9.60.180 Development Standards Any of the products listed in Table 5 can be built in any of the Low-Density planning areas. DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-5 Table 4: Development Standards for Single Family Detached Homes Product Estate Luxury SFD Large SFD Mid SFD Minimum Lot Size 9,000 sq. ft. 7,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 5,500 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width, Detached 1 70 feet 60 feet 55 feet 50 feet Minimum Lot Depth 1 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 90 feet Minimum Cul-de-Sac Lot Width 40 feet 40 feet 40 feet 40 feet Maximum Structure Height 2 22 feet 22 feet 28 feet 28 feet Maximum Number of Stories 2 2 2 2 Minimum Front Yard Setback 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet Minimum Garage Setback3 18 feet 18 feet 18 feet 18 feet Minimum Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks5 7.5 feet 7.5 feet 5 feet 5 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback 25 feet 20 feet 15 feet 5 feet Maximum Lot Coverage 35% 35% 40% 45% Minimum Landscape Setbacks Adjacent to Loop Street4 At any point, 25-foot min. average over entire frontage At any point, 25-foot min. average over entire frontage At any point, 25-foot min. average over entire frontage At any point, 25-foot min. average over entire frontage 1The Planning Director can administratively approve modifications of the standards up to 15% to account for irregular lotting situations. Please refer to the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.50.070 Irregular lots, for irregular lot specifications. 2Building height will be measured from finished building pad elevation. 3The front yard is measured from the property line. Side-loaded garages may encroach up to 5 feet into the front yard setback. 4 Perimeter Streets for the Travertine Specific Plan area are Loop Street ‘A’, Jefferson Street and Avenue 62. 5 Mechanical equipment shall be allowed within side yard setback area with a minimum three-foot clearance to the side property line. The Travertine Specific Plan permits a maximum of 1,200 dwelling units to be constructed. If Planning Areas 2 and/or 11 develop(s) with residential housing, then the number of permitted dwelling units will remain a maximum of 1,200 units. Transfer of Dwelling Units may occur according to the provisions provided in Section 5. This area will be subject to review through the Site Development Permit process, including approval by the Planning Commission. The maximum number of units allowed in Travertine Specific Plan, 1,200 as noted in Table 4, will not be exceeded without a formal amendment to the S pecific Plan and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council, per the requirements of Section 5. See 2.2.2 Medium Density Residential – Planning Areas 3, 7, And 10 Planning Areas 3, 6and 10 are located to the north of Jefferson Street. These are designated Medium Density Residential reflecting the transition between the lower density golf, residential housing and open space development and the resort/spa development. The Medium Density Residential Planning Areas are intended to provide medium density (4.0-8.0 du/ac) DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-6 single-family residential products to accommodate residents seeking lots ranging from 4,000 to 5,775 square feet in size. The development standards in Table 6 provide for a characteristic medium-density residential neighborhood. Permitted Uses Please refer to the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.40 Residential Permitted Uses and Prohibited Uses, Section 9.40.030 Table of permitted uses for Medium Density uses (RM). Development Standards Any of the products listed in Table 6 can be built in any of the Medium-Density planning areas. Table 5: Development Standards for Medium Density Residential Product Small Lot SFD Single Family Attached Lot Size 5,000 sq. ft. 4,000 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width, Detached 1 45 feet 35 feet Minimum Lot Depth 1 80 feet 70 feet Minimum Cul-de-Sac Lot Width 35 feet 35 feet Maximum Structure Height 2 28 feet 28 feet Maximum Number of Stories 2 2 Minimum Front Yard Setback 10 feet 15 feet Minimum Garage Setback3 18 feet 5 feet Rear Yard Setbacks 15 feet 10 feet Minimum Side Yard Setbacks5 5 feet cumulative 5 feet cumulative Maximum Lot Coverage 55% 55% Minimum Landscape Setbacks Adjacent to perimeter Loop Street4 20-foot min. average over entire frontage. 20-foot min. average over entire frontage. 1The Planning Director can administratively approve modifications of the standards up to 15% to account for irregular lotting situations. Please refer to the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.50.070 Irregular lots, for irregular lot specifications. 2Building height will be measured from finished building pad elevation. 3The front yard is measured from the property line. Side-loaded garages may encroach up to 5 feet into the front yard setback. 4 Perimeter Streets for the Travertine Specific Plan area are Loop Street ‘A’, Jefferson Street and Avenue 62. 5 Mechanical equipment shall be allowed within side yard setback area with a minimum three-foot clearance to the side property line. 2.2.3 Resort Hotel, Spa and Villas (Tourist Commercial) – Planning Areas 2 and 12 Planning area 2 is located north of the site and planning area 12 is south of the site. Both are planned to be a part of a resort and/or Golf use. The resort planning areas are anticipated to provide 100-keys and golf in planning area 12 will have 9-12 holes. Site Development Permits, as well as building permits for any structures associated with the hotel, hospitality and villas will be submitted as needed by the future developers of the Hotel/Resort planned areas including Fractional Ownership options. Any of the products listed in Table 7 and 8 can be built in any of the Tourist Commercial planning areas. For lot configurations of the villas, see Exhibit 2.6. Permitted Uses Please refer to the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.80 Nonresidential Permitted Uses, Section 9.80.020 Table of Permitted Uses for all permitted uses for Tourist Commercial Uses (CT). Resort DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-7 Residential uses will be permitted for Planning Areas 2 and 12, in addition Resort Villas will be permitted without a conditional use permit. The following uses require a conditional use permit in Planning Areas 2 and 12: • Printing, blueprinting and copy services • Medical offices—physicians, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and similar practitioners, 3 or fewer offices in one building • Restaurants, drive-through • Townhome and multifamily dwelling as a primary use The development standards in the Tourist Commercial designation are defined in the La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 9.90.040 Table 9-6 Nonresidential Development Standards. These shall apply for the Resort/Spa/Hotel except as follows: Table 6: Development Standards for Villas Product Villas Minimum lot frontage 30 feet Maximum building height1 28 feet 22 feet adjacent to an image corridor Maximum number of stories 2 Minimum livable reserved floor area excluding garage 420 sq. ft. Minimum front yard setback from: Street or parking stall curb Pedestrian circulation walks 8 feet 5 feet Garage/carport setback-from street curb 5 feet Minimum building to building setback: Without partial attachment2 With partial attachment2 6 feet 4 feet Minimum interior/exterior side yard setbacks 3 3 feet Minimum rear yard setback 5 feet Maximum allowable wall height 8 feet Minimum parking required 1 space per bedroom 1 space per 300 sq. ft. GFA 1 Chimneys, roof vents, finials, spires, and similar architectural features not containing usable space are permitted to extend up to three feet above the maximum structure height. 2 Partial attachment of two buildings is made when an enclosed area having a typical interior function such as a hot water heater closet, furnace closet, or other essential use, is attached to two otherwise separate buildings. Construction standards and fire ratings shall meet U.B.C. requirements. 3 Mechanical equipment shall be allowed within side yard setback area with a minimum three-foot clearance to the side property line. DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-8 Table 7: Development Standards for Hotel/Commercial Product Hotel/Commercial Maximum Building Height 1 40 feet2 Maximum Number of Stories 3 stories Maximum Number of Keys 75 Hotel keys / 25 Villakeys Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) 0.5 Minimum perimeter building/landscape setbacks 40/20 feet 1Building height will be measured from finished building pad elevation. 2Building height does not include architectural projections. Architectural projections shall be regulated by Section 9.90.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. A line-of-sight study will be conducted and submitted when the final designs are submitted to the City for design review. 2.2.4 Open Space/Recreation – Planning Areas 1, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 A conceptual plan for equestrian/multi-use trail purposes will be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to approval of any Tentative Tract Map. This plan will incorporate access, signage, and detailed design. Along the southern edge of the site, there is an area adjacent to the Martinez Rock Slide that will be limited to recreational uses. As part of the recreational plan and trail system, there will be an interpretive element that will provide signage and educational information along to trail to element the cultural elements there as a preventative measure from trespassing unauthorized areas of cultural significance. Currently a cultural resources study is being conducted for development near the Martinez Rock Slide, and local tribes are being contacted as part of the procedures. This area is designated as a buffer between the residential development and the natural open space of the foothills of the Santa Rosa Mountains. This area, shown on Exhibit 2.7, will not include any permanent structures as required by the Biological Opinion completed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (2005). Permitted Uses Please refer to the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.120 Special Purpose Permitted Uses, Section 9.120.020 Table of permitted uses for all permitted uses for Parks and Recreation, PR, and Open Space, OS. Development Standards – Recreational Open Space Recreational Open Space (Exhibit 2.3) will be subject to Sections 9.130.010 of the La Quinta Zoning Code. 2.2.5 Open Space/Natural– Planning Areas 23 and 24 Along the southern, western, and eastern boundaries of the site there is an area of land that is restricted from development due to various environmental constraints including biological, geological, and cultural resources (Exhibit 2.7). This area will remain undisturbed to preserve these resources. Portions of the open space/restricted area were determined to be of biological importance by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) through the Biological Opinion completed in 2005 and the subsequent federal Environmental Assessment completed in 2006. If new information is obtained regarding these biological resources, it may result in a reduction in the acreage restricted from disturbance by the USFWS. In this event, any area removed from restricted open space will fall under the recreation open space category and will be subject to the development standards detailed in Section The developer will be required to obtain a Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. A portion DRAFT LAND USE PLAN TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT – 2019 Page 2-9 of this area is also in a conservation area of the CVMSHCP. Coordination with CVAG will be necessary to site the water tanks in this area. In addition, an all-weather access road will be installed along the western edge of the development for access to Section 4. This is shown in the Circulation plan in Section 3.1. Permitted Uses • Two water reservoirs and ancillary facilities (roadway, pipelines, etc.), as approved and allowed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and by CVAG. • All other uses will be prohibited in this area. • Permanent structures, with the exception of two water reservoirs, service roadway, underground pipelines and ancillary facilities as allowed through consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, will be prohibited in the Restricted Open Space area. • There will be an access road provided to connect off-site properties in Section 5, to the loop road of the Travertine project. This will be defined by an easement and entitled by the Applicant to allow access to and from the future project to Section 5. Development Standards – Natural Open Space The water reservoir structures, in accordance with Coachella Valley Water District guidelines and direction, shall not exceed 50 feet in height, unless a height in excess of 50 feet is specifically required by CVWD. 2.2.6 Additional Requirements Development in all Planning Areas will be subject to CVMSHCP Adjacency Guidelines and the following: • Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 9.100.150, Outdoor Lighting contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Lighting and Photometric Plans shall be approved with a Site Development Permit. DRAFT