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This section of the Travertine Specific Plan Amendment describes the mechanisms for implementing the
Plan and is to be consulted whenever there is a question concerning the Plan implementation in relation to
the subsequent actions that may be proposed within the Travertine Development area boundary. As the City
of La Quinta is the public agency responsible for the administration of the Travertine Specific Plan
Amendment, the tools and procedures described in this section are to be implemented consistent with all
City rules, regulations and policies.
5.1 Procedures
The entitlement procedures required for future development applications within the Travertine community
shall be in conformance with those procedures established and set forth in the City of La Quinta Municipal
Code. All development applications shall be reviewed by the City of La Quinta as to their consistency with
the intent of this Specific Plan.
5.2 Financing Plan
The infrastructure and public facilities improvements, as generally described in the Phasing Plan, will be
financed in various ways and may include, but not limited to those programs as outlined below:
• Developer contribution with reimbursement agreements
• Developer contribution with credits against fees
The final financing arrangements, including participation agreements, if any, shall be determined at the
Tentative Map stage of development and shall be reviewed and approved by the City of La Quinta as well
as all affected agencies if necessary. The current plan for financing infrastructure and improvements to be
provided by the Hofmann organization. At this time no outside financing mechanisms are anticipated to be
needed to provide infrastructure to service the project. Any shared costs or reimbursement agreements
coincident with other developments within the area will be quantified through agreements governed by the
city of La Quinta for purposes of assessing future projects.
5.3 Construction Phasing Plan
The primary intent of the construction phasing plan of the Travertine development is to ensure that complete
and adequate public facilities and services are in place and available to builders, residents and first
responders, see Exhibit 5.1. The project will provide all wet and dry utilities from Avenue 62 to the point
of connection for various product phases and water tanks.
The project will be constructed by a master developer. The master developer will provide the mass grading
and the rough graded pads for builder product. They will also install all major and common roads, as well
as install all backbone sewer, water, and storm drains in addition to dry utilities that will serve the individual
builder pads in the project. All areas that are common in the project will be landscaped though the master
developer process. The individual builder responsibilities will include any interior infrastructure associated
with the builder’s product, including interior streets, landscaping, common areas, amenities, as well as any
of the utility points of connection to the master system (sewer, water, storm drain and dry utilities).
The project is anticipated to be constructed from east to west and south to north as the major infrastructure
for water, sewer, storm drain and dry utilities will be pioneered with the construction and widening of DRAFT
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Avenue 62 south of the Trilogy project , continue over Dike #4 westerly towards the Travertine and project
over CVWD’s recharge basin project. The major infrastructure will be constructed from the east moving
up the spine road, providing laterals and points of connections to the individual development areas.
The construction, installation, and/or extension of infrastructure and facilities necessary to serve each phase
of development shall be operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy or Final
Inspection for that particular phase. Perimeter streets and associated landscaping (i.e. the extension of
Jefferson) will be required to be constructed and installed prior to the issuance of the very first Certificate
of Occupancy or Final Inspection for the entire development.
It should be noted that, as development in Travertine and the surrounding community continues, market
conditions as well as infrastructure design and improvements may evolve and change, resulting in various
revisions to the phasing program anticipated and described herein. These revisions, upon review and
confirmation by the City of La Quinta they meet the intent of the Specific Plan and adequately serve the
needs of the community, shall be permitted without an amendment to the Specific Plan.
5.4 Product Phasing Plan
The primary intent of the product phasing of the Travertine development, as conceptually depicted in
Exhibit 5.2, is to ensure that complete and adequate public facilities and services are in place and available
for the residents and visitors to the community. In each phase there will be a variety of product with a range
of price points, building types and sizes.
If the proponent is to phase improvements and obligations required by the Conditions of Approval, phasing
plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Division for review and approval by the City Engineer. The
phasing plans are not approved until they are signed by the City Engineer. The current policy for Riverside
County Fire is to allow up to 200 units off a single point of access. At this time the city of La Quinta has
commented that they do not support this policy.
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Table 10: Product Phasing Plan Summary
PA Land Use Acres Density Range Target Density Target
11 Low Density Residential 26.5 2-4 du/ac 2.8 75
12 Resort / Golf 45.9
13 Low Density Residential 50.5 2-4 du/ac 2.1 107
14 Low Density Residential 30.6 2-4 du/ac 1.6 48
15 Low Density Residential 35.2 2-4 du/ac 1.8 65
20 Open Space Recreation 22.0
23 Open Space Natural 151.8
24 Open Space Natural 10.7
Phase 1 Totals 373.2 295
6 Low Density Residential 11.3 2-4 du/ac 2.7 31
8 Low Density Residential 18.1 2-4 du/ac 3.4 61
9 Low Density Residential 21.7 2-4 du/ac 3.4 73
10 Medium Density Residential 14.8 4-8 du/ac 5.0 74
16 Low Density Residential 35.1 2-4 du/ac 2.0 70
19 Open Space Recreation 8.8
Phase 2 Totals 109.8 309
5 Low Density Residential 9.9 2-4 du/ac 2.7 27
7 Medium Density Residential 20.7 4-8 du/ac 7.9 163
17 Low Density Residential 50.7 2-4 du/ac 2.3 116
Phase 3 Totals 81.3 306
1 Open Space Recreation 17.2
2 Resort / Spa 38.2
3 Medium Density Residential 26.1 4-8 du/ac 7.9 205
4 Low Density Residential 29.2 2-4 du/ac 2.9 85
18 Open Space Recreation 18.1
21 Open Space Recreation (Golf) 122.0
22 Open Space Recreation 28.4
Phase 4 Totals 279.2 290
Grand Total* 843.5 1,200
*Master Planned Roadways are not included in the Grand Total. Master Planned Roadways are built throughout the project from
south-east of the project site to the north-west.
5.5 Maintenance Plan
The primary objective of the Maintenance Plan is to ensure that the Travertine community establishes and
maintains the highest standards of quality with regard to the upkeep of improvements and facilities.
Common landscape areas and/or recreational facilities within individual developments will be maintained
by an assigned Homeowners Association governing that development. DRAFT
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Landscaping within the private streets’ rights-of-way is proposed to be maintained by the Master Property
Owners Association (POA) and Home Owners Association (HOA). Entry monumentation, master common
landscape areas, and other areas commonly owned shall be maintained by a Master POA to be established
by the developer. All resort facilities will be privately owned and maintained.
The following matrix, Table 9, identifies the maintenance responsibilities for the Travertine development.
Table 11: Maintenance Responsibilities
Master Property
(HOA) Private
Major Entries ×
Public Streets
(Landscaping) ×
Private Streets × × ×
Master Common
Landscape ×
Golf Course ×
Facilities × × ×
Resort Complex ×
Flood Control
Facilities ×
Landscape ×
5.6 Amendments
The Design and Development Director shall have the authority to determine substantial conformance with
the provisions of this Specific Plan when changes in unit counts within individual planning areas are less
than 10% and consistent with the density exchange parameters described in Section 5.6. Specific Plan
modifications initiated by the developer shall be submitted to the Planning Division. Any changes shall be
processed per the provisions contained in the California State Government Code Section 65453 and will be
subject to the requirements of Section 9.240.010 (Specific Plan Review) of the La Quinta Zoning
If the Director determines that the modification(s) is (are) minor, the Director may approve the
modification(s) without further administrative review Modifications are considered minor when the result
in a less than 10% change and are consistent with the density exchange parameters described in Section
5.6. Modifications including but not limited to architecture design changes that do not result in a significant
effect on the overall aesthetic or style of architecture in the Specific Plan and changes in the landscape
palette of less than 10% may be approved by the Director.
If the Director determines that the modification(s) may result in a significant change in the project, the
modification(s) shall require an amendment to the Specific Plan and will be referred to the original decision-
making authority.
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5.7 Maximum Allowable Development
The Travertine Specific Plan permits a maximum of 1,200 dwelling units to be constructed within the
Specific Plan area. If Planning Areas 2 and/or 12 develop(s) with residential housing, the number of
permitted dwelling units in Travertine will remain a maximum of 1,200 units.
Transfer of Dwelling Units
No amendment to this Specific Plan shall be required to transfer dwelling units between planning areas,
provided that the following development transfer conditions are met:
A. Planning areas allowing residential land uses (i.e., Low Density Residential and
Medium Density Residential) include Planning Areas 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14,
15, 16, and 17, and are depicted in Exhibit 2.1, Land Use Plan. Each planning area is
assigned a target number of dwelling units. This target number may increase or decrease
at the discretion of the project master developer
B. This Specific Plan requires that the overall project-wide gross density shall not exceed
5.9 du/ac. Gross density shall be calculated by including all Specific Plan area acreage,
including open space land use categories and master planned roadway acreages.
C. In no case shall unused dwelling units be transferred into planning areas designated as
Open Space.
D. In no case shall transfers of units exceed more than a 20% increase of allocated units in
any planning area designated for Low Density Residential, or Medium Density
E. The project master developer shall have the right to increase or decrease dwelling unit
counts in any residential planning area; provided that prior to the time that such transfer
is made, the project master developer submits the request to the City’s Planning
Division. The Design and Development Director shall have the authority to determine
if the transfer is in substantial conformance with the Specific Plan or if a Specific Plan
Amendment is required.
Land designated as residential shall continue to be entitled for residential development after the density