2021 Interagency TrackingInteragency Tracking Travertine 3/25/2021, updated 11/3/2021 Agency Contact Method of Transmittal Date Sent Date Response Received/notes  Burrtec Renaldo Gouldlock   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  City of Indio Kevin Snyder   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR   Mark Greenwood, Traffic Engineer   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  County of Riverside Ken Baez, Jay Olivas Kathleen, Robert Flores email 4/13/2021 Resent 11/3/21 Limited response received 4/28/2021-responded to CC on BOR letter about being party to agreement to cross dike 5/6/21-sent email back asking about cross-sections again 11/3/21-resent request on cross-sections to new planners  CVUSD    No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  CVWD Elizabeth Meyerhoff, Tommy Fowlkes, Michael Nusser     DSUSD Patrick Cisneros   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  Frontier    No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  Gas Deborah McGarrey   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  IID Donald Vargas   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  Police    No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  Spectrum Lee Hobson   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  Sunline Anita Petke Jeff Guidry   No revised interagency request/send Draft EIR  Bureau of Land Management Brian Ousley & Janet Cheek, Field Manager email 4/14/2021 Brian Ousley email undeliverable. Letter asked about needing public agency on ROW Grant to have in perpetuity and if we need to do NEPA for ROW Grant. Also addressed 6-2019 letter from BLM   Bureau of Land Management Brian Ousley & Janet Cheek, Field Manager email 4/14/2021 Brian Ousley email undeliverable. Letter asked about needing public agency on ROW Grant to have in perpetuity and if we need to do NEPA for ROW Grant. Also addressed 6-2019 letter from BLM  Bureau of Reclamation Cindy Flores  4/14/2021 Do we need to do NEPA for dike crossing 11/3/21 no response received to date.  US Fish and Wildlife Jenness McBride   JPR review in progress-completed  CA Fish and Wildlife Bermuda Dunes Field office   JPR review in progress-completed  CVAG Katie Barrows Peter Satin   JPR review in progress-completed