2020-11-16 SWCA Response to City Comment MatrixComment Matrix - Response to comments from City of La Quinta in May/June 2020 for the Addendum
to the Supplemental Cultural Resources Technical Report for the Travertine Land Development Project,
City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California.
Commenter Page No. Comment SWCA Response
nsc 1 Need analysis of substation and
well site locations at least at some level. Identify locations and
consider potential for impacts and
required mitigation.
Need to study EVA off-site from Madison to project site. Not in
APE. Was the extension of
Jefferson (long term and
temporary EVA) covered in
previous analyses?
Substation and well site will be
analyzed in a separate document.
Madison Avenue extension area
added to analysis.
nsc 4 Unrealistic considering utility extensions and rock crushing activities. What are the deepest
utility trenches planned? At a
minimum, consider revisions to
mitigation to address deep
Additional description of vertical APE added and included in analysis and mitigation considerations.
nsc 16 Is this a reference to the dike? There are multiple references to "a large berm" below. If this is BOR
Dike 4 it should be properly
identified throughout.
Updated descriptions with specific water control feature attributions.
clfores 16 Sanitary? Changed text to “sanitary”
clfores 27 Please be sure to include the
requests from ACBCI letter dated 3-15-18. Will email the letter
ABCI letters updated since this
comment. All documented requests to date incorporated into
avoidance and mitigation