2021-04-14 BOR request 1 April 14, 2021 Sent via email Cindy Flores Bureau of Reclamation 7301 Calle Agua Salada Yuma, AZ 85364 SUBJECT: TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2017-0002, ZONE CHANGE 2017-0002, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 2017-0004, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2017-0008, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2017-0008 Dear Ms. Flores: We are currently working on a project called the Travertine Specific Plan Project (Project). The Project is generally bounded by the westerly extension of Avenue 60 on the north; the westerly extension of Avenue 64 to the south; the southerly extension of Madison Street on the east; and the southerly extension of Jefferson Street on the west (see attached vicinity map). The Project proposes development of 1,200 residential units and 100 hotel units on approximately 870 acres. The Project’s two major access points are from the westerly extension of Avenue 62 over the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD)/Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Dike 4 and the southerly extension of Jefferson Street south of Avenue 58. The project is also proposing an emergency route along the southerly extension of Madison Street, also crossing Dike 4. We understand that for the Avenue 62 crossing over Dike 4, an SF-299 application is required. Would the same be required for the Madison Street crossing? Also, regarding the Avenue 62 crossing, the south half of that roadway is within the County’s jurisdiction. Would the County need to be party to the SF- 299 application as well? And lastly, is National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis required for these crossings? 2 If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067 or by email at clflores@laquintaca.gov. Sincerely, Cheri L. Flores, Planning Manager Design and Development Department Attachment: 1) Vicinity Map 2) Travertine Proposed Land use Plan 3) Travertine Proposed Circulation Plan cc. Danny Castro, Design and Development Director, City of La Quinta Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director, City of La Quinta Jay Olivas, Project Planner, County of Riverside 32 29 5 33 28 4 34 27 3 NAP County of Riverside La Quinta Dike 4 Dike 2 N Section Lines* Section Line Numbers Project Boundary LEGEND City of La Quinta Boundary *The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Section—one-square-mile block of land, containing 640 acres, or approximately one thirty-sixth of a township. Due to the curvature of the Earth, sections may occasionally be slightly smaller than one square mile5 From USGS 7.5 Minute Series Martinez Mountain Quadrangle, CA 2015 Exhibit No: 1.3 Site Location Map ATTACHMENT 1 2.0 LAND USE 2-2 | Page TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - 2020 Exhibit 2.1 – Conceptual Land Use Plan ATTACHMENT 2 4.0 INFRASTRUCTION PLAN 4-2 | P a g e TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - 2020 Exhibit 4.1 – Circulation Plan ATTACHMENT 3