September 3, 2021
Mark Rogers
TRG Land
898 Production Pl
Newport Beach, CA 92663
ASSESSMENT 2017-0008
Dear Mr. Rogers:
During April through July 2021, we received a number of resubmittals for the GPA case, ZC
case and EA case including GPA and ZC supporting documents, technical studies for the EIR
including the Addendum to the Supplemental Cultural Resources Technical Report,
Supplemental Paleontological Resources Assessment, Master Drainage Plan, LESA Report,
EDR Report, Biological Technical Report, Traffic Impact Analysis and Vehicle Miles Traveled
(VMT) Study. The City has reviewed these documents and comments are summarized
GPA and ZC Documentation
Comments on the GPA and ZC supporting documents are found within each document and
have been uploaded to eTrakit in each case as follows:
EA Technical Studies
These reports have been reviewed by City staff and peer reviewer and comments are noted
in each document, available to download from the eTrakit portal. Some comments are also
summarized below. Please note, the Air Quality Impact Analysis, Greenhouse Gas Analysis,
Noise Impact Analysis have not been resubmitted to date. There are no further comments
on the LESA Report.
Documents uploaded to EA2017-0008 case:
• 4TH REVIEW COMMENTS - CR 8-2021 (Addendum to the Supplemental Cultural
Resources Technical Report)
Additional Comments:
Provide more detail on the levees and their effect on on-site conservation lands and on
adjoining BLM and/or BOR lands, for instance:
• Extent and result of off-site grading on west side
• Extent and result of on-site levee and grading on west side of project
• Height of future west side levee and slope armoring
• Depth of armored levee toe-down
• How 90° turn into Guadalupe Channel is to be accomplished
We are aware that you are working with BLM on this and will summarize results in the
appropriate studies.
Please include the offsite well site and substation location area cited in the Cultural reports
in the EDR report.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067.
Cheri L. Flores
Planning Manager
Design and Development Department
cc. Lou Miramontes, Hofmann Land Development
Danny Castro, Design and Development Director
Main document changes and comments
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Proposed General Plan
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Review comments on these exhibits in SP and apply those comments here.
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City of La Quinta - Existing General Plan
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The removal of Jefferson Street as General Plan roadway south of the hypothetical westerly
extension of Avenue 60 to a private gated road.
The removal of Avenue 62 west of the hypothetical southerly extension of Madison Street.
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south of
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The realignment of the Jefferson Street extension on the General Plan Circulation Plan to be consistent
with the alignment proposed in the Travertine Development.
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at 0.63"
Page 3: Commented [CF3] Cheri Flores 8/10/2021 2:01:00 PM
Need to include exhibits showing this.
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Major Community Facilities;
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, Tentative Tract Map, Development Agreement
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Page 3: Commented [CF4] Cheri Flores 1/18/2021 6:05:00 PM
We still need this application, please submit ASAP
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high quality
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, and
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All residential development has
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On-street bike lanes will make it convenient to ride around the project for exercise and local
transportation. A Class II bikeway will be constructed on the Jefferson Street for the use and
enjoyment of Travertine residents.
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As stated above, nd amendment to the General Plan will be required to delete the gated portion of
Jefferson Street within the project, and the deletion of Avenue 62 west of the hypothetical southerly
extension of Madison Street, and the termination of Madison Street south of Avenue 62.
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private and public
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that circumnavigate the project for visitors and residents
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5 miles of trails interior to the project
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Page 5: Commented [CF6] Cheri Flores 8/10/2021 2:04:00 PM
Are there 11 miles total or only 6 with 5 inside the project?
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/ golfrecreational, 301 acres of natural open space 162 acres of restricted open space,
64 acres of recreational open space, with a resort and spa that will offer various
recreational activities. All residential development has access to pedestrian
walkways, providing a walkable community for the residents. On-street bike lanes will
make it convenient to ride around the project for exercise and local transportation. A
Class II bikeway will be constructed on the Jefferson Street for the use and enjoyment
of La Quinta residents
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301 acres of natural open space
Page 5: Commented [CF7] Cheri Flores 12/22/2020 4:59:00 PM
This doesn’t match the land use table above. Please reconcile. Also, are the neighborhood parks and trails included in
the open space total of 358 acres?
Page 5: Commented [JS8R7] JoAnne Sturges 3/4/2021 12:56:00 PM
Reconciled (there is 1.25 acres of trail with in the natural open space area.
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162 acres of restricted open space, 64 acres of recreational open space,
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All residential development has access to pedestrian walkways, providing a walkable
community for the residents. On-street bike lanes will make it convenient to ride
around the project for exercise and local transportation. A Class II bikeway will be
constructed on the Jefferson Street for the use and enjoyment of La Quinta residents
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/ golf, 162 acres of restricted open space, 64 acres of recreational open space, with a
resort and spa that will offer various recreational activities.
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Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and
moderate-income households.
Consistency Analysis: The Specific Plan is designed to provide a range of housing types and
densities at varying price points that will help meet the anticipated demand for housing
within different economic segments of the City.
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if necessary
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Page 7: Commented [CF9] Cheri Flores 12/22/2020 4:32:00 PM
ZC Statement shows 152 acres. Please correct to make both statements consistent.
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That acreage included the southern parcel. No longer in play.
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restricted open space along
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protected habitat area along
Page 7: Commented [CF11] Cheri Flores 12/22/2020 5:00:00 PM
Mention how much is for habitat here since we are talking about protecting habitat. So maybe refer to the amount of
open space being used for habitat rather than calling it restricted open space.
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We have satisfied all AB 52 consultation and have redesigned our
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has been redesigned
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Page 7: Commented [CF12] Cheri Flores 8/10/2021 2:05:00 PM
Should these numbers be flipped or is this right? I thought there was more in habitat to be preserved.
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Page 7: Commented [CF13] Cheri Flores 12/22/2020 4:35:00 PM
Above in BIO-1, 163 acres is listed. The ZC Statement shows 152 acres for habitat and 84 acres for recreational. Please
correct to make consistent.
Also the land use table above says that there are 206 acres recreational.
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larger areas related to the Middle North and Middle South storm flows
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Existing Zoning Plan Proposed Zoning Plan
Zoning Acres Un its Acres Units
Low Density Residential 382.2 1526 301.3 442
Medium Density Residential 89.3 758
Medium High Density Residential 84.4 774
Neighborhood Commercial 10.0
Tourist Commercial 30.9 71.8
Golf Course 377 .5 153.4
Open Space 4.1 226.6
Master Plan Roadways 20.1 35.1
Total 909.2 1526 877.5 1200
1I '
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Proposed Zoning Plan
City of La Quinta -
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Zoning Plan
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Existing Zoning Plan Proposed Zoning Plan
Zoning Acres Unit s Acres Units
Low Density Residential 382.2 1526 301.3 442
Medium Density Residential 89.3 758
Medium High DensityHigh-Density
Residential l
84.4 774
Neighborhood Commercial 10.0
Tourist Commercial 30.9 71.8
Golf Course 377.5 153.4
Open Space 4.1 226.6
Master Plan Roadways 20.1 35.1
Total 909.2 1526 877.5 1200
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Golf Course
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and a
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GPA 08-113)
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Development Agreement
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We still need this application. Please submit ASAP.
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, Tentative Tract Map
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Environmental Impact Report
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(ZC 08-133)
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, four-hole golf course
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, a wedding garden
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, and access to pedestrian walkways, providing a walkable community for the residents
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As stated above, nd
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delete the gated portion of Jefferson Street within the project, and the deletion of Avenue 62 west of the
hypothetical southerly extension of Madison Street, and the
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the extension
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for public use.
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Revise to be consistent with GPA docs
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a golf training facility,
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and 122 acres of golf course
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and 122 acres of golf course
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/ golf, 162 152 acres of restricted open space, 864 acres of recreational open space
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and a golf training facility with driving range and banquet facilities
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Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and
moderate-income households.
Consistency Analysis: The Specific Plan is designed to provide a range of housing types and
densities at varying price points that will help meet the anticipated demand for housing
within different economic segments of the City.
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, if necessary.
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The GPA doc shows 163 acres. Please correct whichever document is correct.
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, and
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an additional 149 acres of open space adjacent to the preserve area.
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These 301 acres
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preserve area
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We have satisfied all AB 52 consultation and have redesigned our project
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The project has been redesigned
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as identified in the project EIR.
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as identified inthe project EIR.
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, if necessary.
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, if necessary.
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and golf course
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and an
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and an
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Page 8: Commented [CF5] Cheri Flores 12/22/2020 4:36:00 PM
The GPA Statement shows 301 acres for habitat and 60 acres for recreational. Please correct to make them both statements
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Check the acreages please.
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larger area related to the Middle North and Middle South streams
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area of potential effects (APE)
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Project area
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vertical APE for the Project (
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pre-construction ground-disturbances
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construction required for each task
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within the Project area
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consists of cut-fill grading to maximum depths of 50 feet below ground surface, with 5 feet of over-
excavation throughout the central portion of the Project area and 4 feet of removal along the southern and
western portions of the Project area.
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is not planned to exceed 5 feet in grading depth.
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Project area
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Project area
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and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which constitutes a federal nexus
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The location of the APE on BOR and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land constitutes a federal
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Project area
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landslide deposits,
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, as well as unmapped Lake Cahuilla beds underlying alluvial deposits at shallow depth
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has PFYC 2 (Low) to PFYC 4 (High), increasing with depth; alluvial fan gravels have PFYC 2 (Low) to
PFYC 3 (Moderate), increasing with depth; landslide deposits have PFYC 2 (Low); Lake Cahuilla Beds
have PFYC 4 (High); and quartz diorite has PFYC 1 (Very Low).
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and alluvial fans: PFYC 2 (Low) increasing to PFYC 4 (High) in the shallow subsurface; quartz diorite:
PFYC 1 (Very Low).
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in the APE
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in the Project area
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consist of grading
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will impact sediments to maximum
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of no more
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of 50
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than 5
Page i: Commented [JC1] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:05:00 AM
What does this mean? Will new scientific information result from the prescribed on-going monitoring? Do these
well studies resources warrant the “high-sensitivity” characterization?
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Is this correct? With the wealth oof info already collected, why is this warranted?
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Page i: Commented [JC3] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:09:00 AM
Please further consider whether the potential resources warrant such requirements.
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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Regulatory Setting ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Federal Regulations ................................................................................................................................ 4
Paleontological Resources Preservation Act, Public Law 111-011, Title VI, Subtitle D,
2009 ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 ........................................................................ 4
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 ............................................................................. 4
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 ..................................................................................... 5
Antiquities Act of 1906 .................................................................................................................... 5
State Regulations .................................................................................................................................... 5
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) .............................................................................. 5
Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 5097.5 ................................................................................ 5
Local Regulations ................................................................................................................................... 6
Riverside County General Plan ........................................................................................................ 6
City of La Quinta General Plan ....................................................................................................... 6
City of La Quinta Municipal Code .................................................................................................. 7
Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Definition and Significance of Paleontological Resources .................................................................... 7
Professional Standards ........................................................................................................................... 8
BLM Potential Fossil Yield Classification ............................................................................................. 9
Results ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Geological Setting ................................................................................................................................ 12
Geology and Paleontology of the Project Area .................................................................................... 13
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 17
References Cited ........................................................................................................................................ 19
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Figure 1. Project vicinity. .............................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2. Project location. ............................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 3. Geologic map of the Project area, after Dibblee and Minch (2008). ........................................... 14
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Table 1. Geologic Units Underlying the Project Area ................................................................................ 15
Table 2. LACM Fossil Localities Nearest the Project Area ........................................................................ 15
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’s Area of Potential Effects (APE)
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City of La Quinta and
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Project area
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Project area
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Page 1: Commented [JC4] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:18:00 AM
Same report or background for this report? If background, please provide this to the City.
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Project area
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What is SVP? Spell out.
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Page 6: Commented [JC6] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:23:00 AM
Are County policies relevant?
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City of La Quinta General Plan
The Natural Resources Element of the City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan (City of La Quinta 2013)
contains one goal pertinent to the protection of paleontological resources with the City of La Quinta’s
Sphere of Influence. Goal CUL-1 requires the protection of significant archaeological, historic, and
paleontological resources which occur in the City. Within Goal CUL-1, three policies ensure the
consideration of paleontological resources:
Policy CUL-1.3: Educate the public about the City’s history and paleontology.
o Program CUL-1.3.b: Continue to support efforts at curation and exhibition of the City’s
o Program CUL-1.3.c: Consider expanding collections to include paleontological resources.
o Program CUL-1.3.d: Encourage the Desert Sands and Coachella Unified School Districts to
include local history and paleontology in their curricula.
Policy CUL-1.4: Make all reasonable efforts to identify paleontological resources in the City.
o Program CUL-1.4.a: Any development application for a vacant site located on soils
identified as Lake Cahuilla Beds or Pleistocene shall be accompanied by a Phase I
paleontological analysis conducted by a qualified geologist or paleontologist.
o Program CUL-1.4.b: As part of the geotechnical analysis conducted for grading and
building permits, soil borings shall be examined by a qualified geologist or paleontologist to
assure that no Pleistocene or older soils occur at depth in areas to be excavated. Monitoring
shall be required if Pleistocene or older soils will be impacted by excavations.
Policy CUL-1.5: All reasonable efforts should be made to preserve paleontological resources in
the City.
o Program CUL-1.5.a: Significant paleontological resources identified on a site shall be
professionally collected, catalogued, and deposited with a recognized repository.
City of La Quinta Municipal Code
Title 7 of the Historical Preservation of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Ordinance 238, Chapter 7.06:
Historic Resources, Historic Landmarks and Historic Districts establishes that City Council shall establish
and maintain a historic resources inventory according to the requirements of the State Historic
Preservation Office. Criteria for inclusion in the history resources inventory includes archaeological,
paleontological, botanical, geological, topographical, ecological, and geographical sites that have the
potential to yield information of scientific value (City of La Quinta 1993).
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Project area
Page 7: Commented [JC7] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:25:00 AM
Were no field surveys performed?
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Project area
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Project area
Page 7: Commented [JC8] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:26:00 AM
Do any of the prospective finds rise to this level?
The CVWD EIR prepared for the recharge basins determined that the potential was less than significant.
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Project area
Page 13: Commented [JC9] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:42:00 AM
Is this a correct description? Rather, the river filled the pre-existing trough.
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Project Area
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Project area
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Project area at the surface, plus one geologic unit present (but unmapped) in the subsurface
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Project area
Page 13: Commented [JC10] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:45:00 AM
Do you mean the Coachella Valley and at similar conditions?
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Project area
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Project area
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Project Area
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Project Area
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Project area
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margin of
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Project area
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Landslide Deposits Qls Low (PFYC 2) Southern margin of the Project
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Project area
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Project area
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Page 16: Commented [JC11] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:50:00 AM
None or almost none of the cited resources or locations are comparable to those on the project site and vicinity. In
the CV, the Palm Springs formation harbors most of the Pleistocene resources…..
Page 16: Commented [JC12] John Criste 8/12/2021 11:52:00 AM
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You mean the northwest portion.
Also note that just about the entire Project site is on an alluvial fan.
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gravity-controlled debris flows from the
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and transportation downslope via gravity-controlled debris flow
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to the southwest
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with a mixture of grain sizes
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ich such sediments are deposited. Unlike alluvial fans, landslide deposits often have a bouldery front near
the head of the debris flow and a relatively finer-grained tail (Pánek 2021). The Project area is situated
along the head of the former debris flow, with large boulders and rubble situated along the southern
margin of the Project area. Therefore, landslide deposits are assigned a Low (PFYC 2) sensitivity.
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ich such deposits form.
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Although not mapped at the surface within the Project area,
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The project area may be partially underlain at relatively shallow depths by
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may be present at relatively shallow depth
Page 17: Commented [JC14] John Criste 8/12/2021 12:40:00 PM
What did CVWD encounter in the recharge basins? They concluded that resource potential was less than significant.
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Page 17: Commented [JC15] John Criste 8/12/2021 12:45:00 PM
Northeast? NW is mountains.
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al deposits
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al units
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that are present at the surface within
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at the surface
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High (PFYC 4)
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Project-related ground-disturbing activities within the Project area will impact sediments to maximum
depths of 50 feet below ground surface, with
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Ground-disturbing activities associated with the project include excavations for the replacement of
towers, as well as other currently unspecified ground-disturbing activities,
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substantial grading, excavating, and trenching for the construction of 1,200 dwelling units of varying
types, a golf training facility, a 100-villa resort, a wellness spa, tourist recreational facilities (including
restaurants, small shops, spas, lounge and activity rooms, outdoor areas, tennis courts, yoga areas, etc.),
bike lanes, pedestrian walkways, the Travertine community trail, recreational open space areas, a staging
area for construction, CVWD well sites, an off-site five-acre IID substation, a perimeter flood protection
barrier, two off-site booster stations, and water/sewer/utility tie-ins. Grading within the Project site is
anticipated to occur in two phases, with Phase A in the southern half and Phase B in the northern half.
Ground-disturbing activities associated with the Project’s construction would have the potential to impact
geologic units of Moderate (PFYC 3) or High (PFYC 4) paleontological sensitivity, which
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geologic units with moderate or high sensitivity
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the Project site near the surface or at depth
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landslide deposits and
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Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
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Pánek, T. 2021. Landslides and Related Sediments. In Encyclopedia of Geology, second edition, edited by
D. Alderton and S.A. Elias, pp. 708-728, Academic Press, San Diego, California.
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Endnote changes
Response to Comments from City of La Quinta re: EA Technical Studies for the Travertine Specific Plan
Project from April 2, 2021 – Cultural & Paleo Resources
Review by J Criste 8.10.21
Cultural Resources Reports
Integrated Report: What are the original report and referenced supplemental report? As noted in the
reviewed docs and in the addenda, a “front-end” needs to be drafted that summarizes all of the
reporting, makes appropriate references to earlier docs and includes those docs as appendices.
Multiple technical cultural resources reports have been prepared for the project to reflect the evolving
project description and footprint over time. It is standard practice to cumulatively assess changes to a
project area rather than restate findings for the entire project area in each study unless the previous
efforts were conducted a significant time in the past (typically over 10 years). The original study for this
project was in 2006; SWCA therefore conducted an updated assessment of the project area in 2017.
Since 2017, the project footprint has changed and SWCA conducted another assessment focused on
those changes in 2019-2020. That assessment is the focus of the current technical document under
review by the City.
The EIR for the project will synthesize all cultural resource efforts to date. SWCA has therefore not
prepared a “front end” document summarizing the three reporting efforts. SWCA has included the
previous reports as an attachment to this document. Please note that the 2006 and 2017 reports are
very large files.
Addendum to the Supplemental Cultural Resources Technical Report (11.17.20).
1. Integrated Reports: What are the original report and referenced supplemental report? As noted
below and in the addenda, a “front-end” need to be drafted that summarizes all of the reporting, makes
appropriate references to earlier docs and includes those docs as appendices.
See previous comment.
2. Introduction: Is a copy of the referenced 2006 report available? Can it be integrated into the
requested CR summary and made an appendix? Please see Track Changes document for other, more
minor comments and corrections.
See previous comment.
3. “Open Desert Trail” & Revised APE: The revised APE removes most of the S1/2 of Section 4 but the SP
proposes an “Open Desert Trail” (SP p.2-4). As noted elsewhere, recent work for the USBR and BLM
required trails to be included in our APE. Here too, the SP trail needs to be a part of the APE.
The trail has been removed from the project and is no longer part of the APE.
4. Figure 2: Please add back the federal and tribal ownerships included in an earlier version of this
Commented [SC1]: These comments are copied directly
from the cover letter from the City dated 4/2/21
Commented [JC2]: This may be optimistic; it will be a
challenge for the EIR authors. Will require a lot of
deciphering of what is relevant. Reviewers will include City,
Tribes, SHPO, BLM and USBR archaeologists. Still suggest
taking the time to write up a front end.
Formatted: Highlight
Commented [JC3]: Have secured copy of 2006 report.
Commented [JC4]: Please make appendix to updated
SWCA has added the requested labels to the figures.
5. Area of Potential Effect (p.5): Only a limited portion of the APE, as currently mapped, is located within
areas that are or have been in cultivation, being limited to the vineyard above the CVWD recharge
ponds. The balance is essentially undisturbed lands. Please correct.
SWCA has updated this description.
6. Area of Potential Effect (p.5): The delineated APE may be too small, and grading, excavation, bridge
and channel construction could result in work outside this APE. Please consider enlarging to ensure all
areas of potential disturbance are covered.
Large projects with multiple and evolving designs often require different levels of analysis. SWCA has
therefore defined both an Area of Potential Effect (APE) and an Area of Direct Impact (ADI) for the
project. The APE is the maximum extent of proposed project footprint, including areas that will not
necessarily be subject to construction or development activities. The ADI includes those areas within the
APE where project construction and development activities are scheduled to take place and that could
have the direct potential to affect or impact cultural resources. So while there are eligible cultural
resources within the APE, the ADI has been modified to avoid all known eligible resources and sensitive
cultural areas.
7. Vertical APE (p.5): Based on preliminary assessment of project TTM, drainage plan, major and
presumably deep excavations will occur especially along the west edge of the project and within the
western portion thereof. Excavations here and elsewhere are shown to be up to 30 feet or more for
diversion levees, stormwater detention basons and other improvements. This vertical APE depth needs
to be changed. Please confer with the project engineers.
SWCA has updated this description.
Supplement to the Addendum to the Supplemental Cultural Resources Technical Report (12.28.20)
1. This report addresses only the “off-site” lands that may host wells and an electric sub-station required
of the Project. This is a supplement to the addendum to the supplement... This and the preceding CR
documents need to be consolidated into a single document with a summary front-end that also
effectively directs the reader to the appropriate appendix (previous studies, supplements and addenda).
It is unreasonable to expect the City, local Tribes and the state and federal agencies to try and piece this
SWCA has incorporated this analysis into the technical report; there is no longer a separate supplement
to the addendum.
As noted in the responses to the Addendum above, the EIR will synthesize all cultural resource study
efforts to date. SWCA has therefore not prepared a “front end” document summarizing the three
reporting efforts.
2. Page 1, Paragraph 3: APE Description: SP calls for a trail meandering through the area removed from
the APE. The trail and its potential effects need to be documents and mitigated in this or related reports
and included in the above referenced “Summary Report”. The APE should also include the segment of
Ave 62 extending east from the project to and along south boundary lines of Section 35 & 36. This will
be consistent with the Paleo APE as well.
See previous comments regarding the APE.
3. Geoarchaeological Assessment: Cites period of early agriculture. Agriculture in the Valley did not
begin in earnest until the beginning of the 20th century and not until the All-American Branch Canal was
built near the middle of the century did lands like this go into cultivate. Please correct.
Discussion has been updated.
4. Recommendations: The potential for significant impacts is acknowledged but the recommendations
do not constitute mitigation? The wells and sub-station are part of the Project. As such, their respective
impacts need to be addressed in greater detail and a set of mitigation measures developed that can
demonstrably ensure that potential impacts will be managed so they are less than significant.
Also, to the extent the deeper vertical APE may affect future survey protocol and mitigation, please
make the appropriate changes in this regard.
SWCA recommended further study to determine actual impacts and proposed mitigation once the
specific locations for the wells and substation have been identified. SWCA did not provide specific
resource protection measures at this time because the APE and design for those project features is still
under development. Please see recommendations for further discussion regarding future work for these
proposed project areas.
Paleontological Resources Reports
Page 1: Highlighted Text “Project APE”
Comment: APE should include southern trails
Response: SWCA conferred with TRG regarding the latest project design and features and updated as
needed. Throughout the paleontological resources report, the phase “Project APE” was updated to
“Project area” since defining an APE is not required for paleontological resources.
Page 6: Highlighted Text “Local Regulations” Section
Comment: Add discussion regarding LaQ Historic Preservation Ord (238) of 1993. Can be found at:
https://www.laquintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument?id=16390. Updated Historic Preservation
Code: http://qcode.us/codes/laquinta/view.php?topic=7&frames=on.
Response: SWCA updated the Local Regulations section to include the City of La Quinta Historic
Preservation Ordinance 238 (1993) and the updated Historic Preservation Code.
Page 15: Highlighted Text in Table 1: Geologic Units Underlying the APE: “Lake Cahuilla Beds”, “-“, “High
(PFYC 4)”, and “Subsurface”
Comment: N/A
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Response: No comment was left by the reviewers; however, presumably this highlighted text is in
reference to the geologic map, which did not have Lake Cahuilla Beds mapped at the surface within the
Project area. Lake Cahuilla Beds are present in the subsurface of the Project area, underlying young
alluvial deposits. Lake Cahuilla Beds are extremely fossiliferous, and although not mapped at the
surface, they will likely be impacted by ground-disturbing activities at shallow depth. Therefore, this unit
was included in this analysis. SWCA provided clarification on why this geologic unit was included in the
Page 16: Highlighted Text “The project area may be partially underlain at relatively shallow depths by
early to middle Holocene age sediments of Lake Cahuilla near its ancient shoreline located along the
eastern property boundary (S” … “Paleosalinity data derived from fossil mollusk shells indicate that the
last natural filling of Lake Cahuilla occurred around 1500 A.D. (“ … “The most abundant molluscan taxa,
Tryonia protea, Fontelicella longinqua, and Physa humerosa, are characteristic of shallow water lakes in
the Colorado Deser” … “sponges,”.
Response: See response above. This section was copied directly from the 2007 paleontological
assessment drafted by SWCA and was double checked for its validity.
Page 17: Commented on “Conclusion” Section
Comment: What towers are being referred to? The project description has been completed for some
time. Significant cuts into older alluvium and elsewhere will occur at delineated locations. Please confer
with the project proponent to get clarity on the proposed plan and site disturbance.
Response: SWCA conferred with TRG regarding the latest project design and features and updated as
Page 17: Highlighted Text “The alluvial units in the APE are too young to preserve fossils at the surface
but increase to High (PFYC 4) sensitivity in the subsurface.” … “replacement of towers” … “other
currently unspecified ground-disturbing activities”
Comment: What towers are being referred to? The project description has been completed for some
time. Significant cuts into older alluvium and elsewhere will occur at delineated locations. Please confer
with the project proponent to get clarity on the proposed plan and site disturbance.
Response: SWCA conferred with TRG regarding the latest project design and features and updated as
Page 17: Highlighted Text “Should”
Comment: “will be conducted…”
Response: SWCA updated the language from “should” to “will”.
Main document changes and comments
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Mandi Martinez
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Stephanie Cimino
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November 17,
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30, 2021
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Figure 1
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Figure 1
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adjacent to or crossing
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to exclude all known resources contributing to the MMRD and
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Figure 2
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Figure 2
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and Figure 3
Page 1: Commented [JC1] John Criste 8/11/2021 9:34:00 AM
As with other project components, the APE must include the CVWD “well field” and prospective IID substation
“area” and these need to be analysed at least on a landscape scale or level. They are essential parts of the Project and
must be given a meaningful level of analysis now that is included in the forthcoming EIR. Materials at end of this
discussion should be brought forward so the Project as a whole is clearly described up front.
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newly added portions of the
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e (additional APE).
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assessment of the parcels was limited to reviewing publicly available literature and assessing
geoarchaeological sensitivity; no formal records search or pedestrian survey was conducted for the off-site
infrastructure project areas.
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will be analyzed in an update to this addendum at a future date.
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Although the overall APE has expanded, the area of direct impact (ADI), defined as those areas proposed
for project construction and development activities, has been reduced to exclude all known resources
contributing to the MMRD and other culturally sensitive areas.
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between 2019 and 2021 and assesses overall project impacts within the APE and ADI. Details for
previous findings can be found in the 2006 and 2017 studies
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(Sikes and O’Neil 2006
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, Martinez and Nicolay 2017) included as Appendix
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A (note that the 2006 report
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is included as an appendix to the 2017 report)
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. This study includes the results of an updated records search for the APE, an intensive pedestrian survey
of those portions of the APE not covered in previous reports,
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a summary of all resources within the APE and ADI, an archaeological sensitivity assessment for the
proposed off-site infrastructure areas, and management recommendations for the project as a whole that
incorporates the results of AB52 consultation.
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. Details for previous findings can be found in the 2017 study (Martinez and Nicolay 2017). The current
study includes an updated records search for the additional APE, an intensive pedestrian survey of the
additional APE, a summary of resources within the revised APE and management recommendations for
the project as a whole that incorporates the results of AB52 consultation.
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This supplement to the 2020 addendum provides a cultural resource sensitivity assessment for the parcels
identified to support off-site project infrastructure (Figure 2). This assessment is intended to help the
project proponent determine the location that will ultimately be added to the APE. The current study
assesses the potential for the presence of undocumented resources (in the form of buried archaeological
sites) within the proposed off-site infrastructure project areas.
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Cultural Resources Team Lead
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Mandi Martinez, M.A.
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Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA)
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, Principal Investigator Michael Bever, Ph.D., RPA
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Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA),
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and Mathew Carson, M.A.
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Page 4: Commented [JC2] John Criste 8/11/2021 9:38:00 AM
Please include water well field and substation planning area in APE.
Page 5: Commented [JC3] John Criste 8/11/2021 9:39:00 AM
Please include water well field and substation planning area in APE.
Page 6: Commented [JC4] John Criste 8/11/2021 9:41:00 AM
At least reference addendum where this can be found.
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The APE is currently developed as agricultural land.
Page 6: Commented [JC6] John Criste 8/11/2021 9:43:00 AM
The Project requires seven off-site well and one IID substation. These at least generally delineated areas need to be
included in the APE and this and other relevant documents and exhibits.
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on undeveloped
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or agricultural land
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Figure 2
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Figure 2
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for direct adverse effects (under Section 106 of the NHPA) or direct impacts (under CEQA)
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cultural resources document was completed
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investigation by Martinez and Nicolay
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The APE was redrawn to exclude the MMRD at the south end of the project.
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less than one
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acre for an existing CVWD booster pump on CVWD Dike No. 2 near the intersection of Jefferson Street
and 58th Avenue,
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n approximately
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at Monroe Avenue for a total of
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Most of this area was
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not subject to previous study and
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the focus of this document
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Expand this new analysis and reporting adding the well field and substation study area to the east of the Project.
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The revised APE also included an existing CVWD booster pump on CVWD Dike No. 2 near the
intersection of Jefferson Street and 58th Avenue, but this project location was subsequently excluded
from the APE by the time of publishing the current study and is not included in the current analysis. Also
not included in the current analysis are proposed off-site well pad and substation parcels. The total revised
APE now measures 678 acres; 117 of these acres were not subject to previous study and are the focus of
this document
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The location of the off-site well pad and substation
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not been determined at the time of this report and are not included as part of the current APE; the
locations will be added to the APE once
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Please ensure CVWD and IID buy-in on limits of landscape scale analysis for their future facilities.
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When will this report be updated with the off-site utility assessments?
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For purposes of analysis, an area of direct impact (ADI) was also identified within the APE where project
construction and development activities will have direct potential to affect (under Section 106 of the
NHPA) or impact (under CEQA) cultural resources. The total ADI comprises
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acres of the APE and excludes the MMRD and other culturally sensitive areas at the south end of the
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required for each task
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may reach up to 50 feet below ground surface, with 5 feet of over-excavation throughout the central
portion of the APE
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and 4 feet of removal along the southern and western portions of the APE.
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2006 and
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as well as
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all of
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the newly added
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added since the 2017 survey effort
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portions of the
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2006 or
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). This included a request for monitors
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to be present for both excavation and for observing areas where the excavated soils will be used as fill
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to ensure that no artifacts are inadvertently transferred to new portions of the project area. Mr.
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Mirilez indicated that excavations over 10 feet deep would not need to be monitored and that the two
interested tribes could work together to provide monitors as needed (i.e.
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one monitor could represent both tribes)
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She recommended preparation
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of an Avoidance and Mitigation Plan developed in consultation with the tribes, fencing around sensitive
resources to ensure avoidance, hiring a compliance officer, and cultural sensitivity training for
construction crews.
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, including preparation of a Monitoring and Mitigation Plan that will capture the details described above.
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since 2017
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. The APE was redrawn to exclude the MMRD at the south end of the project and include a
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including the
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, even though the sites are no longer within the ADI and will not be impacted by the project
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The MMRD is located on the southern edge of the entire Travertine project and does not intersect any of
the additional project area discussed in this technical addendum.
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Registered Professional Archaeologist (
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Study area in this aggregated report included Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East. The
associated discussions starting on page 46 need to be included here.
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reflects the revised APE and
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Please include report included Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East, as appropriate.
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Figure 4b. Previously conducted cultural resources studies within the project APE and the 0.5-
mile radius of the APE.
Figure 4c. Previously conducted cultural resources studies within the project APE and the 0.5-
mile radius of the APE.
Figure 4d. Previously conducted cultural resources studies within the project APE and the 0.5-
mile radius of the APE.
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Please include report included Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East, as appropriate.
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(Figure 5a-d)
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(Figure 6a-d)
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37 resources (
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, and seven resources (two sites and five isolates)
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are within the ADI.
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within the APE
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P-33-001351, P-33-013296,
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, including one site
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(P-33-001340) that is partially with
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the ADI. Five sites are
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, and one is
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listing in
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, P-33-003875, P-33-003876, P-33-005319, and P-33-005321
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, including one site within the ADI (P-33-001343)
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Ten sites are recommended eligible (P-33-001331, P-33-003872, P-33-003873, P-33-003874, P-33-
005323, P-33-014844, P-33-014845, P-33-014846, P-33-014847, and P-33-014988), none of which are in
the ADI.-
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(P-33-008919, P-33-008921, P-33-11347, P-33-11348, P-33-11349, P-11350, P-33-14853, P-33-0014989,
P-33-017754, and P-33-017756)
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listing in
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Table 2
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Table 2
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, as well as identifies which sites fall within the ADI
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identifies which
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and also indicates
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and also indicates
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as well as
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those that fall within the ADI
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that fall
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Figure 4
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Figure 65
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Please include report included Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East, as appropriate.
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Proximity to ADI
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Milling slick
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2006 (S. O’Neil, SWCA); 1994 (W. McManis, TKC)
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Eligible (contributor to MMRD)
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Please include report included Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East, as appropriate.
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Proximity to ADI
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Figure 5d. Previously recorded sites within the project APE and the 0.5-mile radius of the APE
Figure 6b. Previously recorded isolates within the project APE and the 0.5-mile radius of the APE.
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Figure 6c. Previously recorded isolates within the project APE and the 0.5-mile radius of the APE.
Figure 6d. Previously recorded isolates within the project APE and the 0.5-mile radius of the APE.
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Table 4
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Table 4
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Figure 76
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Please include report included Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East, as appropriate.
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/2020 survey area
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Figure 8
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Figure 87
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revised project area
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Figure 8
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Figure Figure 9
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Figure 9
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Figure 9
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Figure Figure 10
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Figure 10
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Figure 10
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Figure Figure 11
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Figure 11
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Figure 11
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Figure Figure 12
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Figure 12
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Figure 12
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Figure Figure 13
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Figure 13
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Figure 13
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Figure Figure 14
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Figure 14
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Figure 15
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Figure Figure 16
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Figure 16
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Figure 16
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Figure Figure 17
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Figure 17
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In most cases, the previously recorded resources, none of which has been evaluated, could not be found
and likely are either destroyed or located outside the APE. Regardless, these five resources
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Previously recorded resources that have not been evaluated
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and therefore eligibility recommendations are not provided for them
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and are not discussed in this section
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Off-site infrastructure, including but not limited to a
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well pad and
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sites and one electric power
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substation, may be required to support the project, but a final design and location have not yet been
identified. This section provides a cultural resources sensitivity assessment intended to inform
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intended to inform
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the location that will ultimately be added to the APE and ADI.
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As noted above, this need to happen now with the next iteration of this report.
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This assessment is based on a desktop review of available scientific literature and previous records
searches from the California Historic Resource Information System (CHRIS) information centers. It
includes a review of the previous survey work, records searches and reports completed for this project in
2006, 2017, and 2020, as well as available unrelated environmental reports conducted in the vicinity.
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California Historic Resource Information System (
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maps and aerial photographs were also examined for historic-era activity within the proposed parcels.
Finally, a geoarchaeological assessment was conducted to assess the buried site sensitivity of the
proposed project areas. A records search and pedestrian survey specific to the proposed areas was not
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Shouldn’t at least a lit search be conducted for these lands?
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The proposed off-site infrastructure study area includes the agricultural lands located in Sections 32, 33,
and 34, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, and Sections 3, 4, and 5, Township 7 South, Range 7 East,
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as depicted on the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle for Martinez Mountain, California
(Figure 2Figure X18
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Figure X18
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Double check this; only Sections 26, 35 and 36 are delineated in Fig 18.
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). The area covers an approximately 1,925 acres generally located between Avenue 60 to the north,
Avenue 64 to the south, Jackson Street on the east, and Jefferson Street on the west. Within this area,
several specific parcels have been identified as likely candidates for well or substation infrastructure (
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see Figure Figure 318
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Figure Figure 318, Table 1
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Figure 318
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Previous Records Searches and Known Resources
SWCA undertook several records searches as part of the investigations for this project in 2006, 2017 and
2020. These are addressed in detail as part of the associated reports (Sikes and O’Neil 2006; Martinez and
Nicolay 2017) and elsewhere in this document. The record searches were centered on the project APE
west of Monroe Avenue, and while they did not directly cover the off-site infrastructure study area, some
of the results do overlap the study area. Those searches identified 37 previous cultural resources studies
and 98 cultural resources (56 sites and 42 isolates) within a 0.5-mile (0.8-km) radius of the primary
project APE, indicating a high density of cultural resources in and around the areas east of the project
APE in the vicinity of the proposed infrastructure locations.
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Do not appear to include resources ID’d in Sections 26, 35 & 36, as noted above.
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A records search undertaken in 1998 for an unrelated project in the vicinity further identifies the dense
number of archaeological sites in the surrounding area (Figure Figure 419
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Figure 419
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Fig. shows only Section 26, 35 and 36, in Township 6 South, Range 7 East.
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).1 One site, CA-RIV-5158, is located within the parcels numbered 10, 12, 13, and 14 in the southwest
quarter of Section 26
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Township 6 South, Range 7 East, with three additional sites and at least nine isolates also identified
within the primary project APE (Love et. al 1998).
1 Maps and reports gleaned from sources not directly related to and collected by SWCA for the Travertine project do not always
have complete information. For example, the report by Love et al. 1998 only uses trinomial labels for archaeological sites (they
do not provide the Primary number), and not all resource records were included in the report. A request for information to the
appropriate CHRIS information center would be needed to obtain specific missing records.
Site CA-RIV-5158 was first identified in 1987 by Gallegos et al., as a small ceramic sherd scatter;
however, when it was revisited in 1998 by Love et al., over 170 ceramic sherds were identified, along
with a small scatter of lithic debitage, a quartz core, and a ground stone pestle. The site is currently
mapped as 0.5 mile wide and 0.25 mile long, extending north from Avenue 60.
Figure 3
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. Proposed parcels identified as candidates for the well pad and/or substation location.
Table 1
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. Proposed Parcels Identified as Candidates for the Well Pad and Substation Location
Map # APN Land Use Type Acreage
6 764230002 Commercial 9.13
7 764240027 Residential 43.41
8 764230001 Desert 8.3
9 764230003 Desert 9.96
10 764240026 Residential 55.21
11 764230004 Desert 9.1
12 764240006 Farm 38.18
13 764240021 Residential 11.79
14 764240009 Farm 7.2
15 764220028 Farm 39.01
16 764220005 Farm 17.03
18 761300013 Ranch 10.08
19 764320003 Agriculture 19.7
20 764320008 Farm 38.2
21 764320001 Agriculture 18.3
22 764300016 Agriculture 8.55
23 764300017 Agriculture 9.74
24 764300012 Ranch 10.06
25 764300011 Ranch 10.05
26 764300015 Agriculture 9.24
29 764300014 Agriculture 10.09
31 764300004 Farm 117.42
34 764300001 Farm 9.04
36 764300002 Agriculture 11.42
Figure 4
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. Project
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location map of cultural
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known to be within the off-site infrastructure study area.
Just south of Avenue 60, in the northwest quarter of Section 35 in Township 6 South, Range 7 East,
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is another previously recorded site, CA-RIV-5212/H. The site was first recorded in 1987 as
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ceramic sherd scatter with fire
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affected rock and a ground
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stone mano fragment. When it was revisited in 1998, over 500 ceramic sherds were identified, along with
several discrete lithic debitage concentrations, projectile points, and ground
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stone tools. They also identified a habitation area near the middle of the site. Historic
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refuse associated with agricultural use of the area was also observed. Considering the location of site CA-
RIV-5158 just across the road to the north, it is likely that the two sites were originally one and represent
an extensive occupation site.
A much smaller site, CA-RIV-6115, is located south of CA-RIV-5212/H. Consisting of just three ceramic
sherds, it is likely associated with activities from a larger site nearby, possibly CA-RIV-5212/H or one
farther east or south. A
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similarly sized
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site, CA-RIV-6113, is located on the edge of the study area, within parcel 31, in the southwest quarter of
Section 35.
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Because the site consists of
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only five ceramic sherds, it is possible that this site is associated with a larger site nearby.
In addition, nine isolates were identified within the northwest quarter of Section 35. Each consists
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of between one and four ceramic sh
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ards and, like CA-RIV-6115 and CA-RIV-6113, may be associated with a larger
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site. It is possible that historic
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agricultural use of the area has moved these sherds from their primary
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and these now represent a secondary deposit.
Ethnographic Research
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Shouldn’t this discussion be in the front of this document?
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The ethnographic context of the
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area is outlined in detail in the 2017 study by Martinez and Nicolay. In sum, the study area is within the
traditional territory of the Cahuilla. The closest ethnographically documented Cahuilla village to the study
area is Mauūlmiī, which was located within the Lake Cahuilla lakebed near the study area. While the
exact location of the village is unknown, archaeologists have tentatively identified CA-RIV-7394 as the
location of Mauūlmiī. This site
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is southwest
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You mean “southeast” don’t you? SW is in the mts. If this references the off-site facilities study area, one can see
the confusion this broken discussion engenders. Needs to be clarified.
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of the study area and is a contributor to the MMRD documented in Martinez and Nicolay (2017). Historic
records document the presence of several Indigenous villages across the lakebed and extending up to the
Santa Rosa Mountains, with the U.S.
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Land Office
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Surveys of the 1850s identifying four Indigenous villages still present in La Quinta and nearby environs.
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Maps and Background Research
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Shouldn’t this discussion be in the front of this document?
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A review of historic
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maps indicates that the study area
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Which study area? What figure should we look at?
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during the mid- to late
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-twentieth century, though the Cahuilla settlement and reservation of Torres was just south of the study
area. The region was heavily traversed, with a well-known desert trail running northwest-southeast
between modern-day Indian Wells and Toro as early as 1901. Known as the Bradshaw Trail, it followed a
similar path to the present-day Highway 111. During the mid- to late
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-nineteenth century, the Bradshaw Trail served as the main thoroughfare between southern California and
the Colorado River until the completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad
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Settlement of the Coachella Valley began in the 1870s with the establishment of railroad stations along
the Southern Pacific Railroad. By 1883, there were stations at Banning, Beaumont, Cabezon, Whitewater
(later Palm Springs Station), Seven Palms, and Indio. Settlement spread further after public land
was opened for claims under the Homestead Act, the Desert Land Act, and other federal land laws.
The exploitation of underground water sources allowed farming to dominate the economy in the valley,
but it was not until the completion of the Coachella Canal
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1949 that there was an adequate and reliable water source. The date palm was first introduced around the
turn of the twentieth century and came to dominate agriculture in the area. Starting in the 1920s, the resort
industry began to spread through
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Coachella Valley, bringing resort hotels, equestrian camps, and country clubs, eventually making the area
southern California’s leading winter retreat location (Hruby et al. 2006).
The origin of the City of La Quinta itself is attributed largely to vacationers. The City’s resort industry
was born in the 1920s when Walter H. Morgan opened the La Quinta Resort and Club, originally
designed by renowned architect Gordon B. Kauffman (Hogan et al. 2004). The resort quickly became
popular among Hollywood elite who considered the place a desert oasis. Notably, the first golf course
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in the Coachella Valley was built at the
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esort. In 1982, when the City officially became incorporated, residents decided to adopt the name of the
premier resort that put them on the map: La Quinta.
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hough the area still is known for its resorts and golf courses, it boasts a fairly large permanent population
of just over 40,000 people as of 2015.
European settlement in the area directly around the study area begin in 1877, when a land claim was filed
for the entire Section 34 of Township 6 South, Range 7 East. While unsuccessful, more claims followed
under either the Homestead Act or the Desert Land Act across different sections and parcels under almost
continuous attempts at settlement (Love et al. 1998). By 1918,
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much of
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the land in the area was patented. Cultivated land is present in the southeast quarter of Section 34 on a
range map from 1903, with full cultivation of the entire east half of Section 34 by the late 1930s. By
1941, several buildings were present within the study area in the same locations as the buildings present
today. Aerial photos show that many of the agricultural fields began to be abandoned in the latter half of
the twentieth century.
Geoarchaeological Assessment
The study area
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Again, what is this study area? Suggest this too be moved to beginning of document.
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consists primarily of alluvial sediments eroded from the surrounding highlands that have covered
lacustrine sediments from Lake Cahuilla, with the southwestern-most corner of the study area extending
into an alluvial fan. Growth and desiccation of Lake Cahuilla were episodic but occurred numerous times,
and such events can potentially preserve archaeological remains. These differential patterns of
preservation would have varied on both large and small scales within the lakebed and throughout the
Prehistoric period until Lake Cahuilla’s last high water stand in A
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1500 (Bowersox 1974).
An alluvial fan is present in the southwestern portion of the study area where Guadalupe Creek emerges
from the mountains.
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Shouldn’t reference the NW area? That’s where Guadalupe is.
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Alluvial fans are semi-conical landforms with slopes of 2 to 20 degrees that form
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at the transition from highlands to lowlands through the deposition of sediments by water and gravity
(Williams et al. 2006). The fan in the study area is young, geologically speaking, dating from the
Holocene to recent (11,700 years before present [B
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]) (Dibblee and Minch 2008), and therefore may preserve archaeological resources. Within alluvial fans,
grain size decreases downslope, such that the coarsest sediments are found at the apex of the fan near the
channel in the highlands, with progressively finer sediments representing lower energy environments
deposited toward the toe of the fan where
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it meets the basin or valley floor, such as is present in the study area (Blair and McPherson 1994). These
distal regions of the fan have moderate potential for buried archaeological resources.
The majority of the study area is made up of alluvial sediments that accumulated from the deposition
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of water-transported sediments, either as part of episodic sheet floods or ephemeral streams and washes.
These sediments are flat-lying across the project area and, combined with the periodic nature
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of depositional events, have moderate potential for
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archaeological sites. The Lake Cahuilla beds that underlie the alluvial sediments throughout the study
area are generally finer grained and better sorted than alluvium, consisting of clay, silt, and sand
(Morton 1966, 1977). Lacustrine sediments represent
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a low
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energy environment with relatively high rates of deposition; thus, the Lake Cahuilla beds underlying the
alluvium have high potential for containing archaeological sites.
A mitigating factor in the likelihood of encountering intact buried resources, at least near the surface,
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is the agricultural use of
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a portion of
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the project area. Since the early to mid-twentieth century, agricultural activity almost certainly involved
plowing, which would have disturbed any native surface sediments and displaced archaeological
materials that might have been located within the study area. Although
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no specific figures regarding depth or breadth of plowing activity were identified for historic agricultural
practices in Riverside County or La Quinta, plow zones observed in archaeological contexts elsewhere
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in southern California typically do not extend more than a few feet (less than 1 m) below the surface.
Potential for Historic-
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Archaeological Resources
The primary historic-
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land use of the study area was agricultur
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. Historic
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topographic quadrangle maps show the progression of European settlement and agricultural development
within the study area. Between 1904 and 1941, maps of the study area show no established buildings or
property boundaries, though several trails are present leading from Toro to the south to Coachella and
Thermal to the northeast. Beginning in 1941, historic
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maps and aerials show several structures, all associated with agricultural development, as well as a few
groves of citrus trees and date palms. This
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land use pattern has continued
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to the present. Many of the same structures visible on the historic
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quadrangles and aerials remain extant, although some plots of agricultural land have been abandoned.
Without an updated records search it is unknown how many previously recorded historic
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sites are present within the study area. Considering the long historic record and large number of historic
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resources surrounding the project area, it is likely some historic
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resources are present within the study area. Furthermore, it is possible that historic-
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archaeological resources could be preserved below the ground surface, including areas disturbed by
agricultural use, although the probability is higher
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in undisturbed or deeply buried sediments. Specifically, there is potential to encounter structural remains,
features, and artifacts associated with the historic
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agricultural or ranching use of the study area beginning in the 1870s. For these reasons, SWCA finds the
project site has a moderate to high sensitivity for containing historic-
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archaeological resources.
Potential for Prehistoric and Historic-
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Native American Archaeological Resources
Archaeologists agree that Native American settlements and activity
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in higher concentration
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around permanent water sources. One such source was Lake Cahuilla, which was a stable water source
during the late Pleistocene and Holocene, with evidence of the lake up to 40,000 years ago, and with
boundaries that were far larger than its current size. The significance of Lake Cahuilla to the Cahuilla
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is well documented in ethnographic works and oral history (
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and Elliott
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2004). While no record
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search was undertaken for the study area, record searches for other projects did identify several
prehistoric archaeological resources within the western portion of the study area (CA-RIV-5158,
CA- RIV-5212/H, and CA-RIV-6115)
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as well as nine isolated finds. Because of the presence of these resources, the location of the study area
within the lakebed, the likely location of Mauūlmiī relative to the project site, and the surrounding dense
archaeological landscape, the study area appears to have a high sensitivity for prehistoric and historic-era
Native American resources. However, the extensive agricultural development since the 1870s reduces the
likelihood of encountering intact prehistoric or historic-period Native American archaeological resources
within the study area. The highest potential for the presence
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of prehistoric and historic-period Native American archaeological material is in undisturbed (i.e., native)
sediments, which occur below the plow zone. The depth of these sediments has not been confirmed for
the study area. Given these considerations, SWCA finds the sensitivity of the study area
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likely has
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a moderate to high potential for containing
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prehistoric or historic-period Native American archaeological resources.
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the current
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, including 12 archaeological sites and 13 isolates.
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P-33-014851, P-33-014852,
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P-33-014856, P-33-014857, P-33-014858, P-33-014859,
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Six of these have unknown eligibility or have not been evaluated (P-33-001334, P-33-001340, P-33-
001351, P-33-013296, P-33-013297, and P-33-014987). Five sites have been recommended not eligible
for listing in the NRHP or CRHR (P-33-001343, P-33-003875, P-33-003876, P-33-005319, and P-33-
005321), including one site within the ADI (P-33-001343). Ten sites have been recommended eligible.
Nine of these are eligible as contributors to the MMRD (P-33-001331, P-33-003872, P-33-003873, P-33-
003874, P-33-005323, P-33-014844, P-33-014845, P-33-014846, and P-33-014847) and one (P-33-
014988) is individually eligible. None of these occur within the ADI. Six sites (P-33-001334, P-33-
001340, P-33-001351, P-33-013296, P-33-013297, and P-33-014987) have unknown eligibility or have
not been evaluated.
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The five remaining sites (P-33-001334, P-33-001340, P-33-013297, P-33-013296, P-33-014987) have not
been previously evaluated
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It should be noted that four of the five resources previously recorded within the ADI (P-33-001340, P-33-
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P-33-013296, and P-33-014987) were not re-located during the field survey and are presumed destroyed
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or were originally misplotted and actually occur outside the ADI.
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In sum,
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or archaeological
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have been identified in the revised
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have been identified within
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Page 54: Commented [JC27] John Criste 8/11/2021 12:02:00 PM
This needs to be addressing not only the core APE behind the dike but also the well field area to the east.
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However, the project has been redesigned to avoid impacts and effects to eligible resources. The ADI,
which includes all areas proposed for construction (including grubbing, grading
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or other development), completely avoids all resources
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are eligible either individually or as contributors to the MMRD. These resources are now located within
designated open space/restricted areas
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which allows for their long-term protection and conservation. As such, there will be no direct effects to
historic properties or impacts to historical or archaeological resources.
As noted in Martinez and Nicolay 2017, the project will also not result in indirect effects or impacts such
as visual intrusion, vibration from construction
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or other alterations to the character-defining features
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of eligible sites CA-RIV-7394 or contributors to the MMRD.
The areas proposed for an off-site substation and
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well pad
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are considered to have moderate to high sensitivity for containing prehistoric and historic-period
archaeological resources. Once the final locations for the infrastructure have been identified, the locations
should be mapped as part of the APE and ADI and investigated as such, including completion of a records
search at the EIC, an updated Sacred Lands File search, and a pedestrian survey of the parcel or parcels to
confirm the presence or absence
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of potentially sensitive cultural resources.
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At least portions of this task need to be done now for the SP EIR. It may be permissible for site surveys to be
deferred until specific well and substation sites have been identified for further assessment. Rationale consistent
with CEQA for this deferral should be provided
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SWCA also recommends continued outreach to local tribes
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to determine if tribal cultural resources may be impacted. Development of parcels 10, 12, 13, 14, and 31
(as identified in this report) should be avoided, as should work within the western halves of Sections 35
and 26 of Township 6 South
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Range 7 East. If
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these parcels
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cannot be avoided, additional archaeological testing
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of any known sites to determine boundaries and eligibility for listing
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should be conducted prior to any development activities, and monitoring of all ground-disturbing
activities is recommended.
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Conduct a supplemental study for the proposed substation and well pad sites and/or any additional
project components not captured within the current APE.
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To have a CEQA compliant analysis we have to evaluated the project as a whole and cannot piecemeal essential
parts like the well sites and substation. APE expansion and associated documentation, maybe sans surveys, needs to
be done now and included in your report and the Project EIR.
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Prior to ground
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disturbing activities in any areas outside the currently established APE, including but not limited to
locations proposed for a substation and new well pads, a supplemental study
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This is deferred mitigation.
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an updated records search at the EIC, updated Sacred Lands File search, and pedestrian survey, shall be
conducted. If resources are identified and cannot
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be avoided, they shall be assessed for their eligibility for the NRHP and CRHR. Avoidance and
minimization measures identified as a result of the study shall be incorporated into the Monitoring Plan.
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Although considered unlikely, the discovery of human remains is always a possibility during ground
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Page 58: Commented [JC31] John Criste 8/11/2021 1:32:00 PM
CVWD (Montgomery) prepared a CEQA/NEPA doc for the Dike 4 (Thomas Levy ) Groundwater Recharge Basins
around 2007-08. Would be a valuable resource.
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Blair, T., and J. McPherson
1994 Alluvial Fan Processes and Forms. In Geomorphology of Desert Environments, edited by A.
Abrahams and A. Parsons, p. 354–402. Chapman & Hall, London.
Bowersox, J. R.
1974 Paleoecology of Upper Lake Cahuilla, California: Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 146.
Dibblee, T., and J. Minch
2008 Geologic map of the Palm Desert & Coachella 15 minute quadrangles, Riverside County,
California. Dibblee Geological Foundation Map DF-373. Scale: 1: 62,500.
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Hruby, Zachary, Bai “Tom” Tang, Daniel Ballester, and Laura Hensley Shaker
2006 Identification and Evaluation of Historic Properties: Mountain View IV Windfarm Project, in
the City of Palm Springs, Riverside County, California. Prepared for Dudek and Associates,
Inc., Bureau of Land Management, Palm Springs-South Coast Office, and Coachella Valley
Water District by CRM TECH, Riverside, California.
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Morton, P. K.
1966 Geologic map of Imperial County, California: Report 7, California Division of Mines and
Geology, Sacramento, California.
1977 Geology and Mineral Resources of Imperial County, California: County Report 7, California
Division of Mines and Geology, Sacramento, California, 104 pp.
Saubel, Katherine Silva, and Eric Elliott
2004 Isill héqwas wáxish = A Dried Coyote’s Tail. Malki Museum Press, Banning, Califonria.
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Williams, R., J. Zimbelman, and A. Johnston
2006 Aspects of alluvial fan shape indicative of formation process: A case study in southwestern
California with application to Mojave Crater fans on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 33:
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1 Maps and reports gleaned from sources not directly related to and collected by SWCA for the Travertine project do not always
have complete information. For example, the report by Love et al. 1998 only uses trinomial labels for archaeological sites (they
do not provide the P
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and not all resource records were included in the report. A request for information to the appropriate CHRIS information center
would be needed to obtain specific missing records.
Endnote changes
Summary of Comments on Microsoft Word - 12184-04 TIA Report.docx
Page: 17
Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/9/2021 1:29:22 PM If with Jeff St, say so. 2nd ask. Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:29:27 PM Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/9/2021 1:30:38 PM With or w/o Jeff. 2nd ask. Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:30:45 PM Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/9/2021 1:32:04 PM Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:32:18 PM
Page: 19
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:34:10 PM Why was Mad@Ave 60 not analysed? If it is an EVA ONLY, then say so. 2nd ask.
Page: 27
Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/30/2021 11:13:20 AM Please provide cros section of EVA, access drive to NAP parcel and Section 5 access drive on west boundary. Please match cross-sections on TTM Author: clflores Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/30/2021 11:16:33 AM These are not shown on TTM. Unclear if they should be shown on TTM or not shown in TIA. Please review and revise accordingly. Author: clflores Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/30/2021 11:15:46 AM This doesn't match the cross-section on TTM. Please revise to match TTM. Author: clflores Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/30/2021 11:14:48 AM This condition is not shown on the TTM. Please revise based on TTM.
Page: 32
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:41:25 PM This is stil unclear. Is this supposed to say "with and qwithout Project traffic conditions"? 2nd ask.
Page: 34
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:47:55 PM Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:47:26 PM Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:52:38 PM Still confusing. Needs explicit breakout of scenarios, their components and their effects.
Page: 35
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:53:38 PM Again, Madison Street needs to be described here and elsewhere in the report. It must be made clear that Jeff extended is deferred and might not be built at all. Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:54:44 PM Still need cross section. Will Mad have sidewalks?
Page: 45
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/9/2021 1:59:00 PM What is the value of this? Project will take a minimum of 10 years to build. So, shouldnt the "existing traffic volumes" be based on cumulative and ambient growth in background traffic through 2031 to give you real "existing traffic" not a 2019 traffic count that is already out of date.
Page: 87
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/10/2021 1:58:02 PM
Page: 141
Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/10/2021 2:19:20 PM The Project description call for four practice holes of golf only. Please correct. Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/10/2021 2:19:16 PM
Page: 142
Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/10/2021 2:21:37 PM When should this occur? What number of units, etc are a threshold for this improvement? Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/10/2021 2:21:48 PM
Summary of Comments on Microsoft Word - 12184 PA11 LU Review 6.11.2021
Page: 1
Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/12/2021 1:13:17 PM Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/12/2021 1:13:42 PM Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/12/2021 1:14:03 PM Author: admin Subject: Sticky Note Date: 8/12/2021 1:15:03 PM This seems inconsistent. So much acreage for so little amenities. Could the designers have it confused? Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/12/2021 1:15:39 PM And requirring 46 acres? Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/12/2021 1:16:32 PM Author: admin Subject: Highlight Date: 8/12/2021 1:18:13 PM This is well and good. However, it should be put in the revised TIA. Otherwise, we'll be trying to explain inconsistencies and that leads to doubt in the veracity of the analysis......
Main document changes and comments
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Please revise to address the land use changes in PA 11:
Banquet Facility & Restaurant, 10,000sf
Golf Clubhouse, 1,000sf
Golf Academy, 5,500sf
How does this affect VMT?
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Coral Mountain
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Travertine Specific Plan
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containing a rail transit station served by either bus services or rail transit service, or the
intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes
or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods
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a site containing an existing rail transit station, a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail
transit service, or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service
interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods
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(see Attachment A)
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The VMT projections are based upon an updated version of the Riverside County Transportation
Analysis Model (RIVTAM) which became available in the CVAG region during 2016. RIVTAM is
consistent with the SCAG draft 2016 RTP for the CVAG Transportation Project Prioritization Study
(TPPS) 2040 project.
Travel Demand Models such as RIVTAM are broadly considered to be amongst the most accurate
of available tools to assess regional and sub‐area VMT. While the Southern California Association
of Governments (SCAG) maintains the regional travel demand model as a part of the Regional
Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy program (RTP/SCS), Riverside County
maintains RIVTAM as a focused version of the regional model in support of travel forecasting
needs of the various agencies and jurisdictions within the County. The latest available version of
RIVTAM has been determined to be the best fit for developing the VMT thresholds as it has the
most up to date land use information for the County, as well as refined zonal structure within the
The 2040 Future Year model scenario is used for the cumulative conditions in the County. The
five other counties included in the model (Ventura County, Los Angeles County, Orange County,
San Bernardino County, and Imperial County) are contributors to the trips to/from Riverside
County during a typical weekday.
Socioeconomic data (SED) and other model inputs are associated with each TAZ. Out of several
different variables in the model SED, the VMT analysis mainly focused on population, households
and employment that are used in the trip generation component. The model runs a series of
complex steps to estimate daily trip productions and attractions by various trip purposes for each
TAZ. The trip purposes are listed below.
1. Home‐Based Work Direct (HBWD)
2. Home‐Based Work Strategic (HBWS)
3. Home‐Based School (HBSC)
4. Home‐Based College and University (HBCU)
5. Home‐Based Shopping (HBSH)
6. Home‐Based Serving‐Passenger (HBSP)
7. Home‐Based Other (HBO)
8. Work‐Based Other (WBO)
9. Other‐Based Other (OBO)
Productions and attractions are computed by RIVTAM for each trip purpose, and trip lengths are
derived for each zone pair from the respective skim matrices in the model to compute the
production and attraction VMT by purpose.
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, income,
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population and
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Consistent with historic modeling of Travertine project, 2.8 persons per household were used
for single family detached homes and 2.6 persons per household were used for duplex residential
units. This results in an overall project average of 2.71 persons per household, which is higher
than the SCAG RTP estimates for the City of La Quinta (2.57 persons per household in 2012 and
2.50 persons per household in 2040), resulting in a conservative analysis.
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the threshold of
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It should be noted that when a project provides a mix of uses that provides additional
opportunities for nearby (and Project) residents to work, recreate, etc., the non‐residential VMT
for an area can decrease. Essentially, residents do not need to travel as far to accomplish their
goals so the regional VMT can decrease.
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ir Pollution Control Officers Association ‐ CA
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On page 58 of the
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2010 document,
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indicates that a
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As mentioned previously, when a project provides a mix of uses that provides
additional opportunities for nearby (and Project) residents to work, recreate, etc., the
non‐residential VMT for an area can decrease. Essentially, residents do not need to
travel as far to accomplish their goals so the regional VMT can decrease
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. However, the estimated
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, which
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of 11.03 VMT per resident
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