2020-11-10 Meeting Minutes City of LQTRAVERTINE
November 9, 2020
Conference Call - Notes
Cheri Flores Mark Rogers JoAnne Sturges
1. LEDPA – EIR alternative
a. Mark discussed our thoughts about the the least environmentally damaging
practicable alternative (LEDPA) and asked if that plan would need to be analyzed
technically to the same level as the current plan. Cheri responded that it is not
required by CEQA, but that we should have a general discussion of how and why
it is less impactive.
2. CVCC package and meeting date
a. Cheri has received our application package for the CVCC and will review its
contents before we submit the application and supplemental documentation.
3. Monies owed / received from Hofmann
a. Cheri will check to see if the City has received payment for any outstanding
4. Desktop survey for IID and CVWD facilities
a. We discussed whether a desktop survey of particular parcels would suffice for
the review of IID and CVWD offsite parcels needed for future facilities. Cheri
was agreeable and also amenable to the Torres Martinez and Agua Caliente Tribe
looking at the parcel map we had prepared. Desktop studies will be performed
for Biology, Cultural Resources and Paleo impacts.