Kelsey Property Letter for Travertine Notices - - Notification Requestallgood inter10C.ors
Date: February 24, 2022
Ms. Cheri Flores
Planning Manager
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Re: Allgood - Kelsey Property
Dear Cheri,
MAR - 1202
The purpose of this letter is to address some of my concerns regarding the proposed Travertine
development. My primary concern is what affect that development will have on the twelve + -
acres situated within the boundaries of the proposed Travertine development that Willard Kelsey
and I own. Even though I understand the responsibilities placed on Travertine and The City of La
Quinta as it related to notifications, accessibility, and utilities to our property, I wish to have a
very clear understanding between us regarding Kelsey's and my property. To that end I have
listed my three main concerns below and wish to have a response from the City of La Quinta
Planning Department.
1. Notifications:
I wish to be notified in a timely manner, in writing, as to all request for zoning changes or
requests for modification to topography related to Travertine or any other property within the
spear of influence of The City of La Quinta that may affect the use or value of the above
mentioned 12 + - acres owned by Kelsey and myself.
2. Accessibility:
I have again reviewed your email dated September 17, 2021, where in it you indicate that
Travertine will provide roadway access to Jefferson Street. My problem with this is there is no
indication that Jefferson will be anything more than dirt between 68th Street (which is dirt also)
and the remaining distance to our property. Even if 68th and Jefferson were finished, our
property would still require road access through Travertine. Common sense dictates that it would
be far easier for Travertine to provide an access street that is already part of their proposed
development. To that end I request assurance from the City of La Quinta that Travertine will be
required to provide proper and usable access to our property, sufficient to support development
of our property through the Travertine development.
3. Utilities:
I have had some conversation with two of the utility providers you suggested I contact. They
both said that the proper way to bring the needed utilities to our property will be for them to
"stub end" through Travertine to us as it would be impractical to do otherwise. I have informed
them that I will keep them in the loop of information, and they indicated they will follow up as
we all move forward. At this time, I do not see this as a difficult or costly problem. However, I
want to be assured that the City will keep me informed so that I can pass the information on as
Sale of Allgood - Kelsey property:
I want to assure you that should Willard and I find ourselves in the position where we have a
buyer for our 12 + - acres I will immediately inform The City and Travertine. Should either of
you have concerns as to the effect such sale may have on ongoing development, Willard Kelsey
and I will use our best effort to work with the City and Travertine to resolve those concerns.
Cheri, please understand that this letter is in the spirit of being a good neighbor to both the City
of La Quinta and Travertine. It has always been my thought that good and timely communication
between all of us will be the key to moving forward. I would hope never to find Willard Kelsey
or myself in a position where we end up in a protracted, legal dispute with either The City or
Travertine. That would not be good neighbor policy and it would delay the development of both
our property and Travertine's.
Please share this letter with those in The City who will be involved in the Travertine
development so I can be assured that we are all in agreement.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Maria Allgood
32328 Clear Springs Drive
Winchester, CA 92596
cell: (714) 742-1054