This Zone Change application is to modify the area and locations of zoning designations within the
Travertine Specific Plan area including the following Zoning Designations: Low Density Residential, Medium
Density Residential, Tourist Commercial, Golf Course and Open Space. No textual changes to the Zoning
Ordinance are proposed. In conjunction with this application the following documents and entitlements
being processed for the Travertine development:
• An Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
• A General Plan Amendment
• An Amendment to the Specific Plan
• A Large Lot Tentative Tract Map
• A Development Agreement
The Travertine Development was approved as Specific Plan (SP 94-026) by the City Council on June 6,
1995, subject to conditions of approval. The original Travertine Specific Plan included the following land
use designations: Very Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Medium High Density
Residential, Neighborhood Commercial, Tourist Commercial and Golf Course Open Space. These
designations became the official zoning designations for the Travertine project site upon approval of the
The City of La Quinta Zoning Ordinance requires certain findings be made to approve a zone change. These
findings and the project’s consistency with them, as are follows:
1. Consistency with General Plan. The zone map change is consistent with the goals, objectives and
policies of the general plan.
Response: The proposed zone map change is consistent with the goals, objective and policies of the
general plan. The related General Plan Amendment includes a more detailed analysis and discussion of
the proposal’s consistency with applicable General Plan goals. That discussion is referenced for this
2. Public Welfare. Approval of the zone map change will not create conditions materially detrimental to
the public health, safety and general welfare.
Response: The proposed zone change is fundamentally based upon new information and conditions
identified since the original approval of the Travertine Specific Plan and the modifications are proposed
to ensure the continued public health, safety and general welfare in a manner that would not be feasible
under the previously approved plan.
3. Land Use Compatibility. The new zoning is compatible with the zoning on adjacent properties.
Response: The project’s environs and vicinity are characterized by both natural areas and planned
communities. The proposed plan combines these two conditions to achieve compatibility with adjacent
4. Property Suitability. The new zoning is suitable and appropriate for the subject property.
Response: The existing, approved Travertine Specific Plan was previously determined to be suitable and
appropriate for the subject property. The currently proposed zoning map changes are consistent with
the previous plan, while also including modifications necessary to address newly identified constraints
on the site.
5. Change in Circumstances. Approval of the zone map change is warranted because the situation and
the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing zoning was
Response: The original Travertine Specific Plan, and its Environmental Impact Report, required that
several types of follow-up or supplemental technical studies be conducted for the site prior to actual
development. At this time, these studies have been completed and from the results it has created a
change in circumstances concluding that the implementation of the Specific Plan, as originally approved,
is infeasible. The modifications proposed are made to address the newly identified constraints in the
areas of flooding and flood control, sensitive habitat affecting indigenous flora and fauna. A much more
detailed discussion of these new constraints and how the current proposals address them is included
within the accompanying Travertine Specific Plan Amendment document.
(attachments would include the ‘before and after’ land use bubble exhibits of the Specific Plan,
along with their summary tables within