2020-02-21 ACBCI Cultural Report Comment Letter03-003-2019-001 Dear Ms. Nicole Criste, The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI) appreciates your efforts to include the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) in the Wave at Coral Mountain project. We have reviewed the documents and have the following comments: [VIA EMAIL TO:ncriste@terranovaplanning.com] Terra Nova Ms. Nicole Criste 42635 Melanie Place, Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 February 21, 2020 Re: The Wave Cultural Report Comments Again, the Agua Caliente appreciates your interest in our cultural heritage. If you have questions or require additional information, please call me at (760)699-6907. You may also email me at ACBCI-THPO@aguacaliente.net. Cordially, Pattie Garcia-Plotkin Director Tribal Historic Preservation Office AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS #The THPO has included comments in the attached cultural report. Please contact our office to follow up on our comments and requests. 03-003-2019-001 Dear Ms. Nicole Criste, The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI) appreciates your efforts to include the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) in the Wave at Coral Mountain project. We have reviewed the documents and have the following comments: [VIA EMAIL TO:ncriste@terranovaplanning.com] Terra Nova Ms. Nicole Criste 42635 Melanie Place, Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 February 21, 2020 Re: AB 52 Consultation for the Wave at La Quinta Again, the Agua Caliente appreciates your interest in our cultural heritage. If you have questions or require additional information, please call me at (760)699-6907. You may also email me at ACBCI-THPO@aguacaliente.net. Cordially, #The Agua Caliente THPO has identified Tribal Cultural Resources and Cultural Landscape within the proposed project boundary. We request redesign of the project to avoid the identified Tribal Cultural Resources, and prefer "preservation in place". These resources are eligible for the Californian Register Historic Properties and may also be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places as Traditional Cultural Properties. #Due to the complexity of the resources we need more information for assessing impacts. Please provide GIS data for the project plans, the record search, and the cultural survey results. We also request copies of all site records, reports, archival information, and maps associated with the project area. #Additionally, we request continued consultation on defining an adequate preservation area. In consultation with the THPO, we request development of an exploratory trenching program for the areas of the project outside of the future preservation area. We also want a commitment from the City to condition the project with adequate curation measures. 03-003-2019-001 Pattie Garcia-Plotkin Director Tribal Historic Preservation Office AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS