2020-09-22 Tribal Consultation Mtg NotesTravertine Tribal Consultation Meeting Notes – September 22,2020
Attendees: Cheri Flores – City of La Quinta Carlos Flores – City of La Quinta
Michael Mirelez – Torres Martinez Mandi Martinez – SWCA
Terri Wright – NMG Geotechnical Mark Rogers – TRG Land
JoAnne Sturges – TRG Land
1. Project Orientation
a. Mandi described the interface of the project with the surrounding known
archeo sites.
b. The team discussed the proposed interpretive trail that will circumnavigate
the southern portion of the property close to the Martinez Rockslide and the
opportunity it will provide to educate visitors about the historical importance
of the region.
c. The team discussed a limited barrier between the trail and the open space.to
dissuade the big horn sheep from coming down the grade towards the
2. Grading Operations
a. Mark described the 2 phases of construction and the area and depths of the
cut and fill areas.
b. Mandi reminded the team that Pattie has requested a monitor be on -site for
the improvements along Avenue 62.
c. Michael stated their standard operating procedure is to have two monitors
on-site, one monitor in the cut areas and the other watching the cut soil be
dumped into the fill areas.
d. Mark asked if there is a depth of cut where monitoring would no longer be
e. Michael responded that 10’ would be an acceptable depth that monitoring
would no longer be required.
f. Michael suggested the Torres Martinez and Agua Caliente Tribes discuss each
having one monitor on site.
g. Mark asked how much notice would be needed to let the monitor inform the
monitor there would not be active grading on site. Michael responded 24
h. The team also discussed there would not be a need for monitoring on rainy
or very windy days.
3. Next Meeting
a. Cheri will set up the next meeting when both Michael and Pattie are available.