BPOL2021-0250Permit Details City of La Quinta Description: NAMVAR / POOL AND SPA AT REAR YARD Type: POOL CONSTRUCTION Subtype: PRIVATE Status: FINALED (WEB) Applied: 7/22/2021 EPRS Approved: 2/17/2022 DCL Issued: 2/17/2022 AMA Finaled: 6/24/2022 AOR Expired: Parcel No: 602290067 Site Address: 49590 ALI CT CT LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 29053-2 Block: Lot: 21 Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Valuation: $40,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: POOL AND SPA AT REAR YARD [JHA ENGINEERING]. APPROVED SITE PLAN AND ENGINEERING REQUIRED ON SITE FOR INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. ALARMS AND BARRIERS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AT PRE -PLASTER INSPECTION. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. ro - ummary 1210 Applied to Approved Approved to Issued Issued to Finaled ADDITIONAL SITES I ■ ; • 1 • • CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 2/14/2022 2/14/2022 SENT APPLICANT INFORMATION TO RESET PASSWORD AND TO UPLOAD REVISIONS E-MAIL DUANE CLAYTON 7/28/2021 7/28/2021 - INFORMED APPLICANT THAT PLAN REVIEW IS COMPLETE AND REQUIRES REVISIONS. E-MAIL DUANE CLAYTON 2/17/2022 2/17/2022 - INFORMED APPLICANT THAT PLAN REVIEW IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED. CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT Leila NAMVAR 49590 ALI CT La Quinta CA 922533 (760)333-4094 Leilanamvar@yahoo.co m Printed: Monday, July 24, 2023 12:51:39 PM 1 of 4 CRWSYSTEMS Permit Details PERMIT NUMBER City of La Quinta BPOL2021-0250 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL CONTRACTOR Leila Namvar 49590 ALI CT La Quinta CA 922533 (760)333-4094 Leilanamvar@yahoo.co m OWNER Leila Namvar 49590 ALI CT La Quinta CA 922533 (760)333-4094 Leilanamvar@yahoo.co m FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY BSAS 5B1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $2.00 $2.00 2/17/22 WEB10752 635 352 786 CREDIT 1 Leila Namvar EPRS Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $2.00 $2.00 BSA: SWIMMING POOL/SPA 101-0000-42404 0 $201.25 $201.25 2/17/22 WEB10752 635 35� 786 CREDIT Leila Namvar EPRS SWIMMING POOL/SPA PC 101-0000-42600 0 $109.48 $109.48 2/17/22 WEB10752 635458786 32 CREDIT Leila Namvar EPRS Total Paid for POOL / SPA 2019: $310.73 $310.73 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 $10.00 2/17/22 WEB10752 635458786 32 CREDIT Leila Namvar EPRS Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 $10.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 2/17/22 WEB10752 635458786 32 CREDIT Leila Namvar EPRS Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS: AMU $327.73 INSPECTION SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES ' Printed: Monday, July 24, 2023 12:51:39 PM 2 of 4 CRWSYSTEMS Permit Details City of La Quinta AM PERMIT NUMBER BPOL2021-0250 illi PRE-GUNITE MHU 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 DISAPDROVE #1104 3/30/2022 8:07 AM Leila Namvar Contact Name: Leila NAMVAR Site Address: 49590 ALI CT Phone: 7603334094 e-Mail: Leilanamvar@yahoo.com 3" MINIMUM CLEARANCE REBAR TO EARTH UNDERGROUND PLBG MHU 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 APPROVED APPROVED UNDERGROUND GAS MHU 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 DISAPDROVE DISAPPROVED UNDERGROUND ELEC MHU 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 APPROVED APPROVED UNDERGROUND GAS JAN 4/1/2022 4/1/2022 DISAPPROVE D -PROVIDE REQUIRED BURIAL DEPTH -LISTED RISER REQUIRED AT EACH ENDS OF GAS LINE PRE-GUNITE JAN 4/1/2022 4/1/2022 APPROVED UNDERGROUND GAS DCL 4/7/2022 4/7/2022 APPROVED DECK BOND MHU 5/4/2022 5/4/2022 APPROVED PRE -PLASTER MHU 6/8/2022 6/8/2022 DISAPPROVE D SIDE GATE DOES NOT MEET SELF CLOSING AND SELF LATCHING REQUIREMENTS DOOR ALARMS ARE MISSING PRE -PLASTER MHU 6/9/2022 6/9/2022 APPROVED FINAL** AOR 6/23/2022 6/23/2022 DISAPPROVE D CORRECTIONS: -LABEL SERVICE AND POOL PANEL'S OCPD'S.-POOL COVER REQUIRED. FINAL** AOR 6/24/2022 6/24/2022 APPROVED PARENT PROJECTS REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE I RETURNEDDATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST BLDG NS - ETRAKIT (1 DAY) DUANE CLAYTON 7/22/2021 7/23/2021 7/28/2021 REVISIONS REQUIRED - SEE SITE PLAN AND ENGINEERING WITH CORRECTIONS IN ATTACHMETNS. Printed: Monday, July 24, 2023 12:51:39 PM 3 of 4 CRI f'SYSTEMS Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BPOL2021-0250111 2ND BLDG NS — ETRAKIT (1 DAY) DUANE 2/15/2022 2/16/2022 2/17/2022 I APPROVED CLAYTON - SEE APPROVED SITE PLAN IN ATTACHMENTS. al ink_ in. AlkAll BOND INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 2/17/2022 AARON HICKSON SUBCONTRACTOR LIST LeilaNamvar_Subs.pdf 0 DOC 2/17/2022 AARON HICKSON OWNER BUILDER COMPLETE Leila Namvar _ Builder —owner .pdf 0 DOC 7/28/2021 DUANE CLAYTON 1ST REVIEW - SITE PLAN (CORRECTIONS) BPOL2021 0250 1ST REVIEW - SITE PLAN (CORRECTIONS).pdf 1 DOC 7/28/2021 DUANE CLAYTON 1ST REVIEW POOL ENGINEERING (CORRECTIONS) BPOL2021-0250 - 1ST SUBMITTAL POOL ENGINEERING (CORRECTIONS).pdf 1 DOC 2/17/2022 DUANE CLAYTON PLAN SET (APPROVED) BPOL2021 0250 PLAN SET (APPROVED).pdf 1 DOC 7/22/2021 EtrakitPublicReg 1ST SUBMITTAL - SITE PLAN 49590 Ali Court - Leila Namvar - Pool Plan.pdf 1 DOC 7/22/2021 EtrakitPublicReg 1ST SUBMITTAL - POOL ENGINEERING (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) 49590 Ali Court Pool - Leila Namvar Engineering.pdf 1 DOC 2/14/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 2ND SUBMITTAL - SITE PLAN 49590 ALi Court LQ (Namvar Res.)Rev2.pdf 1 DOC 2/14/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 2ND SUBMITTAL - POOL ENGINEERING BPOL2021-0250 - 1ST SUBMITTAL - POOL ENGINEERING second sub.pdf 1 Printed: Monday, July 24, 2023 12:51:39 PM 4of4 CRWSYSTE S 4 &ea CALIFORNIA Considering Becoming an Owner -Builder? STOP Important information you need to know BEFORE pulling your permit! The term "Owner -Builder" can mean three different things: "Owner as Worker", "Owner as Contractor" or "Owner as Employer" Understand each has Benefits or Risk, and it is possible to combine them! Hiring a California Licensed Contractor means you do not personally perform any of the construction work, the permit is not taken out in your name, you are not personally responsible for the construction and you are not an Owner -Builder. Instead, you become a "Customer" and California law provides you the benefit of protection from poor workmanship, failure to finish the job and financial risk due to worker injury. Benefit/Risk: Hiohest Benefits and the Least amount of Risk Owner -as -Worker is a type of Owner -Builder where you personally perform the construction work, the permit is taken out in your name and you are personally responsible for the construction management, knowledge, workmanship, and completion of the job. You benefit by not paying others to perform this work for you and your risk depends on your own ability to complete the job successfully. Benefit/Risk: Possible Benefit with Law Financial Risk Owner -as -Contractor is a type of Owner -Builder where you personally act as your own General Contractor, the permit is taken out in your name and you hire California licensed sub -contractors to perform portions of the construction work. WARNING: The benefit of protection provided by law when you hire only California licensed sub- contractors can turn to serious financial risk if you hire unlicensed contractors to perform any of the work. Benefit/Risk: Possible Benefit and Significant Financial Risk Owner -as -Employer is a type of Owner -Builder where you pay any unlicensed individual to perform any construction work valued at more than $500.00, the permit is taken out in your name and you are personally responsible for their employment requirements, supervision, performance, safety and welfare while on your property. WARNING: Cost savings benefit can turn to serious financial risk if you fail to deduct payroll taxes or provide workers compensation insurance for each worker. Benefit/Risk: Possible Benefit with Significant Financial Risk OWNERS BEWARE AND CONSIDER THE RISK BEFORE ACCEPTING FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT For more information visit the California State License Board Website at http://www.cslb.ca.gov/ Page 1 of 4 Assembly Bill 2335 amends California Health and Safety Code, Section 19825, regarding disclosures and verifications required for all applicants seeking Owner -Builder construction permits. These new application requirements provide an enhanced level of consumer awareness and protection for property owners accepting the risks associated with Owner -Builder construction permits. "The Legislature hereby finds and declares that there is an urgent and statewide public interest in assuring that building contractors comply with the Contractors License Law... and provisions of law relating to Workers' Compensation Insurance for building construction, that property owners are informed about, and protected from, fraudulent representations, liability for worker's injuries, liability for material and labor costs unpaid by contractors, licensing requirements, and employer's tax liabilities when improving their property as owner -builders" THIS OFFICE WILL BE ENFORCING THESE REQUIREMENTS AS FOLLOWS: If Licensed Contractor is the Permit Holder New Construction Permit Application Verify Applicant's License Applicability & Status (with CSLB) Prior to Issuing Permit Property Owner Protected by Contractors License Law Who is to be the Responsible Party? (Permit Holder) Verify Property Owner's Identification & Signature 4 Verify Property Owners Designation & Signature on AUTHORIZED AGENT Form (if applicable) Property Owner is Legally Noticed by Owner -Builder Law If Property Owner is the Permit Holder Ir Verify Property Owners Acknowledgment & Approval to Assume Liability for the Construction Project, by Verifying Completion of the NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER Form Prior to Issuing Permit Page 2 of 4 Quiwtai CALIFORNIA Disclosures & Forms for Owner -Builders Applying for Construction Permits IMPORTANT! NOTICE TO PRPPERTY OWNER Dear Property Owner: An application for a building permit has been submitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the property improvements specified al 49590 Ali Court for Pool and Spa We are providing you with an Owner -Builder Acknowledgment and Information Verification Form to make you aware of your responsibilities and possible risk you may incur by having this permit issued in your name as the Owner -Builder. We will not issue a building permit until you have read, initialed your understanding of each provision, signed, and returned this form to us at our official address indicated. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, obtain the prior approval of the permitting authority. OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION DIRECTIONS: Read and initial each statement below to signify you understand or verify this information. X 1. ! understand a frequent practice of unlicensedpersons is to have the property p p rty owner obtain an "Owner - Builder" building permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. I, as an Owner -Builder, may be held liable and subject to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person and his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an Owner -Builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. X 2. I understand building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are responsible for the construction and are not hiring a licensed Contractor to assume this responsibility. X 3. I understand as an "Owner -Builder" I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed Contractor and having I.he permit filed in his or her name instead of my own. X 4. I understand Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded in California and to list their license numbers on permits and contracts. X 5. I understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed Contractors, and the total value of my construction is at least five hundred dollars ($50O), including labor and materials, I may be considered an "employer" under state and federal law. X 6. I understand if I am considered an "employer" under state and federal law, I must register with the state and federal government, withhold payroll taxes, provide workers' compensation disability insurance, and contribute to unemployment compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to abide by these laws may subject me to serious financial risk. X 7. I understand under California Contractors' State License Law, an Owner -Builder who builds single-family residential structures cannot legally build them with the intent to offer them for sale, unless all work is performed by licensed subcontractors and the number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar year, or all of the work is performed under contract with a licensed general building Contractor. X 8. I understand as an Owner -Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I may be held liable for any financial or personal injuries sustained by any subsequent owner(s) that result from any latent construction defects in the workmanship or materials. Page 3 of 4 X 9. I understand I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an ''employer" from the internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the California Department of Benefit Payments, and the California Division of Industrial Accidents. I also understand I may contact the California Contractors' State License Board (CSLB) at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752) or www.cslb.ca.gov for more information about licensed contractors. x 10. I am aware of and consent to an Owner -Builder building permit applied for in my name, and understand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for proposed construction activity at the following address: 49590 Ali Court X 11. I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity, I will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern Owner -Builders as well as employers. X 12. I agree to notify the issuer of this form immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information I have provided on this form. Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with someone who does not have a license, the Contractors' State License Board may be unable to assist you with any financial loss you may sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against unlicensed Contractors may be in civil court. It is also important for you to understand that if an unlicensed Contractor or employee of that individual or firm is injured while working on your property, you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain a permit as Owner -Builder and wish to hire Contractors, you will be responsible for verifying whether or not those Contractors are properly licensed and the status of their workers' compensation insurance cover -age. Before a building permit can be issued, this form must be completed and signed by the property owner and returned to the agency responsible for issuing the permit. Note: A copy of the property owner's driver's license, form notarization, or other verification acceptable to the agency is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature. Signature of Property Owner: Date: 02/16/2022 Note: The following Authorization Form is required to be completed by the property owner only when designating an agent of the property owner to apply for a construction permit for the Owner -Builder. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT TO ACT ON PROPERTY OWNER'S BEHALF Excluding the Notice to Property Owner, the execution of which I understand is my personal responsibility, I hereby authorize the following person(s) to act as my agent(s) to apply for, sign, and file the documents necessary to obtain an Owner -Builder Permit for my project. Scope of Construction Project (or Description of Work): Pool and Spa Project Location or Address: 49590 Ali Court Name of Authorized Agent: Leila Namvar Phone: 760-333-4094 Address of Authorized Agent: 49590 Ali Court, La QUinta, CA 92253 I declare under penalty of perjury that i am the property owner for the address listed above and I personally filled out the above Information and certify its accuracy_ Note: A copy of the owner's driver's license, form notarization, or other verification acceptable to the agency is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature. Signature of Property Owner: Date: 02/16/2022 Page 4of4 (LT-7)9NIZV19 (6E-7) 9NIIO021 (6-7)IIVMA210 ES-3)1OOd rn z n w (9-7) S13NI9V3 (VS-7) 31I17YWVa33 (EE-7) 9NL.NIVd iZ N M 0 2 (OZ-7) 7VAH (9E-3) 9NI9W11ld (6Z-3) AIINOSVW (TS-7) 1331S upnals (S-7) 9NIWVa3 n- 0 2 n 1 m n m 6 0 3 z 3 3 k m rri a m x 0 0 2 D 1 0 m m A 0 2 1 0 n m 2 m m 0 m n 0 m 2 a 0 z 2 C Go C Z m m m r A m 2 m CO 0 7 C 0 S O O T al 0 a < o O 00 Ol O f 0 Cr �. 07 O 7 O- rit 3 n 3.a in 0 C1 m 0 a rt n � Cu Ft. 0 a rt 0 ea co t 0 0 oTi °i . a c 0 N On m 0 .� 0 2 m ALL CONSTRUCTION IS TO CONFORM TO THE CURRENT CODES: DATE CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 02/17/2022 BY 1 C GRAPHIC SCALE 1 /8"=1'-0" Gas GA Gate Shall be Self Closing Self Locking and Swing away from the pool area 60 inches high barrier. 6ft Block wall Pool Enclosure Per City Code Elec AS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS 130 LF 1" electrical conduit for 10 gauge wiring to pool equipment 130 LF 2" Poly-Ethelenes Gas line with 10 AWG yellow Tracer Exist alarms to be installed on all doors with access to be pool Provide a #8 copper wire around the pool connected at 4 points- Maximum 18" from water's edge. Heater vent to terminate a minimum of 4ft away from open side of window existing window Sealed does not open_ J WD 4'-0" Spillway Skimmer Pool Light 14' WD 6'-0" +18" +18" Pool Equip. 13'-5" 7' Safety Features - New pools and spas shall be equipped with at least two of the following drowning prevention safety features. (H&S § 115922 - SB No. 442) • Enclosure that isolates the pool or spa from dwelling. • Removable Mesh fencing, a gate that is self -latching and closing and can accommodate a key lockable device. • Safety pool cover. • Exit alarms on doors that provide direct access to pool or spa. • A self -closing self latching device placed on doors providing direct access to pool or spa. • An alarm that when placed in a pool or spa, will sound upon detection. (Surface Motion, Pressure, Sonar, Laser) 0' 8' 16' BPOL2021-0250 - 49590 ALI COURT NAMVAR / POOL AND SPA AT REAR YARD 24' Access to excavate pool 22 -3" 30' 7' 19 -6" POOL AND SPA AT REAR YARD [JHA ENGINEERING]. APPROVED SITE PLAN AND ENGINEERING REQUIRED ON SITE FOR INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. ALARMS AND BARRIERS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AT PRE -PLASTER INSPECTION. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. Note: All measurements to be field verified. All construction to perform their own field measurements. Derek Alan Drive Gate Latching Requirements ALL GATES MUST Protective shield or fencing with no openings greater than 3/4" Release mechanism shall be located on "pool." side. CONDITION 1 RELEASE MECHANISM LOCATED LESS THAN 60" ABOVE GRADE 284-004 Rev. 06/2016 SWING AWAY FROM THE POOL, BE SELF -CLOSING & SELF -LATCHING Release mechanism may be located On either side If 60"+ above grade. Lo CONDITION 2 RELEASE MECHANISM LOCATED 60" OR MORE ABOVE GRADE Release mechanism shall be located at least 60inches above grade. TYPICAL SELF -LATCHING GATE and SPRING CLOSER 4080 Lemon St, 9"' Floor • P.O. Box 1629 • Riverside, CA 92502 Phone (951) 955-1800 • Fax (951) 955-1806 Current Adopted Model Codes: • 2019 California Residential Code: • 2019 California Electrical Code: • 2019 California Mechanical Code: • 2019 California Plumbing Code: • 2019 California Green Code: • 2019 California Energy code: Based on the 2018 International residential Code (IRC) Based on the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) Based on the 2018 Uniform Mechanical code (UMC) Based on the 2018 Uniform Plumbing (UPC) California Building Standards Commission California Energy Commission • All pool equipment shall be seismic armed per city code • An alarm installed on all doors with direct access to the pool. the alarm shall sound continuously for a minimum of 30 seconds within seven seconds after the door and its screen, if present, are opened, and be capable of providing a sound pressure level of not less than 85 dba when measured indoors at 10 feet. The alarm shall automatically reset under all conditions. The alarm system shall be equipped with a manual means, such as a touchpad or switch, to temporarily deactivate the alarm for a single opening. Such deactivation shall last no longer 15 seconds. the deactivation switch shall be located at least 54 inches above the threshold of the door. Man door leading from garage to pool area must be self -closing and self -latching with latching mechanism located a minimum of 54 inches above the threshold of the door. • Barrier requirements to be installed and inspected prior to plastering or filling the pool/spa/hot tub with water. • For spa equipment please see attached sheet MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS: A. Approved temporary sanitary facilities (I.E. Chemical toilets shall be on the construction site prior to request for first inspection). (Health and safety code, section 5416) B. Contractor and or owner shall provide a trash bin to insure proper clean up of all building materials. (Ordinance NO. 262 of the city municipal code) C. Storage of building materials or debris shall be confined to the lot on which the permit is issued. Adjacent vacant properties may not be utilized for this purpose unless written permission of the owner is on file with this office. the public right-of-way shall be maintained in a clear condition at all times. (city municipal code, chapter 8.02) D. Address numerals shall comply with city ordinance NO. 1006. You may request a copy of the ordinance at the building department. E. F. ELECTRICAL There is no outdoor surrounding lighting or low voltage lighting, including landscape lighting. There is no overhead utility/service lines over construction area or SPA. Utility/service lines must be in compliance with CEC table 680.8 for overhead conductor clearances. Equipment Notes • All Equipment Shall be Seismically Anchored • Masonry equipment wall shall be built per city standard specifications • all GFI outlets will be weather and tamper proof • All outlets supplied by single-phase, 15A and 20A, 125V or 240V Branch Circuits for swimming pool pump motors are required to have GFCI protection • Provide 36" working clearance for the pool equipment motors are required. Notes • • Installation of pool systems and equipment will comply with section 114-Mandatory Requirements. • Exist Alarms to be installed on all doors with direct access to the pool. • Pool Heater,Pool equipment shall be installed per manufacture's recommendations and in accordance with local regulations. • Spa to be equipped with Anti -Entrapment Device (Sec. 1404 Federal Swimming Pool and Spa Drain Cover Standard). • Provide location and Anti -Entrapment /Vortex covers meeting current standards of the American Society for testing and materials (ASTM) or The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Identify a minimum 3 feet separation between all drains and note Hydraulically balanced. • Led Lights require water bounding • Pool Heater/pool equipment shall be installed per manufacturing installation specifications • Provide adequate workspace around electrical equipment per 2019 CEC 110.26 Pool Safety Barrier Notes • Exit Alarms • Self -closing Doors • Self Latching Doors La Quinta, CA 92253 w Design: Drawn: DN REV DATE 0 06/14/21 1 08/24/21 NORTH SCALE: 1 /8"=1'-0" WATER SURFACE ----- MAX. DEPTH i0 ice) #3© 6"O.C. VERT STL. 3" CLR. PRE -CAST COPING 7----CONC. DECKING L ::. ---_ 4 #3© BOND 16" MIN LAP lllalr 18" MIN. 8" TRANSITION 4" 33? #3012"O.C. CLR. S . HORIZ. STL. FF'9p THROUGHOUT s Gd' DEEP END RAMP tt BEAM EXPANSIVE „ 33? MAX. CONC. DECK 4 MILL VISQUEEN 6" GUNITE W/#3 OR 6" CONC. BLK. W/#3 48"O.C. VERT. STL. SOLID GROUT ALL CELLS 4 #3© BOND BEAM O SO7 MASTIC #3 I < HORIZ.iN WATER TILE WALL THK. (MIN.) v7AiCA DEPTH IN FEET NON VP DPAIIIIK 4'' 4" 0 4" 4" 1 FT. 4" 4" 2FT. 4" 4" 3FT. 5" 5" 4Fr. 6" 6" 5FT. 6" 6" 6FT. 6" 8" 7FT. 6„ 9" 8FT- #3© 6" 0.C. POOL SIDE BOND BEAM STL. 4MIN. W/DECK FTG. 12" - 3 #3 FOR NON -EXPANSIVE SOIL IV MiK. DECK FTG.. -'i 4 #3 FOR EXPANSIVE SOIL /8•T0 )/a• �3 WATER SURFACE 11- I,.xw Q- /6,,N�w 1 \ 0R AS REQ'D BY CITY n6, ' !. 1 /2• • I J © #312"0.C, VERT STL. a IL; #30 1-2"0.0-HORIZ. w ----THOU XTRA H OU'T i.0 o �f-STOP E STEEL y c NOTE: THIS SECTION k11 CAN BE USED FOR DEEP END RAMPS UP TO 5' IN DEPTH c -USE 4 #4 BAR BOND BEAM AND EXTEND BARS 3' EA. SIDE OF RAMP WALL THICKNESS TO CHANGE - UNIFORMLY POOL DEPTH 5'0" OR MORE PLASTER RAI SED BAN DBEA M O ELECTRICAL PULL BOX 10" ABOVE WATER PER NEC SPECS. 4'-0„ 12„ N. T.S. 'EXTRA #3©I2" O.C. VERT',STEEL AS SHOW N STD. REIN FCRCEMENT + DIMENSION �� SAE AS M N ABOVE,--2 LAP 12" MASTIC EXPANSIVE JOINT NIL-/IIIJN1=n NIuN�1 1/2" 4) PVC 10' MIN. LENGTH #3© 6" 0.C. BOTH WAYS AROUND NICHE =N� 4" MIN 5 r SECTION AT LIGHT BO X 0 `RECESSED LIGHT WATER LEVEL #3© BOND BM. MASONARY COPING A -MORTAR 3"f PLASTER BOND BEAM S lANDARD COPING + 1LE O ,n 111f_nll a11�J1 2 #3 BARS 4" MINVAP.' I ELEVATION L 12"1, 18" MIN.I TRANSITION -0 BEND BOND BM. STL. AROUND NICHE 4" MIN. '` 2 #3 BARS PLAN SKIMMER NICHE DETAIL O z rlll'un_ D (0 r) FIN. GR. REINF. GUNITE #3© 12" 0.C. BOTH WAYS 4" MAIN SUMP DRAIN AT LOW POINT DUAL INLETS PER PLUMBING CODE. TYPICAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION N11-N11s M11=111=NHa1111= I, fNEW FILL 4 #3© BOND BEAM #3© 12"O.C. HORIZ. STL. THROUGHOUT #3© 12"0. C._ VERT STL. NAT. GR. Ill-WI=1111- 111=11 111-1111-11r- 1111=1w TANNIN GSHELF DETAIL WATER SURFACE 12" i 1 0 ADD #3 12" 0.C. LONGITUDINAL TRANSITION WHEN REQ'D BY BLDG. DEPT. 4'-0" MAX. TYPICAL POOL 16 BOTTOM LAPIF - ' - a 18 MIN--5" TRANS. R=2'6" MAX. R=1'0" MIN. CAP 4 MILL VISQUEEN 12" GUNITE W/#4 OR 12" CONC. BLK. W/#4 ® 24"O.C. VERT. STL. SOLID GROUT ALL CELLS 4 #3© BOND BEAM TO INSTALL ON EXISTING BOND BEAM EPDXY -TIE REBAR 5/8" DRILL BIT 4 1/4" EMBED 3 1/4" EDGE DISTANCE \ SPECIAL INSPECTION NOT REQUIRED SEE BELOW DECK 3 1/2" CONC. SLAB POOL DEPTH 15 LB. FELT OR 4 MILL VISQUEENI, SCHEDULE - 1 RADIUS SCHEDULE #3© 12" 0.C. B.W. IN POOL BOTTOM. CENTER ALL STL. IN GUNITE FINISH GRADE TO WASTE POOL DEPTH „R„ 3'-6" 1'-0" 4'-0" 1'-0" 5'-0" 1'-6" 5'-6'' 2'-0" 6'-0" 2'-6" 6'-6" 3'-0" 7'-0" 3'-6" 7'-6" 4'-0" 8'-0" 4'-6" 8'-6" 5'-0" folr -01 3" MIN. OR AAS REQ'D BY CITY lii ull iTil pn=IIU 'P 'iAP DETAIL LEVEL BOND BM. W/ GROUT 1-BEFORE POURING DECK 1p� BOND BEAM MASTIC TILE PLASTER CA NT_CO PC RETE DECKING O DECK OR CAP-. MI - 112 llll�llll=llll 4" MI #3 VERT STL. ® 12" 0.C. MASTIC #3 HORIZ. MAS o I #3 4 HORIZ. TIC x ► WATER TILE PLASTER THE HOLE L❑CATI❑NS, HOLE DIAMETER AND DEPTH, HOLE CLEANING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTI❑N 1704.13 OF THE IBC AND THE PRINTED INSTALLATI❑N PER ESR-2508, THE CARTRIDGE IS TO BE CHECKED AS TO EXPIRATI❑N DATE RAISED BOND BEAM O 18" 0 FIN. GR. VARIES TO 1111=all= 4 #3© BOND BEAM #3© 12"O.C. HORIZ. STL. THROUGHOUT #3© 12"O.C. VERT STL. NAT. GR. all�llfl=lrll-nll- 111r=1111= 1111-u11-1rN=1►11=1 z l�-xlrr7Tr-ul� lII, I1 N WATER SURFACE 4'-0" MAX. TYPICAL POOL 16" r BOTTOM LAPIFj " CLR., -�- 1.0E) jr=n�rz1..,118" M I N5" Im- TRANS. [...12" SHALLOW END F LL ADJ AC ENT T O FOOL #3© 12" 0.C. 2 #3 BOND BM. -#3© 12" 0.C. VERT STL. & STRAIGHT WALL 24" k kg 4" TYP. BOTTOM SEE TYP. POOL SECTION TYPICAL INFINKTE EDGE SECTION 2 #3 BOND BM. WATER SURFACE VERT STL. 8c STRAIGHT WALL SPA k 4" TYP. BOTTOM SEE TYP. POOL SECTION SPA ADJACENT TO POOL MASONARY DECK POOL RAISED PLANTER WATER SURFACE POOL PLANTER allg-I. II WATER SURFACE -0 ALTERNATE TO BARRIER PUT IN CONC. BOTTOM CONC. FT'G MOISTURE BARRIER PROVIDE PLAN & CALCS. 0 FOR RET. WALL. PROJECT: 49590 Ali Court La Quinta, CA 92253 3" POOL DEPTH 5'0" OR LESS POOL DEPTH 5'0" OR MORE POOL NOTES: 1. POOL SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED BY APPROVED FENCE. FENCE SHALL BE MIN. 5'-0" HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND. GATES SHALL BE SELF CLOSING AND SELF LATCHING, WITH LATCH 4'-6" MIN. ABOVE THE GROUND, AS PER LOCAL ORDINANCES. 2. POOL SHALL NOT BE FILLED WITH WATER UNTIL THE FENCE ENCLOSURE HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND 3. PUBLIC POOLS REQUIRE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. 4. POOL EQUIPMENT IS NOT PERMITTED IN FRONT YARD OR A REQUIRED SIDE YARD ADJACENT TO MAIN BUILDING. 5. POOL SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH APPROVED FILTER AND DRAIN. 6. ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING PERMITS TO BE TAKEN OUT AT THE SAME TIME AS POOL BUILDING PERMIT. 7. CEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO CBC/IBC STD. 26-1, A.S.T.M. 8. GUNITE SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1 TO 4 11/2, 28 DAY 2500 P.S.I. COMP. 9. STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. A 615 GR. 40, LAPPED 40 DIA. 10. POOL SHALL BE MIN. 5'-0" FROM BUILDINGS, TREES, OR PROPERTY LINES. 11. SOIL SHALL HAVE BEARING 1000 #1 FT. UNDISTURBED EARTH, NO GROUND WATER. 12. GUNITE TO BE PLACED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH EXCEPT FILL Sc RAMP. 13. PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TO CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES. 14. KEEP CONCRETE CONSTANTLY DAMP FOR 14 DAYS. 15. MINIMUM CLEARANCE BETWEEN EARTH AND STEEL TO BE 2". (AREAS OF HIGH SULFATE IN THE SOIL IT SHALL BE 3" MIN. AND BE TYPE 5 CEMENT CONCRETE. 4000 PSI) TYPICAL BOND I x BOND BEAM STL. CONC. WATER SURFACE fDECKING PLACE ADDIT. VERT.STL. IN WALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SCHEDULE 2. D SEE SCHEDULE I LAP EOUIPOTENTIAL BONDING GRID ft 0 1. GRID STRUCTURE. THE EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING GRID SHALL COVER THE CONTOUR OF THE POOL AND THE POOL DECK EXTENDING 3 FT. HORIZONTALLY FROM THE INSIDE OF THE WALLS OF THE POOL. THE EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING GRID SHALL BE ARRANGED IN 12" X 12" NETWORK OF CONDUCTORS IN A UNIFORMLY SPACED PERPENDICULAR GRID PATTERN WITH TOLERANCE OF 4". 2. SECURING. THE BELOW -GRADE GRID SHALL BE SECURED WITHIN OR UNDER THE POOL AND DECK MEDIA. 3. WHERE THE REINFORCING STEEL IS USED IT SHALL BE BONDED TOGETHER WITH A SOLID COPPER CONDUCTOR NOT SMALLER THAN #6 AWG BARE SOLID COPPER WIRE AT ALL POIINTS OF CROSSING. CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE AS REQUIRED BY CEC250.120(C) WHERE ANY REINFORCING STEEL IS EPDXY -TIED TO WALLS #4 REBAR 5/8" DRILL BIT 4 1/4" EMBED 3" EDGE DISTANCE. THE HOLE LOCATIONS, HOLE DIAMETER AND DEPTH, HOLE CLEANING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1704.13 IBC AND THE PRINTED INSTALLATION PER ESR-2508,. THE CARTRIDGE TO BE CHECKED AS TO EXPIRATION DATE. THIS INSPECTION CAN BE BY THE LOCAL BULDING INSPECTOR. AND MAY REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL INSPECTION FEE. DECK NOTE: EXPANSION JOINTS REVD IN DECK AT INDIO, AREAS SOUTH OF INDIO AND AREAS IN EXPANSIVE SOIL SEE NOTE NO. 15 ONE STORY HOUSE OR GARAGE FOUND- ATION, 1000 LB./FT. OR FENCE EXPANSIVE SOIL CLR. SCHEDULE 2 TYPICAL SITE PLAN BOND ALL METALS WITHIN 5' OF WATERS EDGE. ALL PEDESTRIAN GATES TO BE SELF CLOSING AND SELF -LATCHING, DESIGNED TO KEEP DOOR SECURELY CLOSED AT ALL TIMES WHEN NOT IN ACTUAL USE. GATE TO SWING AWAY FROM POOL. ALL SETBACKS TO BE A MIN. OF 5' FROM WATERS EDGE UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. VERIFY ALL SETBACKS WITH THE CITY/COUNTY BEFORE BEGINNING PROJECT. SURCHARGE ADDIT. VERT. STL. (___BLANK MEANS NO SPECIAL THICKNESS OR REINF. REQUIRED 1/2" Extruded Polystyrene . Min. Seperation WATER SURFACE4 ROCK FLOOR D SEE SCHEDULE 1/2" MIN. APPROVED SEALANT 16"MIN. LAP REMAINDER OF JOINT IN CELOTEX OR OTHER EXP. MATERIAL EXPANSIVE JOINT 90 6" MIN. 2" CLR. PRIOR TO FILLING THE SWIMMING POOL WITH WATER, AN APPROVED BARRIER (I.E. UL APPROVED ALARM SYSTEM OR FENCE) MUST BE INSTALLED. CHECK CLEARANCE OF SERVICE DROPS WITH ELECTRIC COMPANY 1100r)10" GFI AS REQUIRED \_NO OPENINGS MORE THAN 4". NOTE: ALL FENCING TO BE MIN. 5' IN HEIGHT. IF POOL EQUIPT. IS LESS THAN 10' FROM ANY WOOD FENCE ON PROPERTY LINE, A 5' MSRY. SOUND WALL MAY BE REQUIRED. ( CHECK WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL) AND ACCESSABLE ONLY BY OWNER OR AGENT. AS OF JAN 1, 2020 TFIE 2019 EDITIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING, FIRE, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ENERGY AND EXISTING BUILDING CODES WILL BE EFFECTIVE. REF. SECTION 3109 OF SAID CODE FOR SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES AND SAFETY DEVICES. AS OF JAN 1, 2020 THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE WILL BE EFFECTIVE. REF. SECTION 110.4-MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR POOL AND SPA SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT. EXAMPLE "COVERS SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR OUTDOOR POOLS WITH HEATERS." ONE STORY HOUSE OR GARAGE FOUND- ATION, OR ROCK No. 14614 EXPIRES 3-31-23 4- OF CALW ADD FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS APPLICABLE ON SrTE PLAN 6/30/2021 SPECIFICATIONS (___BLANK MEANS NO SPECIAL THICKNESS OR REINF. REQUIRED 1/2" Extruded Polystyrene . Min. Seperation WATER SURFACE4 ROCK FLOOR D SEE SCHEDULE 1/2" MIN. APPROVED SEALANT 16"MIN. LAP REMAINDER OF JOINT IN CELOTEX OR OTHER EXP. MATERIAL EXPANSIVE JOINT 90 6" MIN. 2" CLR. PRIOR TO FILLING THE SWIMMING POOL WITH WATER, AN APPROVED BARRIER (I.E. UL APPROVED ALARM SYSTEM OR FENCE) MUST BE INSTALLED. CHECK CLEARANCE OF SERVICE DROPS WITH ELECTRIC COMPANY 1100r)10" GFI AS REQUIRED \_NO OPENINGS MORE THAN 4". NOTE: ALL FENCING TO BE MIN. 5' IN HEIGHT. IF POOL EQUIPT. IS LESS THAN 10' FROM ANY WOOD FENCE ON PROPERTY LINE, A 5' MSRY. SOUND WALL MAY BE REQUIRED. ( CHECK WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL) AND ACCESSABLE ONLY BY OWNER OR AGENT. AS OF JAN 1, 2020 TFIE 2019 EDITIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING, FIRE, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ENERGY AND EXISTING BUILDING CODES WILL BE EFFECTIVE. REF. SECTION 3109 OF SAID CODE FOR SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES AND SAFETY DEVICES. AS OF JAN 1, 2020 THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE WILL BE EFFECTIVE. REF. SECTION 110.4-MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR POOL AND SPA SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT. EXAMPLE "COVERS SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR OUTDOOR POOLS WITH HEATERS." ONE STORY HOUSE OR GARAGE FOUND- ATION, OR ROCK No. 14614 EXPIRES 3-31-23 4- OF CALW ADD FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS APPLICABLE ON SrTE PLAN 6/30/2021 SPECIFICATIONS SIZE X AREA • DEPTH TO SHAPE LINER POOL CAPACITY GALS. PUMP MOTER H.P. FILTER SQ. FT. VACUUM LINE & SKIMMER RETURN LINE MAIN DRAIN ., SKIMMER MODEL BACKWASH LINE ANTI SIPHON VALVE HEATER SIZE BTU GASLINE BY: VENTED BY: LIGHT CLOCK ELECTRIC BY: ELECTRICAL BONDING BY: POOL CLEANER CHLORINATOR BOARD -SIZE BOARD SUPPORTS WATER SLIDE # COLOR HOOKUP GRADING STUB PLUMB OYES ONO DECK BY: DRAWN BY: JESSE McGUIRE DATE 8/7/91 CK'D BY: JOHN H. HACKER DATE 1/1/15 POOL NOT TO SCALE DEEP END UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: IS SHALLOW TO__ DEEP THIS PLAN AND HEREBY APPROVE POOL AND EQUIPMENT LOCATION ...___CUSTOMERS SIGNATURE DATE SPA GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SPA TYPE: MDLii DEPTH: COLOR TOTAL GALLONS SPA JETS TILE HEATER: PUMP 8c MOTOR AIR BLOWER GAS LINE: PLUMBING FOR SPA: ELECTRICAL: CLOCK: EXCAVATION DECKING MISCELLANEOUS: SOLAR GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PANEL TYPE PANEL SIZE NUMBER PANELS PLUMB RUN AUTOMATIC MANUAL THERMOMETERS BOOSTER PUMP SINGLED DOUBLE El ELECTRIC BY: TO DETERMINE APPROXIMATE ELEVATION OF POOL ON DAY OF EXCAVATION POOL AREA TO BE FENCED, BY OWNER PER COUNTY OR CITY ORDINANCE. GATES TO BE SELF CLOSING AND SELF DO NOT TURN ON POOL LIGHT WHEN POOL IS EMPTY POOL OR SPA NAME ADDRESS CROSS STREETS RES. PHONE BUS. PHONE SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCTION 1 JHA Engineers 43585 Monterey Avenue, Suite 7 Palm Desert, CA. 92260 (760) 345-1352