80181-Structural_calc-Combine Core Structure, Inc., 23172 Plaza Pointe Dr., Suite 145, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-954-7244 Structural Calculations Marrow Ranch 55075 Monroe St. La Quinta, CA 92253 Project No.: 80181 May 21, 2018 Amir Deihimi, Principal Design Loads Project: 80181 Designer: MW Development Location: La Quinta, CA Date: 5/21/2018 12 psf 2.5 psf 1.5 psf 2 psf 2 psf psf 20 psf 20 psf 40 psf 3.5 psf 3.5 psf 2.5 psf 2.5 psf 4 psf 2 psf 3 psf 5 psf 2 psf Misc. 2 psf 15 psf 15 psf 40 psf 40 psf 55 psf 55 psf 10 psf 1 psf 1 psf 5 psf 12 psf 1 psf 8 psf 3 psf 3 psf 10 psf 34 psf Roof Loads – Interior Concrete Tile Framing Sheathing (1/2" CDX) Ceiling Insulation Total Dead Load Total Live Load Total Roof Load Floor Loads – Units Deck Loads Framing Framing Total Live Load Total Dead LoadTotal Dead Load Total Live Load Sheathing (3/4" Plywood) Carpet Misc. Sheathing (3/4" Plywood) Ceiling Flooring Tile Ceiling Total Floor Load Total Deck Load Exterior Wall Interior Wall 7/8" Stucco Insulation Misc. Total Wall Weight Total Wall Weight Insulation Drywall Limestone Studs Studs Misc. BUILDING INFORMATION A.General: Number of stories 1 Building risk category II Design Code 2016 CBC Load standard ASCE 7-16 Design Load Combination ASD C.Material Critia: Maximum 19% moisture content prior to Installation of Finish Material 4x Members: No. 2 or Better 6x, 8x Beam and Header: No. 1 or Better 2x Joists and Rafters: No. 2 or Better Plates and Blocking: Standard Grade of Better Studs: Stud Grade or Better Mud Sills: Pressure Treated Utility Grade or Better B.Lateral Loads Data: WIND STANDARD ASCE 7-16(Directional Procedure) Exposure C Wind Speed V 110 Enclosure Enclosed Building Velocity pressure qz 0.00256KzKztKdV2 (27.3-1) Velocity pressure exposure coefficient Kz from (27.3.1) Directionality Factor Kd 0.85 (Table 26.6-1) Topographic factor defined Kzt 1 (26.8.2) Gust Effect Factor G 0.85 (26.9) Pressures for MWFRS p qGCp – qi(GCpi)(27.4-1) External pressure coefficient Cp from (Fig. 27.4-1) Internal pressure coefficient (GCpi)0.18 (Table 26.11-1) SEISMIC STANDARD ASCE 7-16(Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure) Seismic Design Category D (Table 11.6-1) Importance factor Ie 1 (Table 1.5-2) Soil Site Class D (Table 20-3-1) Response Spectral Acc. (0.2 sec) Ss 1.5 Response Spectral Acc. (1.0 sec) S1 0.675 TL (sec)8 Fa 1 (Table 11.4-1) Fv 1.5 (Table 11.4-2) Max. Considered earthquake acc. SMS 1.5 (11.4-1) Max. Considered earthquake acc. SM1 1.0125 (11.4-2) Design spectral acc. At short period SDS 1 (11.4-3) Design spectral acc. at 1s period SD1 0.675 (11.4-4) Response modification coefficient R 6.5 (Table 12.2-1) System overstrength coefficient Ω2.5 (Table 12.2-1) Approximate fundamental period parameters Ct = 0.02 x = 0.75 (Table 12.8-2) Building Height (ft)20 Building period T=Ta (sec)0.19 (12.8-7) Base Shear Adjustment Factor 1 Minimum Cs 0.05 (12.8.5 & 12.8-6) Maximum Cs 0.55 (12.8-3 & 12.8-4) Seismic response coefficient Cs 0.15 (12.8-2) Adjusted Cs 0.15 For allowable stress design V = CsW/1.4 0.1099W : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SECTION D1 – DIRECTION X Buil ding Di mensi on (ft):B = 20 L = 48 Mean Height = 20 Base Height = 0.5 Section Di mensi on (ft):Wi dth = 20 Depth = 32 Wind Height = 14 Base Height = 0.5 Plate Height:ROOF = 11' WIND LOAD: L/B =48/20=2.4, Windward Wal l Cpw = 0.8, Leeward Wall Cpl = -0.28, qh = 23.8 PSF Wall(LW) P = GCplqh = 5.66 PLF WIND HEIGHT (FT):15 20 25 30 40 50 qz=0.00256KzKztKdV2 22.38 23.7 24.75 25.8 27.38 28.7 Wall (WW) P = GCpwqz 15.22 16.11 16.83 17.55 18.62 19.52 Wall P = GCpwqz+GCplqh 20.88 21.78 22.49 23.21 24.29 25.18 ROOF ELEMENT WDi r+WDir-OWDir+OWDir- Gabl e W=24.75', L=34.5' WW Gabl e W=24.75', L=34.5' LW 44.18 36.94 75.99 5.13 36.94 44.18 5.13 75.99 D1X_ROOF = 96.83 = 0.6 x 161.38 PLF MAX TOTAL = 96.83 PLF SEISM IC LOAD:V = 0.1099W W_ROOF: DL ROOF_P = 20 x 824 / 20 = 824 PLF DL EXT WALL = 35 x 32 x (11/2) / 20 = 308 PLF SHEAR = 0.1099 x (824+308)= 124.41 PLF TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD = 124.41 = 124.41 PLF Story Wx (PLF)Hx (ft) Wxxhx /sum(Wixhi) Fx (PLF) Sum(Fi)Sum(Wi)Fpx(PLF) Fpx Min Fpx Max Fpx Design D1X_ROOF 1132 11 1 124.41 124.41 1132 124.41 161.71 323.43 161.71 DIAPHRAGM DESIGN: Story Width (ft) Depth (ft) Sei smic(plf)Wind(plf)Diaphragm ChordShearChordShearChord D1X_ROOF 20 32 50.5 252.7 30.3 151.3 15/32 Sheathing and Single-Floor Unblocked w/8d COMMON NAILS at 6”, 6”, 12” O.C. (10 ) 16d sinker per top plate splice SECTION D1 – DIRECTION Y Buil ding Di mensi on (ft):B = 48 L = 20 Mean Height = 20 Base Height = 0.5 Section Di mensi on (ft):Wi dth = 32 Depth = 20 Wind Height = 13.25 Base Height = 0.5 Plate Height:ROOF = 11' WIND LOAD: L/B =20/48=0.42, Windward Wal l Cpw = 0.8, Leeward Wall Cpl = -0.5, qh = 23.8 PSF Wall(LW) P = GCplqh = 10.12 PLF WIND HEIGHT (FT):15 20 25 30 40 50 qz=0.00256KzKztKdV2 22.38 23.7 24.75 25.8 27.38 28.7 Wall (WW) P = GCpwqz 15.22 16.11 16.83 17.55 18.62 19.52 Wall P = GCpwqz+GCplqh 25.33 26.23 26.95 27.66 28.74 29.63 ROOF ELEMENT WDi r+WDir-OWDir+OWDir- Hip W=34.5', L=24.75', Slope = 22.62° WW Hip W=34.5', L=24.75', Slope = 22.62° LW 1.99 49.89 22.78 29.1 49.89 1.99 29.1 22.78 D1Y_ROOF = 112.66 = 0.6 x 187.77 PLF MAX TOTAL = 112.66 PLF SEISM IC LOAD:V = 0.1099W W_ROOF: DL ROOF_P = 20 x 824 / 32 = 515 PLF DL EXT WALL = 35 x 20 x (11/2) / 32 = 120.31 PLF SHEAR = 0.1099 x (515+120.31)= 69.82 PLF TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD = 69.82 = 69.82 PLF Story Wx (PLF)Hx (ft) Wxxhx /sum(Wixhi) Fx (PLF) Sum(Fi)Sum(Wi)Fpx(PLF) Fpx Min Fpx Max Fpx Design D1Y_ROOF 635.31 11 1 69.82 69.82 635.31 69.82 90.76 181.52 90.76 DIAPHRAGM DESIGN: Story Width (ft) Depth (ft) Sei smic(plf)Wind(plf)Diaphragm ChordShearChordShearChord D1Y_ROOF 32 20 72.6 580.9 90.1 721 15/32 Sheathing and Single-Floor Unblocked w/8d COMMON NAILS at 6”, 6”, 12” O.C. (10 ) 16d sinker per top plate splice : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SECTION D2 – DIRECTION X Buil ding Di mensi on (ft):B = 20 L = 48 Mean Height = 20 Base Height = 0.5 Section Di mensi on (ft):Wi dth = 21.5 Depth = 15.5 Wind Height = 17.25 Base Height = 0.5 Plate Height:ROOF = 14.5' WIND LOAD: L/B =48/20=2.4, Windward Wal l Cpw = 0.8, Leeward Wall Cpl = -0.28, qh = 23.8 PSF Wall(LW) P = GCplqh = 5.66 PLF WIND HEIGHT (FT):15 20 25 30 40 50 qz=0.00256KzKztKdV2 22.38 23.7 24.75 25.8 27.38 28.7 Wall (WW) P = GCpwqz 15.22 16.11 16.83 17.55 18.62 19.52 Wall P = GCpwqz+GCplqh 20.88 21.78 22.49 23.21 24.29 25.18 ROOF ELEMENT WDi r+WDir-OWDir+OWDir- Hip W=25.25', L=21', Sl ope = 30.26° WW Hip W=25.25', L=21', Sl ope = 30.26° LW 6.1 86.38 33.77 58.71 86.38 6.1 58.71 33.77 D2X_ROOF = 146.33 = 0.6 x 243.88 PLF MAX TOTAL = 146.33 PLF SEISM IC LOAD:V = 0.1099W W_ROOF: DL ROOF_P = 20 x 481 / 21.5 = 447.44 PLF DL EXT WALL = 35 x 31 x (14.5/2) / 21.5 = 365.87 PLF DL INT WALL = 10 x x (14.5/2) / 21.5 = 0 PLF SHEAR = 0.1099 x (447.44+365.87)= 89.38 PLF TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD = 89.38 = 89.38 PLF Story Wx (PLF)Hx (ft) Wxxhx /sum(Wixhi) Fx (PLF) Sum(Fi)Sum(Wi)Fpx(PLF) Fpx Min Fpx Max Fpx Design D2X_ROOF 813.31 14.5 1 89.38 89.38 813.31 89.38 116.19 232.37 116.19 DIAPHRAGM DESIGN: Story Width (ft) Depth (ft) Sei smic(plf)Wind(plf)Diaphragm ChordShearChordShearChord D2X_ROOF 21.5 15.5 80.6 433.1 101.5 545.5 15/32 Sheathing and Single-Floor Unblocked w/8d COMMON NAILS at 6”, 6”, 12” O.C. (10 ) 16d sinker per top plate splice SECTION D2 – DIRECTION Y Buil ding Di mensi on (ft):B = 48 L = 20 Mean Height = 20 Base Height = 0.5 Section Di mensi on (ft):Wi dth = 15.5 Depth = 21.5 Wind Height = 18 Base Height = 0.5 Plate Height:ROOF = 14.5' WIND LOAD: L/B =20/48=0.42, Windward Wal l Cpw = 0.8, Leeward Wall Cpl = -0.5, qh = 23.8 PSF Wall(LW) P = GCplqh = 10.12 PLF WIND HEIGHT (FT):15 20 25 30 40 50 qz=0.00256KzKztKdV2 22.38 23.7 24.75 25.8 27.38 28.7 Wall (WW) P = GCpwqz 15.22 16.11 16.83 17.55 18.62 19.52 Wall P = GCpwqz+GCplqh 25.33 26.23 26.95 27.66 28.74 29.63 ROOF ELEMENT WDi r+WDir-OWDir+OWDir- Gabl e W=21', L=25.25' WW Gabl e W=21', L=25.25' LW 56.43 68.28 97.07 27.65 68.28 56.43 27.65 97.07 D2Y_ROOF = 185.04 = 0.6 x 308.39 PLF MAX TOTAL = 185.04 PLF SEISM IC LOAD:V = 0.1099W W_ROOF: DL ROOF_P = 20 x 481 / 15.5 = 620.65 PLF DL EXT WALL = 35 x 21.5 x (14.5/2) / 15.5 = 351.98 PLF SHEAR = 0.1099 x (620.65+351.98+100.56)= 117.94 PLF TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD = 117.94 = 117.94 PLF Story Wx (PLF)Hx (ft) Wxxhx /sum(Wixhi) Fx (PLF) Sum(Fi)Sum(Wi)Fpx(PLF) Fpx Min Fpx Max Fpx Design D2Y_ROOF 1073.19 14.5 1 117.94 117.94 1073.19 117.94 153.31 306.63 153.31 DIAPHRAGM DESIGN: Story Width (ft) Depth (ft) Sei smic(plf)Wind(plf)Diaphragm ChordShearChordShearChord D2Y_ROOF 15.5 21.5 55.3 214.1 66.7 258.5 15/32 Sheathing and Single-Floor Unblocked w/8d COMMON NAILS at 6”, 6”, 12” O.C. (10 ) 16d sinker per top plate splice : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SHEARWALL AND HARDWARE SCHEDULE (De sign Code : 2016 CBC) A. SHEARWALL SCHEDULE Pane l Type She athing Edge Nail Fie ld Nail Se ismic Allowable (plf) Wind Allowable (plf)Sole Plate Nailing She ar Clip M udsill Anchor s Ga (k/in)2x Mudsill 3x Mudsill 1 3/8" Sheathing 8d @ 6 8d @ 12 260 364 16d Nails @ 6 A35 @ 24 5/8 x 10 @ 48 -13 2 3/8" Sheathing 8d @ 4 8d @ 12 380 532 16d Nails @ 4 A35 @ 16 5/8 x 10 @ 42 -19 3 3/8" Sheathing 8d @ 3 8d @ 12 490 686 16d Nails @ 3 A35 @ 8 5/8 x 10 @ 36 -25 4 3/8" Sheathing 8d @ 2 8d @ 12 640 896 16d Nails @ 2 A35 @ 8 5/8 x 10 @ 24 -39 5 15/32" Structural I 10d @ 2 10d @ 12 870 1218 (2) Rows Stagg, 16d Nails @ 3 A35 @ 6 5/8 x 10 @ 18 -51 3D 3/8" Sheathing 8d @ 3 8d @ 12 980 1372 SDS1/4x6 @ 4 (Both Sides)A35 @ 8 -5/8 x 12 @ 22 50 4D 3/8" Sheathing 8d @ 2 8d @ 12 1280 1792 SDS1/4x6 @ 3 (Both Sides)A35 @ 8 -5/8 x 12 @ 16 78 5D 15/32" Structural I 10d @ 2 10d @ 12 1740 2436 SDS1/4x6 @ 2 (Both Sides)A35 @ 6 -5/8 x 12 @ 8 102 1. Wall shall be framed with studs at 16" o.c. or panels are applied with long dimension across studs. 2. All framing members receiving edge nailing from abutting panels shall not be less than a single 3-inch nomial member or two 2-inch nominal members fastend in accordance with section 2306.1 to transfer the design shear value between framing members. Wood structural panel joint and sill plate nailing shall be staggered in all cases. 3. All Hardware shall be USP structural connectors U.O.N. B. HOLDOWN SCHEDULE Holdown M in. Post Conne ctors Anchor Bold Allowable (lbs)Displace me nt all da (in)Re marks STHD10 4X4 28-16d N/A 3400 0.146 ST1 STHD14 4X4 38-16d N/A 3815 0.164 ST2 HTT5 4X4 26-16d 5/8"5090 0.135 TD1 HDU8 4X6 20-SDS1/4x2 1/2 7/8"7870 0.113 TD2 HDU11 4X8 30-SDS1/4x2 1/2 1"11175 0.137 TD3 HDU14 4X8 36-SDS1/4x2 1/2 1"14375 0.177 TD4 HD19 6X8 5-THR. BOLTS 1"1 1/4"19360 0.18 TD5 C. HOLDOWN STRAP SCHEDULE Str ap M in. Post Conne ctors Allowable (lbs)Displace me nt all da (in)Re marks CS16 2X4 22-10d 1700 0.026 A (2)CS16 2-2X4 22-10d 3400 0.026 B (2)CS14 2-2X4 30-10d 4980 0.031 C CMST14 4X4 80-16d 6490 0.052 D (3)CS14 3-2X4 30-10d 7470 0.031 C* CMST12 4X6 104-16d 9200 0.069 E (2)CMST14 4X8 80-16d 12980 0.052 F (2)CMST12 6X8 104-16d 18400 0.069 G D. PLATE SPLICE STRAP SCHEDULE Straps Alt. Nails pe r top plate splice Allowable Te nsion Loads Re marksTypeGaFasteners Simpson ST22 16 18-16d 10-16d sinker 1420 A Simpson ST6224 16 28-16d 16-16d sinker 2540 B Simpson ST6236 14 40-16d 22-16d sinker 3845 C Simpson MST37 12 42-16d 24-16d sinker 5080 D Simpson MSTC52 16 62-16d 32-16d sinker 5649 E Simpson MST60 10 68-16d 36-16d sinker 6730 F Simpson CMST12x72"12 74-16d 42-16d sinker 9215 G : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SW_LINE A 1st Floor Passe d Exterior Drection X Location:(0.00, 0.00) Loads SECTION D1X_ROOF: W=968 LB, E=1244 LB (20ft) USE HARDY FRAM E ON FOUNDATION Total Length (ft): 32.00 Total panel Length (ft): 1.50 ρ = 1.0 No. of Pane l M ode l Wind She ar (lbs)Se ismic She ar (lbs)De fle ction (in) Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Wind Se ismic Allow. 1 HFX-18x9 HS 968 4210 1451 3760 0.102 0.153 2.64 : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SW_LINE 1 1st Floor Passe d Exterior Drection Y Location:(0.00, 0.00) Loads SECTION D1Y_ROOF: W=1831 LB, E=1135 LB (32.5ft) USE HARDY FRAM E ON FOUNDATION Total Length (ft): 20.00 Total panel Length (ft): 1.50 ρ = 1.0 No. of Pane l M ode l Wind She ar (lbs)Se ismic She ar (lbs)De fle ction (in) Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Wind Se ismic Allow. 1 HFX-18x9 HS 1831 4210 1273 3760 0.194 0.134 2.64 : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SW_LINE 2 1st Floor Passe d Exterior Drection Y Location:(0.00, 0.00) Loads SECTION D1Y_ROOF: W=1831 LB, E=1135 LB (32.5ft) SECTION D2Y_ROOF: W=1434 LB, E=914 LB (15.5ft) USE HARDY FRAM E ON FOUNDATION Total Length (ft): 21.00 Total panel Length (ft): 3.00 ρ = 1.0 No. of Pane l M ode l Wind She ar (lbs)Se ismic She ar (lbs)De fle ction (in) Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Wind Se ismic Allow. 2 HFX-18x13 HS 1632 2380 1221 2250 0.353 0.264 3.36 : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SW_LINE 3 1st Floor Passe d Exterior Drection Y Location:(0.00, 0.00) Loads SECTION D2Y_ROOF: W=1434 LB, E=914 LB (15.5ft) USE HARDY FRAM E ON FOUNDATION Total Length (ft): 21.00 Total panel Length (ft): 1.50 ρ = 1.0 No. of Pane l M ode l Wind She ar (lbs)Se ismic She ar (lbs)De fle ction (in) Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Wind Se ismic Allow. 1 HFX-18x13 HS 1434 2380 1308 2250 0.31 0.283 3.36 : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 SW_LINE A.1 1st Floor Passe d Exterior Drection X Location:(0.00, 0.00) Loads SECTION D2X_ROOF: W=1555 LB, E=950 LB (21.25ft) USE HARDY FRAM E ON FOUNDATION Total Length (ft): 16.00 Total panel Length (ft): 1.50 ρ = 1.0 No. of Pane l M ode l Wind She ar (lbs)Se ismic She ar (lbs)De fle ction (in) Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Dist. She ar Allow. She ar Wind Se ismic Allow. 1 HFX-18x14 HS 1555 1960 1173 1380 0.723 0.546 3.48 : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 Be am ID: 1 Hdr Section type:Ve rsa Lam 3100 Section name:5 1/4x16 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 3100/3100 Fv (psi): 285 E (psi): 2000000 Lu (ft): 26.25 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: ROOF_P 300PLF =15 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 26.25' WALL_E 70PLF =2 x 35 @ 0' to 26.25' SELF WEIGHT 19.69PLF From 0' to 26.25' Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)5115/0 5115/0 Support 2 (Down/up)5115/0 5115/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)33565 13.12 68676 49 Shear (lbs)4621 26.25 19950 23 Live Deflection 0.447 13.12 0.875 51 Total Deflection 1.162 13.12 1.312 89 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr Be am ID: 2 Ridge Bm Section type:Ve rsa Lam 3100 Section name:7x18 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 3100/3100 Fv (psi): 285 E (psi): 2000000 Lu (ft): 0 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: ROOF_P 390PLF =19.5 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 32.75' SELF WEIGHT 29.54PLF From 0' to 32.75' Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)6870/0 6870/0 Support 2 (Down/up)6870/0 6870/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)56248 16.38 116685 48 Shear (lbs)6285 0 29925 21 Live Deflection 0.742 16.38 1.092 68 Total Deflection 1.596 16.38 1.637 97 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 Be am ID: 3 HDR Section type:Ve rsa Lam 3100 Section name:5 1/4x14 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 3100/3100 Fv (psi): 285 E (psi): 2000000 Lu (ft): 16.25 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: WALL_E 140PLF =4 x 35 @ 0' to 16.25' ROOF_P 80PLF =4 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 16.25' POINT 1 of Beam 2 @ 8ft, (D=3677 Lr=3193) SELF WEIGHT 17.23PLF From 0' to 16.25' Point Load Location Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)5415/0 5415/0 Support 2 (Down/up)5310/0 5310/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)35731 8 54276 66 Shear (lbs)5159 0 17456 30 Live Deflection 0.232 8.12 0.542 43 Total Deflection 0.597 8.12 0.812 74 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr Be am ID: 4 Cl'g Bm Section type:Ve rsa Lam 3100 Section name:5 1/4x9 1/2 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 3100/3100 Fv (psi): 285 E (psi): 2000000 Lu (ft): 0 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: ROOF_P 180PLF =9 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 8.25' POINT 2 of Beam 2 @ 4ft, (D=3677 Lr=3193) SELF WEIGHT 11.69PLF From 0' to 8.25' Point Load Location Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)4330/0 4330/0 Support 2 (Down/up)4122/0 4122/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)15786 4 25500 62 Shear (lbs)4330 0 11845 37 Live Deflection 0.098 4.12 0.275 36 Total Deflection 0.211 4.12 0.413 51 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 Be am ID: 5 Ridge Bm Section type:Ve rsa Lam 3100 Section name:5 1/4x14 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 3100/3100 Fv (psi): 285 E (psi): 2000000 Lu (ft): 0 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: ROOF_P 310PLF =15.5 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 21.58' SELF WEIGHT 17.23PLF From 0' to 21.58' Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)3531/0 3531/0 Support 2 (Down/up)3531/0 3531/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)19049 10.79 54440 35 Shear (lbs)3169 0 17456 18 Live Deflection 0.315 10.79 0.719 44 Total Deflection 0.665 10.79 1.079 62 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr Be am ID: 6 HDR Section type:Douglas Fir-Larch No.1 Section name:6x12 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 1350/1350 Fv (psi): 170 E (psi): 1600000 Lu (ft): 11.25 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: ROOF_P 80PLF =4 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 11.25' WALL_E 70PLF =2 x 35 @ 0' to 11.25' POINT 1 of Beam 5 @ 5.5ft, (D=1858 Lr=1672) SELF WEIGHT 14.83PLF From 0' to 11.25' Point Load Location Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)2732/0 2732/0 Support 2 (Down/up)2653/0 2653/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)12532 5.5 16795 75 Shear (lbs)2582 0 8960 29 Live Deflection 0.090 5.62 0.375 24 Total Deflection 0.215 5.62 0.562 38 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 Be am ID: 7 HDR Section type:Douglas Fir-Larch No.1 Section name:6x8 Fb(+)/Fb(-) (psi): 1350/1350 Fv (psi): 170 E (psi): 1600000 Lu (ft): 8.25 Ignore shear within (d): True Repetitive member : False Applie d Loads: ROOF_P 260PLF =13 x (20+20)/2 @ 0' to 8.25' WALL_E 70PLF =2 x 35 @ 0' to 8.25' SELF WEIGHT 9.67PLF From 0' to 8.25' Re actions: D+Lr+L M ax. Load Comb. Support 1 (Down/up)1401/0 1401/0 Support 2 (Down/up)1401/0 1401/0 Code che ck: Actual Loc.(ft)Allowe d Ratio (%) Moment (lbs-ft)2890 4.12 7207 40 Shear (lbs)1181 0 5844 20 Live Deflection 0.044 4.12 0.275 16 Total Deflection 0.114 4.12 0.413 28 Passe d Moment Diagram: D + Lr Shear Diagram: D + Lr Deflection Diagram: D + Lr : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019 Weight of Pad POINT Weight of Pad POINT Footing/Pad ID:1 Soil Bearing: SB = 1500 PSF Post with parallel to footing: Bp = 3.5 in Loads: 600.00 LB = 150 x 2.00' x 2.00' x 1.00' From Support 1 of Beam 1 (5115LB) Design Pad: Total Point Load (Ptotal) = 5715 LB S = 3.5 + 2 x (12 + 6 ) = 39.50 in Width = 12 in Capacity of Point Load on Footing: Pcap = (SB x S x Width)/144 = 4937.50 LB Allowable Point Load on Footing: Pallow= Pcap - (Wtotalx S) / 12 =4937.50 LB Required Pad Area = Ptotal/SB = 5715/1500 = 3.81 Ft2 USE 2'-0" SQ x 12" DEEP PAD with (3) #4 @ Bottom, E.W. Footing/Pad ID:2 Soil Bearing: SB = 1500 PSF Post with parallel to footing: Bp = 3.5 in Loads: 937.50 LB = 150 x 2.50' x 2.50' x 1.00' From Support 1 of Beam 3 (5415LB) Design Pad: Total Point Load (Ptotal) = 6353 LB S = 3.5 + 2 x (12 + 6 ) = 39.50 in Width = 12 in Capacity of Point Load on Footing: Pcap = (SB x S x Width)/144 = 4937.50 LB Allowable Point Load on Footing: Pallow= Pcap - (Wtotalx S) / 12 =4937.50 LB Required Pad Area = Ptotal/SB = 6352.5/1500 = 4.24 Ft2 USE 2'-6" SQ x 12" DEEP PAD with (4) #4 @ Bottom, E.W. : : : : Company Core Structural .Inc Projec t MORROW RANCH Job No.80181 Plan : : : : Designed D.H. Checked S.W . Date 05/21/2018 Client TIC W ood Structure Design 2019