LQ160291 05102019I' i+ 4 ADMINISTRATIVE CITATION CITATION No: LO# 9 OATE.OF CfrTTkON TIM DAY Or THE WEEK LOCATIONA F vl0LATIO _ r' ! - 1' J �7 CASE NUMBER '1 NAA1E (FIRST, MIDDJLC, LAST) BIRTH DATE ADDRESS CITY DRIVER'S LICENSE NOAD, # STATE EXPIRATION DATE .SOCIAL SECURITY # .AGE RACE SEX I HAIR EYES I HEIGHT WEIGHT You are being issued an Administrative Citation for this violation. Additional violations may result in Criminal Prosecution and/or additional Administrative fines. LQMC 6.04.050(G) LQMC 9.60.240(E-3) CBC 105.1 Trash Container(s) Landscaping Standards Building Permit in Public View Required Offense Penalty Offense Penalty Offense Penalty, 01st $100.0Ox 1st $100.00x_ efist $100.00x a ❑ 2nd $200.00x 2nd $200.00x _ i ❑ 2nd $200.00x ❑ 3rd $500.00x _ 3rd $500.00x _ ❑ 3rd $500.00x LQMC 11.72.030 LQMC 11.80.020 LQMC 9.50.090(A) Sec:L-1� Abandoned Vehicle RC Landscaping Standards Public Nuisance Sec: Offense Penalty - Offense Penalty Offense Penalty Dist $100.00x 01st $100.00x_ [list $100.00x _ 02nd $200.00x ❑2nd $200.00x_ 132nd $200.00x ❑ 3rd $500.00 x ❑ 3rd $500.00x _ ❑ 3rd $500.00x - LQMC LQMC Offense Penalty LQMC Offense Penalty Offense Penalty Dist $100.00x 01st $100.Oox Dist $100.00x_ 02nd $200.00x 02nd $200.00x 112nd $200.00x ❑3rd $500.00x 113rd $50000x_ 03rd $500.00x_ Total amount of fine(s) $ 1 () Signature X Issuing Oflftr (Print) Slgrrnlure ID Number 1. r 1 PAYMENT MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. Enclose MONEY ORDER or CASHIER'S CHECK made payable to: Cityof La Ouinta, P.O. Box 10479, Newport Beach, CA92656-0479 mail within 21 days. To check the status of your citation online go to www.citationprocessingconter.com. To appe�;a�l this citation call: J IMPORTANT — READ CAREFULLY THE LAW REQUIRES Administrative Citation La Quinta Municipal Code Section 1.09 provides for issuance of admin- istrative citations for Municipal Code Violations. There are three levels of administrative citations that can be issued progressively for a violation. Fines are cumulative and citations may be issued each day the violation exists. To Appeal This Citation 1. Within 21 days of the date of citation, write a written request to appeal the citation. Write your citation number on your written appeal. Please include your reasons for the appeal. 2. Include a check or money order for the full amount of the fine. Write your citation number on your check. Appeals received without the full deposit can not be accepted. If your appeal is successful it will be refunded in full. 3. Financial hardship request: An Appellant desiring waiver of an appeal fee shall submit a fully completed application for waiver of city appeal fees at the same time as the appeal is filed. Application can be obtained via the internet at www.la-quinta.org, email, fax, regular mail, or picked up at La Quinta City Hall, Code Compliance Division. It is your responsibility to return it and your letter of appeal within the 21 days of the date of this citation. 4. Mail the above items to: The City of La Quinta Administrative Citation P.O. Box 10479 Newport Beach, CA 92658-0479 How to Pay Fine The amount of the fine is indicated on the front of this administrative citation. Prior to receiving an invoice from the Revenue Collector, you may pay by mail. Payment should be made by personal check, cashier's check, or money order payable to the City of La Quinta. Please write the Citation number on your check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH. If the citation is not paid or appealed within the statutory time, you will receive an invoice from the City's Revenue Collector. Please follow the instructions on the invoice to ensure proper processing of your payment. Payment of the fine shall not excuse the failure to correct the violation nor shall it bar further enforcement action by the City of La Quinta. Consequences of Failure to Pay the Fine The failure of any person to pay the fine assessed by the administrative citation within the time specified on the citation or on the invoice from the Revenue Collector may result in Notification to the State Franchise Tax Board, or the City pursuing any legal remedies to collect the civil fines. The City may also move to recover its collection costs according to proof. Each and every day a violation of the Municipal Code or applicable State law exists constitutes a separate and distinct offense and shall be subject to Citation. Another Administrative Citation may be issued to you for the same violation(s) if the violations are not corrected for the same or an increased amount, a criminal citation may be issued or a nuisance abatement action may be taken against you. If you need further clarification about payment of citation, please call 1-800-989-2058. To check the status of your citation online go to www.citationprocessingcenter.com. If you need further information about how to comply, please call officer designated on the front.