2018-09-27 Flores, Carlos - Revisions Requested Letter1
From:Carlos Flores
Sent:Thursday, September 27, 2018 4:19 PM
Please find attached a letter detailing the revisions requested for Special Event Permit
2018-0021 for 55075 Monroe Street. There are multiple requested revisions that
require immediate attention so please be sure to read through the letter. Let me know if
you have any questions. Regards,
Carlos Flores | Associate Planner
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7069
Website | Map
September 27, 2018
Scott Morrow
Morrow Ranch
55075 Monroe Street
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Morrow:
The above referenced application documents were distributed to City Staff on
September 5, 2018. Comments and revisions requested from City Staff can be found
Planning Division
1. City Staff has received numerous correspondence from residents from
surrounding communities who are concerned about the possible noise, traffic,
and safety impacts. In order to minimize impacts moving forward, please
outreach to the surrounding communities and/or individual residents about
your proposal. Specifically, Monterra, PGA West – Norman Course, and the
Estates at La Quinta shall be contacted.
2. Please provide detailed information of first proposed event as part of this
permit. Detailed information should include, at a minimum, date(s), time(s),
vendor(s), parking plan, structure(s), and operation of event.
3. Please provide more information on noise monitoring devices, including
capability of these devices.
Public Works Comments
4. Prior to use of the unpaved parking lot, you will need to comply with the
requirements for the Fugitive Dust Control per Chapter 6.16 of the La Quinta
Municipal Code. You will need to provide written evidence acceptable to the
City Engineer to ensure that stabilization of the unpaved parking lot for the
event are pursuant to Chapter 6.16.
Fire Department Comments
5. Due to tent/canopy square footage, a fire department permit will be required.
Please have hired tent company submit plans and pull applicable permits.
Tent shall be erected in accordance with Chapter r31 in the 2016 California
Fire Code
6. A final fire inspection will be required before the events.
Building Department Comments
7. Building division has concerns regarding unpermitted construction. Previously
approved precise grading plans do not match attached materials for special
event review. A meeting at the request of the owner is required. If a site visit
is necessary to determine compliance, a special inspection permit including
fee assessment will be required. You can contact our Building division at 760-
777-7125 for more information.
8. All temporary tents and membrane structures having an area in excess of 400
square feet erected for a period of not more than 18- days within a 123-month
period on a single premises require permitting. Please submit site specific
engineering with site/floor plan for review and approval. Exception: Tents
open on all sides having a maximum size of 700 square feet, including multiple
tents placed side by side, and a minimum of 12 feet (3,658 mm) to all
9. Temporary electrical installations require review and approval but plans do not
have sufficient detail on proposed scope of work. Examples of temporary
installations would be generator use or setup of any transformers, subpanels,
or receptacle branch circuits, but would not necessarily include cord and plug
10. Site plan and event exhibit do not reconcile, and event exhibit cropping
removes proposed installation notes. Provide a revise plan that fully details
proposed structures, electrical installations, and if existing/permanent
buildings will be used for assembly use.
11. Additional comments may be required based on further information
being provided by review.
If you have any questions regarding the content of this letter, please contact me at
(760) 777-7069 or cflores@laquintaca.gov .
Carlos Flores
Associate Planner