2018-09-28 Marbach, Art - Morrow Ranch Sp Event Facility1
From:Marbach Family <artmarbach@gmail.com>
Sent:Friday, September 28, 2018 8:04 AM
To:Carlos Flores
Cc:lawrencegrobinson@gmail.com; Cassie Gertz - General Manager; dmillshome@wrmcpas.com;
Subject:Fwd: Proposed Morrow Ranch "Event" facility adjacent to Monterra
Begin forwarded message:
From: Marbach Family <artmarbach@gmail.com>
Subject: Proposed Morrow Ranch "Event" facility adjacent to Monterra
Date: September 28, 2018 at 9:00:46 AM CST
To: cflores@laquintaca.gov
Cc: lawrencegrobinson@gmail.com, Cassie Gertz - General Manager
<Cassie.Gertz@managementtrust.com>, gdmillshome@wrmcpas.com,
Attn: Mr. Carlos Flores, Associate Planner ‐ La Quinta City Council
Dear Mr. Flores.
My name is Art Marbach. My wife and I have become recent property owners at Monterra, at PGA West. I
am writing you in regards to the request you have received from, “Morrow Ranch” seeking permission from
the City of La Quinta to operate an “Event” facility adjacent to Monterra. My wife and I purchased our
property because we were planning to spend our retirement years in a quiet, peaceful neighbourhood. We
are very happy in Monterra, but feel that this development is not suited for Monterra, the neighbouring
homes and surrounding community. PGA West is a neighbourhood where people have invested large
amounts of money in building or purchasing their homes.
We personally object to the proposed “Event” facility adjacent to our properties. The reasons being;
With a maximum attendance of 500 people as well as employees there could be in excess of 250 cars in the
parking lot that backs on to a number of property owners. Traffic both coming and going could be a real
problem on the neighbouring streets.
Amplified music, engine noise, car alarms, etc. when people leave the facility at 10pm or throughout the
entire time of planned events. Coachella which is blocks away can heard from where we are. Can you
imagine the noise when it is directly adjacent to us and planned to operate on a year round basis.
Permanent or temporary lights operated evenings could be an annoyance for all property owners.
Short‐Term Rentals
An increase in short‐term rentals in PGA West properties for the planned events can be expected for people
attending events at this facility. More short‐term rentals typically brings an increase in traffic thru the
Norman gate and other neighbouring properties.
I just wanted to make our feelings known to you on this potential “Event” facility that is being planned
adjacent to Monterra. Please consider the reasons I’ve outlined above when making your decision.
Thank you.
Art Marbach
81825 Four Seasons Place
La Quinta, CA