2018-10-03 - Flores, Carlos - Email Response to Brian Christianson1 From:Carlos Flores Sent:Wednesday, October 3, 2018 7:39 AM To:'Brian Christianson' Subject:RE: Morrow Ranch Application with City of La Quinta Good morning, First, thank you for reaching out regarding your comments and concerns about this permit. Feedback from surrounding residents is an important part of our review process when analyzing potential noise, traffic, and safety impacts. Through our review process of the permit, City staff makes sure to analyze potential impacts relating to noise, traffic, safety, and disturbances to adjoining neighbors. The permit is still currently under review by staff and the applicant has items that need to be addressed before we can continue. We are also keeping track of all correspondence we receive from surrounding residents to keep on file through our review process to make sure all concerns are appropriately addressed and to keep in mind as we move forward. This could include changes in event scope, conditions relating to traffic flow, parking plans, noise monitors, orientation of music, etc. I have received a lot of e-mails/phone calls from surrounding residents with concerns about the event permit, and these concerns will need to be addressed by the applicant before moving forward. I have also been in communication with members of the PGA West Fairways Association board, to make sure members of the association are appropriately listened to. Feel free to direct and send all correspondence regarding questions, comments, and concerns about this event permit to me. I am also always available for a phone call if that is easier for anyone. Regards, Carlos Flores | Associate Planner City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7069 cflores@laquintaca.gov -----Original Message----- From: Brian Christianson <bjc2588@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:53 AM To: Carlos Flores <cflores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: lawrencegrobinson@gmail.com; cassie.gertz@managementtrust.com; dmillshome@wrmcpas.com; Deborah Brill <brilldeborah@gmail.com> Subject: Morrow Ranch Application with City of La Quinta To all Concerned, We are owners at 55102 Summer Lynn Court, La Quinta, in the new Monterra Development. We love our community, it is safe, quiet, clean, and consists of responsible residents who take great pride of ownership in Monterra. We have recently become aware of an application submitted by Morrow Ranch to host events. Their property is directly behind ours to the North. The only thing separating us is a fence. 2 If their application were to be granted, the consequences would be nothing short of disastrous for us and the rest of Monterra residents. The extreme noise (amplified music), the increased traffic, the lack of privacy, the increased risk of safety and break in issues, the bright lights, smells, trash, and possibility of short term rentals, would all alter our quiet, safe, and relaxing lifestyle. We purchased here to enjoy a relaxing retirement in a quiet community, and to now be faced with the possibility of this intrusion seems more than unfair. Our master bedroom and for that part probably most of the master bedrooms abutting the Morrow property, face the property and are just feet away from it. It is difficult to understand how the 10 pm noise bylaw can be adhered to if this property is allowed to host evening events. Even being allowed to host a couple of events per year will surely cause numerous issues. We trust that the City will hear our voices, and take our concerns to heart. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours truly, Brian and Gail Christianson Sent from my iPad