2018-10-05 Sage, Ronald - Morrow Ranch Sp Event Permit1 From:RONALD SAGE <kricketsa@msn.com> Sent:Friday, October 5, 2018 4:07 PM To:Carlos Flores; Linda Evans; kfitzpatrick@la-quina.org; John Pena; KKPC3@mac.com; dmillshome@wrmcpas.cm; brilldeborah@gmial.com; cassie.gertz@managementrust.com; rradi@la- quinta.og; Steve Sanchez Subject:Morrow Ranch Special Event Permit Application My name is Ronald Sage and I reside at 81-295 National Drive in PGA West. I understand that the property located at 55075 Monroe Street (Morrow Ranch) is applying for a special event permit to allow a maximum of 500 people to attend weddings, corporate events and/or family retreats. I object strongly for the following reasons: NOISE - We already hear Coachella Feast and Stagecoach and ALSO the additional traffic that they create. We purchased our home at PGA West in the year of 2000 moving from Palm Desert because of the location and how far we were away from the nuisance sounds and traffic. I think having events in the Polo Grounds is fine but City of LaQuinta shouldn't allow anymore areas for permits of events like Morrow Ranch is applying. We value our community and our homes and the security that PGA West offers and hope you will consider the feeling of the residents at PGA West. We can be reached at 253-709-6670. Thank you Ronald & Janet Sage