2018-10-17 Spevacek, Frank - Morrow Ranch Special Event Permit1
From:Frank Spevacek
Sent:Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:33 AM
To:Linda Evans
Subject:Fwd: Morrow Ranch Special Event Permit
In case you get calls. They comply with all requirements so staff had no grounds to
Frank J. Spevacek
City Manager
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Begin forwarded message:
From: Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>
Date: October 17, 2018 at 9:22:12 AM PDT
To: Frank Spevacek <Fspevacek@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Carlos Flores <cflores@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: Morrow Ranch Special Event Permit
Hi Frank,
Here is info on the Special Event (wedding) that will occur this Saturday, October 20, at Morrow Ranch
at 55075 Monroe Street (between Avenue 54 to the north and Airport Blvd to the south):
Special event permit received to hold one event for this calendar year (2018). Scott Morrow,
Wedding will be held this Saturday, October 20, 2018, 4pm‐10pm. 250 people.
The permit for one event is considered administratively by the D&D Director; no public hearing
is required.
City received 23 letters of objection citing noise, traffic, lights, dust (from parking), and
increased STVR activity. Letters came from neighboring PGA West and other surrounding
residents. Some letters are asking that a hearing be held to state objections.
Staff comments on application were addressed and application is complete. Applicant is subject
to noise ordinance, and conditions related to noise, traffic, and dust are imposed. Noise
monitoring devices will be installed for the event.
City Building Official inspected the nine‐acre property and identified that building improvements
were made without obtaining permits. Building official determined that such improvements do
not impact life and safety and the event can occur. A condition of approval is imposed that
building permits for unpermitted construction shall be submitted within 90 days of permit
approval and prior to consideration of any future use permits for this site.
Planner Carlos Flores will notify all people who sent in letters that the special event permit for
the one event is approved, subject to conditions.
Planner Carlos Flores will notify Code Compliance and Police that the event is this Saturday and
a permit has been issued.
Applicant is submitting a separate special event permit for calendar year 2019 to hold 4‐11
events, which will require Director’s hearing and notice to neighbors will be conducted.
Let me or Carlos know if you have any questions.