2018-10-19 Scarcella, Mike - Morrow Sp Events Permit1
From:Mike Scarcella <mike@realtyadvisor.com>
Sent:Friday, October 19, 2018 4:10 PM
To:Carlos Flores
Subject:Special Events Permit
Dear Mr. Flores,
I am a resident of Griffin Ranch and I understand that a special events permit is being considered for the Morrow
property located east of Griffin Ranch. I am writing to let you know that my family and I are opposed to the City granting
this permit. When we acquired our property, we investigated the zoning of surrounding parcels and thought that this
type of thing was not permitted. We don’t like it on the old Griffin Estate, and we are opposed to the City granting
additional permits of this type, which detract from the residential character of our neighborhood. Please pass my
comments on to your Council, and if there is a public hearing, please let me know when it is so we can show up to speak
in opposition to this proposed permit. Thank you,
Mike Scarcella
Capital Realty Analysts
Attn: Mr. Michael A. Scarcella, MAI
78100 Main Street, Suite 202
La Quinta, CA 92253
Phone: (760) 564-6222 ext. 1
Cell: (760) 409-7873
Private Fax (888) 985-9994
Email: mike@realtyadvisor.com
Website: http://realtyadvisor.com
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