2018-10-22 Shapiro, Jody - Follow-up to Morrow Ranch Event1
From:Jody Shapiro <shapiro.jody@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, October 22, 2018 4:01 PM
To:Carlos Flores; <dmillshome@wrmcpas.com>; Deborah Brill; Cassie Gertz
Subject:Follow-up to Morrow Ranch event
Attachments:Morrow Ranch follow-up 10-22-18.docx
Dear Mr. Flores,
Attached please find a letter addressing our concerns following the October 20th event at Morrow Ranch.
Please share this with Members of the La Quinta City Council, Planning Commission, Police Department and anyone else
you deem should see this.
Thank you,
Annette ChesterāMillman & Jody Shapiro
Jonathan D. (Jody) Shapiro
The Chase Foundation
Phone: 760.564.2299
Fax: 760.564.9075
Mobile: 818.292.1992
Annette Chester-Millman & Jonathan D. (Jody) Shapiro
55-525 Turnberry Way
La Quinta, CA 92253-8720
Phone: 760.564.2555 or 760.564.2299 Fax: 760.564.9075
Email: chester.annette@gmail.com & shapiro.jody@gmail.com
October 22, 2013
Re: Morrow Ranch Special Event Permit Application and Future Events
Via Email: eflores@laquintaca.gov (Please forward to the Members of the La Quinta
City Council)
Attention: Carlos Flores, City of La Quinta Associate Planner and
La Quinta City Council
Dear Mr. Flores,
We are following-up after the Saturday, October 19, 2018 event at Morrow Ranch.
We did call the City Compliance Complaint line one time, although we could have left
the phone off the hook in our kitchen or backyard, for them to hear the entire party.
They did return the call today, but questioned how we could hear the noise down
Brown Deer Park and then 9 homes down Turnberry Way.
I explained that we can see the lights from the "Ranch" from our backyard. The
straight line makes it very close. Once the noise crosses over the houses 50 feet
away on Brown Deer Park, it bounces off the open golf course, lakes, and we assume
other homes that circle the Greg Norman Course along Royal St George and Tiburon.
You could sit in our kitchen and hear every song played, every announcement, and
all the sporadic cheering from the Ranch. From Disco to Rap, this interrupted our
right to the quite enjoyment of beautiful Fall evening. It was worse than the house
shaking sometimes from the base music at the Polo Fields during Coachella and
parties at the Griffin House.
I am the 13 year Turnberry SBA Delegate to the Fairway's Association HOA. I think
the only reason more calls were not logged, is because none of the "snowbirds" are
back. If I am correct, there is 1 house out of 16 on Brown Deer Park, with full-time
residents. Turnberry has 3 of us here all year. And while I'm sure all the Short Term
renters out this weekend were equally disturbed, I cannot see them calling in a noise
Page 2
Additionally, we have a very serious comment on vehicles exiting Morrow Ranch that
we believe must be addressed:
We wrongly assumed because the Morrow Ranch driveway does not fully clear the
center medium on Monroe Street, that all vehicles would have to follow the law and
turn right. Plus, the City insisted anyone exiting Monterra must turn right, and
expanded the medium. Instead, we observed 1 person standing at the un-lit driveway
exit with a green reflector vest and a lit red plastic wand, waving cars to make an
angled left turn onto Monroe Street, most without stopping.
Whereas a right turn would be onto 2 lanes and direct you towards a road with
streetlights, cars seemed confused as to where to find the single lane heading North
in the dark. We stayed for about 15 minutes and we firmly believe that was an
accident waiting to happen.
Of course if they did turn right, that would have caused a dangerous situation with
many making U Turns at the Turnberry Way/Australian Exit, instead of proceeding to
Airport Road. And none of us want 200 cars with drivers who were drinking going
past, or even near, where we live. This alone should disqualify any future events
being allowed.
As we mentioned in our earlier letter to you, there is an existing problem with vehicles
exiting Monterra and making U Turns at the Turnberry Way/Australian Drive Exit onto
Monroe Street. Trucks and cars cannot make the swing from 2 lanes heading South,
onto 1 lane going North. They either end up on the dirt shoulder causing a giant cloud
of dust, or worse, stop and back-up. Others pull in and block our Exit, then make the
U Turn trying to avoid the vehicles racing South down Monroe Street.
There needs to be a "NO U TURN" sign placed there, and we are respectfully
requesting that it be added, now. With Monterra construction at full pace, and
homeowners and their service companies growing each day, please address this
before someone is injured or killed.
Annette Chester-Millman & Jody Shapiro