2019-01-08 Kozak, Tanya - Morrow Ranch Sp Event Permits1
Sent:Tuesday, January 8, 2019 4:36 PM
To:Carlos Flores
Subject:Morrow Ranch Property Permits
Hello Carlos,
Please see the attached document regarding Morrow Ranch.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you,
Tanya Kozak
Subject: Morrow Ranch Request for Eleven Special Event Permits from the City of La Quinta
Hello Carlos,
My name is Tanya Kozak, my Family and I live in Griffin Ranch.
I am very concerned about the additional Special Event Permits requested and all of the other activities
from the "Short Term Rentals" that are taking place on the Morrow Ranch Property adjacent to Griffin
Ranch behind Thunder Gulch.
We have already been impacted on several occasions by loud music and people yelling and screaming
from the property at Morrow Ranch.
I'm writing this letter to you asking that you "Deny" any additional requests made by the current owners
of "Morrow Ranch" for any type of "Commercial Special Event Permits" for the said property.
It is my understanding that this property is zoned as 'low-density' residential, as are all of the
surrounding properties, so why are they allowed to continue to operate a commercial business on the
property and continue to disrupt the neighbors and the neighborhood.
There have been legal 'precedents' set in Cities and Counties throughout California that restrict and
prohibit these type of commercial operations in residentially zoned neighborhoods, because they have
been proven to have very negative effects on the people who live in those neighborhoods, and can even
affect the property values of the adjacent residential properties.
The adverse effects and consequences to all of the adjacent residential properties would be devastating
to our "Right of the Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes in which by law we are protected.
Tanya Kozak
81620 Macbeth Street
La Quinta, CA