2019-01-15 Cramer, Stephen - Morrow Ranch Sp Event Permits1 From:scramer56@twc.com Sent:Tuesday, January 15, 2019 12:32 PM To:Carlos Flores; dcastro@laquinta.gov Cc:Community Development Webmail Subject:Morrow Ranch 2019 Special Permits Attachments:Morrow Ranch No Permit letter.docx Importance:High Please see attachment... January 15, 2019 Subject: Morrow Ranch 2019 Special Event Permits from the City of La Quinta Associate Planner Carlos Flores, I am contacting you and the Planning Commission to convey my opposition to the request to allow any further permits to be granted to the commercial endeavor known as "Morrow Ranch". My understanding is that the "Morrow Ranch" property is zoned as residential and is completely surrounded by other residentially zoned properties and any continued commercial activities at "Morrow Ranch" directly infringe upon the right of the surrounding property owners to the "Quiet Enjoyment" of their homes. During 2018, I was negatively impacted several times by excessive noise coming from the direction of the "Morrow Ranch" property and I can now attribute that noise to the three (3) permits, which I recently learned, were quietly granted to "Morrow Ranch" without any input from the surrounding property owners. Please allow California Law and "Common Sense" to prevail and deny any future permit requests for the commercial endeavor known as "Morrow Ranch". Thank You, Stephen M. Cramer Griffin Ranch Resident