2019-07-08 Fuson, Jacob - 55075 Monroe - Relocate Meter Pedstal1
From:Jacob Fuson
Sent:Monday, July 8, 2019 1:44 PM
To:Cheri Flores; Carlos Flores
Cc:James Wiatrak; AJ Ortega; Wayne Campbell; Kevin Meredith
Subject:RE: Morrow - 55075 Monroe St - Relocate Meter Pedestal
Attachments:062019 - MORROW RES - A1.1 - EN - SITE PLAN - ELEC PEDESTAL.pdf
Please see the attached site plan that Mr. Morrow has provided. We are getting close to issuing a permit
for the relocation of his power pedestal at the front of the lot which will in turn allow him to complete the
construction of the block wall thus allowing the finalization of the swimming pool permit at this address.
The only thing in this site plan that stood out to me is the RV hook-up (which is in addition to the (2)
construction office trailers) and I wanted to get the Planning Division’s take on the permanent parking of
an RV on this parcel. This was the first I have heard of his plans to have a permanent electrical pedestal
for RV use so I’m not sure whether this is allowable or not.
Please let me know how we’ll look at this and whether it is determined allowable or not and I’ll get back to
Mr. Morrow.
Thanks for your help,
Jake Fuson |Plans Examiner
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 7:18 PM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; AJ Ortega
<Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Wayne Campbell <Wcampbell@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>; Juan Perez (pcollaborative25@yahoo.com)
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Relocate Meter Pedestal
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Good evening.
I hope everyone has had a nice week.
We have completed the attached electrical site plan related to the relocated meter pedestal at the property
entrance. All references to the trailers are noted as future as they will not be energized until the appropriate
permits/approvals are received for those units.
Do we need to submit this as a formal plan check under the permit BELC2018‐0113? If so could you please let us know
how many hard copies are needed and any additional information required with the submittal?
My wife and I are going to be out of the Country for the next 2 weeks, so we would appreciate if you can let us know
anything that is needed so we can prepare and provide in a timely manner.
Thanks again,
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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From: James Wiatrak [mailto:jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2019 11:34 AM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Cc: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; Danielle Morrow
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Hi Scott,
Your project is unique in the fact that some of what has been done to the residence, garage and
barn was unpermitted and there exists no reliable records. Therefore, we are left having to
reinvent some of those records as we go and such is the case for the electrical distribution.
I’m sure that with a modicum of investigation you can come up with a representation of the
service distribution, including feeders and panelboards, which can then be used as a basis for
design and eventual permit approval. Remember, you can defer this to the permit that covers
the residence and garage, if you wish.
From: Scott Morrow
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 11:17 AM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; Danielle Morrow
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
James “JW” Wiatrak, CBO, CASp
Building Official ◦ ADA Coordinator
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7023
Hi JW,
Please don’t take this as being confrontational, but I don’t see why we have to provide electrical information on
anything to do with the main residence since nothing is being revised on the main residence property. We do not have
any information on what goes where on the main residence and have no means of getting this information since the
original owner/builder is dead. Unless I’m thinking about too many details (such as conduit and cables sizes, alignments,
etc) I find the request to map out the existing underground electric on the main residence property as unreasonable. All
I could provide information to relates to the above surface equipment such as main switch and subpanels locations.
I know you mentioned The City does not have the information, but shouldn’t they when the original owner pulled the
attached permit to install the 600amp panel? The only electrical work we’ve done on the project is the addition of our
pool equipment which was permitted as well with the submittal of the appropriate documentation.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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From: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2019 10:45 AM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Cc: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; Danielle Morrow
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Good morning Scott,
Thank you for the information you have provided.
We can agree that you will not have electrical facilities or distribution crossing from one parcel to
the other and the new pedestal application will show essentially that. I want to stress, however,
that we will still need to have a site plan or single line drawing showing distribution for the 600
amp service as we don’t have anything in our records with that detailed information. You can
defer that until you submit for the permits on the residence and barn or complete that now for
this submission, but either way we will need to include that in our files.
From: Scott Morrow
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2019 11:35 AM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; Danielle Morrow
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Hi JW,
Hope you’ve had a nice weekend. I’ll get working on the requested site plan and single line for the relocated meter
pedestal. However, I’m confused by this statement:
This drawing needs to include the same information for the parcel on which your residence is
located. We are not proposing to change any electrical on the main ranch property where the residence is located and
mapping the existing electric on the ranch property is going to be impossible as it is existing and we do not know what
goes where. There should be a plan on file at the City when the original owner applied for the their new 600amp
electrical service.
However, we do know that there is a defined delineation between the power to the ranch property shown in blue
compared to what the relocated pedestal will service shown in red. There is no power services between these
locations. We also plan to maintain the delineation of power as we plot to develop the separate land parcel. I also
want to note that there is a separate access easement over the existing driveway off Monroe and into the
ranch/residence parcel. The existing power pedestal with the same address was in place to power the gate and lighting
for this access location.
James “JW” Wiatrak, CBO, CASp
Building Official ◦ ADA Coordinator
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7023
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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From: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 5:08 PM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Cc: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Hi Scott,
Let me try and simplify things here.
As Jake mentioned previously, we typically do not permit more than one service to a residential
property, for a variety of safety related reasons.
If you have a service for the main house and garage/barn structures on one legal parcel and the
pedestal is on the other legal parcel, then we can make this work BUT we need a simple site
plan drawing showing (single-line style) the location of the pedestal, property lines, existing
buildings, features (like the gate) and all devices proposed to be fed from the pedestal. This
drawing needs to include the same information for the parcel on which your residence is located.
This plan will go into our file with the application for the new power pedestal, which by the way,
will have its own address not associated with the current address.
Provide this information and we can proceed.
From: Scott Morrow
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 4:35 PM
To: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
James “JW” Wiatrak, CBO, CASp
Building Official ◦ ADA Coordinator
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7023
Hi Jake,
Do you think it would be easier to meet or get on a call to discuss the City’s concerns/issues? The reality is I’m not even
sure who established the service location off Monroe to begin with as it was in place when we bought the property. In
theory it could have been a service in place for the separate parcel (Land = APN 767‐580‐014), but we have no history on
this existing condition.
What I do know is the ranch property is currently serviced with a 3‐phase 600a 120/208v serviced by the IID coming
through PGA West to the south. Our transformer and service panel is located at the furthest most SE corner of the
property. My assumption is the separate single phase (120/240v) service was provided off Monroe to power the entry
gate and electrical needs near the gate as the voltage drop was way too far and would have been crossing through a
parcel owned by someone else.
Our intent is simple. The existing pedestal needed to be relocated to clear a conflict with the new block wall. As part of
this relocation we thought it would be best to upgrade from a 100amp to 200amp pedestal as the added ampacity will
be needed to provide power to the temporary trailers. This new pedestal should be considered permanent as it is a
replacement to the existing pedestal and service. As soon as the new pedestal is energized it will be providing service to
the entry gate, irrigation clocks, low voltage lighting transformers, security cameras and a wifi access point required for
the cameras. Eventually the pedestal will also be providing power to the trailers.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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From: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 11:21 AM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>; James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Thanks for following up. After meeting internally we need more information on what is being proposed and
the use and reasoning behind the separate service for the east parcel. What we are trying to avoid is
having two separate services at the same address. To date, we have not issued separate addresses for
these two parcels, which would be a requirement if there were two separate services provided. However,
this brings up other issues such as emergency personnel access, physical address number installation,
among other things.
What source supplied the gate prior to the installation of the 100a pedestal and what is the reasoning
behind changing that configuration?
As I mentioned, our understanding was that this pedestal was only for temporary installation to supply the
construction trailers during construction. JW and I talked about requesting some type of exhibit showing
what is being proposed—including reasoning for the upgrade to 200a, future plans as to what the service
will supply, etc. so this would be a good way to demonstrate what is being proposed and what we are
approving with the issuance of this permit.
I know you’re anxious to get you’re project moving forward so I’ll look forward to your response.
Thank you,
Jake Fuson |Plans Examiner
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 7:46 AM
To: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Hi Jake,
I’m somewhat familiar with the service requirements as it relates to my business. I believe it is the utility agencies (IID)
decision on whether or not they are going to allow two separate services to the same parcel? Regardless, in our
situation I think this is a moot point as there are 2 separate parcels. We call the land the 4.5acres off Monroe that runs
up to the entry to the “ranch.” The ranch is the developed property that is west of the land. Both properties were
originally owned by independent parties but now owned both by us.
Land = APN 767‐580‐014
Ranch = APN 767‐580‐048
I’ve also attached copies of the IID bills for both of the existing services. The IID bill references the existing pedestal on
Monroe as 55075 Monroe Street #B.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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From: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 8:43 AM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>; James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Thanks for the reply and the information. By code and Building Division procedure there should be only
one (1) service supplying power at each address, with some exceptions for special circumstances like
different voltages, phases, special occupancies, etc. With that being said, this pedestal can not be
approved for permanent use as a second service at this same address. You do however have the option to
utilize this pedestal as a subpanel supplied by the existing service at this address.
It's my understanding that your plan may have been to subdivide this parcel at some point—if when the
land is subdivided and separate parcels/addresses are created, we can entertain the proposal for separate
services but at this point only one service may be approved for use at this address.
Jake Fuson |Plans Examiner
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 7:53 AM
To: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>; James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Good morning Jake,
I apologize as we did not make the original permit application so I was unaware it was applied for as temporary
power. The intent of this pedestal is to be permanent as we need to relocate the existing pedestal which is in conflict
with the wall. This new pedestal will service the gate, irrigation, low voltage lighting and a camera. Eventually, once we
receive approvals, this pedestal will also provide power to the temporary trailers.
Attached is the email from IID with their service order/design attached.
Please let me know what information you need from us so the new pedestal can be used as a permanent replacement to
the existing.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited.
From: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 2:13 PM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>; James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Thanks for accommodating the inspection at your property today. In order to send the city’s release to the
utility (IID) I need the following:
-Install blank covers on the open portions of the panelboard deadfront cover where the breakers
were removed
-Provide the application to the utility for temporary service to identify how they have this pedestal
addressed in order to get it properly released
I also wanted to just reiterate that this pedestal is approved on a temporary basis, to serve temporary
operations like the pending construction projects, and that permanent items like the gate motors,
landscape lighting, etc should not be fed by this panel but rather by a permanent power supply from the
existing permanent service.
Thanks Scott,
Jake Fuson |Plans Examiner
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 7:01 PM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Hi JW / Jake,
Tomorrow my wife is going to call in for an inspection on Friday and arrange to have our electrician (Guy Cross) present
to address any issues. I wish I could be out there to help, but have prior commitments and kid duty while Danielle is
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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From: James Wiatrak [mailto:jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 7:53 AM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Cc: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Good morning Scott,
The permit number is BELC2018-0113 and it is due to expire on 5/25/2019.
If you can call for an inspection this Friday, Jake can look at it before the expiration date,
otherwise you will have to apply for an extension and you may incur permit extension fees.
From: Scott Morrow
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 6:55 AM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Good morning JW,
I’m not sure when you return from vacation, but looking for some help as it relates to our permit for the electric
pedestal near the entry. As I mentioned I do not have the same support we had in the past (which hopefully will lead to
a better outcome) so taking items into our own hands to complete. As far as the pedestal is concerned I’m trying to
determine what the permit number is so we can call in for inspection and proceed with energizing. (The cable run to the
trailer has been removed). Once the pedestal is energized we can remove the existing and finish the wall and then our
pool contractor can final the pool. All great things to get off our list(s).
I appreciate the help and please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
James “JW” Wiatrak, CBO, CASp
Building Official ◦ ADA Coordinator
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7023
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have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized copying,
disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited.
From: Scott Morrow
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 3:11 PM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>; Wayne Campbell (Wcampbell@la‐quinta.org) <Wcampbell@la‐
Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info / Progress
Good afternoon,
I owe you both an email related to the status of our plans, permits and everything going on with our property. In the
last couple weeks I have had conversations with both of you independently and wanted to send an email with everyone
involved so we’re on the same page and you know where we stand. The overlying issue is the support we originally
engaged pretty much disappeared and we’ve been trying to get some new help to finish the open items. I think we have
the right guy now to get us through the finish line on all open items that the City has so patiently been waiting for.
1. Trailers – I received a proposal from the new architect, Juan Perez, to prepare the necessary drawings (including
structural) for the modular trailers. Ironically I found Juan as his company’s name was on an old trailer floor
plan I found from group we bought the trailers from. So he is familiar with the layout as well as the process to
draw the plans and process through both the HUD and City. We authorized Juan to proceed and there is a lot of
work he needs to perform in order to complete the plan set sufficient for submittal to the HUD. I also
understand it’s a very arduous and lengthy process with the HUD to get the plans approved, registration and
2. Barn / House unpermitted improvements – As part of the scope with Juan he is going to review the architectural
plans and details created by prior architect, make revisions as needed and have his structural engineer create
the necessary structural plans requested by the City.
3. Open Permits
a. Monroe Wall – the completion of the new block wall on Monroe has been delayed due to the conflict
with the existing electric pedestal. The electric pedestal has been delayed in relocating until our gate
contractor can confirm the new gate does not conflict with the new pedestal location. We are currently
in the process of replacing our entry gate since the existing gate does not operate in the wind. Once we
receive confirmation whether or not the new pedestal location is in conflict with the gate we will call for
inspection so the IID may energize and the existing be remove, then finish the wall.
b. Electric Pedestal – same as above
c. Pool – cannot be finaled until the Monroe wall is completed.
Also for reference there are no pending reservations for the property until all items are resolved. Only my family is using
and enjoying the property.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. I’ll keep you updated on the
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized copying,
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From: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2019 1:08 PM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Cc: Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info
Hi Scott,
These tags are from TR Arnold, an in-plant inspection firm based in Indiana, probably engaged
by the manufacturer to certify compliance when the trailers were first constructed.
There are two questions: First, are these tags indicating compliance for COMPONENTS of the
trailer or indicating compliance of the entire trailer. Second, are these tags recognized by CA
HCD as validation of the compliance requirements for installation in California. Remember, this
is a new approval so you will have to show compliance to the latest requirements even though
these trailers may be several years old.
I suggest going the route of submittal to HCD to see what they say about these tags and go
from there.
From: Scott Morrow
Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2019
2:23 PM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification / Insignia Info
Hi JW,
I asked a worker of ours to try and find serial numbers on our trailers so we could fill out the required paperwork for the
CA Department of Housing and Community development and when on the trailers they came across the photos below of
insignia serials. Is this what you needed to validate they are HUD compliant? If not I plan to submit the paperwork to
the HUD office in Riverside next Tuesday.
James “JW” Wiatrak, CBO, CASp
Building Official ◦ ADA Coordinator
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7023
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized copying,
disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited.
From: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 8:57 AM
To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Cc: Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Jacob Fuson
Subject: RE: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification
Good morning Scott,
Sorry I haven’t responded sooner but I have been off since last Friday.
As I understand it, the jobsite trailers were built on site, or nearby, and placed at their current
location. In California, commercial modular structures like those you have there are typically
factory built and bear the insignia of the CA Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD), the state agency that regulates the construction and certification of factory
built housing and commercial structures.
Your modular structures, have no such HCD insignia nor were they built with a City of La Quinta
building permit to Title 24 standards.
Before we consider moving forward with any electric service, you must first provide the proper,
recognized HCD compliant modular buildings or submit plans and obtain permits, inspections
and approvals for the structures that are currently constructed.
As it stands now, you have unpermitted structures and no use or occupancy will be
allowed. This information should have been posted on the trailers in the last week by our Code
Enforcement team.
PLEASE NOTE: City Hall will be
closed from December 24,
2018 through January 1, 2019
in observance of the holidays.
Please plan accordingly for any
business needs that might
need to be addressed during this time frame. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to
seeing you after the New Year!
From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 7:44 AM
To: James Wiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Steve Lazzarini (slazz2018@gmail.com) <slazz2018@gmail.com>; Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>
Subject: Morrow ‐ 55075 Monroe St ‐ Trailer Certification
Hi JW,
I met with Steve yesterday and we were discussing the challenges we’re having to get our relocated meter pedestal
energized. He mentioned the City is requesting a “state certification” on the trailers. We do not know what that is and
hoping you could help provide some direction. A quick internet search makes it think it’s a DMV issued Permanent
Trailer Identification certification
(https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/?1dmy&urile=wcm:path:/dmv_content_en/dmv/forms/reg/reg4017) but I’m not
sure if this is correct or if there is more to it. We’ve also reached out to Paula and Roy Ziegler who we purchased the
trailers from to see if they have this information. If we have to apply through the DMV I’m not sure how long this could
James “JW” Wiatrak, CBO, CASp
Building Official ◦ ADA Coordinator
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7023
Is there a possibility that we could energize the relocated meter pedestal and not connect/energize the trailers until the
City receives the requested paperwork? We’re just in a time crunch to get the new pedestal energized so we can
remove the old pedestal, complete the block wall and receive the pool final inspection.
I also want to note that the architect is nearly finished with the plans for the home and intends to submit both the home
and barn to the City early next week. I’m looking forward to checking that one off our list.
I look forward to talking with you soon.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218‐8400 direct
949/533‐5050 cell
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