2019-10-10 Cicchini, Joseph - 55075 Monroe1
From:Joseph <jncpe@aol.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 10, 2019 11:37 AM
To:AJ Ortega
Subject:Fwd: 55075 Monroe Street, Letter dated August 2, 2019
Follow Up Flag:Flag for follow up
Flag Status:Completed
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Hello AJ,
Please see note I sent to James today. Please call when you can. Thank you.
Joseph N. Cicchini, P.E.
Tel: 760-776-6687
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph <jncpe@aol.com>
To: jwiatrak <jwiatrak@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Thu, Oct 10, 2019 11:31 am
Subject: 55075 Monroe Street, Letter dated August 2, 2019
Hello James,
I have read, and understand the content of your letter regarding the subject property. I have also
been to the site and have walked through the building(s). I'd like to speak to you regarding another
issue that I am told impacts these building(s), however I do not see any indication of it.
I left a message for you to call me. Thank you.
Joseph N. Cicchini, P.E.
Tel: 760-776-6687