2019-10-14 DD Temp - Morrow Ranch Villa (TOT Forms)From:DD Temp Employee To:Danielle Morrow Cc:Scott Morrow Subject:RE: Morrow Ranch Villa (TOT Forms) - September 2019 Date:Monday, October 14, 2019 8:12:01 AM Hello Danielle, This message is to confirm receipt of the attachment. Thanks for sending the second time. Eric Koltweit -----Original Message----- From: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com> Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2019 2:16 PM To: Transient Occupancy Tax <tot@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com> Subject: Re: Morrow Ranch Villa (TOT Forms) - September 2019 ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hi Eric, Attached please find the September 2019 Transit Occupancy Tax Forms for the following homes: - 55-121 Winter Haven Court (LIC-767472) - 55-151 Winter Haven Court (LIC-767473) - 55-151 Winter Haven Court (LIC-767474) - 81-765 Four Seasons Place (LIC-767475) Please let me know if you aren't able to open the attachment. Thank you, Danielle Morrow (949) 533-6205 On 10/11/19, 8:35 AM, "Transient Occupancy Tax" <tot@laquintaca.gov> wrote: Hello Mr. Morrow, This message is to advise that the file you sent is damaged. When attempting to open the .pdf with Adobe, a message is returned that the file is damaged. Will you please see if the file opens on your end? Please resubmit a new file. If problems or questions I can be reached at 760-777-7019. Thank you in advance, Eric Koltweit City of La Quinta Design & Development -----Original Message----- From: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 6:19 AM To: Transient Occupancy Tax <tot@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com> Subject: Morrow Ranch Villa (TOT Forms) - September 2019 ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hello, Attached please find the September 2019 Transit Occupancy Tax Forms for the following homes: - 55-121 Winter Haven Court (LIC-767472) - 55-151 Winter Haven Court (LIC-767473) - 55-151 Winter Haven Court (LIC-767474) - 81-765 Four Seasons Place (LIC-767475) If you have any questions or require additional information please let me know. Thank you, Danielle Morrow (949) 533-6205