2019-11-06 Morrow, Scott - 55075 Monroe Plans Release1
From:Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>
Sent:Wednesday, November 6, 2019 8:43 PM
To:AJ Ortega
Cc:Danielle Morrow; Chris McFadden (cmcfadden@mmarc.com); desilva2019@icloud.com
Subject:FW: 55075 Monroe Street, La Quinta, CA
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Hi AJ,
Dennis attempted to send you the email below but had a typo in your email address. Based on
this email could you please release a copy of the permitted plans so we can review and help
determine what the prior owner modified in order to draft an as-built set of plans for permit?
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Scott Morrow
Morrow Management
1130 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
949/218-8400 direct
949/533-5050 cell
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis DeSilva <desilva2019@icloud.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 9:51 AM
To: Aortega@laquintaca.org
Cc: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>; Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>;
Subject: 55075 Monroe Street, La Quinta, CA
To: Mr. A. J. Ortega
Dept. of Building and Safety
From: Dennis DeSilva / Architect
License # C-28379
Re. Release of Drawings for Copy
I Dennis DeSilva, Architect of Record, for the Stable located at 55075 Monroe St. La Quinta, CA.
Permit # 7-1284 have no objection for the release of drawings, for copy only, to the current
owner, Mr. Scott Morrow.
Mr. Ortega, if there is anything more that you may need, from me for the release of these
drawings, please contact me by phone or email. Thank you for your time and consideration,
Best Regards,
Dennis DeSilva /
C: (949) 370-3363