2019-11-08 Meredith, Kevin - 55075 Monroe - PRA Code Cases1 From:Kevin Meredith Sent:Friday, November 8, 2019 2:05 PM To:Christina Gamez Cc:Tania Flores;Monika Radeva;Nichole Romane;Natasha Cousins Subject:FW: Completed Public Records for 55075 Monroe Street 1909002878 Attachments:Edit_Add Code Enforcement Information..__Redacted 18-0564.pdf; Edit_Add Code Enforcement Information..__Redacted 19-0808.pdf; Edit_Add Code Enforcement Information..__Redacted 18-2680.pdf; Edit_Add Code Enforcement Information.. __Redacted.pdf Christina, This looks good to go. Thank you, Kevin Kevin Meredith | Animal Control/Code Compliance Supervisor City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760-777-7034 www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com From: Christina Gamez <cgamez@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 5:31 PM To: Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov> Subject: RE: Completed Public Records for 55075 Monroe Street 1909002878 Please review the attached completed records request. There are 2 other cases that are open and there are no other cases in trak-it. Thanks. From: Tania Flores <tflores@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 4:17 PM To: Christina Gamez <cgamez@laquintaca.gov>; Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Nichole Romane <nromane@laquintaca.gov>; Natasha Cousins Christina Gamez l Administrative Technician Code Compliance-Public Safety City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico l La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7063 www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquintaca.com 2 <ncousins@laquintaca.gov> Subject: FW: Public Records for 55075 Monroe Street 1909002878 Good Afternoon Christina, Please see the attached records request for “notices and correspondence with regard to any and all violations related to the land, code compliance letters, issues, and all other city documents or correspondence related to the subject property at 55075 Monroe Street, La Quinta. APNS 767-580-048 and 767-580-014. I would like to schedule time to review the responsive documents with you once you have them prepared. Let me know what works for you next week. Not Thursday if possible. The response is due no later than November 4, 2019. Thank you. Tania Flores | Management Assistant City Clerk's Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7016 TFlores@LaQuintaCA.gov www.LaQuintaCA.gov From: Cheryl A. Thomas <cthomas@bosslawfirm.com> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 3:16 PM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Public Records for 55075 Monroe Street 1909002878 ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please find attached Public Records Request for all City materials related to this property. Please contact me with any questions related to this request and advise when the requested items are ready for delivery. Thank you, Cheryl A. Thomas Practice Area Administrator/SeniorParalegal BOSS LAW FIRM, APLC _________________________________________ 409 Camino del Rio South, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92108 T: 619.234.1776 / F: 858.444.3817, 3818 cthomas@bosslawfirm.com www.bosslawfirm.com The information contained in this message is confidential information (and may be attorney privileged) intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or distribution of this communication to anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by e-mail and return the original message to us. Thank you. 3 NOT INTENDED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR A WRITING: Notwithstanding the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or the applicability of any other law of similar substance or effect, absent an express statement to the contrary, this e-mail message, its contents, and any attachments are not intended to represent an offer to enter into a contract or an acceptance of any offer, and are not otherwise intended to bind the sender, the firm of Boss Law Firm, APLC, any of its clients, or any other person or entity. 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 1/3 Code Enforcement Case: CE-18-2457 Entered on: 11/05/2018 00:00 Printed on: 11/07/2019 Topic: Vacation Rental-Violations Status: Closed Due Date: 09/30/19 Assigned To: Wayne Campbell Initiated by: Neighbor Area #: 6 SOUTH LQ/OTHER Permit Permit #: Business name: License #: Property Location Occupant Name: Lic: DOB: Address: 55075 MONROE ST , 92253 Phone: Cell #: APN : 767-580-048 Owner Information Owner Name: BRENT DILL / EILEEN DILL Address: Phone: Cell #: Actions Action By Date Time Hours Note/Observation Complaint Kevin Meredith 11/02/2018 0.00 called and left a message on Nov. 2, 2018 at 2045 reporting excessive noise coming from this property. No Special Events were permitted at the property that night so this is a STVR issue. Phone Call Wayne Campbell 11/05/2018 3:24 pm 0.50 Officer contacted and obtained additional information on the noise complaint. stated that he lives in the Greg Norman community which is adjacent to the Monroe Estates. The loud music started around 8:45 pm and lasted until 10:00 pm. voice mailed the Code Department only and did not make an attempt to contact the Hotline or Police to report the noise. He stated this is the second incident of loud music from the estate within three weeks. stated he and other residence of the Greg Norman community has contacted the City Council to voice concerns of permitted use of this property. Officer informed to contact the short term vacation rental hotline and the police to report future incidents of loud music. Other Wayne Campbell 11/05/2018 3:27 pm 0.25 No additional action was taken on this case. The reporting party did not contact the hotline to report the noise. A case history of the noise complaint was not generated. Complaint Christina Gamez 11/13/2018 0.25 and states that there is a party at Morrow Ranch and it is loud and it is 7:30PM. In checking Trak-it I find no SPEV, I verified with planner Carlos Flores and he confirmed that there is no SPEV permit. VM attached. Complaint Christina Gamez 11/13/2018 0.25 Unknown p/o at 4 Seasons Place at Monterra at PGA West states that there is loud noise from Morrow Ranch ). She states that this is on going every weekend and that they were not notified. VM attached Inspection Christina Gamez 11/13/2018 10:52 am 0.00 states that there is a live band at morrow Ranch and has checked the decibels at 65 VM attached Phone Call Wayne Campbell 11/15/2018 2:48 pm 0.25 Attempted contact with , reporting party. Posted a voice mail message. Phone Call Wayne Campbell 11/15/2018 2:50 pm 0.25 Contacted Mr Scott Morrow, and explained the complaints. Mr Morrow stated the property was not rented as a STVR. He and his family were at the property on the date of the complaint. They were relaxing and enjoying the pool and fireworks. He admitted to playing music while at the pool but the music was not loud. Morrow stated he was not contact by police with a complaint of noise disturbance nor was he contacted, as the owner of a STVR, by the hotline service with a complaint of noise. Inspection Kevin Meredith 11/17/2018 0.50 I patrolled the Monroe Street Ranch and found no activity and heard no music. Thanks Gerald Sent from my iPhone Officer Duchene checked the property late Saturday afternoon and observed no activity. KM Other Kevin 11/26/2018 0.25 FYI: Deputies responded to a few noise complaints at 55075 Monroe St (Morrow 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 2/3 Meredith Ranch). Deputies contacted Scott Morrow (home owner) via phone. Morrow said obtained a permit from the city before renting his home. who resides in the area mentioned the mayor and city were notified regarding their concerns about the noise. I have nothing further regarding these complaints. Scott Morrow # Files# LA183240073 and LA183240078 Lieutenant Michael Tapp La Quinta Police 86625 Airport Blvd Thermal, Ca 92274 760-863-8990 ATTACHED. Complaint Kevin Meredith 11/26/2018 0.00 Good Afternoon, Just wondering if you can tell me if you had responded to noise complaints of events at Morrow Ranch Thanksgiving and the weekend. I had several messages this morning from residents in Monterra complaining about the excessive noise level at Morrow Ranch. Was this a special permitted event, etc?? Appreciate your feedback as soon as possible. Thank you so much!! Teresa Thompson | Management Specialist City Manager's Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7030 E: tthompson@laquintaca.gov www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com Other Wayne Campbell 11/26/2018 9:04 am 0.25 Police Report for loud music complaint is attached to the case. Complaint Kevin Meredith 11/27/2018 0.50 City Managers office reported they received several complaints regarding excessive noise coming from the Morrow Ranch. RSO provided further information from a complaint received on 11/20/18. It appears they received a complaint of loud noise, attempted to contact the r/p but received no response at the door. They could hear some noise coming from the west unknown location. They proceeded to Morrow Ranch and observed no noise. See LA reports. Inspection Moises Rodarte 12/01/2018 4:45 pm 0.25 I conducted inspection of the area and did not observe any noise or activity. Inspection Wayne Campbell 12/08/2018 1:22 pm 0.50 An inspection of the area revealed no activity. Inspection Wayne Campbell 02/11/2019 8:12 am 0.50 No new noise complaints were received. Complaint Wayne Campbell 02/20/2019 8:59 am 0.51 Received a complaint of a Morrow Ranch light from .letter is attached to the case. Inspection Gerald Duchene 03/09/2019 0.50 Upon arrival of 55075 Monroe St, I conducted a patrol of the surrounding area and found no violations. I heard no noise or activity at this location. Complaint Christina Gamez 03/28/2019 0.25 Received a complaint from the STVRP hotline that stated this property had a a party with a DJ and was ongoing for about 2 hours. Hotline states that they contacted and there was no response. In checking Trak-it I do not see a b/l for her or her husband or their business name Desert VIP Services, I will send the information to Cindy the STVRP contractor.. The b/l for the STVRP is currently inactive. See attached Inspection Wayne Campbell 04/01/2019 3:45 pm 0.00 Contacted Mr Morrow and informed him of the noise complaint. Morrow replied the property is not rented as a STVR. If there was any noise it was from his family on their property. Complaint Kayli Pierce 04/14/2019 2:44 am 0.25 04/15/2019 02:44 | | 8006851088 | ***EMERGENCY (NOT STVR) Rental Address: Morrow Ranch La Quinta CA Excessive Noise 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 3/3 Incident: I Don't Know The Exact Address But It Is A Huge Property That Is Playing Extremely Loud Music And I Cannot Sleep. Incident Occurring Now Reporter Currently Observing Incident Incident Not Reported _ Future Contact OK Reporter: I Live In The Gated Community Greg Norman Next To It And This Has Been Going On For 3 Days Straight. --Delivery Detail-- 04/15/2019 02:44 | MESSAGE RETRIEVALS/CLEARING Master ID 0000847255 MESSAGE SENT 04/15/2019 02:50 | Police - Local Number Other Phone 7608363215- Option 5: Delivered message verbally (Entered 4/19/19 KP) Other Wayne Campbell 05/13/2019 8:55 am 0.50 Reporting party reports three days of loud music but is not clear of the address. Property was posted and patrolled by Code Enforcement Officers during the Coachella Fest weekend (4/12-4/14) No reports of loud music or occupancy was observed or reported. Inspection Wayne Campbell 08/02/2019 8:28 am 0.50 Due to unpermitted Building Codes violations and legal issues, this resident is inactive as a STVR. License has expired. Other Kevin Meredith 09/04/2019 0.25 No complaints since 4/2019 have been received regarding STVR activity at this property. The property owner is working with the Building Department to resolve the building issues and has acknowledged that the property cannot renew its STVR permit until those building issues are resolved. This case is being closed until further and to satisfy the public records request. Closed. Violations # Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date Inspection Notes Date: ________________ Time: ______________ Findings:________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Photographs 7603988885.wav 3065913310.wav 8583615161.wav 2018_11_15_17_25_50.pdf Noise Complaints.msg FW Noise Complaints 11-20-18 MORROW.msg Morrow Ranch Light.msg 18-2457.pdf Hotline 04-15-2019.pdf 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 1/1 Code Enforcement Case: CE-18-2680 Entered on: 12/15/2018 00:00 Printed on: 11/07/2019 Topic: Property Maintenance Status: Closed Due Date: 12/15/18 Assigned To: Gerald Duchene Initiated by: Officer Area #: (Select) Permit Permit #: Business name: License #: Property Location Occupant Name: Lic: DOB: Address: 55075 MONROE ST , 92253 Phone: Cell #: APN : 767-580-048 Owner Information Owner Name: BRENT DILL / EILEEN DILL Address: Phone: Cell #: Actions Action By Date TimeHours Note/Observation Inspection Gerald Duchene 12/15/2018 0.25 Upon arrival of 55075 Monroe St, I observed no violations. No noise was heard from this property. This case will be closed as resolved Violations # Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date Inspection Notes Date: ________________ Time: ______________ Findings:________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 1/1 Code Enforcement Case: CE-19-0808 Entered on: 04/09/2019 08:58 AM Printed on: 11/07/2019 Topic: Vacation Rental-Violations Status: Closed Due Date: 04/10/19 Assigned To: Gerald Duchene Initiated by: Officer Area #: (Select) Permit Permit #: Business name: License #: Property Location Occupant Name: Lic: DOB: Address: 55075 MONROE ST , 92253 Phone: Cell #: APN : 767-580-048 Owner Information Owner Name: BRENT DILL / EILEEN DILL Address: Phone: Cell #: Actions Action By Date TimeHours Note/Observation Inspection Gerald Duchene 04/06/2019 0.25 I conducted a patrol of 55075 Monroe St and found no noise or activity at this location. Violations # Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date Inspection Notes Date: ________________ Time: ______________ Findings:________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 1/5 Code Enforcement Case: CE-18-0564 Entered on: 02/28/2018 00:00 Printed on: 11/07/2019 Topic: Vacation Rental-Building Violations Status: Closed Due Date: 05/31/19 Assigned To: Wayne Campbell Initiated by: City Staff Area #: (Select) Permit Permit #: Business name: License #: Property Location Occupant Name: Lic: DOB: Address: 55075 MONROE ST , 92253 Phone: Cell #: APN : 767-580-048 Owner Information Owner Name: MORROW JAMES SCOTT & DANIELLE D Address: Phone: Cell #: Actions Action By Date Time Hours Note/Observation Inspection Christina Gamez 02/28/2018 0.25 Number of bedrooms need o be verified, please verify for current registration. Inspection Wayne Campbell 03/02/2018 5:07 pm 0.25 Trakit records revealed no STVRP Application or fees paid. Inspection Wayne Campbell 03/05/2018 4:12 pm 0.50 Unable to make contact at the property. Courtesty Notice Wayne Campbell 03/05/2018 4:13 pm 0.25 Incl CC:Yes, Send to (Owner) Courtesty Notice Wayne Campbell 03/05/2018 4:15 pm 0.00 Incl CC:Yes, Send to (Property Location) Inspection Wayne Campbell 03/15/2018 4:20 pm 0.75 Met Mr Scott Morrow at the property to complete the Short Term Vacation Rental Check List. The inspection revealed five bedroom attached to the main dwelling and two additional casita style bedrooms attached to the horse stable. Local contact information was listed as . Good Neighbor Brochures were not observed displayed but the owner was informed of the requirement. Property is advertised on the Home Away and Airbnb websites, Emergency Escape Openings were in compliance with the check-list. Smoke alarms were observed withing the sleeping areas and one wall switch controlled the lighting. Bedroom wall ceiling were observed to be 10" and each bedroom exceed the minimum area of 70Sq.ft. Heating and cooling elements were observed in each bedroom. TRAKIT Wayne Campbell 03/15/2018 4:33 pm 0.50 Trakit records revealed Horse Stable and Residential Building permits approved and issued but never finaled. Other Wayne Campbell 03/15/2018 4:34 pm 0.25 Updated owner information via FATCO records. Other Wayne Campbell 03/22/2018 9:26 am 0.25 Contacted the Building Department and explained the two bedrooms located in the horse stable. Was informed the stable was not habitable and the addition was completed after final inspection. Phone Call Wayne Campbell 03/22/2018 9:29 am 0.25 Attempted contact with . Posted a vmm. Phone Call Wayne Campbell 03/22/2018 4:11 pm 0.25 Contacted Mr Morrow and informed him of the un-permitted constructions. Bedrooms in the horse stable will not be approved for STVR. TRAKIT Wayne Campbell 04/25/2018 9:00 am 0.25 STVRP Lic#765926 issued for the number of bedrooms per the property profile. Public Counter Contact Wayne Campbell 01/31/2019 0.25 Ms Danielle Morrow at the HUB to renew her STVRP. Unable to renew and was sent to Code for an explanation. Public Counter Contact Wayne Campbell 01/31/2019 10:00 am 0.25 Ms Morrow at the Code Counter to explain she understand restriction placed on the 55075 Monroe property. She has three additional property to license and don't understand why she can not move forward with the 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 2/5 rentals. Officer discussed the case the the Code Supervisor and was informed to allow the addition properties to be licensed. Phone Call Wayne Campbell 01/31/2019 11:00 am 0.25 Officer contacted Ms Morrow to inform her to contact the HUB and proceed with licensing the additional property TRAKIT Wayne Campbell 02/01/2019 8:53 am 0.25 55075 Monroe Street Permit for short term rental has expired. The renewal has be flagged Pending Code. Violations # Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date 1 3.25.050 LQMC (A & B) SHORT-TERM RENTAL PERMIT-REQUIRED Open Corrections Required:Owners of properties rented out as short-term vacation rentals are required to obtain an annual Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit. The purpose of the permit is to ensure the collection and payment of transient occupancy taxes as provided in the La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 3.24. Immediately cease all short-term rental activity until you have obtained and paid the required annual fee for the permit and have obtained the proper City of La Quinta Business License. You may request an opt out Affidavit Letter and return it stating, Under Penalty of Perjury, that you are opting out of continued use of the referenced property as a Short-Term Vacation Rental. This letter must state you no longer intend to utilize and advertise (website will need to state a minimum 31 day stay or be completely removed) the property as a Short-Term Vacation Rental. 2 3.25.070 (B) LQMC-SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS- ALLOWABLE OCCUPANCY Open Corrections Required:Take immediate action to reduce the number of persons at the referenced property to comply with the maximum allowed during the noted hours. Total number of occupants includes all persons at the property. 3 3.24.260 (C) LQMC - TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX Open Corrections Required:Transient Occupancy Tax is required to be accurately reported and paid at a rate determined by the City of La Quinta. Our records indicate that the proper Transient Occupancy Tax has not been reported and/or paid per Chapter 3.24 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. You must take immediate action to contact the City and make arrangements to file the proper report and pay the required tax. 4 3.25.070 (A) LQMC-SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS-Operational requirements and standard conditions Open Corrections Required:Contact the Code Compliance officer for more information. Additional Addresses Address Type:Owner Name:MORROW RANCH LA QUINTA, LLC Address: Phone: Cell #: Inspection Notes Date: ________________ Time: ______________ Findings:________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Photographs 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 3/5 2018-03-15 14.43.09.jpg 2018-03-15 14.43.34.jpg 2018-03-15 14.43.38.jpg 2018-03-15 14.44.03.jpg 2018-03-15 14.44.12.jpg 2018-03-15 14.44.16.jpg 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 4/5 2018-03-15 14.44.19.jpg 2018-03-15 14.44.36.jpg 2018-03-15 14.51.37.jpg 2018-03-15 14.51.51.jpg 2018-03-15 14.51.56.jpg 2018-03-15 14.52.16.jpg 11/7/2019 Print Code Enforcement Case user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 5/5 2018-03-15 14.52.20.jpg 2018-03-15 14.52.30.jpg STVR - 55075 MONROE ST. (approved).msg 3578_001.pdf