2020-05-22 Morrow, Scott 55075 Monroe - Outstanding Permits Trailers-Electrical1 From:Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com> Sent:Friday, May 22, 2020 10:27 AM To:Jacob Fuson Cc:Danielle Morrow; AJ Ortega Subject:RE: Morrow 55075 Monroe St. - Outstanding Permits Trailers / Electrical ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Thanks Jake.  I cannot believe we forgot about the outdoor bar...  What a concept a lifetime ago that is definitely not happening.    Regarding the gas permit/plan, everything matches with the exception of the BBQ and fire pit being removed.  The  house, barn and pool equipment are all the same. Looking forward to getting this closed once we can schedule the  “special inspection.”  Scott   Scott Morrow  Morrow Management  1130 Via Callejon  San Clemente, CA 92673  949/218‐8400 direct  949/533‐5050 cell  CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email including any attachments may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited. From: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>   Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 8:35 AM  To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>  Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Re: Morrow 55075 Monroe St. ‐ Outstanding Permits Trailers / Electrical  Scott, I removed a couple staff members just to avoid cluttering up their inboxes with the details, but attached are the permits you requested, BPLB2018-0106 & BRES2018-0184. The PDF of the plumbing permit includes the approved plan, so you can verify it matches and like I mentioned, we can just conduct final inspections for that gas piping permit as well as the electrical service permit through a "special inspection" permit. The detached accessory structure application BRES2018-0184 was never actually pulled, there was only an application made but no further action. I have attached a snippet of the floor plan of that submittal, it looks to be a pool bar building. I think that should address your concerns in the email below, and we'll look forward to moving forward on the electrical and trailer installation permits. 2 Thanks, The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.   Jake Fuson | Plans Examiner  Design & Development Department  City of La Quinta  78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253  Ph. 760.777.7081  www.laquintaca.gov   www.playinlaquinta.com       From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>  Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 6:22 AM  To: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Kevin Meredith  <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov>; Carlos Flores <cflores@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: RE: Morrow 55075 Monroe St. ‐ Outstanding Permits Trailers / Electrical      ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **    Good morning Jake,  Thanks for the thorough email, this really helps keeping us on the same page.  We definitely want to get all these items cleaned up as we work towards bringing the property up to code.  As you may  or may not know we are in some substantial and complicated litigation(s) with the original owner’s trust/estate related  to building the home without a permit and also with Title for the home being constructed on an existing easement.  It’s  been a lengthy processes and we’re not sure home much longer it may last and what the outcome will be.  However, in  speaking with engineers and architects it appears the inevitable is the existing house will need to come down with a new  one built somewhere else on property.  I mention this as it may impact how we go about the future clearance of some of  these outstanding permits below.     BELC2015-0096 – 600a Electrical, This was before we owned the property (we closed Dec 2017) so I have no history on it. The same 600amp panel and electrical distribution (besides from adding the pool) is all the same so we can either inspect the existing, or this could be an item that will change once a new house is designed.     BPLB2018-0106 – New gas line, can someone please send me a copy of the permit. I thought this was closed out when the plumber completed the work and SoCal Gas turned on the meter. I hope the plumber is still around and I’ll work with him to get the final inspection. The good news it we removed some gas connections (ie BBQ and firepit) since the original install so now the gas just services the house, pool equipment and barn.    3 BRES2018-0184 – We owned the property at this time, but I have no idea what this would have been for. Can I get a copy of the permit so I can see who pulled the permit?    BTTR2018-0002 – replaced with different permit, closed    BELC2018-0113 – Front Gate / Trailer Electrical – waiting for electrician to complete another project then he can finish ours. Hoping within 3 weeks.     BTTR2020-0004 – Trailers – working to gather information and find contractor to pull permit. Hoping to complete ASAP     Thanks again and I look forward to working together to get these items resolved.     Scott      Scott Morrow  Morrow Management  1130 Via Callejon  San Clemente, CA 92673  949/218‐8400 direct  949/533‐5050 cell     CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email including any attachments may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited.     From: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>   Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 12:53 PM  To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>  Cc: Gerald Hampton (gerald.vpi@gmail.com) <gerald.vpi@gmail.com>; Danielle Morrow  <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>; Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov>;  Carlos Flores <cflores@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Re: Morrow 55075 Monroe St. ‐ Outstanding Permits Trailers / Electrical     Scott,    Thanks for reaching out. It sounds like you are making some good headway with the trailer installations and I would like to go over the project as a whole as there are a lot of moving parts here and want to make sure we are all on the same page and that we all have accurate information. There are quite a few permits associated with your property, and in the past we have discussed specific parts of the projects at your property, so I wanted to go over the various permits and give you a comprehensive, all-inclusive itemized list of all of the current permit activity associated with your address. Please see the screenshot below from our permitting software showing all of the permits applied for in the past 5 years. Below the screenshot I have listed the permits and their current status.     4   BELC2015-0096 - This permit was pulled in 2015 for a new 600 Ampere main service panel installation. There was an electrical release inspection conducted and approved for the rough installation in October of 2015, but the final inspection was never scheduled and the permit has since expired.     BELC2018-0113 - This is the current electrical permit issued in November of 2018 initially for the power to the trailers, but later was updated to include the relocation of the existing meter pedestal and new branch circuits to the gate motor, irrigation controllers, and permanent RV pedestal. This permit remains active due to the continued inspection activity.    BPLB2018-0106 - This plumbing permit was issued in August of 2018 for a new polyethylene gas line throughout property for a future fire pit, BBQ and other existing appliances. An underground plumbing inspection was conducted and approved shortly after the permit was issued, but again no final inspection was scheduled and the permit has since expired.     BPOL2018-0083 - This pool/spa permit was finalized in January of this year.     BRES2018-0184 - This permit was applied for in May of 2018 for a 982 sq. ft. detached accessory structure. One plan check was completed and no resubmittal was made, and the permit application has since expired.     BTTR2018-0002 - This permit was issued in September of 2018 but no inspections were ever approved and has expired, although it looks like the scope of this permit were taken up via the current trailer permit BTTR2020-0004 so no further action is required on this one.    BTTR2020-0004 - This permit is approved with the condition that we get a project valuation and a licensed contractor registered. Per state law and CSLB guidelines, this contractor must hold either a C-21, C-47, or B license in order to pull this permit, so Vacation Pools will not be able to pull this permit due to their license classification.     BWFE2019-0149 - This permit for the new entry gate was finalized at the end of last year and requires no further action.       In order to clarify the permit statuses I have color-coded the permits above just to provide some ease of understanding since I know there is a lot of information here. The permits listed above in red are expired and require further action. The permits listed in green are active and simply must be completed as the project progresses. The permits listed in blue are finalized and require no further action on your part.     Since work was completed under the gas line permit and the service panel changeout permit and the permits have been expired for several years, these permits will be retired and a separate "Special Inspection" permit must be obtained in order to conduct final inspections of both scopes of work. The permit application for the accessory structure is expired and a new application will be required when the 5 time comes to permit this structure, so no further action is required for this permit aside from obtaining a new permit for the detached structure when the time comes. The expired trailer permit requires no further action since the scope was permitted through the new trailer permit BTTR2020-0004.    Moving forward, I would recommend these be your next steps:  1. Work toward issuing the permit for the trailers (BTTR2020-0004) by providing us with the project valuation and getting a contractor with the proper license classification hired  2. Request an inspection for the underground conduit, rough electrical, and utility connection of the trailers through the active permit BELC2018-0113  3. Obtain the special inspection permit through our online permitting portal in order to use this permit as a means to conduct final inspections of the gas line and service panel changeout permits and get those off of the list    Again I know there is a lot of information here, I think it's as confusing to us as it is to you with all of the separate permit submittals, but I'd be happy to discuss this further and field any questions or concerns you may have.  Thank you,       The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.   Jake Fuson | Plans Examiner  Design & Development Department  City of La Quinta  78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253  Ph. 760.777.7081  www.laquintaca.gov   www.playinlaquinta.com          From: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>  Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 10:25 AM  To: Jacob Fuson <Jfuson@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Gerald Hampton (gerald.vpi@gmail.com) <gerald.vpi@gmail.com>; Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>  Subject: Morrow 55075 Monroe St. ‐ Outstanding Permits Trailers / Electrical      ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **     Hi Jake,  I hope all is well.  We’re working with Gerald Hampton (Vacation Pools) to wrap up the remaining loose ends at our  property related to the electrical at the entry and trailers.  It’s taken us some time to find the trailer connections that the  state (HCD) inspector requested, but we found them and will be working to schedule the change out and reinspection  with the State.  The state inspector also approved us to install the electrical connection and HVAC units since he will  need the trailer units energized to complete his inspection.  6    From the City’s standpoint I think we just have the following two open permits that relate to this work.  I know there is  information needed on the trailer permit which we will get to you so the permit can be issued.  But in terms of the  actual work should we schedule some time to meet on‐site to make sure we’re all clear on any specifics before calling  for inspection?  I just want to make sure we get it right the first time and don’t waste anyone’s time.  Let me know.     Electrical – BELC2018‐0113  Trailers – BTTR2019‐0004     Gerald, if you have any questions related to the information Jake needs for the permit to be issued, please feel free to  reach out.       Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.     Thanks,  Scott      Scott Morrow  Morrow Management  1130 Via Callejon  San Clemente, CA 92673  949/218‐8400 direct  949/533‐5050 cell     CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email including any attachments may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return email and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited.     From: Juan G. Perez <pcollaborative25@yahoo.com>   Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 5:35 PM  To: Scott Morrow <scott@morrowmgmt.com>; Danielle Morrow <danielle@morrowmgmt.com>  Subject: PROJECT FOLLOW UP / PCDC ‐ FINAL CITY PERMIT APPROVAL / INVOICE PAYMENT     BUENOS DAYS SENOR / SENORITA MORROW,    AS OF TODAY, I RECEIVED A PHONE CALL FROM CITY OF LA QUINTA PLAN CHECKER JAKE. WE ARE APPROVED AND READY FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE ALONG w/ NEW REVISED STRUCTURAL PLANS / DETAILS PER YOUR REQUEST / DIRECTIONS REGARDING THE TRI- PODS AND TRI-PODS BASE PLATES.    NOTE: JAKE ALSO MENTIONED, HE SPOKE w/ YOU IN REGARDS A FEW THINGS HE IS IN NEED OF PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING SAFETY PERMIT APPROVAL.    1 - REGISTERED CONTRACTOR INFO  2 - PERMIT FEES TO BE PAID IN FULL  3 - EVALUATION COST FOR PROJECT PER PLAN    ALONG w/ THIS EMAIL I AM FORWARDING YOU CITY OF LA QUINTA ISSUANCE FOR PERMIT PAYMENT FOR YOUR USE, REF, AND RECORDS.      WITH THIS BEING SAID...WE ARE GOOD TO GO WHEN YOU ARE READY TO PULL FOR FINAL BUILDING PERMITS FOR BOTH YOUR TRAILERS.  7   Aid in Future COVID‐19 Relief Funding and Get Your Community Counted! Take the 2020 Census Online Here:  https://my2020census.gov/, Everyone Counts!   Aid in Future COVID‐19 Relief Funding and Get Your Community Counted! Take the 2020 Census Online Here:  https://my2020census.gov/, Everyone Counts!