460 Evans 2022 from 01/01 to 06/30Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers period from .01/01/2022 through 06/30/2022 1. Type of Recipient Committee: All Committees — Complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. 0 Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee O State Candidate Election Committee O Recall (Also Complete Pert 5) ❑ General Purpose Committee O Sponsored O Small Contributor Committee O Political PartylCentral Committee ❑ Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee O Controlled O Sponsored (Also Complete Part 6) ❑ Primarily Formed Candidate/ Officeholder Committee (Also Complete Part 7) 3. Committee Information I.D. NUMBER 13656647 COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) ELECT LINDA EVANS LA QUINTA MAYOR 2022 STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE La Quinta CA 92253 MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NO. ANO STREET OR P.O. BOX CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CO1)EIPH0NE La Quinta CA 92253 OPTIONAL: FAX I E-MAILADDRESS Date of election if applicable: (Month, Day, Year) 11/08/2022 Date Stamp RECEIVED 41" AUG 12022 CITY OF LA OUINTA Y CLERK DEPARTME 2. Type of Statement: ❑ Preelection Statement ❑� Semi-annual Statement ❑ Termination Statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) ❑ Amendment (Explain below) Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER PEDRO RINCON MAILING ADDRESS COVER PAGE Page r of For Official Use Only ❑ Quarterly Statement ❑ Special Odd -Year Report CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE La Quinta CA 92253 NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IFANY MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREACODE/PHONE OPTIONAL: FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of my knoWedge n orma'on contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury u der the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and corr 17_� n Executed on � '--�- g Date y F. Executed on �� By y Si onature of Controllino Offlceholder C.andidale StA IP Mn�s��r= mn nt nr Rncn ihle 016rer of Crv�n.nr Executed on By Date Signature of Controlling Offcenoltler, Candidate, State Measure Proponent Executed on By Date Signature of Controlling Officelrolder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page — Part 2 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE LINDA EVANS OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IFAPPLICABLE) City of La Quinta, MAYOR RESIDENTIAL/BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO.AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP PO Box I La Quinta CA 92247 Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: List any committees not included in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTE£7 ❑ YES ❑ NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? ❑ YES ❑ NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREACODEIPHONE COVER PAGE - PART 2 Page of / 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER JURISDICTION ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee List names of officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Campaign Disclosure Statement Amounts may be rounded SUMMARY PAGE . Statement covers period . Summary Page to whole dollars I from 01/01/2022 ■ - SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through , 06/30/2022 Page 3 of 16 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 Contributions Received Column A TOTAL Column IS Calendar Year Summary for Candidates THIS PERIOD (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES) CALENDARYEAR TOTAL TO DATE Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1. Monetary Contributions................................................... Schedule A, Line 3 $ 14,549.00 $ 14,549.00 0.00 0.00 1/1 through 6/30 7/1 to Date 2. Loans Received.. .................::.........................:..,.....:..,..:.. Schedule 6, Line 3 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS .............................. Add Lines 1 +2 14 549.00 $ 14,549.00 $ 20. Contributions Received $ $ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions ............................................ Schedule C, Line 3 2,035.00 2,035.00 21. Expenditures 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED................................Add Lines 3+4 $ 16,584.00 $ 16,584.00 Made $ $ Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made ............................... .....,,;........:..::..:. Schedule E, Line 4 $ 262.44 $ 262.44 7. Loans Made....................................................................... Schedule H, Line 3 0.00 0.00 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ...............:. Add Lines 6+7 $ 262.44 $ 262.44 9. Accrued aid Expenses (Unpaid Bills p ( P �.......................................... Schedule F, Line 3 0.00 0.00 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment......................................................... Schedule C, Line 3 0.00 0.00 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE....................................Add Lines 8+9+10 $ 262.44 $ 262.44 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ............................ Previous Summary Page, Line 16 $ 28,092.38 To calculate Column B, 13. Cash Receipts ..................... Column A, Line 3 above 14,549.00 add amounts in Column 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash .................................. schedule 1, Line 4 240.48 Ato the corresponding amounts from Column B 15. Cash Payments.. .......................................... . ........... Column A, Line 6 above 262.44 of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE ..................Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Line 15 $ 42,619.42 be negative figures that should be subtracted from If this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. previous period amounts. If this is the first report being 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ................................ Schedule B, Part 2 $ 0.00 filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents ................................................ See instructions on reverse $ 42,619.42 619.42 any). 19. Outstanding Debts .............................. Add Line 2 +Line 9 in Column B above $ 0.00 Expenditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* (If Subject to Voluntary Expenditure Limit) Date of Election Total to Date (mm/dd/yy) I _ $ *Amounts in this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC Form 496(Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE A Monetary Contributions Received LO W"010 dollars. Statement covers period _ * from 01/01/2022 `, SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2022 page of NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) Z INDEl 4/2/22 Jeff Fishbein COM Realtor 400.00 400.00 ❑ OTH La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑I IND 4/8/22 Chris Chmielak ❑ COM Owner - RDRNNR 250.00 250.00 ❑ OTH Restaurant La Quinta, CA 92253 []PTY © ❑ SCC Z IND 3/29/22 Eric Burke ❑ COM Morgan Stanley - 150.00 150.00 ❑ OTH Investment Broker Palm Desert, CA 92260 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC �/❑ IND 4/2/22 Lisa Natale El Personal Fitness Trainer 100.00 100.00 ❑ OTH West Hollywood, CA 90048 ❑ PTY 0 ❑ SCC ❑ IND 3/31/22 Wish U Wellness, LLC El COM Kerry Pittman, 500.00 500.00 0 OTH Naturopathic practice La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC SUBTOTAL $ 1400.00 Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period — itemized monetary contributions. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.).........................................................................................................$ 14,450.00 Amount received this period — unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ................ ........... $ 99.00 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. 14 549.00 (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.)...................... TOTAL $ 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496(Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A3 4CET J Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE A to whole dollars. Statement covers period Monetary Contributions Received p from 01/01/2022 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2022 Page of NAME OF FILER I I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CODE CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE " (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) 4/8/22 Doug Motz 0 IND ❑ coM g Insurance Agent - 500.00 500.00 79555 Motz-Rusin Insurance La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC 4/8/22 Bruce Cathcart Z IND El COM Real Estate - La Quinta 250.00 250.00 78947 Palms Realty Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ZIND 4/8/22 Victoria Ugolini (Hiraoka) ❑ COM Chef Wives Club Owner 100.00 100.00 49835 La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY 91 ❑ SCC Z IND 3/25/22 Tohn and Sandra Powell ❑ COM Peter Rabbit Farms 200.00 200.00 201 Farmer -Agriculture Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC Z IND — 3/31/22 Nachhattar Chandi ❑ COM The Chandi Group - Owner 1000.00 1000.00 42270 Indio, CA 92203 []PTY © ❑SCC SUBTOTAL $ 2050.00 Schedule A Summary 'Contributor Codes 1. Amount received this period — itemized monetary contributions. IND— Individual (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) COM — Recipient Committee - .........................» . .................... (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g.. business entity) 2_ Amount received this period — unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ...........................$ PTY— Political Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.)......................TOTAL $ FPPC Farm 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (8661275-37721 www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE A (CONT.) to whole dollars. r Statement covers period from O1/O1/2022 smim through 06/30/2022 Page _ of / NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR CODE * OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) Z IND 4/2/22 Brad Poncher ❑ COM Retired 300.00 300.00 ❑ OTH Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 ❑PTY ❑ SCC Z IND 4/2/22 Margit Chiriaco ❑ COM Retired 500.00 500.00 ❑ OTH Chiriaco Summit, CA 92201 ❑ PTY 0 ❑ SCC Z INDEl 4/2/22 Connie Varelli COM Broker 100.00 100.00 ❑ OTH Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ZElIND IND 4/2/22 John Hoffner Retired 100.00 100.00 ❑ OTH Fallbrook, CA 92028 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY Ll SCC SUBTOTAL $ 1000.00 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPCForm 496(Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE (CONT.) RR t C t h 1 d II one ary ontrlbutions Received ° w o e o ars. State merit covers period CALIFORNIA from 01/01/2022 FORM 460 through 06/30/2022 Page ? of NAME OF FILER I:D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR [FAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER DATE AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION CONTRIBUTOR CODE * OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) IND 4/2/22 Ter Terry Hawkins ❑ COM Retired 150.00 150.00 55120 La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC Z IND 4/2/22 Ernesto Rosales El COM Mortuary Business 250.00 250.00 82925 Coachella, CA 92236 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC RI IND 4/2/22 Pe Sue Lane Peggy El COM First American Title 100.00 100.00 74770 Company Indian Wells, CA 92210 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑I IND IND 4/2/22 Larry Chisholm ❑ America's Tire - General 100.00 100.00 81124 Manager Indio, CA 92201 ❑ PTY 0 ❑ SCC BIND 3/30/22 Lisa Caronna El COM Teacher 300.00 300.00 77697 Palm Desert, CA 92211 ❑ PTY 0F1 SCC SUBTOTAL $ 900.00 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH—Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Aan .1mounts may be rounded SCHEDULER (CONY.) tvtut16t011y %�.cJntnuutivns Recelvea LUWnv1eaonars. Statement covers period 1. from 01/01/2022 CALIFORNIA■ - r through 06/30/2022 Page-2— of + NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR WAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR * CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) ZIND 4/2/22 Susan Marshall ❑ COM Realtor 250.00 250.00 ❑ OTH La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY Q ❑ SCC 96 IND 4/2/22 Nick Bender El COM Insurance Agent 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH Lake Elsinore, CA 92532 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC IND OIND 4/2/22 Michele McDonough ❑ COM Consultant - Beauty 100.00 100.00 54440 Products La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY 12 ❑ SCC BIND 4/2/22 Susan Harvey El COM Broker - Desert Pacific 300.00 300.00 77933 Properties Palm Desert, CA 92211 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC © IND 3/30122 Richard McCabe El Realtor 100.00 100.00 328 Palm Springs, CA 92262 ❑ PTY © SCG SUBTOTAL $ 950.00 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496(Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULEA (CONT.) ivioneiary t..anirlDuilons Keceivea to wnoie aouars. Statement covers period - from 01/01/2022 CALIF■ # ■ - through 06/30/2022 Page of NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR * CODE OCCUPATIONAND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN. t - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) W1IND 4/2/22 Gregg Thompson ❑ COM Contractor 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ® IND 44 4/2/22 Lorna & Terry Curtis ❑ COM f Retired 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH Indian Wells, CA 92210 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC Z IND 4/2/22 William Hammer ElCOM Develo er P 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH Palm Desert, CA 92261 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC ® IND 412/22 Armen Karimyan, DDS El Dentist 150.00 150.00 ❑ OTH La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY ® ❑ SCC IND tr IND 3/30/22 Anne Klein I., 1 COM KDI Tile - Owner 150.00 150.00 [] OTH La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY © SGC SUBTOTAL $ 900.00 "Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH—Other (e_g_, business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc,ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEOULEA (CONT.) monetary uontributlons Received io wnole aouars. Siatrment covers period from 01/01/2022 • - through 06/30/2022 f Page io of { NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR [FAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR CODE * OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE OF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31 (IF REQUIRED) ❑ IND 3/31/22 One Eleven La Quinta, LLC ❑ COM Michael Shovlin 1000.00 1000.00 78982 OTH Commercial Property La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑PTY Owner ❑ SCC ❑IND 3/25/22 Nigosian Family Farms, Inc ❑ COM Nick Nigosian 100.00 100.00 dba Nigosian's Pyramid Date Garden Z OTH Farmer PO CA 92236 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ®IND 4/12122 Jeffrey Sanders ❑IND Entertainment 500.00 500.00 311 Agent/Tournaments Portland, OR 97209 ❑ PTY ❑ ScC IND El IND 3/21/22 Cole Burr ❑ Executive - Burrtec Waste & 1000.00 1000.00 35560 OTH Recycling Temecula, CA 92592 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC IND ElIND 3/21/22 Tracy Burr Wife of Burrtec executive 1000.00 1000.00 35560 De Temecula, CA 92592 ❑ PTY SCC SUBTOTAL $ 3600.00 `Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/27S-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULEA (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers period CALIFORNIA from 01/01/2022 F , - through 06/30/2022 Page I ( of /6 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER ELECT LINDA EVANS LA QUINTA MAYOR 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESSAND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE I PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR CODE * OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) R] IND 4/2/22 Patti Gostine ❑ COM Retired 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH Grand Rapids, MI 49508 ❑PTY ❑ SCC OIND 4/2/22 Mary Caldwell & Steven Weiss ❑ COM Retired 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC IND � IND 4/2/22 John Cover ❑ Retired 150.00 150.00 ❑ OTH La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC IND (� IND 4/2/22 Rodolfo (Rudy) Acosta ❑ Recreation District 150.00 150.00 ❑ OTH Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND 3/29/22 Burke Rix Communications, LLC El Brian Rix - PR Firm 250.00 250.00 Z OTH Palm Springs, CA 92262 ❑ PTY n SCC SUBTOTAL $ 950.00 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY— Political Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULEA (CONT.) monetary uontrioutfons Received io Wnole aoiiars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2022 CALIFORNIAI � • - through 06/30/2022 Page —Li- of NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR CODE * OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER I.O. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) Z IND 4/2/22 Richard Hathaway, MD ❑ COM Retired Physician 200.00 200.00 8777 Castle Pines, CO 80108 ❑ PTY 0 ❑ SCC ® IND 4/2/22 Deborah McGarrey ❑ COM So Cal Gas Company 200.00 200.00 79335 La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC � IND 4/2/22 Paulette Young ❑IND COM Realtor 200.00 200.00 41480 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 ❑ PTY 13 ❑ SCC RIND 4/2/22 Bob & Sue Leidner El COM Travel Agent/Realtor 200.00 200.00 56498 La Quinta, CA 92253 ❑ PTY 0 ❑ SCC OIND 3/30/22 Derek & Cynthia Beesemyer ❑ CoM Realtors 200.00 200.00 74900 Indian Wells, CA 92210 ❑ PTY II SCC SUBTOTAL $ 1000.00 'Contributor Codes IND - Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY-Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULER (CONY.) JW1%J IeLaey %0UI L1IUULIUIIJ ftUUVIVCU —IVIrUU11'1'• Statement covers period from 01/01/2022 FORM 460 through 06/30/2022 Page � 3 of f NAMIE OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED CONTRIBUTOR CODE + OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) OF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) 411/22 J elena Tamm Z IND ❑ COM Accounting & Property 500.00 500.00 ❑ OTH Management Services Newport Beach, CA 92660 ❑ PTY © ❑ SCC 3/29/22 Eric & Orli Presser, MD ® IND ❑ COM Thoracic Surgeon -Private 1,000.00 1000.00 ❑ OTH Practice Palm Springs, CA 92262 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC Z IND 3/28/22 Dolores Sanfilli o pP ❑ COM Hair Stylist -Salon Studios 200.00 200.00 ❑ OTH Palm Desert, CA 92260 ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY SCC SUBTOTAL $ 1,700.00 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule C Amounts may be rounded •.,,.1ti 1^ A^11n- SCHEDULE C Nonmonetary Contributions Received v Statement covers period _ from 01/01/2022 06/30/2022 Ire 1 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through page of NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR WAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ FAIR MARKET CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED AL (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE* (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES VALUE CALENDAR YEAR (IF REQUIRED) NAME OF BUSINESS) (JAN 1 -DEC 31) ❑ IND 4/2/2022 PLT, Inc. ❑ COM Paula Turner Food, Drinks, 2035.00 2035.00 0 OTH Broker -Company Music, Staff for Palm Desert, CA 92211 ❑ PTY Owner fundraiser event ❑SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ 2035.00 Schedule C Summary Amount received this period — itemized nonmonetary contributions. (Include all Schedule C subtotals.) ................................. ............... ................................ ...................................... $ 2. Amount received this period — unitemized nonmonetary contributions of less than $100..................................$ 3. Total nonmonetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Lines 4 and 10.).....................TOTAL $ 2035.00 0.00 2035.00 'Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496(Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule E Payments Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2022 through 06/30/2022 SCH Page ) of I G I.D. NUMBE>R 13656647 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)' POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID PAYPAL ATLANTA, GA 30348-5658 OFC CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEES 224.21 * Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL $ 224.21 Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.)......................................................................_....,............................:... $ 224.21 2. Unitemlzed payments made this period of under$100..........................................................................•--......_...._----••..................--------.-.---------- $ 38.23 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column(e).)....................................................... 0.00 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 6.)............................ TOTAL $ 262.44 FPPC Form 496(Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule I A--+. m— he R('HFr)11I F I Miscellaneous Increases to Cash to whole dollars. Statement covers period _ • 'g, from 01/01/2022 • _ through 06/30/2022 r 6' INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Pa ofSEE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Elect Linda Evans La Quinta Mayor 2022 13656647 DATE FULL NAMEAND ADDRESS OF SOURCE AMOUNT OF RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF RECEIPT INCREASE TO CASH 5/3/22 CITY OF LA QUINTA REFUND OF CANDIDATES DEPOSIT 240.48 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ 240.48 Schedule I bummary 1. Itemized increases to cash this period.............................................................................................. ..................$ 240.48 2. Unitemized increases to cash of under $100 this period ................................... 3. Total of all interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Column (e).) ................ 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the SummaryPage, Line 14.)......................................................................................................................... $ 0.00 $ 0.00 240.48 TOTAL $ FPPC Form 496 (Feb/2019) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov