2022-27 LQ City Employees' Association MOU Resolution 2022-029 RESOLUTION NO. 2022 - 029
WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta (“City”) and the La Quinta City
Employees’ Association (“Association”), the recognized organization
representing its members, have met and conferred over wages, hours, terms,
and conditions of employment pursuant to Government Code 3500, as
amended; and
WHEREAS, on June 15, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No.
2021-022 approving the current Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”)
between the City and Association, executed on July 1, 2021, expired June 30,
2022; and
WHEREAS, on August 3, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No.
2021-029, approving Amendment No. 1 to the MOU, increasing the 2022
health benefits cap to $1,832.01, per month, per employee; and
WHEREAS, on June 21, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No.
2022-021, approving Amendment No. 2, extending the terms and conditions
of the MOU until a successor MOU is ratified between the City and Association;
WHEREAS, the Association ratified the MOU on July 25, 2022; and
WHEREAS, this document will supersede any prior resolutions and
amendments and may be changed only upon approval of the City Council.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of La Quinta, California, as follows:
SECTION 1. The City does hereby approve, ratify, and authorize
implementation of each economic and non-economic benefit and right set
forth in the MOU between the City and the Association, attached and
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LQCEA Memorandum of Understanding
Adopted: August 2, 2022
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This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is made and entered into
by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA (“CITY”) and the LA QUINTA CITY
WHEREAS, the CITY and the ASSOCIATION have met and conferred in
good faith with respect to the wages, hours, and terms and conditions of
employment of CITY employees and all other subjects within the scope of
bargaining under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (Government Code Section
3500, et seq.), and have reached an agreement that they wish to set forth in
writing in the form of this MOU;
NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY and the ASSOCIATION agree as follows:
The provisions of this MOU are effective August 2, 2022. Except as otherwise
provided herein, this MOU shall be in full force and effect for a term of five (5)
years, from August 2, 2022, through June 30, 2027.
This MOU is intended to and shall supersede previous MOU dated July 1, 2021,
and any side letters or amendments.
In the event of a conflict between the MOU and an existing policy and/or
practice, this MOU provision shall govern.
2.1 Salary
The 2022/23 Salary Plan/Schedule (Attachment 1) reflects the following salary
schedule adjustments:
Bands A through B - 3.9% Salary Plan/Schedule Adjustment
Bands C through F - 2.5% Salary Plan/Schedule Adjustment
The Salary Plan/Schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and by this reference
made a part of hereof, shall become effective on July 1, 2022, and shall remain
in effect during the full term of this MOU, unless modified in writing by mutual
agreement of both parties.
2.2 World at Work Adjustments
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Adopted: August 2, 2022
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The parties agree to meet and confer annually regarding potential World at
Work adjustments in April during the term of this MOU. Salary schedule
adjustments will be based on the World at Work survey of the affected year.
2.3 Merit Salary Increase
Employees receiving an overall “successful” rating will be eligible for their
normal step progression advancing one step on the salary plan/schedule.
effective on the anniversary of the date of hire or the date upon which they
were most recently promoted/reclassified.
2.5 Classification and Compensation Market Study
The parties agree to a full classification and compensation market study using
public and private sector comparisons to be completed before June 30, 2027.
2.6 Stand-By Pay
Employees occupying a position designated by the Department Director and
approved by the Employee Relations Officer as appropriate for stand-by pay
are required to be subjected to call by telephone or other approved methods.
Stand-by assignments shall be scheduled in advance by the appropriate
Department Director and shall be automatically forfeited if the Employee is
unavailable or unfit when called for duty. Employees working stand-by
assignments shall be paid thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per workday and fifty
dollars ($50.00) per non-workday. Employees out on an excused leave of
absence (i.e., sick leave, vacation leave, use of compensatory time off,
administrative leave, etc.) for a full day are not eligible for stand-by pay on
that day.
3.1 Reclassification
An Employee who believes that they have been assigned duties and
responsibilities which fall outside of the classification to which they are
appointed may request a Classification audit. The audit shall ascertain, using
the Decision Banding Method, whether the level and scope of assigned
responsibilities are of sufficient duration and significant variance from the
currently assigned Classification to warrant a Reclassification to a higher
Classification within the Classification Plan. Regardless of the circumstances,
the Employee must demonstrate possession of the minimum qualifications of
the higher Classification prior to being reclassified. Additionally, the City
Manager or designee may require a competitive examination prior to
approving a Reclassification. No Employee shall be reclassified unless the said
proposed reclassified Position has been incorporated in the Classification Plan
and approved by City Council.
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The Employee or Department Director may submit a request for a job
classification audit. The Employee’s supervisor may submit a request for a
Classification audit for the Employee, with the approval of the Department
Director. All such classification audit requests shall be submitted to the City
Manager or designee, who shall determine if the Classification audit is
The Employee Relations Officer will respond to requests for a Classification
audit and will assist with the revision of Classification Specifications and/or
development of new Classification Specifications, as necessary to meet the
ongoing operational requirements of the CITY.
Reclassification shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions
concerning demotions, promotions, or unit modifications, or to accomplish
staffing plan changes outside of the formal budgetary process.
Upon Reclassification, the salary of an Employee shall be determined as
a. Reclassification with Lower Salary Range: If the Employee is
reclassified to a Classification with a lower salary range than the previous
Classification, the Employee Relations Officer may approve a Y-rate salary for
the Employee if the Employee is at or above the job rate of the salary range.
If a salary Y-rate is not approved, the Employee’s new salary at the lower
salary range shall be placed at a salary rate which yields a salary closest to
the current salary, but in no case shall such salary exceed the top of the lower
salary range.
b. Reclassification with Same Salary Range: If the Employee is
reclassified to a Classification with the same salary range as the previous
Classification, the salary rate of the Employee shall not change. This provision
shall also apply to the change of Classification title, provided there is no
change in the basic duties of the Classification.
c. Reclassification with Higher Salary Range: If the position is
reclassified to a Classification with a higher Salary Range than the previous
Classification, the Employee shall be compensated at the salary in the new
Salary Range which is at least equivalent to an advancement of a full Step
over the Step the Employee held in the previous Salary Range, but in no case
shall such salary exceed the top salary Step of the higher Classification.
The effective date of reclassification shall coincide with the first working day
of a pay period after the reclassification is approved.
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Reclassifications to a higher classification will be subject to a probationary
period of 6 months starting from the approval date of the reclassification.
4.1 Retirement
4.1.1 Employer/Employee Obligations
For purposes of the CITY's election to pay to the California Public Employees'
Retirement System (CalPERS), effective July 1, 2013, the CITY shall pay to
CalPERS on behalf of each full-time, regular employee, the required employer
contribution, and an amount equal to 0% of the required member contribution
to CalPERS. Effective July 1, 2013, each full-time, regular employee shall pay
an amount equal to 100% of the required member contribution to CalPERS,
not to exceed eight percent (8%).
4.1.2 Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) Retirement
The CITY participates in the PERS retirement plan, and currently pays the full
cost of the employer share of the PERS retirement benefit for qualified Regular
Full-time and Regular Part-time Employees. Each Regular Full-time and Part-
time Employee shall pay an amount equal to 100% of the required member
contribution to PERS. Any Employee hired on or after January 1, 2013, shall
be subject to the following retirement formulas with the retiree’s annuity
based on the average of the Employee’s three (3) highest paid consecutive
years, in accordance with the CITY’s contract with PERS and the Public
Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA):
Classic Employees (current PERS members) hired on, or after January 1,
2013: 2% @ 60.
New Employees (new PERS members) hired on or after January 1, 2013:
2% @ 62.
4.1.3 Unused Sick Leave Election
Government Code Section 20965 and the CITY's contract for retirement
benefits with CalPERS permits conversion of unused sick leave to service
credit, pursuant to certain restrictions. Upon retirement, employees are
required to complete the "Unused Sick Leave Election Form" prior to receiving
their final paycheck. Upon retirement, employees will have the option of
selecting one of the following: (1) receiving payout for the full amount of
unused sick leave (pursuant to the payout schedule contained in Personnel
Policy Section 14.20.4, (2) receiving payout for a set amount of unused sick
leave and requesting conversion to service credit of the remainder; or (3)
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Adopted: August 2, 2022
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converting the entire amount of unused sick leave to service credit, waiving
their right to a payout for unused sick leave.
4.1.4 Deferred Compensation
Effective July 1, 2022, CITY contribution match of $50 per pay period for
regular full-time employees participating and contributing the same amount
into a deferred compensation program. Employee and employer contributions
are subject to annual maximums as defined by the Internal Revenue Service
for deferred compensation plans.
4.2 City Benefits Contribution
Effective January 1, 2023, the maximum CITY benefit contribution is $1,992
per month for all regular full-time employees to be used for medical, dental,
vision, and general life insurance benefits. The CITY monthly benefit
contribution will change each year based upon CalPERS rates for the term of
this MOU to allow for a monthly benefit contribution for the least expensive
Health Maintenance Organization (“HMO”) family coverage plan provided that
employees have sufficient access to local providers.
Effective July 1, 2022, Employees who elect a health insurance program
(medical, dental, vision, and standard life insurance) that is less than the
maximum CITY benefit contribution shall have the unused portion of the CITY
contribution, up to a maximum of $350, placed into a Health Reimbursement
Arrangement (“HRA”) account for employee use as outlined in the HRA plan
The employee contribution for insurance coverage shall be paid by payroll
deduction as a condition of enrollment and continuous insurance coverage.
The formal plan documents shall govern the benefits, terms and conditions of
The CITY reserves the right at any time during the term of this MOU to change
its insurance carriers, provided, however, that the benefits of any new
insurance plan shall be substantially equivalent to the benefits of the plan
being replaced.
4.3 Medical Opt-Out Payment
Personnel Policy Section 13.1.2 states that an employee who provides the
CITY evidence of group medical insurance under a separate policy and
requests to be deleted from the CITY's coverage shall receive $250 per month
as an in-lieu payment. Proof of other coverage must be submitted annually at
open enrollment. Should such other group coverage subsequently be
unavailable to the employee, the employee shall have the right to seek
reinstatement to coverage under the CITY's policy upon written request. In
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such a case, the CITY shall reinstate the employee's coverage and cancel the
in-lieu payment if reinstatement is permitted under the provisions for
reinstatement, then in effect with the CITY's health insurance provider.
4.4 Flexible Spending Plan Under Section 125
The CITY has established a flexible spending account plan managed by a third-
party administrator that allows employees to participate and pay for qualified
expenses on a pre-tax basis. Employees who elect to participate will pay the
monthly administration fee and optional medical reimbursement debit card fee
through payroll deduction.
The CITY reserves the right at any time during the term of this MOU to change
providers, provided the benefits of any new insurance plan shall be
substantially equivalent to the benefits of the plan being replaced.
4.5 Uniform Allowance
Employees who are required to wear a CITY uniform shall in lieu of a uniform
allowance be provided the required uniform at the CITY’s expense (valued at
$500 per year).
4.6 Tuition Reimbursement
Subject to Department Director and Employee Relations Officer (or designee)
approval, Regular Full-time Employees may attend and be reimbursed up to a
maximum of $3,500 per fiscal year not to exceed a total annual budget of
$52,500 for the cost of educational courses taken at an accredited college or
Reimbursement will be made only after an employee has satisfactorily
completed the class with a grade of "B" or better and evidence of the same
has been submitted and approved by the Employee Relations Officer.
The general rule is that an employee must be employed when they start and
complete the class or workshop to be reimbursed. If an employee resigns or
retires their employment with the CITY or is terminated for disciplinary
reasons within two (2) years of receiving reimbursement under these
provisions, Employee shall reimburse the CITY for all monies paid them for
educational reimbursement received dating back two (2) years from their
termination date. If an Employee has followed the foregoing requirements for
reimbursement and, through no fault of their own, is laid off before completion
of the approved class or workshop, the Employee will continue to be eligible
for reimbursement even though the CITY no longer employs them. No
Employee will be eligible for reimbursement for any class or workshop taken
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LQCEA Memorandum of Understanding
Adopted: August 2, 2022
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after the Employee has been given written notice of layoff, a notice of
termination for failing to pass the Probationary Period or notice of intent to
terminate employment for cause.
Required forms must be completed, and necessary documentation (receipts
and grades) must be provided to receive reimbursement. The Employee
Relations Officer shall make final and conclusive determinations of the
reimbursement amount after review of the request and recommendations by
the Department Director and the Employee Relations Officer.
Mileage reimbursement may not be submitted for travel to and from
educational classes.
Education that is a requirement for continuation of employment or is an
identified part of a job evaluation shall be paid for by the CITY and not through
the Tuition Reimbursement Program.
4.7 Computer Loan Program
The CITY agrees to continue the Computer Loan Program (Program) and fund
the Program in the amount of $17,500 for the term of this MOU at a maximum
of $1,750 per employee. Any employee who has participated in the Program
and has paid his/her loan in full may participate again if there is money
available after those employees who have not previously participated have
been funded.
4.8 Annual Wellness Dollars
Annual Wellness Dollars Program, which provides employees $200 each year
to purchase fitness classes, fitness memberships, and wellness equipment.
5.1 Hours Worked
Employee hours of work shall be as stated in the CITY's Personnel Policies
unless superseded by this MOU.
5.2 Alternate Work Week Schedule
The CITY and ASSOCIATION agree to continue the Alternate Work Week
Schedule ("AWWS"), utilizing a 9/80 schedule. Employees may elect to
participate in the AWWS by working eight 9-hour days and one 8-hour day,
with every other 8-hour day off. The AWWS will continue for the term of this
MOU or until canceled by Management, whichever occurs sooner.
5.3 Holidays
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LQCEA Memorandum of Understanding
Adopted: August 2, 2022
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Designated paid holidays shall be considered eight (8) hours. A holiday falling
on Sunday will be observed the following Monday. A holiday falling on
Saturday will be observed the previous Friday.
The following holidays will be designated as paid holidays for regular full-time
Holiday Date
New Year’s Day January 1
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 3rd Monday in January
President’s Day 3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day – Fourth of July July 4
Labor Day 1st Monday in September
Veteran’s Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Day after Thanksgiving Day Friday after Thanksgiving
*Christmas Eve Day December 24
Christmas Day December 25
**New Years Eve Day December 31
*Christmas Eve (December 24) - 2022
** New Year’s Eve (December 31) – must fall on a weekday to be considered
a designated paid holiday.
5.4 Leaves
All specified leaves as provided in Section 8 of the CITY's Personnel Policy.
Employees shall receive an annual performance review on the anniversary of
the date of hire or the date upon which they were most recently
promoted/reclassified for the previous 12-month period.
7.1 Labor/Management Committee
CITY and ASSOCIATION agree to form a Labor/Management Committee (LMC)
that may meet three (3) times per year at the request of either party to
address concerns regarding employee relations. The LMC is not authorized to
change the MOU or to settle any grievance being processed under the MOU.
All personnel decisions and actions, including but not limited to appointments,
promotions, demotions, transfers, layoffs, and discharges, shall be made
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Adopted: August 2, 2022
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without regard to race, color, creed, sex, marital status, age, national origin
or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual
orientation, or any other unlawful consideration. Further, the CITY shall not
discriminate against any employee based upon his/her activity on behalf of
his/her membership in any employee association or group.
Except as limited by the terms of this MOU, the CITY retains sole and exclusive
right to manage its operations and direct its work force using any or all of the
powers and authority previously exercised or possessed by the CITY or
traditionally reserved to management, including but not limited to the right to
determine its organization and the kinds and levels of services to be provided;
to direct the work of its employees; to assign work from one classification of
employees to another, including work currently performed by employees in
the classifications covered by this MOU; to establish work standards and levels
of required performance; to utilize part-time or temporary employees; to pay
wages and benefits in excess of those required by this MOU; to select, modify,
alter, abandon, or modernize methods of conducting its operations; to build,
move, modify, close, or modernize facilities, machinery, processes, and
equipment; to establish budgetary procedures and allocations; to determine
methods of raising revenues; to sublet and subcontract work except work
currently performed by CITY employees; to take all necessary action in the
event of an emergency; to establish and amend rules of conduct and to impose
discipline and discharge; to establish and amend rules for safety and health;
to select, hire, classify, reclassify, assign, evaluate, transfer, promote,
demote, upgrade, downgrade, reprimand, discipline, suspend, discharge, lay
off, and rehire employees; to determine job content and to create, combine
or modify job classifications and rates or classes of pay; and to exercise all
other customary powers and authority of management, regardless of whether
the CITY has exercised such power previously. Nothing in this provision shall
be construed to restrict grievances concerning any part of this MOU. In the
event of an emergency, the CITY may amend, modify or rescind any provision
of the MOU. Such amendment, modification or rescission shall remain in force
only for the period of the emergency. The CITY shall have the sole and
complete discretion to declare that an emergency exists for the purposes of
this Section. CITY retains the right to reopen negotiations during the term of
this MOU for the purpose of meeting and conferring on implementation of
furlough days.
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10.1 Maintenance of Membership
Eligible employees electing ASSOCIATION membership shall complete an
ASSOCIATION membership form and submit it to the ASSOCIATION for
processing. Those employees electing ASSOCIATION membership shall pay
the usual and customary monthly dues and assessments if any, as established
10.2 Dues Deduction
ASSOCIATION members may authorize due deductions by completing the
ASSOCIATION membership form and submitting to the ASSOCIATION. For
each submitted form, the CITY will deduct on a bi-weekly basis from each
member's wages the amount of ASSOCIATION dues specified by the
10.3 New Employee Orientation and Disclosure of Contact
The CITY will provide the ASSOCIATION with ten (10) days' notice of a new
employee orientation unless there is an urgent need critical to the employer's
operations that were not reasonably foreseeable. In that case, the CITY will
provide as much advance notice of the employee orientations as possible.
The ASSOCIATION President or designee may attend new employee
orientation and be permitted up to 30 minutes at the end of the orientation to
meet with the new employee to discuss, among other things, the rights and
obligations created by the contract and the role of the ASSOCIATION, and to
answer any questions.
Upon the ASSOCIATION's request, the CITY must provide a list that includes
the ASSOCIATION member's name, work phone, home/cell, phone, street
address, work email, date of hire, job title, and department at least every 120
During the term of this MOU, the ASSOCIATION agrees that it will not seek to
negotiate or bargain with respect to wages, hours and terms and conditions
of employment, whether or not covered by this MOU or in the negotiations
preceding the execution of this MOU, except as required by specific provisions
of this MOU. Despite the terms of this waiver, the parties may, by mutual
agreement, agree in writing to meet and confer concerning any matter during
the term of this MOU.
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LQCEA Memorandum of Understanding
Adopted: August 2, 2022
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It is the intent of the parties hereto that the provisions of this MOU shall
supersede all prior agreements, memoranda of agreement or memoranda of
understanding, or contrary salary and/or personnel rules and regulations,
administrative codes, provisions of the CITY (other than the Municipal Code),
whether oral or written, expressed or implied, between the parties and shall
govern the entire relationship and be the sole source of any and all rights
which may be asserted hereunder. This MOU is not intended to conflict with
federal or state law. The ASSOCIATION and the CITY agree that all personnel
rules not specifically included herein shall be incorporated herein by this
reference. The CITY reserves the right to add to, modify or delete from its
Personnel Policies, subject to any obligations under the Meyers-Milias-Brown
Salary Schedule
Administrative Assistant
Maintenance Worker I A11 $ 41,138.26 $ 43,195.17 $ 45,252.09 $ 47,309.00 $ 49,365.91 $ 51,041.01 $ 52,716.11 $ 54,391.22 $ 56,066.32 $ 57,741.42
Maintenance Worker II A12 $ 45,260.81 $ 47,523.85 $ 49,786.90 $ 52,049.94 $ 54,312.98 $ 56,155.93 $ 57,998.87 $ 59,841.82 $ 61,684.77 $ 63,527.72
A13 $ 49,383.36 $ 51,852.53 $ 54,321.69 $ 56,790.86 $ 59,260.03 $ 61,270.83 $ 63,281.62 $ 65,292.42 $ 67,303.22 $ 69,314.01
Administrative Technician
Community Resources Coordinator
Management Assistant
Traffic Signal Technician
B21 $ 53,518.30 $ 56,194.22 $ 58,870.13 $ 61,546.05 $ 64,221.96 $ 66,401.26 $ 68,580.57 $ 70,759.87 $ 72,939.17 $ 75,118.47
Account Technician
Building Inspector I
Code Compliance Officer I
Administrative Technician
Permit Technician
B22 $ 57,640.85 $ 60,522.89 $ 63,404.94 $ 66,286.98 $ 69,169.02 $ 71,516.17 $ 73,863.33 $ 76,210.48 $ 78,557.63 $ 80,904.78
Building Inspector II
Code Compliance Officer II
Construction Inspector
Maintenance & Operations Technician
B23 $ 61,763.41 $ 64,851.58 $ 67,939.75 $ 71,027.92 $ 74,116.09 $ 76,631.09 $ 79,146.09 $ 81,661.08 $ 84,176.08 $ 86,691.08
Community Resources Specialist
Deputy City Clerk
Junior Accountant
Maintenance Foreman
Maintenance & Operations Coordinator
Management Specialist
Parks/L&L Foreman
B24 $ 67,446.36 $ 70,818.68 $ 74,191.00 $ 77,563.32 $ 80,935.64 $ 83,681.99 $ 86,428.35 $ 89,174.71 $ 91,921.07 $ 94,667.43
Management Specialist B25 $ 74,439.45 $ 78,161.42 $ 81,883.39 $ 85,605.36 $ 89,327.34 $ 92,358.58 $ 95,389.83 $ 98,421.07 $ 101,452.32 $ 104,483.56
B31 $ 67,446.36 $ 70,818.68 $ 74,191.00 $ 77,563.32 $ 80,935.64 $ 83,681.99 $ 86,428.35 $ 89,174.71 $ 91,921.07 $ 94,667.43
Animal/Code Officer Supervisor
Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner B32 $ 74,439.45 $ 78,161.42 $ 81,883.39 $ 85,605.36 $ 89,327.34 $ 92,358.58 $ 95,389.83 $ 98,421.07 $ 101,452.32 $ 104,483.56
C41 $76,022.44 $79,190.29 $82,358.15 $85,526.00 $88,693.86 $91,857.91 $95,028.05 $97,783.86 $100,539.67 $103,295.48 $106,051.29 $108,807.10 $111,562.91 $114,318.72
Assistant Construction Manager
Associate Planner
Community Resources Analyst
Sr. Emergency Management Coordinator
Financial Services Analyst
Human Resources Analyst
Management Analyst
Traffic Operations Analyst
C42 $ 80,433.29 $ 83,784.94 $ 87,136.60 $ 90,488.25 $ 93,839.91 $ 97,187.54 $ 100,541.61 $ 103,457.31 $ 106,373.02 $ 109,288.72 $ 112,204.43 $ 115,120.13 $ 118,035.84 $ 120,951.54
C43 $ 84,844.12 $ 88,379.57 $ 91,915.03 $ 95,450.48 $ 98,985.94 $ 102,517.15 $ 106,055.15 $ 109,130.75 $ 112,206.34 $ 115,281.94 $ 118,357.54 $ 121,433.13 $ 124,508.73 $ 127,584.33
Associate Engineer
Senior Planner C44 $ 90,367.61 $ 94,133.23 $ 97,898.84 $ 101,664.46 $ 105,430.08 $ 109,191.18 $ 112,959.51 $ 116,235.33 $ 119,511.16 $ 122,786.98 $ 126,062.80 $ 129,338.63 $ 132,614.45 $ 135,890.27
Accounting Manager
Building Official
Community Resources Manager
Hub Manager
Marketing Manager
Planning Manager
Public Safety Manager
D61 $ 102,513.99 $ 106,785.75 $ 111,057.51 $ 115,329.27 $ 119,601.02 $ 123,867.66 $ 128,142.49 $ 131,858.62 $ 135,574.75 $ 139,290.88 $ 143,007.01 $ 146,723.14 $ 150,439.26 $ 154,155.39
Facilities Deputy Director D63 $ 113,021.68 $ 117,731.29 $ 122,440.90 $ 127,150.52 $ 131,860.13 $ 136,564.09 $ 141,277.10 $ 145,374.13 $ 149,471.17 $ 153,568.20 $ 157,665.24 $ 161,762.27 $ 165,859.31 $ 169,956.35
City Clerk
Community Resources Director
Director (Business Unit/Housing Development)
Design & Development Director
Finance Director/City Treasurer
Public Works Director/City Engineer
E82 $ 136,138.97 $ 141,811.88 $ 147,484.79 $ 153,157.71 $ 158,830.62 $ 164,496.72 $ 170,173.72 $ 175,108.75 $ 180,043.78 $ 184,978.82 $ 189,913.85 $ 194,848.89 $ 199,783.92 $ 204,718.95
City Manager F101* $ 185,230.22 $ 192,948.76 $ 200,667.31 $ 208,385.85 $ 216,104.39 $ 223,813.68 $ 231,537.78 $ 238,252.37 $ 244,966.96 $ 251,681.55 $ 258,396.14 $ 265,110.73 $ 271,825.32 $ 278,539.91
Meeting Monthly
Recreation Leader A01 $15.59 $16.36 $17.14 $17.92 $18.70 $75.00 $2,800.00
Senior Recreation Leader A02 $19.74 $20.73 $21.72 $22.70 $23.69 $0.00 $2,300.00
Software Program Report Writer B24 $31.73 $33.32 $34.90 $36.49 $38.08 $75.00
$100.00Planning Commission
Council Members
Boards and Commission Members
Community Services Commission
Construction Appeals & Oversight Board
Housing Commission
Financial Advisory Commission
City Council Approval
Effective Date