2022/23 Workers' Compensation Program - Memorandum of CoverageMEMORANDUM OF COVERAGE
Issued to the City of La Quinta
EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022 - JULY 1, 2023
July 1, 2022 – July 1, 2023
La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253-2839
PROTECTION LIMITS: Workers’ Compensation: Statutory
Employer’s Liability: $10,000,000 per Occurrence
PROTECTION PERIOD: From July 1, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time until July 1, 2023 at
12:01 a.m. Pacific Time.
This Memorandum and any endorsements thereto are a description of the terms and conditions
of the Program through which certain specified and limited self-insured risks of liability are
administered by the Authority and shared by its Members. This Memorandum is not an insurance
policy. As provided in Section 990.8 of the California Government Code and appellate court cases
of Orange County Water District v. Association of California Water Agencies JPIA (1997) and City
of South El Monte v. Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (1995), the pooling of
self-insured claims or losses among the Members of the Authority shall not be considered
insurance nor be subject to regulation under the Insurance Code.
California JPIA
July 1, 2022 – July 1, 2023
I. INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________ 1
II. PROTECTION PROVIDED ________________________________________________ 1
A. Workers’ Compensation ________________________________________________ 1
B. Employer’s Liability ____________________________________________________ 3
C. Other Coverages ______________________________________________________ 5
III. DEFINITIONS – Excess Workers’ Compensation Program ________________________ 5
IV. EXCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________ 7
V. CONDITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ______________________________________ 8
A. General Obligations ___________________________________________________ 8
B. Inspection and Audit ___________________________________________________ 8
C. Member’s Duties in the Event of Occurrence or Claim _________________________ 8
D. Privacy and Confidentiality of Claim Records ________________________________ 9
E. Change in Conditions __________________________________________________ 9
F. Other Protection ______________________________________________________ 9
G. Termination or Amendment _____________________________________________ 10
H. Changes to Memorandum ______________________________________________ 10
I. Subrogation and Recovery _____________________________________________ 10
J. Assignment _________________________________________________________ 10
K. Joint Powers Agreement _______________________________________________ 10
L. Appeal of Disputes ___________________________________________________ 10
M. Arbitration __________________________________________________________ 12
N. Claims Involving Executive Committee Members ____________________________ 14
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This Memorandum (hereinafter Memorandum) is a description of the terms and conditions
of the Workers’ Compensation Program and Employer’s Liability Coverage (hereinafter
Program) through which certain self-insured risks of workers’ compensation and employer’s
liability are administered by the Authority and shared by its Members pursuant to the Joint
Powers Agreement creating the Authority under the provisions of Section 6500 et seq. of
the Government Code.
As provided in Section 990.8 of the Government Code, pooling of Losses in this Program is
not insurance. The sole duty of the Authority is to administer the Program adopted by the
Members. The Authority will pay on behalf of Members the liability only for Claims or
losses which are pooled under the terms of this Memorandum and the Joint Powers
The provisions of the Program are subject to and subordinated to the Joint Powers
Agreement or any action taken by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors in
connection with the Program. This Program has been adopted pursuant to action taken by
the Executive Committee, and is subject to any amendment, modification or extension by the
Executive Committee or the Board of Directors at a regular meeting or at a special meeting
called for that purpose.
The terms of this Memorandum shall be construed in an evenhanded fashion in accordance
with the principles of California contract law. If the language of this Memorandum is alleged
to be ambiguous or unclear, the issue of how the Protection should apply shall be resolved
in a manner most consistent with the relevant terms of this Memorandum without regard to
authorship of the language and without any presumption of arbitrary interpretation or
construction in favor of either the Member or the Authority. Any controversy or dispute
arising out of or related to an interpretation or breach of this Memorandum shall be settled
in accordance with the appeals procedures as set forth in this Memorandum.
Throughout this Memorandum, words and phrases that appear in bold print are defined in
In consideration for Member’s payment of the required annual contribution for participation
in this Program, and subject to all terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum, the
Program agrees to provide the following protection:
A. Workers’ Compensation
The Program will pay on behalf of the Member workers’ compensation benefits for Bodily
Injury by accident or occupational disease, including resulting death, deemed compensable
under the laws of the State of California, and sustained by an Employee. Such payments,
including any settlements, shall be made at the Authority’s sole discretion.
The Program will provide for the administration and defense of Claims for workers’
compensation benefits, including investigation, payment of benefits, compliance with
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reporting requirements for Claims administration, and settlement. The Program, at its
discretion, will choose and manage service providers necessary to fulfill its objectives;
including third party Claims administrators, medical management providers, defense
attorneys, investigators, etc.
Coverage is subject to the following conditions:
1. Bodily Injury by accident must arise out of and in the course of
employment by the Member and must occur during the Protection
2. Occupational disease must be caused by or aggravated by the
conditions of employment, and the exposure must occur during the
Protection Period.
3. Bodily injury or occupational disease from presumptive causations
contained in Labor Code Section 3212 et seq. or other California
governmental codes must occur during the Protection Period.
4. Coverage is limited to amounts the Member is legally liable to pay after
apportionment to pre-existing, concurrent or subsequent injuries or
illnesses as defined by law.
5. The Program will pay temporary disability, permanent disability and
death benefits at the statutory rates defined in the California Labor Code
(Labor Code Division 4, Part 2, Chapter 2, Articles 3, 4, 4.5 and 5). If
the Member pays the Employee for periods of temporary disability per
a salary continuation plan under a collective bargaining agreement,
memorandum of understanding or other employment agreement, the
Program will reimburse the Member at the statutory temporary disability
benefit rate for those periods paid by the Member.
6. If the Employee is eligible to receive salary continuation in lieu of
temporary disability under Labor Code Section 4850 et seq., the
Program will reimburse the Member at the statutory rate for temporary
disability benefits that the Member would be obligated to pay if Labor
Code Section 4850 et seq. did not apply.
7. Employees on temporary assignment or traveling for Member business
or working permanently outside the State of California who sustain an
injury or occupational disease arising out of and in the course and scope
of employment for the Member are covered for benefits under this
Program. Benefits will be paid on behalf of the Member up to the
amount payable under the workers’ compensation laws of the State of
California, regardless of the jurisdiction selected by the Employee.
8. Peace officers sworn under Penal Code Sections 830 – 830.18 who are
injured while engaging in the apprehension or attempted apprehension
of law violators or suspected law violators, or protection or preservation
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of life or property, or the preservation of the peace, outside the state of
California when the employer’s governing body has passed a resolution
confirming their intention to provide coverage for such injuries.
9. Costs pursuant to a carve-out agreement under Labor Code Sections
3201.5-3201.7 in excess of those required by the Labor Code shall be
paid if the California JPIA has reviewed and approved the terms of the
member’s carve-out agreement.
B. Employer’s Liability
The Program will indemnify the Member, where permitted by law, for Loss arising from
Bodily Injury or occupational disease, including resulting death. Coverage is subject to the
following conditions:
1. Bodily Injury by accident must arise out of and in the course of
employment by the Member. Occupational disease must be caused by
or aggravated by the conditions of employment. The accident or period
of exposure must occur during the Protection Period. Bodily injury
does not include emotional distress, anxiety, discomfort, inconvenience,
depression, dissatisfaction or shock to the nervous system, unless
caused by either a manifest physical injury or a disease with physical
dysfunction or condition resulting in treatment by a licensed physician or
2. Bodily Injury or occupational disease suffered by Employee is not
covered by workers’ compensation law.
3. The Employee’s duties are necessary or incidental to work conducted
by the Member.
4. The Member timely and fully pursues all available remedies for
contribution or indemnification from any and all other available sources.
5. The original Claim or Suit and related legal actions for damages are
brought in the State of California or under the laws of the State of
Subject to the foregoing provision of Section II.B. Employer’s Liability, the Program shall:
1. Indemnify the Member for all sums legally payable as Damages under
this section. Damages include:
a) Amounts for which the Member is liable to a third party by reason
of a Claim, Suit or proceeding against the Member to recover
Damages suffered by the third party; or
b) Damages for care and loss of services of an injured Employee of
the Member; or
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c) Damages for consequential bodily injury to a spouse, child,
parent, or sibling of the Employee, provided that such damages
are the direct consequence of injury or disease arising out of and
in the course of the Employee’s employment by Member.
d) Injury or disease to an Employee arising out of and in the course
of employment, claimed against the Member in a capacity other
than as Employer.
e) Such payments, including any settlements, shall be made at the
Authority’s sole discretion.
2. Defend, at the Program’s expense, any Claim, proceeding or Suit
against the Member for Damages payable under this section. The
Program has the right to investigate and settle these Claims,
proceedings and Suits. The Program has no duty to defend any
Claim, proceeding or Suit that is not covered by this Program. The
Program has no duty to defend or continue defending after the
Program has paid its maximum amount of coverage.
3. Pay the following costs, in addition to the other amounts payable under
this section, as part of any Claim, proceeding or Suit the Program
a) Reasonable expenses incurred at the Program’s expense, but
not loss of earnings;
b) Premiums for bonds to release attachments and for appeal bonds
in bond amounts up to twice the maximum amount of coverage
under this Program;
c) Litigation costs taxed against the Member;
d) Interest on a judgment as required by law; and
e) Other expenses incurred by the Program in discharging the
obligation of the Program or its Members under this section.
The following are excluded from coverage under this section:
1. Damages arising out of the actual or alleged discharge; coercion;
criticism; demotion; evaluation; reassignment; discipline; defamation;
harassment; humiliation; Discrimination against; termination of;
wrongful dismissal or discharge; breach of any oral or written
employment contract or quasi-employment contract; misrepresentation;
violation of employment Discrimination laws; workplace sexual or other
harassment; wrongful failure to employ or promote; wrongful discipline;
negligent evaluation; wrongful demotion; wrongful deprivation of a
career opportunity; employment-related invasion of privacy, defamation
or wrongful infliction of emotional distress; or any other personnel
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practices, policies, acts or omissions, of any Employee, including
Claims brought under Americans with Disabilities Act, Family Medical
Leave Act, Pregnancy Disability Leave Act, Equal Opportunities Act,
Fair Employment and Housing Act, Fair Labor Standards Act; or any
other such State or Federal act;
2. Any obligation of any type that is imposed by a workers’ compensation,
occupational disease, unemployment compensation, occupational
health and safety law, or disability benefits law, or any similar law;
3. Damages for any injury or disease for any Employee engaged in work
subject to the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, the
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, the Defense Base Act, the Jones
Act, the Federal Employers Liability Act, or any other Federal workers’
compensation or occupational disease law, or any international workers’
compensation law;
4. Punitive or exemplary Damages, however characterized, or Damages,
fines or penalties imposed under the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural
Worker Protection Act, or for violation of any other Federal, state, county
or other law, regulation or ordinance;
C. Other Coverages
The Authority may, at its own discretion, elect to defend a Member against Claims alleging
Serious & Willful Misconduct or a violation of Section 132a. Such defense will be provided
by an attorney assigned by the Authority. Any penalties awarded for Serious & Willful
Misconduct or violation of Section 132a will be the responsibility of the Member. The
Member may elect to defend itself with counsel of its own choosing, at its own expense.
III. DEFINITIONS – Excess Workers’ Compensation Program – please see Endorsement for
additional definitions
Authority means the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority.
Bodily Injury means bodily injury, sickness, or disease sustained by any person, including
death resulting from any of these at any time.
Claim means a notice, demand, or Suit against a Member to recover Damages. Claim
does not include an administrative claim filed with the Equal Opportunity Employment
Commission or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing or any other
administrative or regulatory agency.
Damages means compensation in money recovered by a party for Loss or detriment it has
suffered. Damages does not include defense of Claims or any punitive, exemplary or
multiplied damages or non-monetary relief or redress or injunctive relief.
Defense Costs means all fees and expenses incurred in connection with the administration,
investigation, defense, and appeal of a Claim covered hereunder, including attorney fees,
court costs, premiums for appeal bonds, and interest on judgments accruing after the entry
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of judgment, and also shall include the costs of any Claims administrator or defense counsel
assigned by the Authority to respond to any Claim on behalf of the Authority. Defense
Costs shall not include the office expenses of the Member, nor the salaries of Employees
or officials of the Member, nor expenses of any Claims administrator engaged by the
Member. Defense Costs also do not include any fee or expense relating to coverage
issues between the Authority and any Member.
Discrimination means injury caused by or arising out of:
A. Unlawful Discrimination because of race, sex, color, age, religion, or national
origin, or membership in any similarly legally protected class; or
B. Violation of the Discrimination prohibitions of the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990, any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder and amendments
thereto or similar provisions of any Federal, state, or local statutory law or common
Employee means any person falling within the definition of “employee” under Labor Code
Division 4, Chapter 2, Article 2, beginning with Section 3351. Volunteers are considered
Employees under this Memorandum only if the Member has a resolution in effect, and
passed prior to the date of injury or illness at issue, providing workers’ compensation
coverage to volunteers under Labor Code Section 3363.5, and while performing specific
functions in the course and scope of authorized activities for the Member.
Loss means amounts actually paid by the Program for statutory workers’ compensation
benefits, employer’s liability Claims and allocated costs for investigation, administration and
defense of Claims under this Memorandum of Coverage.
Member means the entity, including all of its departments and constituent agencies, which
has adopted a resolution to participate in the Program and become a signatory to the Joint
Powers Agreement creating the Authority as may be amended from time to time, whose
name appears on the Cover Page of this Memorandum. Member includes any other
agency for which the Member’s governing board or council acts as the governing board, and
also includes any commissions, agencies, districts, authorities, redevelopment agencies,
boards, or similar entities coming under the Member’s direction and control. Member shall
include any other agency authorized by the Authority’s Board of Directors. The Member
must be approved for self-insurance by the Office of Self Insurance Plans and maintain its
qualification for self-insurance during the Protection Period.
Memorandum means this Memorandum of Coverage - Workers’ Compensation and
Employer’s Liability Coverage authorized by the Joint Powers Agreement of the Authority
specifying the terms and conditions of the Program.
Occurrence means a single accident or event causing Bodily Injury to one or more
Employees; or occupational disease sustained by one or more Employees as a result of an
outbreak of the same communicable disease, or sudden and accidental exposure to the
same environmental hazard.
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Program means the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority’s Workers’ Compensation
and Employer’s Liability Program described by this Memorandum and the Joint Powers
Agreement of the Members creating the Authority. The Program is a fund created by the
Members for the purpose of pooling self-insured Losses.
Protection Period means the time period shown on the Cover Page of this Memorandum.
Suit means a civil proceeding in which a Member is named as a defendant or cross-
defendant, or an arbitration proceeding or alternative-dispute resolution proceeding to which
a Member submits with the Authority’s written consent.
This Memorandum, including any obligation to indemnify, defend or pay Defense Costs,
does not apply to:
A. The Member’s obligation to pay salary in lieu of temporary disability benefits
under Labor Code Section 4850, except to the extent that the Member would be
obligated to pay temporary disability benefits in the absence of the mandate of
Section 4850.
B. The Member’s obligations under Labor Code Section 4856 to provide health
C. Injury or disease to an Employee while knowingly employed in violation of law;
D. Injury or disease intentionally caused or aggravated by or at the direction of the
E. Penalties or fines imposed for violation of Labor Code Section 132a or Labor Code
Section 4553 (Serious & Willful Misconduct);
F. Penalties or self-imposed benefit increases for violations of Labor Code Section
5814 et seq. attributable to the Member’s actions;
G. Damages arising out of, or in any way related to, operations with respect to which
the Member:
1. Has violated or failed to comply with any workers’ compensation law, or
any provision thereof, or
2. Has rejected any workers’ compensation law.
H. Any Claim, Suit, liability, or alleged liability for punitive or exemplary Damages or
fines or other Damages imposed primarily for the sake of example and by way of
punishing the Member, including liability of a Member to defend or pay Damages
where the governing body thereof has elected to provide a defense or pay
damages for a Claim, action or judgment for punitive or exemplary Damages.
I. Any liability for which the Member is obligated to pay Damages by reason of
liability assumed in a contract or agreement.
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A. General Obligations
The Member agrees to abide by all employment, equal opportunity, anti-discrimination,
health and safety laws, statutes and regulations. It understands that, among other
obligations, it has a non-delegable duty to provide employees with a safe place to work, and
training in safe work practices. The Member agrees to abide by all applicable wage and
hour laws, collective bargaining agreements, memoranda of understanding, and other
statutes and regulations regarding working conditions.
The Member agrees to immediately report every occupational injury or illness which results
in medical treatment, or any Claim by an Employee for workers’ compensation benefits, to
the Authority or the Authority’s designated administrator, but in no instance to cause the
delay of such report of injury, illness or Claim more than five days after date of knowledge or
as otherwise required by Labor Code Section 6409.1. The Member agrees to give every
Employee a claim form pursuant to Labor Code Section 5401 within one working day of
receiving notice or knowledge of a Claim or potential Claim. In the event of an injury or
illness, the Member agrees to provide first aid or arrange for appropriate immediate medical
care. The Member agrees to provide suitable temporary modified or alternate duty
whenever possible for employees with workers’ compensation injuries, and agrees to
conduct interactive accommodation meetings as required by Fair Employment and Housing
B. Inspection and Audit
The Authority shall be permitted but not obligated to inspect the Member’s records,
property and operations at any time. Neither the Authority’s right to make inspections, nor
the making thereof, nor any report hereon shall constitute an undertaking, on behalf of or for
the benefit of the Member or others, to determine or warrant that such property or operations
are safe or healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulations. The Authority
may examine and audit the Member’s books and records at any time during the Protection
Period and extensions thereof, and within three years after the final termination of this
Program, as far as they relate to the subject matter of this Memorandum.
C. Member’s Duties in the Event of Occurrence or Claim
1. In the event of any Occurrence, written notice containing particulars
sufficient to identify the Member and also reasonably obtainable
information with respect to the time, place, and circumstances thereof,
and the names and addresses of the injured and of available witnesses,
shall be given by or for the Member to the Authority’s claims
administrator as soon as practicable, but no later than required by
statute or regulation.
2. If a Claim is made against a Member, the Member shall immediately
forward to the Authority’s claims administrator every demand, notice,
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summons or other process received by the Member or the Member’s
3. The Authority’s Claims Administrator will review the Claim, and under
the direction of the Authority, undertake the administration of the
Claim, including investigation, defense and settlement, as appropriate.
4. The Member shall cooperate with the Authority and, upon the
Authority’s request, assist as appropriate in the resolution of the Claim,
including enforcing any right of contribution or indemnity against any
person or organization who may be liable to the Member because of
injury or damage to an Employee or Member property. The Member
shall not voluntarily make any payment, assume any obligation or incur
any expense.
D. Privacy and Confidentiality of Claim Records
All Claim records, including Claim files, examiners notes, medical reports, subpoenaed
records, correspondence, tapes and films, and whether electronic or hard files, are the
property of the Authority. Because these records may contain confidential or private
medical and/or psychological information related to workers’ compensation Claims
administered by or on behalf of the Authority, access to Claim files and the information
contained therein is restricted to the Authority and its agents and assignees, with the
exception that the Member is entitled to medical information limited to the diagnosis of the
mental or physical condition for which workers’ compensation is being claimed and the
treatment provided for this condition, or what is necessary for the Member to have in order
to provide temporary or permanent modification or accommodation of the Employee’s work
E. Change in Conditions
If a Member experiences a significant change in operations or conditions, the Member shall
notify the Authority as soon as practicable, and the Authority has the right to an
underwriting review and to collect additional contributions as may be appropriate to reflect
the added exposure to the Program. The additional contribution must be paid within ninety
days of notice.
F. Other Protection
If collectible insurance or any other coverage or protection with any insurer, self-insured
employer, joint powers authority or any other source, is available to the Member covering a
Loss also protected hereunder (whether on a primary, excess or contingent basis), the
protection hereunder (including any Defense obligation) shall be in excess of, and shall not
contribute with, such insurance or other coverage or protection, provided that this clause
does not apply with respect to any insurance purchased by a Member specifically to be in
excess of this Memorandum. Under no circumstances shall the protection afforded by this
Program be considered primary, pro rata, concurrent or co-existent with such insurance,
coverage, or other protection.
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G. Termination or Amendment
This Memorandum may be terminated or amended at any time in accordance with the Joint
Powers Agreement and Bylaws of the Authority.
H. Changes to Memorandum
Notice to any agent or knowledge possessed by any agent of the Authority or by any other
person shall not effect a waiver of or a change in any part of this Memorandum, nor shall
the terms of this Memorandum be waived or changed, except by a written addendum issued
by the Authority to form a part of this Memorandum.
I. Subrogation and Recovery
The Authority shall be subrogated to the extent of any payment hereunder to all the
Member’s rights of recovery thereof. This section applies to all recoveries from third parties
or governmental agencies. The Member shall do nothing after Loss to prejudice such rights
and shall do everything necessary to secure such rights. The Authority shall have standing
to seek subrogation recovery in its own name or in the name of the Member, and the
Member shall cooperate with and assist the Authority in pursuing such recovery, including
assigning its right to recover subrogated amounts, and if necessary, executing a written
agreement to effect such assignment. Any amount so recovered shall be credited to the
workers’ compensation file.
J. Assignment
There is no assignment of interest permitted under this Memorandum.
K. Joint Powers Agreement
The provisions of this Memorandum are subject to and subordinate to the terms and
provisions of the Joint Powers Agreement creating the Authority, and in the event of any
conflict between the terms and provisions of said Joint Powers Agreement and this
Memorandum, the terms and provisions of the Joint Powers Agreement shall control.
L. Appeal of Disputes
No party is entitled to appeal or arbitrate Claims under this Memorandum other than the
Any disputes concerning coverage, protection, defense obligations, or procedures of the
Program, as interpreted by the Authority’s staff, shall be appealed to the Authority’s
Executive Committee in accordance with the following procedures.
1. A Member may request any determination of a lack of coverage made
by the Authority to be reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer. Such a
request shall be in writing and must be made within 90 days of the date
of notice from the Claims Administrator.
2. Upon request, the Chief Executive Officer shall review a determination
of a lack of coverage made by the Claims Administrator or Authority
staff and shall send to the Member a written determination of coverage.
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3. If a Member disagrees with the coverage determination by the Chief
Executive Officer, the Member may appeal the decision to the Appeals
Committee. The Appeals Committee consists of the Executive
Committee and the chairs of the Managers and Finance Officers
Committees. Appeals must be in writing within 90 days of the date of
the Executive Director's written decision. The appeal request must state
why the Member disagrees with the denial, and the Member should
present any information that may have a bearing on the ultimate
determination of coverage.
4. The appeal request shall be presented by Authority staff to the Appeals
Committee, on a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting day,
allowing time for sufficient review and agenda deadlines. Staff shall
notify the Member in advance of the meeting at which its appeal will be
5. If the Member would like to personally address the Appeals Committee,
the Member or the Member’s representative may attend the meeting
and speak to the issue.
6. The Appeals Committee may refer the appeal to the Coverage
Committee and consider the recommendation of the Coverage
Committee during its deliberation on the appeal. The Appeals
Committee’s decision is final. Authority staff will notify the Member of
the Appeals Committee’s decision in writing.
7. Following a final determination regarding a Claim, consideration of the
decision may be reopened at the request of the Member if
circumstances change as follows: (1) a new and distinct Claim arising
out of the prior Occurrence is presented to the Member, or (2) new and
distinct causes of action are added to the Claim. If the new Claim or
causes of action are reasonably thought by the Member to be covered,
the Appeals Committee will reconsider the issue, in accordance with the
procedure in section, upon request. Any request for such
reconsideration must be in writing within 90 days of the notice to the
Member of the new Claim or cause of action.
8. If a Member disputes a coverage issue, then, during the course of the
administrative and arbitration proceedings provided herein, the
Authority shall defend the Claim against the Member and have the
right to control any settlement of that Claim, subject to the right of the
Authority to recover from the Member any amounts paid out by the
Authority for such defense or settlement which are finally determined
by the Appeals Committee, or as a result of the Binding Arbitration
Process, not to be owed by the Authority under the Program.
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M. Arbitration
If the Member has followed the coverage Appeals Procedure outlined in Section V. L.
Appeal of Disputes and disagrees with the final determination of the Appeals Committee, the
Member may request consideration of the coverage issue through the Authority’s binding
arbitration process.
The Arbitration Process shall be as follows:
1. Following a decision by the Appeals Committee, the appealing Member
shall notify the Chief Executive Officer in writing, within thirty days of the
Appeals Committee’s final decision, that it wishes to participate in
Binding Arbitration and shall submit a non-refundable $1,000 arbitration
appeal fee. The written notice shall specify the grounds for the
2. Following payment of the arbitration appeals fee, the name of each
Member, other than the appealing Member and the Members
represented on the Appeals Committee, shall be placed in an unmarked
envelope. Each envelope shall be placed in a box and eleven
envelopes shall be drawn by the Chief Executive Officer. A
representative of the appealing Member may be present at the drawing.
3. The managers of the eleven Members shall be the pool of potential
arbitrators. The eleven Members and the names of their managers
shall be given in writing to the appealing Member.
4. The appealing Member shall have the right to strike two or less names
from the pool for any reason which shall not be disclosed. The
Authority shall have the right to strike two or less names from the pool
for any reason which shall not be disclosed. The appealing Member
and the Authority must strike names within five business days of the
drawing. The right of either party to strike names shall lapse at 5:00 PM
on the fifth business day following the drawing. Notice of names
stricken by either party shall be given in writing to the other party prior to
5:00 PM on the fifth day following the drawing.
5. The remaining managers shall be contacted by the Chief Executive
Officer to determine their willingness to serve on the arbitration panel. If
more than five are willing to serve, each name shall be placed in an
unmarked envelope, put in a box, and the Chief Executive Officer shall
draw five envelopes from the box. The individuals whose names are
drawn shall be the arbitration panel and they shall be disclosed in writing
to the appealing Member.
6. If only five are willing to serve, they shall be the arbitration panel.
7. If fewer than five are willing to serve, the name of each Member not
drawn in the previous selection drawing shall be placed in an unmarked
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envelope, put in a box, and four envelopes shall be drawn for each
arbitration panel position needed to complete a five-Member panel. A
representative of the appealing Member may be present at the drawing.
The names drawn shall be disclosed to the appealing Member who may
reject, for any reason which shall not be disclosed, one name for each
four names drawn. The Authority may also reject one name for each
four names drawn and shall not disclose the reason. Names rejected by
the appealing Member and the Authority must be rejected within 48
hours of the drawing. The right to reject names shall lapse 48 hours
following the drawing.
8. The managers or chief executive officers of the Members remaining
shall be contacted by the Chief Executive Officer to determine their
willingness to serve on the arbitration panel. The names of those willing
to serve shall be placed in unmarked envelopes, put in a box, and the
number necessary to fill out the arbitration panel shall be drawn by the
Chief Executive Officer and disclosed in writing to the appealing
Member. A representative of the appealing Member may be present at
the drawing.
9. This process shall be repeated until five Members are obtained for the
arbitration panel.
10. The arbitration panel Members shall be compensated at the rate of
$125 per half-day or portion thereof. If a panel Member is required to
stay away from home overnight, lodging shall be paid by the Authority.
Necessary meals shall be provided for all panel Members. Mileage
costs shall be reimbursed by the Authority at its standard rate.
11. The cost of the arbitration panel shall be borne by the Authority. The
cost of presentation by the appealing Member, including preparation,
exhibits, attorneys, and all other costs of the Member shall be paid by
the Member.
12. The arbitration panel may request legal counsel that shall be selected by
the Chief Executive Officer and paid for by the Authority. Legal
counsel shall not be the counsel for the Authority that has advised the
staff and Executive Committee. However, counsel for the Authority
may participate in or make the presentation to the arbitration panel on
behalf of the Authority, as requested by the Chief Executive Officer.
13. The parties to the arbitration shall not be governed by formal rules of
14. The arbitration panel’s decision shall be final and binding on the
Member and the Authority. Decisions of the arbitration panel shall be
by majority vote.
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15. The decision of the arbitration panel shall be written and shall govern
the issue decided but may be referred to by the Authority and future
arbitration panels for precedent.
N. Claims Involving Executive Committee Members
If an Executive Committee Member files a Claim and seeks legal representation, the
California JPIA will seek representation from an attorney who has not previously and does
not currently defend the California JPIA or its members.
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Workers’ Compensation Coverage Program
Endorsement 1
This Endorsement is issued to:
Member Name Member Retained Limit
Alhambra $500,000
Lemon Grove $150,000
Pacific Grove
Santa Clarita
West Covina
West Hollywood $150,000
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This Memorandum is amended for the listed participants in the Excess Workers’
Compensation Coverage Program as follows:
This Addendum constitutes an amendment to the coverage found in the 2020-2021
Workers’ Compensation Memorandum of Coverage for members of the Excess Workers’
Compensation Program.
A. Payments on Behalf of Members
Subject to all provisions of this Memorandum, the Authority will cause the Program to pay
on behalf of the Member all sums above the Member Retained Limit that the Member shall
become legally obligated to pay as Damages by reason of Workers’ Compensation
imposed by law and of Employer’s Liability of others as defined by Section II of this
B. Defense and Settlement
The Authority shall have no duty to assume charge of investigation or defense of any
Claim. However, the Authority shall have the right to assume control of the negotiation,
investigation, defense, appeal, or settlement of any Claim which the Authority determines,
in its sole discretion, to have a reasonable possibility of resulting in a total of Damages and
Defense Costs in excess of the applicable Member Retained Limit. The Member and
Protected Parties shall fully cooperate in all matters pertaining to such Claim or
proceeding. If the Authority assumes control of the handling of a Claim, the Member shall
be obligated to pay, at the direction of the Authority, any sum as it is incurred, including
those necessary for Defense Costs for the settlement of a Claim, up to the applicable
Member Retained Limit.
No Claim shall be settled for an amount in excess of the Member Retained Limit without
the prior written consent of the Authority, and the Authority shall not be required to
contribute to any settlement to which it has not consented. With regard to Claims that are
determined by the Authority to have a reasonable possibility of exceeding the Member
Retained Limit, the Authority shall, from the point of such determination, have sole
settlement authority, control selection of defense counsel, Claims investigation and Claims
For Claims which have not yet been determined by the Authority to have a reasonable
possibility of exceeding the Member Retained Limit, or for which the Authority determines,
in its sole discretion, should continue to be managed entirely within the Member Retained
Limit, a collaborative approach is utilized in which the Member:
1. Retains settlement authority, except in cases of death or serious injury,
or any Claim type listed in Section VI. CONDITIONS AND
RESPONSIBILITIES of the Addendum (claims with catastrophic
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2. Retains the right to select defense counsel, from the Authority’s pre-
approved defense panel;
3. Receives professional analysis and recommendations on matters such
as defense strategy, and other key decisions throughout the claims
handling process;
4. Receives regular and frequent communication regarding Claims as they
5. Retains the ability to tailor participation and level of engagement to its
6. Is required to establish and maintain a trust account for workers’
compensation claim payments;
7. Is required to use the Authority-designated Claims Administrator;
8. Is encouraged to provide input and guidance concerning procedural
preferences for claims handling;
9. Is not permitted to self-administer Claims.
C. Reduction of Limits
All covered Claim payments for Damages or Defense Costs, which fall within the Member
Retained Limit, will reduce the Protection Limit under this Program.
A. General Rules
The Member Retained Limit shall be applied to the aggregate of all covered Claims arising
from an Occurrence as defined in this Memorandum. The Member Retained Limit shall
be reduced by both the payment of Damages and Defense Costs. The following general
rules apply to Claims within the Member Retained Limit:
1. The Member Retained Limit shall not be impaired by any Claim
brought against a Member which is not covered under this
2. The Member agrees not to insure or otherwise reinsure the Member
Retained Limit without the Authority’s written permission.
3. This Memorandum will not drop down to assume or satisfy the financial
obligations of the Member for Damages or Defense Costs within the
Member Retained Limit. The Member Retained Limit can be satisfied
only through payments for Damages and Defense Costs actually paid
by the Member, to which the Authority has agreed.
4. The Member agrees that in the event of a judgment, settlement, or any
Claim payment (including Defense Costs), in excess of the Member
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Retained Limit, all outstanding amounts within the Member Retained
Limit will be due and payable to the Authority upon demand. Such
payment must be made before the Authority pays, tenders, or deposits
in court, any part of said judgment, settlement, or defense expenditure.
Failure of the Member to comply with this provision will not invalidate
the Memorandum, but in the event of such failure, the Authority will be
liable only to the extent that it would have otherwise been liable had the
Member complied with this provision.
B. Reserving Policy
With regard to the case reserves of individual Claims within the Member Retained Limit,
the Authority-designated Claims Administrator, with oversight from Authority staff, shall
determine reserve amounts as necessary and appropriate, in a manner consistent with the
Authority’s reserving policy, using reasonable estimates of probable exposure, based on
facts and circumstances relevant to individual Claims. The Authority-designated Claims
Administrator and Authority staff shall inform the Member of large reserve changes and
provide the Member with an opportunity to give input concerning the establishment of
reserve estimates for large Claims, however the Member’s sole recourse for disputing
reserve estimates is to appeal in writing to the Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee shall make a determination by majority vote, and the Executive Committee’s
determination shall be final and binding.
C. Total Incurred Claim Value Trigger
Total incurred Claim values, which include actual Claim payments as well as reserves for
defense, indemnity, and expenses shall serve as the basis for the Authority determining
whether a Claim has a reasonable possibility of exceeding the Member Retained Limit, and
therefore trigger the Authority’s control of settlement and disposition of the Claim. At such
time as the total incurred value of a Claim exceeds the Member Retained Limit, settlement
authority and control of the Claim shall transfer from the Member, and become the sole
responsibility of the Authority.
D. Transfer Of Settlement Authority
Upon transfer of settlement authority from the Member to the Authority as described in
Section III.C. Total Incurred Claim Value Trigger of the Addendum, the Authority’s control of
settlement and disposition of the Claim is inclusive of the Member Retained Limit;
meaning, the Member is required to contribute up to the full amount, if necessary, of its
Member Retained Limit in order to pay for Damages and Defense Costs, as those
payments become due. The Member shall be notified by the Authority of the transfer of
settlement authority from the Member to the Authority.
E. Trust Account For Claim Payments
The Member agrees to establish and maintain a trust account with a financial institution for
the purpose of paying for Claims, Damages, Defense Costs, and any other covered claims
expense within the Member Retained Limit. The Member further agrees to:
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1. Grant appropriate authorization to the Authority-designated Claims
Administrator to issue checks and/or other methods of payment as
2. Use the trust account exclusively for workers’ compensation claim
payments covered under this Program;
3. Issue all claim payments through the trust account, meaning: no
workers’ compensation claim payments are to be made or disbursed
from other accounts, or from any other source without first providing
written notice to the Authority;
4. Take reasonable steps to ensure that the trust account is adequately
funded so that claim payments can be made without delay, as they
become due;
5. In the event that funds in the trust account are inadequate to pay for
claim expenses as they become due, the Member shall be notified and
required to deposit the necessary funds. If a lack of funding in the
Member’s trust account results in a delay in the payment of a
settlement, judgment, or any other authorized Claim expense, which
subsequently results in fees or penalties, the Member will be solely
financially responsible for any and all such costs, arising from the late
6. Provide read-only access for on-line banking to the Authority, to
facilitate claim payment reconciliations, and other data management
needs of the Authority.
F. Authority-Designated Claims Administrator
The Member agrees to exclusively utilize the Claims Administrator that has been approved
and designated by the Authority, and to report all Claims, regardless of whether the
estimated Damages fall within or exceed the Member Retained Limit. Self-administration
of Claims under this Memorandum is not permitted. The Authority agrees to take
reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that the designated Claims Administrator is
periodically evaluated, and either meets or exceeds performance standards for claims
handling and customer service, based on industry best practices. The Authority further
agrees to provide appropriate oversight, regulate adjuster caseloads, and ensure that claims
administration fees remain fair and equitable.
A. Member Retained Limit means the amount per Occurrence stated on the cover
page that the Member retains as its self-insurance. The Member Retained Limit
includes both Damages and Defense Costs. For the purpose of settlement
authority determination, the Member Retained Limit includes actual claim
payments, and case reserves.
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B. Protection Limit means the sum of the Member Retained Limit and the Pooled
Retained Limit, above which a Claim is tendered to the Program’s excess or
reinsurance carriers.
A. Authority’s Rights And Duties In The Event Of A Claim
For any Claim that has exceeded the Member Retained Limit, or has been determined by
the Authority to have a reasonable possibility of exceeding the Member Retained Limit,
the following rights and duties apply:
1. The Authority shall have the right and the duty to defend any Claim
against the Member seeking Damages on account of such injury as is
covered in this Memorandum, after the Claim has exceeded the
Member Retained Limit, even if the allegations of the Claim are
groundless, false, or fraudulent.
2. The Authority shall conduct the defense of any Claim in the Member’s
name and recover in the Member’s name for the Member’s benefit any
Claim for Damages or otherwise, against any third party, and the
Authority shall have full discretion in the handling of any Claim.
3. The Authority shall have the right to control the litigation and select
defense counsel. In the event that there is a coverage reservation of
rights between the Authority and the Member, the Authority shall
retain its right to select defense counsel and control the defense of the
Claim, without waiving its right to pay only those Damages which are
covered under the terms of this Memorandum.
4. The Authority has the right, but not the duty, to appeal any WCAB
decision or civil judgement with subrogation impact.
B. Authority’s Right To Control Claims With Catastrophic Potential
The Authority reserves the right at its sole discretion to exercise exclusive settlement
authority and control over the disposition of certain Claim types, deemed by the nature of the
allegations to automatically have catastrophic potential. The Authority may, at its sole
discretion, exercise this right, commencing at the time the Claim is reported, or at any time
during the Claim evaluation process, regardless of whether the Claim falls within or exceeds
the Member Retained Limit based solely on established reserves.
The Claim types deemed to automatically have catastrophic potential are:
1. Any Claim involving death;
2. Any Claim resulting in quadriplegia or paraplegia;
3. Any Claim involving serious burns;
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4. Any Claim involving a brain injury;
5. Any Claim resulting in a serious spinal cord injury;
6. Any Claim resulting in amputation of a major extremity;
7. Any Claim resulting in a serious injury to two or more employees.
C. Defense Counsel Selection
Within the Member Retained Limit, Members retain the right to select defense counsel from the
Authority’s pre-approved defense panel. Should the Member desire to retain defense counsel not
on the Authority’s pre-approved defense panel, at the Authority’s sole discretion, said counsel may
be retained subject to the following provisions:
1. Member selected defense counsel must comply with the California JPIA
Workers’ Compensation Program Litigation Protocol. The negotiated
hourly rate for billing must also be equal to, or less than the Authority’s
standard rate applied to the Authority’s pre-approved defense panel.
In the event that the hourly rate charged by Member selected defense
counsel is greater than the Authority’s standard rate, the Member will
be solely financially responsible for the difference, and the difference in
cost shall not be considered a covered expense under the Program.
2. Member selected defense counsel must furnish any and all information
related to the Claim that is requested by the Authority and cooperate
with any counsel selected by the Authority to monitor or participate in
the defense of the Claim.