PM 2012-515=qmPy PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: CITY CLERK DEPT 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 DOC # 2013-0230468 05/20/2013 04:11 PM Fees: $27.00 Page 1 of 5 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder ""This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording" Receipted by. LCWEATHERS SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NUMBER 12-515 APN 773-104-035 and THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) APN 773-104-036 DOCUMENTARY- TRANSFER TAX IS $ CITY TAX IS $ - - computed on full value of property conveyed, or computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, Unincorporated area:X�'�City of La Quinta THIS AREA'FOR RECORDERS CITY Of LA QUINTA Plan Set No, SE ONLY THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA When recorded, return to: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 THIS AREA FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. ZO / Z- $I 5 RECORD OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS (Assessor Parcel Numbers) Tower Energy Group, A California Corporation 773-104-035 and 773-104-036 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MERGED PARCELS See attached - Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" SIGNATURE(S) OF RECORDED OWNER ) (Must be Notarized) Print Name/Title: f rg Signature: Print Name/Tille: si nvura: Print Name/Title: Si nafwe: Print Name/Title: Si nature: This Certificate of Parcel rger reflects Parcel Merger No. 2012-515 as approved by the City of La Quin, • Timothy Jonasson, City Engineer Date: Z NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFO NIA ) COUNTY OF !=o- A On before me, (Date) J(Name and Title of officer) personally appeared J (Name(s) of signer * who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(whose name(, isfarti subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helsf,�executed the same in his�uthorized capacity(4e8j, and that by hi '4&h* eir- signature(K on the instrument the erson p (,s'f, or the entity upon behalf of which the persanijg� acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the Sate of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. KIMBERLY SCIOLI Commission # 1943579 WITNESS my hand and official seal z -n Notary Public - California i Los Angeles County1-4 <1 a hM1y Comm. Expires Jul 9, 2015 41 NotaryPublic State of California County of Riverside On May 8, 2013, before me, SUSAN MAYSELS, Notary Public, personally appeared TIMOTHY R. JONASSON who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SUSAN MAYSELS Commission # 2017256 Notary Public - California x Signature x Riverside County AA Comm. Ex irsa r 13. 2017 (seal) DOCUMENT: CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2012-515 re: APNs 773-104-035 and 773-104-036 — owner(s) Tower Energy Group. n SHEET 1 OF 1 EXHIBI T nA CERTIFICA TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO 2012-515 EXISTING PARCELS RECORD OWNERS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS TOWER ENERGY GROUP, A CALIFORNIA CORPORA 77ON 773-104-035 TOWER ENERGY GROUP, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 773-104-036 PARCEL 'A " IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 1, BLOCK 134, OF SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT NO. 14, RECORDED IN BOOK 18, PAGES 82 THROUGH 83 OF MAPS, OF SAID COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, IN SECTION 1, T6S, R6E, S.B.B. & M.; TOGETHER WITH LOTS 2, 23 AND 24 OF SAID SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT NO. 14, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHERL Y 16 FEET OF SAID LOTS 2 AND 23. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL "A" CONTAINS 17,044.4 S.F. (0.39 AC., MORE OR LESS) FOR GRAPHICAL PURPOSES SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART OF. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. f� r 'O.Np,L. LANZ) S A. M_ NO. 5479 Exp. 9/30/14 P 8LA QUINTA 5'OV'k'Ty-0' thy J ,ity Engineer NOTE EXHIBIT nB n NOTE 1 THERE IIAY BE EASEMENTS OF THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM RECORD DATA AND RECORD DELINEATEO AND REFERENCED DOES NOT REPRESENT A SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY ON MAY E ONDE7MAP, OR TARE SHOWN HEREON. THIS MAP HAS BEEN APPROVED MAY BE fASEMEWS ENTs WITHIN THE RfA MERGER 2012-515 BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN LEGEND UPON THE EXPRESSED CONDITION THAT BUILDING ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT COULD PERMITS SHALL NOT BE ISSUED FOR ANY DEVELOPMENT ENCUMBEP SAID PARCEL HEREIN. EXIST. LOT LINE TO REMAIN WITHIN THIS ADJUSTMENT PLAT UNTIL NECESSARY DEDICATIONS, IF ANY, HAVE OCCURRED. — LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED GRAPHIC SCALE ,ANAL LAND � 40 0 20 40 A. $P� ( IN FEET ) NO. 5479 1 inch = 40 ft. Exp. 9/30/14 Qfi`A F ME T L=31.46 A VENIDA MON TEZUMA L=31.42 R=20.00 R=20.00 d=90V6 45" o d=89 59'53" Tan=20.04 " Tan=20.00 N89 58'53"W 165 00' QQ 79.96 i 4 O POR. LOT 24 5' P.U.E— '— 5' P.U.E. Q M.B. 18/82-83.) L0T LINE PER ORIG. TRACT MAP POR. L O T I 6 M.B. 18/82-83 °� rzL JO L 0 T LINE TO BE REMOVED I POR. LOT 2e q ' o a POR. LOT 23 P 30 a M.B. 18/82 83 30 00' M.B. 18/82-83 0 W104.86' 0 POR. LOT 23 POI. LOT 2 0: Q _ M.B. 18/82-83 _^ _ M.B. 18/82-83 W LOT 22 LOT 3 1 Q Q AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF GTE CALIFORNIA FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, AS 1 RECORDED ON NOV. 4, 1982, AS INS NO 191774, OFFICIAL RECORDS Q AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF GTE CALIFORNIA FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, AS RECORDED ON NOV. 16, 7982, AS INST: NO. 198689, OFFICIAL RECORDS CERTIFICA TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO 2012-515 PREPARED BY i APPLICANT APPROVED BY - WA YNE A. McGEE IF DA TE L. S. 5479 Tower Energy Group A t tn: Mark Vasey 198J West 190th Street Torrance, CA 90504 TimdthyAnasson, City Engineer Y T4,ut 4 1'wa" MEMORANDUM To: Susan Maysels, City Clerk From: Ed Wimmer, Development Services Principal Engineer Via: 40imothyR. Jonasson Public Wo rks Director /City Engineer Date: April 24, 2013 Re: Recordation — PM 2012-515 — Rogers, Tower Energy Group Attached, please find the Certificate of Parcel Merger and supporting exhibits for the abovementioned Parcel Merger 2012-515 to be sent for recordation. T:\STAFFVarco\Memo to Susan for recordation 2.doc LARRY W. WARD Recorder P.O. Box 751 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Riverside, CA 92502-0751 ASSESSOR -COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER (951)486-7000 Website: www.rivers ideacr_com DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX AFFIDAVIT WARNING ANY PERSON WHO MAKES ANY MATERIAL MISREPRESENTATION OF FACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF AVOIDING ALL OR ANY PART OF THE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR UNDER SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE 516 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION FOR SUCH OFFENSE. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 77 I eq 0 �`73 -- j o 4, -1- 03k I declare that the documentary transfer tax for this Property Address: 17195 Av e�y"o,�_ jotransaction is: $ `$--- If this transaction 1 exempt from Documentary Transfer Tax, the reason must be identified below. I CLAIM THAT THIS TRANSACTION IS EXEMPT FROM DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX BECAUSE: (The Sections listed below are taken ftoni the Revenue and Taxation Code. Please check one or explain in "Other".) 1. _ Section 11911. The document is a lease for a term of less than thirty-five (35) years (including options). 2. _ Section 11911. The easement is not perpetual, permanent, or for life. 3. _ Section 11921. The instrument was given to secure a debt. 4. _ Section 11922. The conveyance is to a governmental entity or political subdivision. 5. ` Section 11925. The transfer is between individuals and a legal entity, or between legal entities, and does not change the proportional interests held. 6. _ Section 11926. The instrument is from a trustor to a beneficiary, in lieu of foreclosure, and no additional consideration was paid. 7. _ Section 11926. The grantee is the foreclosing beneficiary and the consideration paid by the foreclosing beneficiary does not exceed the unpaid debt. 8. _ Section 11927. The conveyance relates to a dissolution of marriage or legal separation. 9. _ Section 11930. The conveyance is an inter vivos gift* or a transfer by death. *Please be aware that information stated on this document may be given to and used by governmental agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service. Also, certain gifts in excess of the annual Federal gift tax exemption may trigger a Federal Gift Tax. In such cases, the Transferor (donor/grantor) may be required to file Form 709 (Federal Gift Tax Return) with the Internal Revenue Service. 10. Section 11930. The conveyance is to the rantor's revocable living tru . 11. Other (Include ex lanation and authority) ix w e fr- W t_ r A tjl 1 `r�- I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Executed t1 3s Adday of41IL4,L)f 20at e r-a CV City State Sig I of Atitan Printed Name of Afliant Name of Finn (if applicable) Address of Affiant 3 1 o �;;3� Telephone Nfirnber of Affiant (including at a code] This form is subject to the California Public Records Act (Government Code 6250 et. seq.) For Recorder's Use: Affix POOR Label Here ACR 521 P-AS4EX0 (Rev. 11/2010) Available in Alternative Fonnats BC. E-502-A (FRONT) REV. 10 (8-07) RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSESSOR -COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER, PO BOX 12004, RIVERSIDE, CA 92502-2204, (951) 955-6200 www riversideacr com PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT [To be completed by transferee (buyer) prior to transfer of subject property in accordance with section 480.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.] A Preliminary Change of Ownership Report must be filed with each conveyance in the County Recorder's office for the county where the property is located; this particular form may be used in all 58 counties of California. THIS REPORT IS NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT SELLER/TRANSFEROR: BUYER/TRANSFEREE: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(S): 77-7, -• f 0 — 0 �, S j .77 .3 -- 1 U 4 PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LOCATION: ']7q A- o_ �"Lc1 71-�+ram MAIL TAX INFORMATION TO. Name L > Address: 'tic)19 $ 3 1 �+�' e1 �'1� C �0- I FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY [ NOTICE: A lien for property taxes applies to your property on January 1 of each year for the taxes owing in the following fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. One-half of these taxes is due November 1, and one-half is due February 1. The first installment becomes delinquent on December 10, and the second installment becomes delinquent on April 10. One tax bill is mailed before November 1 to the owner of record. You may be responsible for the current or upcoming property taxes even if you do not receive the tax bill. The property which you acquired may be subject to a supplemental assessment in an amount to be determined by the Assessor. For further information on your supplemental roll obligation, please call the Assessor at PART I: TRANSFER INFORMATION (please answer all questions) YES NO ❑ O� A. Is this transfer solely between husband and wife (addition of a spouse, death of a spouse, divorce settlement, etc.)? ❑ 1( B. Is this transaction only a correction of the name(s) of the person(s) holding title to the property (for example, a name change upon marriage)? Please explain ❑ C. Is this document recorded to create, terminate, or reconvey a lender's interest in the property? ❑ EX D. Is this transaction recorded only as a requirement for financing purposes or to create, terminate, or reconvey a security interest (e.g., cosigner)? Please explain _ ❑ E. Is this document recorded to substitute a trustee of a trust, mortgage, or other similar document? ❑ &( F. Did this transfer result in the creation of a joint tenancy in which the seller (transferor) remains as one of the joint tenants? ❑ C�, G. Does this transfer return property to the person who created the joint tenancy (original transferor)? H. Is this a transfer of property: ❑ 1. to a revocable trust that may be revoked by the transferor and is for the benefit of the ❑ transferor ❑ transferor's spouse? ❑ ®' 2. to a trust that may be revoked by the Creator/Grantor who is also a joint tenant, and which names the other joint tenant(s) as beneficiaries when the Creator/Grantor dies? ❑ [N 3. to an irrevocable trust for the benefit of the ❑ Creator/Grantor and/or ❑ Grantor's spouse? ❑ 4. to an irrevocable trust from which the property reverts to the Creator/Grantor within 12 years? ❑ I� I. If this property is subject to a lease, is the remaining lease term 35 years or more including written options? ❑ *J Is this a transfer between ❑ parent(s) and child(ren)? ❑ or from grandparent(s) to grandchild(ren)? ❑ *K. Is this transaction to replace a principal residence by a person 55 years of age or older? Within the same county? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ 1W *L. Is this transaction to replace a principal residence by a person who is severely disabled as defined by Revenue and Taxation Code section 69.5? Within the same county? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ I� M. Is this transfer solely between domestic partners currently registered with the California Secretary of State? *If you checked yes to J, K or L, you may qualify for a property tax reassessment exclusion, which may result in lower taxes on your property. If you do not file a claim, your property will be reassessed. Please provide any other information that will help the Assessor to understand the nature of the transfer. If the conveying document constitutes an exclusion from a change in ownership as defined in section 62 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for any reason other than those listed above, set forth the specific exclusions claimed: Please answer all questions in each section. If a question does not apply, indicate with "NIA." Sign and date at bottom of second page. PART II: OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION A Date of transfer if other than recording date 'L B. Type of transfer (please check appropriate box): ❑ Purchase ❑ Foreclosure ❑ Gift ❑ Trade or Exchange ❑ Merger, Stock, or Partnership Acquisition ❑ Contract of Sale — Date of Contract ❑ Inheritance — Date of Death ❑ Creation of Lease ❑ Assignment of a Lease ❑ Date lease began ❑ Original term in years (including written options) — ❑ Remaining term in years (including written options) Monthly Payment . C. Was only a partial interest in the property transferred? ❑ Yes No If yes, indicate the percentage transferred ❑ Other (please explain): ❑ Termination of a Lease Remaining Term -9Fa. ❑ Sale/Leaseback 2.0E-502-A (BACK) REV 10 (8-07) Please write Assessor's Parcel Number(s): Please answer, to the best of your knowledge, all applicable questions, then sign and date. If a question does not apply, indicate with "N/A. " PART III: PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE A. CASH DOWN PAYMENT OR value of trade or exchange (excluding closing costs) Amount $ B. FIRST DEED OF TRUST @ % interest for years. Pymts./Mo. = $ (Prin. & Int. only) Amount $ ❑ FHA(Discount Points) ❑ Fixed rate New loan ❑ Conventional ❑ Variable rate ❑ Assumed existing loan balance ❑ VA ( Discount Points) ❑ All inclusive D T. ($ Wrapped) ❑ Bank or savings & loan ❑ Cal -Vet ❑ Loan carried by seller ❑ Finance company Balloon payment ❑ Yes ❑ No Due Date Amount $ C. SECOND DEED OF TRUST @ % interest for years. Pymts./Mo. = $ (Prin. & Int. only) Amount $ ❑ Bank or savings & loan ❑ Fixed rate D New loan ❑ Loan carried by seller ❑ Variable rate ❑ Assumed existing loan balance Balloon payment ❑ Yes ❑ No Due Date Amount $ D. OTHER FINANCING: Is other financing involved not covered in (b) or (c) above? ❑ Yes ❑ No Amount S Type @ % interest for years. Pymts /Mo = $ (Prin. & Int. only) ❑ Bank or savings & loan ❑ Fixed rate ❑ New loan ❑ Loan carried by seller ❑ Variable rate ❑ Assumed existing loan balance Balloon payment ❑ Yes ❑ No Due Date Amount $ E. WAS AN IMPROVEMENT BOND ASSUMED BY THE BUYER? ❑ Yes ❑ No Outstanding Balance: Amount $ F. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE (or acquisition price, if traded or exchanged, include real estate commission if paid) TOTAL ITEMS A THROUGH E $ G. PROPERTY PURCHASED ❑ Through a broker ❑ Direct from seller ❑ From a family member ❑ Other (please explain): If purchased through a broker, provide broker's name and phone number: Please explain any, ial terms, seller,Cr�p�ncessions, or tinapc' g a. any other Jq rmation that woui help th Asses ``�r u erstand the and terms of sale: ` . C L` �- f' S C",e PART IV: PROPERTY INFORMATION A. TYPE OF PROPERTY TRANSFERRED: ❑ Single-family residence ❑ Agricultural ❑ Timeshare ❑ Multiple -family residence (no. of units: ) ❑ Co-op/Own-your-own ❑ Manufactured home Commercialllndustrial ElCondominium ElUnimproved lot ElOther (Description: Le.. timber, mineral, water rights, etc. ) B. IS THIS PROPERTY INTENDED AS YOUR PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, enter date of occupancy / , 20 or intended occupancy ! (month) (day) (year) (month) C. IS PERSONALIBUSINESS PROPERTY INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE (i.e., furniture, farm equipment, machinery, etc.) (other than a manufactured home subject to local property tax)? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, enter the value of the personal/business property included in the purchase price $ D. IS A MANUFACTURED HOME INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, how much of the purchase price is allocated to the manufactured home? Is the manufactured home subject to local property tax? ❑ Yes ❑ No What is the decal number? E. DOES THE PROPERTY PRODUCE INCOME? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, is the income from: ❑ Lease/Rent ❑ Contract ❑ Mineral rights ❑ Other (please explain): F. WHAT WAS THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AT THE TIME OF SALE? ❑ Good ❑ Average ❑ Fair ❑ Poor Please explain the physical condition of the properly and provide any other information (such as restrictio s, etc.) that would assist the Assessor in detennir�g the value of the property- C-x-+F; OWNERSHIP TYPE (E) Proprietorship ❑ Partnership ❑ Corporation Other ❑ ADDRESS (typed or printed) CERTIFICATION 20 . (day) (year) (Must attach itemized list) I certify that the foregoing is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. This declaration is binding on each and every co-owner and/or partner. If a document evidencing a change of ownership is presented to the recorder for recordation without the concurrent filing of a preliminary change of ownership report, the recorder may charge an additional recording fee of twenty dollars ($20). VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. Right of Way Department Maria G. Pineda — CAtu09M 201 Flynn Road Camarillo, CA 93012-8058 (909)805-388-5409 Fax maria.pineda-d 4erirnn.com June 19, 2012 Reply To: RIW# 108-543-12 Walling & Mc Callum Attn: John G. Walling 45-190 Club Dr. Indian Wells, CA 92210 Reference: APN: 773-104-035 & APN: 773-104-036 City of La Quints Please be advised that the division and development of the above referenced assessor parcels will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any casement(s) held by Verizon California Inc. within the boundaries of said map. Telephone facilities lying within said assessor parcel map whether by right of easement or otherwise are subject to Verizon California Inc. rights, title and interest in and to said easement(s); and as such are subject to charges for any relocation(s), quitcWm(s) or damage(s) caused by this development. Any charges for relocation are the responsibility of the owner/developer, who must also provide Verizon California Inc. with a suitable replacement easement for relocated telephone facilities. These conditions must be met prior to the commencement of any relocation. This letter is not offered as a subordination of the company's rights, title and interest to said easement(s) and as such, this letter should not be interpreted as a waiver of any of the provisions of said easernent(s). Sincerely, Maria G. Pineda, R/W NAC Specialist/Right of Way Agent Verizon California Inc. Finance Code: W3 City of La Quinta Public Works Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: (760) 777-7075 FAX: 777-7155 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director pursuant to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contiguous parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. + + + ♦Q ••• + ••• •O ••♦ + ♦•♦ ♦♦• +♦•♦ ♦♦♦ ♦•♦ + •♦♦ ♦•• ••♦ ♦♦• O♦ ♦♦• ♦♦i ♦♦♦ ♦♦• ♦♦• ♦♦• O.O♦ •♦• O♦ ♦•♦ Oa •♦♦ ••i ♦•• •e ♦•• •♦• ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ .•• ••• O♦ ••i O♦ 4e, ♦♦♦ ♦•• ♦♦. ♦+♦ APPLICANT —/ 0 �Pfint) MAILING ADDRESS qg 41, l jof� s f Phone NcUtcl) S' 3 8 -13000 CITY, STATE, ZIP:_I 0I Al ve r A !qO C-O � Fax No. ( Jd 3 � $- 80 (3 PROPERTY OWNER (If different) : (Print) MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP:__ Phone No. Fax No. MERGER LOCATION: g� ' V61'k . /Lj60'4e � N1q Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged: Parcel 1 T� - 10 - d S Parcel 2 -;V, - �Tl - Parcel3 - - Parcel 4 - APPLICABILITY:APPLICABILITY:(Attach _ additional sheets, if necessary) Merger may be processed if the following requirement is satisfied: t ❑ At least one of the affected parcels is undeveloped by any structure for which a building permit was issued or for which a building permit was not required at the time of construction, or is developed only with an accessory structure or accessory structures, or is developed with a single structure, other than an accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or unit. CADocuments and Settings\azarco\Desktop\Parcel Merger Approval.doc CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL: To obtain approval of a merger, the following criteria shall be met: f f❑ The merger complies with the standards specified in Section above. ❑ The parcel will be consistent with the zoning of the property. ❑ The parcel will not conflict with the location of existing structures on the property. ❑ The parcel will not be deprived of adequate access as a result of the merger. { ❑ Access to adjoining properties will not be restricted as a result of the merger. ❑ No new lot lines are created by the merger. MINIMUM SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ New, original, unrecorded Certificate of Parcel Merger for each resulting parcel with the following: ❑ Correct legal description of the merged parcel and the statement, "This Certificate of Parcel Merger" reflects Parcel Merger No. - . as approved the City of La Quinta." ❑ Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , "Exhibit A" ❑ Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , "Exhibit B" - Plat showing merged parcels ❑ Completed Site Plan, showing merger parcels and existing structures and improvements; if any. ❑ If metes and bounds legal description is used for merged parcels, closing calculations shall be submitted. ❑ Filing fee for Parcel Merger. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. ❑ Assessor's Plat ❑ Copy of record map which created or amended parcels or proof that the parcels were legally created (a deed for the property recorded prior to March 4, 1972 is acceptable). ❑ Please download, complete and submit the following required forms from the County of Riverside--2��ebsite-h sid asrcllaec.camlfo More.as ✓ Documentary Transfer Tax Affidavit (ACR 521) ✓ Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (BOE 502 A) ❑ A check made out to the County of Riverside http://riyerside.asrclkrcc.com/forms/Fee°fv20S_chedule.pdf for Basic Record irig Fees to be calculated as follows: o First Pages 0 0 _- o Each Additional Page $3.00 o Surveyor Monument Preservation Fund $10.00 (Please refer to the County of Riverside link above for updated fee schedule information) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT --2-1?A DATE rL NAME OF APPLICANT (Please print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAME OF OWNER (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. CADocuments and Settings\azarco\Desktop\Parcel Merger Approval.doc