KreedmanRECEIVES, SEP 18 2020 Qw�a AUG 2 5 2020 CITY OF LA QUIN'fA CAUFORNIA CITY OF LA QUINTA DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I IOME OCCUPATION OF A BUSINESS PERMIT# tAo? 2-0 - Da -7 I INSPECTION DA' T] ME: Please read each condition listed on the attachment in this packet to see if the proposed home business complies with the City's Home Occupation regulations. NEW APPLICATION $105.00 LOCATION CHANGE $55.00 Applicant Names: Barbara Kreedman, Phd. Lcsw Address: 50706 Cereza Phone: Email; 760-340-1114 a4therapy@gmail.com Type of residence: Square Footage: single family 2800 Type of Business: Psychotherapy Brief Description of the Business Operation: 1' C y l-� Individual, couples psychother y-43 years Location and Square Footage of Business in Home: (Ex. Bedroom 120 SID 120 S F _ Number of Persons Involved in Business: 1 Description of Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Being Used: none I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT IS ALLOWED. APPLICA T SIGNATURE p E CJ 78495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CA 92253 - 760-777-7000 IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER_ A SIGNED AUT14ORIZATION FROM OWNER OR RENTAWLEASING A ENT IS REQUIRED. f O AGENT SIGNATURE DATE AGENT COMPANY NAME CONTACT PHONE PLEASE CONTACT YOUR HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRIOR TO PAYING FOR YOUR HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT. YOUR HOA MAY RESTRICT OR PROHIBIT A HOMEBASED BUSINESS. IMPORTANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR APPLICATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT I HAVE READ AND U TAND THIS STAT { NT. SIGN TURF CODE COMPLIANCE USE ONLY a r a r■■■ a a a a m m a■■ a a a a m r■ a a■■■ m a a a r r a■■ m APPROVED OFFICER 00I p DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS 78495 CALLE TAMPICO N LA QUINTA, CA 92253 N 760-777-70W WORKER'S COMPENSATION If your company has employees, a copy of the Workman's Compensation Policy must accompany the Business License application, indicating dates of coverage and dollar amount. This proof of coverage must be received before the Business License can be processed. If you do not have employees, please check the last section on this page: "I certify that ...." If your business is being operated from your home in La Quinta, a Home Occupation Permit is required before a Business License is issued. If you have any questions, please contact the Code Compliance Division at 760.777.7063. Every employer who applies for any license or renewal of any license for a business issued pursuant to Section 37101 of the government code or Section 7284 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, shall complete and sign a declaration that states the following WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury, one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided by Section 3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted for which this license is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted for which this license is issued. My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: Policy Number: Expires: A COPY OF SAID POLICY OR CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE AND EXPIRATION DATE FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION IS REQUIRED TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. I certify that in the performance of any business activities for which this license is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's compensation provisions of Section 3700, 1 will provide the City with a policy or certificate copy within ten (10) days of the change in requirements. n �21 APPLICANT IGNATURE DAT WARNING: Failure to secure Worker's Compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000. In addition to the cost of compensation, damages, interest, and attorney's fees may be assessed to you as provided in Section 3706 of the Labor Code. 78495 CALLE TAMPICO "' LA QUINTA, CA 92253 "' 760-777-7000 W W W. LAQU I NTACA. G OV From: Jack Lima jlima@laquintaca.gov B Subject: City of La Quinta Business Lioense Date: September 23, 2020 at 3:29 PM To: A4THERAPY@GMAIL.COM Good Afternoon Ms. Kreedman, PHD, LCSW We are processing your business license application. Please sign the attached conditions sheet for the home occupation business permit. Once complete, you may email it back to me for processing. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Respectfu I ly, Jack Lima I Permit Technician _ City of La Quinta . 78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 . 760.777.7195 _ jlima@1aauintaca,99�i' - PLEASE NOTE: City Hall is now open on a limited basis by advanced appointment only. Information on types of appointments being accepted, how to schedule and City -implemented safety measures are available at HUB AR --ointments. Aid in Future COVID-19 Relief Funding and Get Your Community Countedl Take the 2020 Census Online Here- https://my202Ocensus.gov/, Everyone Countsl ALL MOM OCWATIItM 51t4LL LGl�1lLY t#I�N fNE t�Wpf#Ig115Cq�RfQlilit 1. The estobiishment and conduct of of home Occupations shalfi be on Incidental and accessory use and sha# not charw the prdnc(pal charocter or arse of cite d"fing urA k►vowed. 2. Ordy rtesident8 4fthe dwetihag Unk may be engorged In the home occupation. 3. A home occupatfan shall be conducted only wbtr(n the enclosed Wing oreo of the principal dwveH€ng Bnk or within the goroge provided no garage spore required fOr off' -street parking isusesl. The tome accupotfan SWU rOt occupy row r+e thm twenty-five percent of the cornbinW fim area at the house and garage. 4. A hotm accupation shall nat be conducted within *detached occessowry structure, ciftugh rnuterWs mov be stared in such astnxtufe. S. There shall be no signs, outdaar storage. parked vehicles or other maeriar evidence of the conduct of the home occupotloo. Neither &Pe dwelling nor the lot sha# be ultered in appeam"ce so that it appears other than a residence. either by color, materWs, conasruction, t*&A% sounds, Abbrations or odd chorocteristk& 6. EEettricol or mechanical equipment which Creates interference in radio, television Af telephone receivers at reuses fluctuations in line voltage outsWe the dwelling unit OWN be pWhihited. i. The home occupation shalt not Create dust noise or odor In excm-of that narrrtolty nssociatand w ih resklentiol use. S, No sates activity shall be conducted from the dwelling except for moil order soles- it* dwelling unit shall not be the paint of Customer pickup or delivery of products or serti cm nor shoo a home occupation Create greater vehiCutur or pedestrian troth[ than narrnal for the dtshict. in which k is located. Exception; Muskat tnstructbon and awdemlc tutoring where flat r (We than two students are present at** residence at tM swmtkft Zoll be permitted. !. Medical, dental air SI MNOr occupation$ in which patients am see n tits the home are prarr'bited- 10 AR conditions attached to the clam occupation permit shotd be fully cosnpiFed with at at tip. Revocation ar Su"Mdoo yFtfnrrlit. The director otbuilding and solety ajoyrovowar suspend rrx+rmrt for a horne occupation if the AirMot determines that tarty of d* perrwnwnce and devekvwn erK storad(xds Wed Fp subsection C of this section Rave been at ores being viuroted, thg Mw aacutpotion auth"ixed by then pertti* k ar has t'e+itt conducted in violounn of wV stator statette t r city lot, at tom# the horror acceywtian hers ctmnged or its d[f ferent frorn that authorized vAwn the pefrmk was Issued. sjir W Conditions- 5t6ttIiifi neeiav[tr er t THAti i NAirc Rom, UNMRSTANDANDWBI CWKY Wn" MCA "IN" PR1W NAB 777� CwQrWft"" niter W OUnta Atrxtdripar Codes: 9.61317:tii,9 ,9.21GASO