MarshallSEP 2 5 2020 CITY OF LA QUINTA 1100E OCCUPi�.T[ON OF A R[�`•SUNMIS&DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PUR-kil'O Pd20zo -- 00711SPEUIIU` DA TIME Plea re-sd peach o-onidilinsi 4i'strd on the attachment in thas packet to stx if thr. pruposcd honic busincys complics wash thy; C_'ity's Hornc, Occupation ngularaans. NEW Ar-'PLIC'ATION $W5.FK) l,C)E.ATiON UiANGL' S.55.W Applicant Nanw. Susan D Marshall .Address: 52290 Silver Star Trl, La Quinta CA 92253 Phone: F31211: 760-533-3437 susan susanmarshall,corn Type of residence: Sgmve Foomge: Single Family Residence 2938 sq ft Type of Buslne*s: Real estate listings and sales Bricf Description of the Business Operation, Telephon7 c, email, mall and irnterrcet Means of olienvreal estate agent cantact. No in -person cantaut. Locahoo and Square Footage of Business in Nome: (Fx� BedrewD i 121) tit } Home Office 144 sq ft N14n1ber of Persons Invulved in Businm: - 1 Description of Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Ming 11wP Computerlmonitors, Printer/scanners, Telephones, printer p.Iper, toner I HAVE READ, UNDERSTANI 171, AND AGREE WITH THE A'TTACHED CONDITIONS BY WHWH .1% HOME, OCCUPATION PERMIT IS ALLOWLD. k"4yp. .- T STUB 9/13/ 020 TSM CALLETAM PION — to AUNT& CA 9U53 — M-T U-FOOD VIIWW, A4C�tJIMTA9 OW 4 % IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER, A SIGNED AUTHORIZATION FROM OWNER OIL RENTALLEASING AGENT IS REQUIRED. O%NER/AGENT SIGNATURE AGENT COMPAN Y NAME HATE CONTACT PHONE PLEASE C)ONTAC'T YGUR HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRIOR TO PAYING VOR Ymk Ra%lE ( C UPATION PERMIT, YOUR HOA MAY LtI; VMCT OR PRUHIBrr A HOWBASED BLISINES& IMPOR I ANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYINCI YOUR. APPLICATION; FAILURE TO COMPI Y Wfi'I-I THE COIti DMONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALT BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT 1 HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS STATEMENT. SIGNATUIRF CODE COMPLIANCE USE ONLY a a m a a y a m■ a■■■■ a a a a a a a■■■■ a a a■ a■■ a a q■ a a APPROVED? DENIED__ OFFICER HATE SPECIAL C;ONDITIONS_.. _ _ 78495 QkMTAAA PICO LA CAJI NT4 CA 92263 - 760-7777000 E�i■�TTiTiVvMo.IIIzi1T r��r Au. Horn EOOOUPATIONS HALL oars;-v WM THE FOUDINI NG ODINa MOvs 1. The establlshment and conduct of a home occupation tWI bean inddental and accessory use and shall not change the prindpal dwacter or use of the dwelling unit involved. 2. Only residents of the dwelling unit maybe end In the hone occupation. 3. Ahorne occupation shall be conducted only within the endorsed livingareaof the phropal dwelling unit or within the garage provided no game space required for off-street parking isusecl, The home ci=pat ion shall not occupy rn re then twenty-five percent of the combined floor area of the house ,end garaw- 4. A home occupation shall not be conducted within a detached amessory structure, although materials may be shored in wch a structure. 5. There shall be no sigma outdoor storagie, parked vehickt or other cxtedor evidence of the oc ndwt of the horne occupation. Neither the dwelling nor the lot shall be altered in appearance so that it appears other than a residence, either by oolor, rnatenais, construction, lighting, saun is vibrations or other characteristim 6. 8ectrical or rnechartiral equipment which creates Interference in radio, television of telephone recalversor causes fluctuations in lim voltage outside the dwelling Nowt shall be prohibited, 7. The home occupation shalt not create dust, noise or odors in excess of that normally associated with residential use. 8. No sales activity shall be conducted from the dwwelllN exzept for mail order sales, The dwelling unit shall not be the point of customer pickup or delivery of products or service nor mall a home oaoaupation create greater vehicular or pedestrian traFficthm normal for the district in which it is located, Exception., Muscd instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students. are present at the residence A the same time shall be permetled, 9. Medical, dental or similar occupatOnsinwhich patients are soefl in the hors are„ ohihited. 10. Al condificins,attached to the home occupation permit shall be fully complied with at alliti IrvoWilon c r Sxpension of Permit. The director of buu Idling and safety may revoke or suspend any permit for a home occupat Ivan if the director determines that any of the perforrwoe and development standards listed in subsection Cot this s9t4on have been cr are being violated, that the oocupation authorizW by the permit is or has been inducted in violation of my state statuhe or city law, or thatt the home occupation has changed or is different from that autthorlmd when the permit was issued_ Cbnditionslsr I aQ uintalti.+luniapal Qodes, 9.60,110, 9.160, 9,210-t60 78496 MLIE TAM PIC O — LA QUI fdT,, CA f>k22 — 7 e&777-7 00D VLiVVVV.IAQUINTAC' GOV AMV,9:11.+=:ETC67► 1 ;- -21 If your company has employes a copy oft he til' bftnan's Cbmpensatien F bh y must a=mpany the Busing Uceim application, indicating dates of coverage and dolllar amount • This proof of coverage must be raa9ivieci before the BAnem License can be processed_ If you do not have ernpdoyees. ply check the last section on thispage: " 1 certify that • . If your busiixm isbeng operated from your borne in La Quinta, a Hlome Oompat ion Flermit isrequired before a Wslnem Ucenqe is iced, If you have any questions, pease contact the Cbde CJornptiance division at 760.777.7063, bery employer who applies for any license or refwwal of any license for a business issued pursuant to Sad ion 37101 of the gaxverriment code or lion 7284 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, sl^olI opMpe; _d dg A declaration that statesth�e fallavving I hereby affirm under pe-rialtyof perjary, one of the followiingdeclwatic-^s. I have and w"iII maintain a oertificate of cocnsent to Wf•insurefor Worker's 0impensation, as provicll by Sadion 3700 for the dwat icon of any business activities oanduded for which this license isisR+ed, I have and will maintain Worker's CbrFiperrsation Insurance, asregtAred by :action 3700 for the duration of any business actiwitiesconducted for which thislicense is lamed. My Worker's Oompermtion Insurance carrier and poI4 number are: Carrier: F biloy Number: Fri rep I certify that in the performance of any business aCtivitiesfor which this license is i ssued , I shal6 not employ any person in any manner so as to beoDrne subject to the worker's compensation laws of OAifmrnia, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's axnpensation provisions of Sect ion 37CO, I will prcriide the Oty with a policy or certificate copy within ten (10) days of the charge in requirements, /¢ 9/1812020 Az'L_.r APFUCAW:SGNATLFE WAMINQ #ilium to anmwe Worker's[ ogmrmtion coverage is unla►wftA, and small s A)W an onroployev to criminal perleftWeand civil fines up to $100,00D.. lnaddition to the cat of mmperraation, cdarrram interest, mid attcwney'sfees many be aammed to you as pro lded hn Sadlon 3706 of the labor Coda, 78495 C.ALLETAM PICO 4 to CUNTA, OA 92253 — 780-777-7000 HOME000UPATION OONDITIONS ADDRESS H.O.2020- 0077 SUSAN D. MARSHALL ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The establishment and conduct of a home occupation shall be an incidental and accessory use and shall not change the principal character or use of the dwelling unit involved. 2. Only residents of the dwelling unit maybe engaged in the home occupation. 3. A home occupation shall be conducted only within the enclosed living area of the principal dwelling unit or within the garage provided no garage space required for off-street parking is used. The home occupation shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the combined floor area of the house and garage. 4. A home occupation shall not be conducted within a detached accessory structure, although materials may be stored in such a structure. 5. There shall be no signs, outdoor storage, parked vehicles or other exterior evidence of the conduct of the home occupation. Neither the dwelling nor the lot shall be altered in appearance so that it appears other than a residence, either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations or other characteristics. 6. Electrical or mechanical equipment which creates interference in radio, television or telephone receivers or causes fluctuations in line voltage outside the dwelling unit shall be prohibited. 7. The home occupation shall not create dust, noise or odors in excess of that normally associated with residential use. 8. No sales activity shall be conducted from the dwelling except for mail order sales. The dwelling unit shall not be the point of customer pickup or delivery of products or services, nor shall a home occupation create greater vehicular or pedestrian traffic than normal for the district in which it is located. Exception: Musical instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students are present at the residence at the same time shall be permitted. 9. Medical, dental or similar occupations in which patients are seen in the home are prohibited. 10. All conditions attached to the home occupation permit shall be fully complied with at all times. Revocation or Suspension of Permit. The director of building and safety may revoke or suspend any permit for a home occupation if the director determines that any of the performance and development standards listed in subsection C of this section have been or are being violated, that the occupation authorized by the permit is or has been conducted in violation of any state statute or city law, or that the home occupation has changed or is different from that authorized when the permit was issued. Special Conditions! BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT I AGREE THAT I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS. ZPRT NAME ❑FFICER SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DA E Conditions Per Lo 4uinto Municipal Codes: 9.60,110, 9.160, 9.210.060