GosselinX 1 _ 1 [ DEC 17 2070 .J. J r QUINTA DESIGfd & DEVEWPIv ENT DEPH RTI41EMr 11" F; (lC CUPATION OF A BUST NIF SS rFK.tFj•,, #OJOLO—dolma Pk*sc rimd cash corwit,iatl timed on the arieL hnecml in this packet to we if she yN —�_ mith the ['iIY liiumr ()cca tion prvpc�x� ha.r+e t►we:next ahnplics py rT,�ulaii[xty,. I ►� l PP1, IC A I I()ti S 105. La["r1 f'ION C"HAtiC,E: S55'.(to Applicant Names: Address: � M. Phone- ID- k:mafl: ? �- T4pc of rrsidPrrre: S+luirc Fvottege: 51 t "I apt of Business: - Brief'Description of the Rusin6d0ttrratiom: �tiiirrt and Syuure Focrpage nr B3us n in 1intne• E.v t3cdnvm 12ll S6 Num oI Ii'ersastY Ittvoived in Business: Dtscripdort of .0,lttc-hinery, Equilameat. and Supplies Being i sed.- eckh ie I?\ i 1% N c -_j I iHAV'F. RF.A1), 11NDFRSF'AND, A%0 %t,RF.1: WII'll I'llF i`i:U-11F.DCON D111U1s BN It W it A Il()►IV ()('('I I,.% I ION PfK.s111, lti 1%1,L()N% F.D. dC4C-N APPLICANT SIG NAIL URE DATE Er <P0I ►.'1�1� IS;! I ti,tl f,1F IVY{"It- ASii, .f.fy ,1l I110 K1! DA'I k - CON I AC I s'i br�tiF= Pt -FASt' W\ 11c'r Y OLK [lomEOWNLR•S A%SOCIA'TIOjS' Pki() -r() PAYIN6 F.()R Youp, Iio\,Il CWCL P -% Tilt\ I'FRklII . VOt, It I10A MAY RESTRIC7' ()R PK()jIIItI I A I10ME-HASH) HUMN-i,SS• MIIMM 1'ANT I` OR \1ISLEAMNIG INFoftmATION SI TALI. BE CiROI.TNOS FOR ❑ NYING YUUR APPLICALTI()\. 11l I -VRE Tp (-O\IPLN' Willill IIE CONDITIONS i.ISTE;1) ON 7HE A vrmiim) PAGF: St-l-ALl. BIB C. ROL \DS FOR RFVOCATION 01: THIS PlAMIT I HAVE READ AN'[) UNDERSTAND THIS STATEMENT. jl,,Da� �51c NA VIJRI•. -- — CODE COMPLIANCE ISF OMA ■ • • ■ ■ ■ was r a ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ s ■ s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ APPR[]VI1) SPGCIAt. C0NMl10N'S__ lfyotrrcom~�ORK��'S C❑M [icen� s is+any Etas er"p1u'vices. PCM514TI❑M apfitatlpn tnd ts�{)v of It 0 wear before the l3us{n scatr"t dates of kmM Ca ass Iice nSe coverage 3rid ��nS�to4r, P6ii . if yQ„ do notran be ProttiSed dalEar a^�t+mot. t� o�ry must xccnm�� rt7c taus+neat have ems *f cer'�'aft'N'st by rer; bY,,$. Please check the ra ryea if ycyur buslneSs es beingas, tI10h on this a 6uxiness lice oPerat� front page- 'F certify th,rt , r $�e rs iasue�d, V'014F hone iq la R4tln ti, f H9" Oct'r�,on vern,1t tS rr!paereri ![pie If yak.t have any question. f • "ease contact the Cu Ewery empla r de Cosnolu snre Dilvis;an at 760.rn 7063 1M whn applies for ally of the any license or renn governneent code or +vat of airy fictnst for a business rKsued tl th t t es th Section 77gti of the iResF2:wue and r pur�uaivl to5�rct�a+, wires Taxation Cade, 3h.tll �NORK�RrS QMP� TON ❑ C R T� N I hereh aft' Y irm under Penalty of perjury. one of the fpllawtngdeclarati#n$: i Ilave and wllr maintain a Cerlillcate f0su _ pp Provided by Section 3700 for the duration of any business actMtiestconducted for ntat*n license is issued, wh hthss 1 have and will maintain Worker's Carnpensation Insurance, as required by Sections 37 r the duration of any business activities conducted for which this Iscense,s issued, OP fn My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are, Carrier: Policy Number-_ Expires - A COPY OF SAID POLICY OR CERTiFfCATE OF CONSENT SHOVANG THE AMOUNT Of COVERAuE AND EXPIRATION DATE FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION IS REgWRED TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. I certify that in the performance of any business arti►+ities for which tflis license is+ssued. I shalt not employ any person in any manner so as to became subject to the worker's corriNnsation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the w,torker'S tompensatton provisions of Section 3700, 1 witl provide the City with a pol.cy or certificate Copywithin Teo (10) clays of the change in requrre"WRt5. r APPLICANT 516NATURL DATE Wq�MINC: Failure to secure Worked Compensation covwfalir is uniawfuI, and shall subject an emplaller to srieni 91 penafties and civil fines up to S 100,000. in ,addition to the cost of compensation, damages, interest O+d attorneljs fern may be assessed to IOU as Vowided in Section 3706 of the Labor Cods". 7849S CALLS TAMPICO - LA QWNTA, CA 97753 ` 760-777.70W W% W.-MU NTACA.Ga ADDRESS ALL HOME OCCUPAfitptiS SHALLL + `'""'"'�•tH' . .. _ C 7�:, - 1. T•heester nXbnt 4uM r0r urn► rt� -�� ►►#t re�ttcir►L[ ar o;:ratr��� ��cANalrttlf+es shall not chorrge the ! a,:c�lrtiit>srt�r t�, R► nclpe; Cho..,er or Use at tftn (x'+ Pnt�3eneat •,+rn +k c.o*k;ry +e�r+d. 2. Only residents of the dH �c€farog u�+r �vstFved. tsllinsa unit ""'IV bt+ pnoa9ed in IhD "t, rx 1 3- * home �n.+pttiC'n sh0=[ tc�rxC3tr.Ct�1 only within the esnc401cet livl+r',F ayr� r unit Or within the garage Provided no garage sce r 4 tF►t..+r�t:qqt tl+xrriiirr� occupo(ion shrill not ocC•upY rnnfe than twQnt }-Ne erc.., !or off silent portal" i is 44"d ttw h'N" 90r❑ge, Y iwerC[�nt of thtt r.o mt)ined )jov 4x9+] Cif tM0 lox'twid 4. A home accupativn shall not be conducted within a detochoo cKces"y stru+cturr, ,,�t►u�ir n rr�ter� is May be stored in such a structure. q ° 5. There shall be no sdgns. outdoor storage, parktd vehktes or ottr+e• exterlof evideme- al' the cotul tt of the harrie occupation. Neither the dwelling tux the ICI sKotl be altered In aNemonce sA that +t K+ppears other than a residence, either by color. materials. construction. isgf iting, sounds,. vihratlons or othel characteristics. 6. Electrical of mechanical equipment which creates Interference in radio. teteviision or teie"ie receivers or causes fluctuations in lire voltage outside the dweling unit sholll be prole+bited- 7. The home occupation shall not create dust, noise or odors in excess of that normally associates with residential use. S. No soles activity shall be conducted From the dwelling except for mail order safes. ". a dwelling unit shall not be the point of customer pickup or detivery of products or services. nor shall a home occupottion create greater vehicular or pedestrian traffic than normal for the disttict in which it is Wcoted. ExceptKm: Musical instruction and ocadernic tutoring where not more than twa students are p lesent at the residence at the some time shall be permitted. 9. Medical, dental or similar occupations in which patients are seen in the'horne are prohibited. 10. Ail conditions attached to the home occupation permit shalt be fully complied wadi at alit tknL-5. Revocation or Suspension of Permit. The directot of guiding and safety may revoke OF suspend any p0m,t for o horn occupation if the director determines that any of the pedotmonce and development standards fisted in subset on C of this section have been or are being violated. that the occupation autnoh7ed by the perrmtt is or has been conducted it, violation of any state stptute Or city tOw. Of that that home OCCUPation has changed rx is tliffereru from that outhonzed when the permit was issued. Speciol Conditions: By SIGNING 'THIS DOCUMENT I AGREE THAT I tiAVE READ. UHDERStANO MAE) Will COWL Wn'H ALL CONOMMS. P lNT NAME SIGNATURE s7FFICER SiG"iUiE- DATE Conditions Per Lo ouinto Munkrpa! CO'"': 9.60.110' 9.160, 91210,060