JudnichJAN 0 4 2022 Do H om occupivnON OF A BUSINE`NSIGN &]crrr OF � QulNra EPA�Irv[ENT 1'Lity[i'y. =V ,CM2- 1?NSPF(`T'10NllA')L N 1111E Please nxi each c< ndwou lisud on the attachneni in 1111%vuckO to se# if the *(". l honlc lauxiiieYs 4:VMP1W,% with Lhe 4» 4t $ }:.lamr OLCLIPali,Sp re uliatiom. NtA1 APPLICeATIQN'51ii50) LOCATION C HANOV-.$5519) -tpplicunt Nault1st Adam Judnich Atfllrc u 45355 Carrie Ln. La Quinta CA 92253 Nh,1 n 4• >R moil: 760-777-2763 adam9arrestapestservices.com 1►lrr,il rrs111rnCr: �slirsrc F�iuta�e: Single family 1 500 Tr pr ur Busium4: Pest Control i3r irf Gexcripliun of t1tC Btuiuess gpet•usi�=a: full service pest control company I ocst3iun "Lf,, quurr Fualuge of Busmos lu Home! (FK, fiW1,0011t 1'_1) SF) Bedroom 120SF Nurnbcr of Perrgnr Inxalvcd ltl i3u>;incss: �� one_____ Dewripllotl.of ►lslrhinal-.y, Equiplucut.nnd 5uppile. Bring, Liscd: Chemical, power tools I IIAVE: READ. UNbERSTAND. ANWACRF ': NVITH C4)NOU11ONS-By WHICH A HOMLOCCUP,NTIONN PERMI'I" tS ALLOWFD. L APPLICANT SIGNATURE, 01 113/2622 f}ATE 78495 CALLS TAMPICO "LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760-777 70M W W W _LAgUINTACA.60V IV APPLIc ANT I5 OTFIFR THAN THE PROPLKtY OWNS& A SIONFiD AUT1 OR12A ION FROM OWNER OR kL1f I AL'L EASINCJ A(irN•I IS KE�UIkLI.y. 1,1%k N .It'A G I-XT SIG Ni IRATE AGEN F CONTACT PI ]ONE PIEASI;VONTAn YO;lR H(}MEOWNLR'S ASSOCIATION PRIOR TO PAYING FOR YOUR IIOML OCLI!PA-I'fu.E PC, RM IT. YOU It FHOA MAY RI:51 MCI OR PROI119IT A I10ME-43ASED OUSiNL-g& INIO'C RTANIT; OALSE OR MISLLADING, It�1 Gi(�MAT'l(JN, �N�I I. i3I; GAOLTNDS. F01(.1=iENYING"YOUR ANI'LICATJ(TN: PAiI.t,iRE` O (:()MPI,Y, WI 111 1-IlL tONDITT0'!fS I.IS"17F7) ON THI✓At A0t)=U PAIGE 51tALL �>=e3R tt:rtiTas fit)R REVOICA71t?� Of' tJ-IIS PERMIT 111AVE READ Ay[3 E 't' INDT11I5 STATEMENT. SIGNATIMIr + 'diK CUMP'LlAN" V5F ON" Ly. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • r r • ,? '# ♦ ■ 1! r a • a • 'a w ■ , a r ! • • ■. �: � x r r • ■ w • r N • A3'PRUi'I I� DEF'�IFi " SPEC CAL-CONDffIONS OFFICEK DA I L _ 7M95 CALLETIIMMCO . I.A QUINTA, CA 9Z253 ~ 760-777=7M wW W. LAQUINTAMGOV WORKER'S COMPENSATION if your company has employees, a copy of the Workman's Compensation Policy must accompany the Businm License application, Ind.1catiug dates of coverage and,dallaramount. This proof of coverage must he received before the Business Llcense can be processed. If you do not have employees, please check the Igst Section. on this page: "I tertify that If your business is being operated from.your home In La Quinta,,a Horne 0%cu Von Permit Is required i?efyre a Business License is Issued. if you have any questions, please contett-the t ode Compliiinca' Divislop at 760.777,7063. Every employer who applies for any license or feriewal of any license for a business issued pvrsiiara to Section '37101 of the governmeritcode ar Section.7:84 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, small onolete and sign -a declaration that states the fal_l_uwin WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury, one of the foliowing_declarations. I have and will maintain a certificate of consentto self -insure .for Workers Compensation, as provided by Section 3700 for the duration of any business-ar tivitie3 cooducti" for which this license is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's ampensation Insurance, as requlred by -Section 37W for the duration:of any business activities conducted for which this license is Issued, My Workiees Compensation Insurance; carrier and policy number are; Carrier: Policy Number: Expires: A COPY OF SAID POLICY OR CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE AND EXPIRATION DATETOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION 15 REQUIRED TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION, L. �J I certify that In the }performance of arty business activities for whim this license is issued. i shall not employ, any ptrrson in any mani+er so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become sublcct to the worker's. compensation provisions of Section 3700, i will provide:the City with a policy a certificate copy within ten (10) dayslof the:change in requirements. APQLICANT SIGNATURE DATE WARNING: Failure to secure Warkees Compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an ernpiayer to.criminal penalties and 60 lines up to $IN,000. in addition to the cost of Compensation. damages, Interest, and attorney's.fees may be assessed to you as provided In Section 3706' of the Labor Code. -4495 CALLS TAMPICO" LA QUINTA, CA 92253 "' 760-7V-7000 wwW.LAQUINTA�►1 HOME OCCUPATION CONDITIONS �-I.17.'# �" 1 00"02- ADDRESS 45365 Carrie Ln. La Quinta CA 92253 ALL.. }HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THIr-FOLLOWING CINIDITWNS: 1. The establishment and conduct of a horse occupation shall be on incidental and accessory use ant; shall not change the principol tharactef or use Of the dwelling unit Involved, Z.:Only residents of the dwelling unit may be: engaged in the home:.occupation, 3: A home occupation shall be conducted only within the enclosed living area of the principal dwelling «nit or within the garage provided no garage space required for off-street parking is used. The home occupation shop not occupy more ikon twenty- five percent of the combined Root arena of the house Lind garage: 4. A home occupation shall not be conducted within o deSached accessorystructure, although materials, may be stored in such a structure. 5. There shall be no signs, outdoor storage, parked vehicles or other exterlor evidenceof the conduct of the home occupation. Neither the oweliirig nor the lot shall be altered In appertrance so that it appears other then o residence, either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds. vibrations or ether characteristics, b. Electricoi or mechanical equ ipment which creates interference in radio, television or telephone receivers or couses'Ouctuations in line voltage outside the,dweiling unit stroll be prohibited.,' 7, The home occupation slioll not creche dust, noise or odors in excess nfthat'normolly associateQ wltii residential use, 8: No soles activity sholl.be conducted from the dwelling except for mall order sales. The dwelling unit shall not be the point of Customer pickup or delivery of products or services, nor ;gall a home occupation create greater vehicu€❑r or pedestrian tra€Fc.than normal for the district in which It is :ocated. Exception; Musical instruction and academic tutoring where rraL more than two students are present at the residence of the some time shall be permitted. 9. Medical, dental or similar occupations In which patients are seen In the home,ore prohibited. 10, All conditions attached to the home occupation permit-sholl be1ully cornplied with at oll times. Revocation or Suspension of Permit.. The director of building and safety -tray revoke or suspend any permit for o home occupation if the director determines that any of the performance .and development standards listed in subsection E of this section hove been ar are being vialnted, that the occupation authorized by the permit i, or has been conducted in violation; of any state statute or City low, or that the. honie occupation has changed at is different from that authorized when the permit was issued. Speciol, SY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT 1 AGREE THAT I HAVE REAA UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS, Adam Judnich _ PRINT NAME f] OFFICER SIGNATURE SIGNATUR DATE Conditions Per La puinto Nlunicipoi Codes: 940.310, 9,16Q, 9.210.06D