GEOinovo Solutions, Inc.Geographic Information System
(GIS) Technical Support Services
EOinovo Solutions Inc.
le City of La Quinta
GE-," -1 nova
Mapping Solutions
esrPartner Network
Table of Contents
Cover Letter.............................................................................................................................
1.1. GEOinovo Company Overview....................................................................................... 2
1.2. Statement of Qualifications.............................................................................................. 4
1.3. Project Understanding and Approach............................................................................
1.4. Scope of Work................................................................................................................
1.5. Implementation Plan......................................................................................................
Complete Pricing List............................................................................................................
3.1. Time and Materials Tasks..............................................................................................
Complementary Services and Pricing....................................................................................
Staffing and Project Organization.........................................................................................
Subcontracting Services........................................................................................................
Explanation of Methodology.................................................................................................
Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (Attachment 2)............................................
10. Non -Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3)..............................................................................
Acknowledgement of Addenda (Attachment 4)....................................................................
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. i The City of La Quinta
GS' 1 nova
V Mapping Solutions
1. Cover Letter
August 24, 2022
City of La Quinta
Attn: Doug Kinley III, Management Analyst
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, California 92253
esrPartner Network
Subject: RFP — Geographic Information System (GIS) Technical Support Services 2022
Dear Doug Kinley III,
Through our experience supporting local governments, municipalities, and U.S. Military Bases
throughout the United States we have gained a deep understanding on the goals and requirements
of local governments. GEOinovo Solutions Inc. (GEOinovo) provides a full suite of GIS
professional services, including geospatial analysis, map production, database creation, and
training services for all aspects of GIS related to local government. We look forward to the
opportunity to provide technical support services to the City of La Quinta (City).
GEOinovo has supported full GIS implementations at 13 U.S. Military Bases, an engineering
firm, and the Regional Public Safety GIS Program for the County of San Diego, California. Our
services have enabled clients to leverage GIS technology for project planning and improve
efficiency for daily operations. We also work with local government agencies to streamline
processes for data sharing and make relevant GIS data available to the public via City GIS
Portals. GEOinovo has a simple goal, to solve complex problems through the innovative use of
GIS. Our comprehensive solutions and extensive staff experience will provide the City with first-
class GIS services and mapping. Our experience is augmented by our participation in the Esri,
Inc. Partner Program allowing us greater access to Esri's GIS technology.
We propose to support the City with all aspects of maintaining and performing GIS tasks,
integrations, and general GIS support. We will work closely with the City and all project
participants at every level throughout the contract to make sure all aspects of the City's GIS are
fully integrated, maintained, and meet the City's goals.
Please contact me as the main point for contact if you have any questions regarding this proposal
or are ready to move forward.
Luciane Musa, GISP, CEO/Founder
39252 Winchester Rd. #107-125
Murrieta, California 92563
Phone: 951-852-5205
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 1 The City of La Quinta
GS -1 na�a
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Y Mapping Solutions Bronze
1.1. GEOinovo Company Overview
GEOinovo was founded in 2014 and incorporated in January 2018. We are a woman -owned,
minority -owned, and small business enterprise offering exceptional geospatial, data analysis,
GIS and software integration, and program design services to meet the unique needs of our
clients. Our team brings a combined 80 plus years of experience and success to each project and
is guided by our passion for delivering unmatched quality and unsurpassed services.
Our firm's first projects supported public safety agencies, cities, and counties in Southern
California. From there we expanded to support clients and projects statewide. With the
opportunity to work directly with decision makers and municipalities, we grew to support all
aspects of local government from emergency preparedness to the development of geospatial
industry standards. Our goal has always been to create the greatest positive impact for our
client's communities.
As a team comprised of talented individuals from diverse backgrounds such as GIS
professionals, drone operators, anthropological professionals, and former military personnel, we
offer unique insight into each project. GEOinovo provides our partners with well-rounded
knowledgeable staff, unique technical and project expertise, strong partnership and leadership
skills, and most importantly meticulous and dedicated support. Our experience includes:
• Public Works Implementations
and Maintenance
• TRAKiT and Tyler EnerGov
Integration Experience
• Cartography (Mapping and
• Enterprise GIS Solutions with
ArcGIS Enterprise
• Database Management
• GIS Architecture Design &
• ArcGIS Online Cloud, Mobile &
App Solutions
• Asset Management & Inventory
• Software Integration
• Programming / Automation
• Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS
/ Drone)
• Project Management
• Operational Dashboard Configuration
• Forecasting and Modeling Hypothetical Scenarios
Safety /
GIS 911
Unmatched in our field, GEOinovo is motivated and driven to provide unique solutions and
services, open communications and accountability, exceptional relationships, and excellent
customer service.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 2 The City of La Quinta
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V Mapping Solutions Bronze
GEOinovo is a full -service Geographic Information Systems (GIS) company. We provide data
conversion, geodatabase design, geospatial analysis, modeling, and web content such as maps
and dashboards. Our team of experienced GIS professionals provides technical expertise through
project implementations, staff augmentation, and consulting. Our experience includes supporting
local government clients with Environmental, Public Safety, GIS 911, Public Works, Utilities
(Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Electric, Telecommunications, and Gas), Community
Development, Tax Assessment Maps, GIS Integration, Training Documentation, and
implementation of GIS standards and best practices.
GEOinovo staff have years of hands-on experience with the latest GIS Technology. We support
our clients on the latest versions of ArcGIS and support software upgrades through
implementation and staff training. The list below contains a few examples of how GEOinovo has
leveraged GIS technology for real -world projects:
- Dashboard creation and configuration for water infrastructure, pipes, structures,
panels, and project implementation progress.
- Geospatial artificial intelligence: Extracting and classifying land information such as
for burn scars after a wildfire.
- Dashboard for combating the Covid 19 food shortage emergency through a publicly
available online dashboard displaying grocery / food services information during
stay-at-home orders. A web map also displayed free school lunch sites.
- Infographics using Esri Business Analyst to overlay demographic and population data
with Covid 19 data.
- Custom tax assessment area maps for local government, including CFD (Community
Facility Districts), and Light Management District (for streetlights).
- Office of Emergency Services (OES): Linked all department surveillance cameras to
map allowing staff to use the map interactively to bring up camera feeds.
- Enterprise GIS implementations: ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, Data Store, Web
Adaptors, GeoEvent, Monitor, Image Server, Desktop: ArcGIS / Pro among others
- Cloud solution implementations and Configurations through Amazon Web Services.
- Security Certificates for Windows IIS
- Python and SQL scripting for streamlined and accurate quality control.
Years in Business
GEOinovo has been providing GIS services for 9 years.
Taxpayer Identification Number
Years Performing GIS Technology Services
GEOinovo has provided GIS technology services for 9 years.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 3 The City of La Quinta
GEC -1 na�a
Partner Network
Mapping Solutions Bronze
Resumes of Key Personnel
Our key personnel to support this project are Luciane Musa and our project manager, Alex Sainz.
Their resumes can be found in 4. Staffing and Project t Organization.
Firm Ownership and Incorporation
GEOinovo is incorporated in the State of California and is owned by our CEO and Founder
Luciane Musa. She will be the primary point of contact with the City.
Luciane Musa, GISP, CEO/Founder
GEOinovo Solutions Inc.
39252 Winchester Rd. #107-125
Murrieta, California 92563
Parent Company
GEOinovo is not a subsidiary of a parent company.
Phone: 951-852-5205
Fax: 951-894-1144
1.2. Statement of Qualifications
GEOinovo has supported multiple projects for local government agencies throughout California.
The following sections outline some of our experience with local government. Specifically, we
have supported California cities, counties, and municipalities with their implementations,
expansions, and maintenance of their Esri technology. Our support includes everything from the
development of GIS feature layers and maps to software integrations with asset management
systems and everything in between.
We include project management services as part of our GIS support services. Project
management is a key component of every contract and supports the industry standards of
delivering projects on schedule and according to the stated budget.
Our key staff assigned to this project will be available throughout the duration of the contract.
For further information regarding our staff and qualifications please see our summary of staff
skills and resumes provided in 4. Staffing and Project Organization.
GIS Experience with Local Government
Experience with GIS Integration
GEOinovo recognizes that GIS integration with enterprise systems is critical for supporting daily
operations and enabling collaboration between departments. GEOinovo can implement GIS
integrations with popular software solutions through APIs. We have successfully completed
integrations for asset management and inventory systems such as Maximo and Lucity, and
integrated TRAKiT with GIS for permitting, land management, and development projects. Our
team also has experience integrating 911 Computer -Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems for public
safety. Custom scripting and automation in SQL Server can also be deployed to support GIS
integrations and optimize database processes.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 4 The City of La Quinta
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ArcGIS Online
Web maps are a great way to add an interactive element to your GIS data. The ArcGIS Online
environment provides many options for GEOinovo to bring your data to life. For example, city -
specific web mapping applications can be created using Web AppBuilder. In addition to web
maps, interactive dashboards have become one of our most popular offerings due to their ability
to provide key geographic and asset metrics across an organization. In certain use -cases,
dashboards are a valuable resource for consuming near real-time data from sensors and data
feeds across organizations. Web -enabled resources can also be deployed via Survey 123 and
Collector for ArcGIS for field staff using Android or iOS mobile devices. This allows updates in
the field to be viewed from mobile applications, web maps, and integrated into real-time
dashboards. These services can be provided to the City in the future as GIS capabilities expand
over time.
Figure 1 The above dashboard has been configured to show the current condition of water laterals using Esri
sample data. With real-time GIS integration, as field staff update the asset conditions in the field, changes will be
reflected in the dashboard. Digital data visualization through dashboards provides a high level of the status of the
water system or for easy data analysis and visualization. Dashboards can be configured for the many asset types
within the City.
ArcGIS Enterprise
Web maps from ArcGIS Enterprise can be integrated with enterprise applications such as asset
management for improved collaboration throughout the City. Some asset management
integration examples include Lucity and Maximo. GEOinovo has worked with TRAKiT
migrations and updates, and we are familiar with the software.
ArcGIS Enterprise also provides the ability to consume real-time data via internal and third -party
data sources. GEOinovo deployed real-time GIS capabilities for the Regional Public Safety
Geodatabase Program (RPSG) through the integration of GeoEvent, Waze and Automatic
Vehicle Location (AVL) for increased situational awareness and coordination between agencies
during large-scale emergency events.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 5 The City of La Quinta
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V Mapping Solutions Bronze
Web GIS can also be used to share critical information with staff and the community during
major events or projects such as road maintenance, critical infrastructure repairs, emergency
evacuations, and more. ArcGIS Enterprise provides scalability and access to geospatial data and
analysis tools to increase situational awareness and help decision -makers allocate resources more
ArcGIS Hub / Online Data Portal
GEOinovo created a Map Gallery for the City of San Marcos. We created, published, and
maintained a collection of map services and interactive web maps. Maps are available to the
public, residents, developers, and other interested parties directly from the City's website.
This Public Map Gallery is a collection of interactive and PDF maps created by the City of San I
Marcos. Find out more about your community by selecting a map from the gallery below. How to use
Search maps Q
:: ® these maps
Affordable Housing Interactive Map
`�'�'Web Map by SMCGISAdmin, iast modified Jul 29, 20LS
Interactive Map showing affordable units in the City of San
,,,yL Marcos
�`tti w•_
J ^•'�`r`"^•w
(6,az9 views)
City of San Marcos Massage Establishments
Web flapping Application by SMCGISAdmin. Las[ modifed Oct 19, 2017.
City of San Marcos (existing) massage establishment locations,
restricted areas for new, massage establishments, and eligible
zoning types and sites for potential future massage establishments.
(1,C18 views) � -
Community Hazard Areas Interactive Map
Web Map by SMCGI5AdminLast modified Jul 20, 20M
1 - Use the search option
at Left to search for a
particular map or click one
of the maps at left.
2 - When the interactive
map opens, use the
navigation bar to zoom
into the map.
3 - Click on one of the
map features for additional
Every effort has been
made to assure the
accuracy of the maps and
data provided, however,
some information may not
Figure 2 The City of San Marcos Interactive Web map Gallery allows residents and the public to look up maps and
materials relevant to them. The Map Gallery can be found here.
GIS Support for Community Development
Community Development is a key part of City growth. GEOinovo supports Community
Development in the following ways:
• Mapping subdivisions.
• Collaborate with Traffic Engineering and Planning teams to map sustainable
transportation infrastructure to meet Climate Action Plan targets.
• Building web maps for City planners to view spatial information quickly and efficiently
for data -driven decision making. Example: Create a map of all City parcels within 1,000
feet of sensitive habitat area that are also within Commercial or Light Industrial zoning
• GIS address updates to support permitting and inspections for development projects.
Example: City of San Marcos:
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 6 The City of La Quinta
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Mapping Solutions
o GEOinovo collaborated with Building Department staff to provide 48-72 hour
turnaround time to add new addresses used to link permits and inspections
throughout a project's life cycle.
o Address data used to link business licenses to a specific location in the city.
o TRAKiT integration enables access to GIS data and relevant project records
across departments.
• Location -intelligent data such as parcels and addresses create a central repository for
project documents such as permit applications, inspections, and business licenses to
specific parcels / addresses to provide a project history for the City.
• Sidewalk improvement and curb ramp data management to track progress for ADA
Geospatial Analysis and Map Production
With our extensive experience, we will provide professional cartography, analysis, and data
management services to the City.
Cartographic products and services will be tailored to meet the City's needs through the use of
tools in ArcGIS (ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro) and web mapping applications available via ArcGIS
Online (AGOL) and ArcGIS Enterprise. Map products will be created using map templates in
ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro. Map book production for long-term projects and/or use cases with
predictable areas of interest can be semi -automated using Data Driven Pages (ArcMap) or Map
Series (ArcGIS Pro). These semi -automated maps can provide the City with project efficiencies
and cost savings.
Public Works
GEOinovo supports Public Works through application integration with asset inventory and
management systems, GIS analysis, GIS data cleanup and Quality Control, field data collection,
and staff training. Common GIS use -cases for Public Works range from mapping key assets such
as traffic signals to linking work order history for sidewalk and landscape maintenance via GIS
The GEOinovo team has used ArcGIS to map, identify, and update problem areas such as road
and sidewalk repairs, ADA compliance issues (slope gradients and curb ramps), pavement
improvement projects, landscape maintenance, streetlight upgrades to LEDs, and others. We
integrate GIS with Asset Management software to assign and track work orders. GIS data can be
used to prioritize field crew assignments, allocate funding for future infrastructure projects, and
provide insights on project progress by geographic area.
Stormwater and MS4 Programs
MS4 is quickly becoming a requirement across the United States. GEOinovo uses GIS to
improve MS4 outcomes by providing a snapshot of areas where MS4 mitigation efforts are
effective and identifying areas that require improvement. GIS is used to monitor progress of
MS4 programs and reduce the City's liability with documentation that can be provided to
regional and state level water quality authorities. GIS is used to locate, identify, and grade
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 7 The City of La Quinta
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pollution sources around the City. With location -aware data, the City can target mitigation
measures with precision saving the City time and money. GEOinovo empowers City inspectors
by rolling out the latest field data collection software to collect photographs, location data, and
pollution quantities.
Public Safety / GIS 911
As a GIS company, GEOinovo provides support to GIS 911 for first responders from ambulance
routing to fire routes. We support the cleanup, maintenance, and updating of all GIS 911
geodatabases and supporting materials. In addition, we provide training, project management,
and consulting to our Public Safety customers to create and maintain first class GIS 911 and first
responder data programs. GEOinovo has extensive experience with GIS 911 including:
- Integrating GIS 911 with
CAD 911.
- Automatic Vehicle
Location (AVL) tracking
through web services
identifying where the
vehicles are, how many are
out of the station, and
providing this data in real
time with GeoEvents.
- Implementing Next Gen
911, which moves 911
dispatching from street
segments to GPS address
locations. These schema
upgrades are required for
NENA compliance.
- Creating pre -plans and
integrating pre -plans with
GIS. Pre -plans provide
detailed site information to
first responders such as
location of suites/units, fire
hydrants, Knox boxes,
building access, fire
department connections
(FDC), and other facility
IN Fire Station Analysis - Station #1
Vista Boundary Minutes from Fire Station
1 min
Fire Station #1
0 05 1 Miles s `In'
i��� 8 min
Figure 3 Utilizing network analysis performed fire station coverage
throughout the City of Vista, CA to identify where a new fire station
would be needed.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 8 The City of La Quinta
GS' -1 nova
V Mapping Solutions
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Interactive dashboards can help City staff visualize key metrics for city infrastructure,
development projects, inspections, public safety, and many other use cases. Example:
Stormwater infrastructure dashboard.
Figure 4 The above dashboard provides a snapshot of existing stormwater structures, pipes, and detention basins.
Custom Web maps and Apps
Deploy web maps and applications tailored to the City's specific use cases. For example, a web
application can be used to visualize fire response areas, police beats, city council districts,
parcels, school districts, and more.
CUSD Districts and Demographic Data bycEom.—S.Iwt— p i
5030N Lola Ave X 4 �F�ga.nee o. z z
TA7- Show—e h rewlts for 503P N._
Oz Figarden ���� q z
soag N Lnla aye
Address: 5030 ry cola Aye
Ele—tay Schaal; Herndon-
Barstow Elementary School
z % — 1 1 a
Middle School: Rio Vista Middle
w — A— -
High School: Justin Garza High
- 3„ w Alk—A—
CUSD Trustee Area 1
z_ ...
enena Are N m
Muscakel z
,o Coumy pt. P W P, California State Perko, Esri,
HERE,, G r m,,, seeGrnph, INCREMENT P, METI/.,.
Figure 5 The above screen capture shows the School Lookup Tool for Central Unified School District in California.
The Tool will be customized to STPSB should this service be requested.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 9 The City of La Quinta
GEC -1 nova
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GPS Field Data Collection
GEOinovo proposes a collaborative approach to GPS field data collection through shared
responsibilities and one-on-one City staff training. Although this is not a priority with the City at
this time. We wanted to showcase some of our work supporting field data collection. The
following screenshots show some options the City can use to expand their GIS integration and
assist with field data collection.
Z O G "F�60%013:56
E Fire Hydrant Inspection *1 q .
GPS accuracy 20 ft
% FireHydrant - SMHydrantlnspecti...
Related to HYD328, 01/08/2019
Hydrant Inspection: HYD328,
Hydrant Inspection: HYD328,
Hydrant Inspection: HYD328,
e H m m 3rr 7=7
P a
2�r IV Mfssl,
=sr ti� i}5
A 1 ` 7
Figure 6 The above screen shot shows the interface for Fire Hydrant Inspections in ArcGIS Collector. GEOinovo
customizes Survey 123 for field data collection with many different options.
GEO Inovo
Mapping Solutions
FFst Name -
Last Name
Number in your party
Enter �Um6a,x„niy.
What is your current locationT
Use your device's location or panhoom on the map to
pylore a point.
G 3Jo gepmeny rapW red yet.
Figure 7 Survey 123
customized for field collection.
The City's logo or City
department logo can be added.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 10 The City of La Quinta
GS -1 na�a
���I Partner Network
V Mapping Solutions Bronze
1.3. Project Understanding and Approach
GEOinovo expanded on the City's scope of work in the RFP to include a number of sub tasks we
deem necessary to meet the City's project goals. To support this project, we have added a project
kickoff meeting and a number of sub tasks to further delineate the start and end of specific
activities. The next section 1.3.1 Timeline provides a detailed outline of the tasks, sub tasks,
duration of tasks, and anticipated start and end dates for each task and sub task. Our detailed
scope of work describing each of these tasks is provided in 1.4 Scope of Work.
Key changes to the scope of work include:
• Inclusion of a Project Kickoff Meeting Task at the beginning of the project
• The following was included in Task 3 of the RFP. We found that these activities fit more
appropriately into our Sub Task 2. 1: GIS Assessment
o Evaluation of staffing, licensing, and other software, or support needs
1.3.1. Timeline
For the following timeline we have assumed a start date of November 1, 2022. Once we have the
actual start date, we will work with the City to adjust, as necessary. The schedule will be further
adjusted and discussed at the project kick off meeting. The project schedule is anticipated to end
by April 17, 2024.
rmk IN
.ISren . F,n.en
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Geographic Information System (GIS)Technical SupportServices
Tue 11/1122 Wed4/17/24
382 days
Task 1: Project Kickoff Meeting
Tue 11/1122 Wed 1112/22
2 days
Project Milestone 1: Project Kickoff Meeting
Wed 11/2/22 Wed 11/2/22
0 days
-Task 2: GIS Foundation Development
Wed 11/2/22 Mon 9/18/23
229 days
Sub Task 2.1: GIS Assessment
Wed 11/2122 Tue 11/15/22
10 days
Sub Tasks 2.2: Centralize High Priority Layers
Wed 11/16/22 Tue 1216/22
15 days
Sub Task 2.3: Knowledge Bank
Wed 12/7/22 Tue 12/20/22
10 days
Sub Task2.4: Focused Training! City Staff Training
Wed 12/21/22 Thu 12/22/22
2 days
Sub Task2.5: ArcGIS Online Services
Fri12/23/22 Thu 1/5/23
10 days
Sub Task 2.6: Quarterly Meetings
Thu 11/3/22 Mon 9/18/23
228 days
Project Milestone 2: Task2 Milestone
Tue 9119123 Tue 9119123
0 days
Task 3: GIS Hardware and Software
Fri 116123 Thu 9/14/23
190 days
Project Milestone 3: GIS Hardware and Software Implemented
Fri 9/15/23 Fri 9/15/23
C days
•Task 4: GI5 Enterprise Enhancements
Wed 11/15/22 Wed 4/17/24
371 days
Sub Task 4.1: TPAKil EnerGov Migration
Wed 11/16/22 Thu 8/31/23
207 days
Sub Task4.2: Full Integration and Use of GIS Across All Enterprise
Systems Fri 9/1/23 Thu 4111/24
160 days
Sub Task 4.3: G IS Support
Fri 4112124 Wed 4117/24
Project Milestone 4: Completion of Task 4
Wed 4117/24 Wed 4117/24
C days
1.3.2. Project Management
Managing the project starts with planning the project. With all of our projects we determine the
project schedule, budget, and quality standards at the beginning. This helps us determine how
long certain tasks and activities will take and their subsequent cost.
Project Oversight
We provide both technical and project management oversight to all of our projects. Project
oversight is performed by the program / contract manager, Luciane Musa. Throughout the
project our program/contract manager will meet with our project manager to receive updates on
the status of the project's budget and schedule and an update on the quality of the technical
deliverables. During these meetings, the program/contract manager and project manager will
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discuss areas for improvement, aspects of where the project is successful, and areas that require
With GEOinovo areas for improvement do not indicate there is an issue with the project. We are
always looking for efficiencies in our projects and innovating ways we can improve our
deliverables with either a faster delivery time, an advanced product, or ideally both. These goals
are part of each of our projects and help us ensure we are providing the best possible outcomes
for our clients.
We find it is important to celebrate project success and acknowledge the inputs of our project
participants. This helps boost project morale and inspires our project participants to continue to
innovate and strive for the best results.
An occasional project issue may require special attention from our program/contract manager.
This is an opportunity for our project manager and project participants to grow and learn. As a
team we are more than capable of meeting our project goals and client expectations by having
project oversight, our program/contract manager can adjust the project where necessary to meet
the project success we strive for.
For each project we will determine the budget based on the estimated resources needed to
complete the project. These estimates are determined at the beginning of the project and will be
based on the rates and reimbursable items detailed in our Complete Pricing List.
With all of our projects we determine a schedule at the Project Kick Off Meeting and update the
schedule throughout the project should changes be required. The schedule will be determined by
the City's project goals, related tasks with other departments within the City and contractors, and
estimated time from GEOinovo. Due to our years of experience with GIS, we have an uncanny
ability to meet tight deadlines should they be requested by the City. We create our schedules by
working backward from the final deadlines and estimating the resources need to meet those
deadlines. For all of our projects we include a project buffer to account for unexpected requests
and additions to the project.
1.4. Scope of Work
Task 1: Project Kickoff Meeting
We recommend conducting the project Kick-off Meeting through video conferencing software to
save the City on travel -related expenses. However, should the City prefer to meet in person we
will coordinate accordingly. At this meeting we will establish project champions, the point of
contact with the City, the point of contact with the GEOinovo Team, discuss the draft project
schedule, and establish best practices for working with the City. During this task we will define
the project schedule and requirements.
0 Updated draft project schedule
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 12 The City of La Quinta
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• Best practices document
Task 2: GIS Foundation Development
Sub Task 2.1: GIS Assessment
GEOinovo will provide the City with a comprehensive assessment of the City's current GIS
resources and provide recommendations and modifications. The GIS Assessment will include the
• Review all existing feature classes
• Identify data sources for all existing feature classes
• Identify specific department needs based on input from City staff
• Identify and catalog all current GIS applications
• Identify current GIS integrations and opportunities for future integrations based on input
from City staff
• Identify high priority GIS layers based on input from City staff
• Evaluation of staffing, licensing, and other software, or support needs
Sub Task 2.2: Centralize High Priority Layers
During this task, GEOinovo will work with the City to identify High Priority and Specialized
Layers. We anticipate the City to clarify data requirements and number of layers at the beginning
of this task.
• Consolidate priority layers identified during the GIS Assessment
• High Priority Layers identified by the City such as:
o Parcel (APN)
o Address
o Zoning
o General Plan (Land Use)
o GIS layers containing FEMA designation
• Specialized layers identified by the City such as:
o Specific Plan
o Code
o Special Zoning Overlay
o Economic Development
o Planning related layers
• Add priority layers to the City's enterprise geodatabase
o Data conversion
o Map fields for use in geodatabase schema
o Create automated ETL processes
• Establish database connections for internal use (applications, desktop, etc.) and public use
• Develop processes for importing data from partner agencies and third -party sources
• Centralize important GIS layers to a new shared network location
• Additional tasks to be done as needed or during the extended term
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Sub Task 2.3: Knowledge Bank
GEOinovo will create a Knowledge Bank for the City. This task includes:
• Develop "knowledge bank"
• The knowledge bank will include system documentation of installed software, servers,
processes, and other information relevant to the City's enterprise GIS.
• Descriptions of high priority layers from Sub Task 2.2.
o Layer owner (agency or other data owner)
o Update frequency (daily, monthly, annually, etc.)
o Description of layer content and geometry type (point, line, poly, annotation)
o Example: Parcel: polygon layer showing property boundaries and attribute fields
for occupancy, owner, tax assessment, etc.
Sub Task 2.4: Focused Training / City Staff Training
Based on input provided in Task 1: Kickoff Meeting and Sub Task 2.1: GIS Assessment,
GEOinovo will provide training focused on the functionality and applications most frequently
utilized by City staff. The training will help City staff use GIS tools more efficiently and realize
a greater return on the City's investment in GIS technology. Based on preliminary input from the
City, GEOinovo anticipates up to 10-15 users per training session. For hands-on training, the
City will provide users with necessary hardware and software licenses to participate in the
training session(s). GEOinovo will provide training materials and staff to lead each training
GEOinovo will provide up to 2 days of remote training on each subject. Training may include
information on any of the following topics.
• ArcGIS Online web maps and applications
• ArcGIS Online mobile applications
• ArcGIS Pro (for desktop power users and/or GIS professionals)
• Other GIS topics requested by City staff
Sub Tasks 2.5: ArcGIS Online Services
Based on the results of Sub Task 2.1: GIS Assessment, GEOinovo will further develop the City's
ArcGIS Online services. These could include:
• Updates to existing AGOL web maps and applications
• Other needs identified by the City during the GIS Assessment
• Additional Services to expand the City's capabilities with AGOL may include examples
such as:
o ArcGIS Hub
o Map gallery
Sub Task 2.6: Quarterly Meetings
As part of GEOinovo's ongoing GIS support for the City, we will establish a quarterly
stakeholder meeting to keep City staff informed about GIS updates. These meetings will also
provide a forum for City staff to ask questions or discuss project priorities related to GIS.
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Task 3: GIS Hardware and Software Assessment
Based on the findings of Sub Task 2.1: GIS Assessment GEOinovo will evaluate, recommend,
and implement GIS hardware and software solutions to allow optimal use of the City's GIS with
integrated applications and other City resources. We will implement a server and system
configuration that best meets the City's current and future needs based on priority layers and
functionality defined in previous tasks. We will also provide recommendations for maintaining
the City's ecosystem of web maps and applications hosted in ArcGIS Online. This task may
include the following:
• ArcGIS Enterprise configuration based on the City's needs and preferences. This may
include recommendations for deploying ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud for increased
scalability, improved security, and reduce the need for the City's IT department to
support additional infrastructure.
• Implementation of ArcGIS Enterprise and related components based on options approved
by the City.
• The City is currently using SQL Server for GIS integrations (EnerGov/TRAKiT)
• The City will directly purchase all required software, licenses, and extensions from the
Task 4: GIS Enterprise Enhancements
GEOinovo will support, develop, analyze, and further enhance enterprise GIS. Goals for this task
include the migration of TRAKiT to EnerGov, full GIS integration across all systems, GIS
support, and Staff Training.
Sub Task 4.1: TRAKiT to EnerGov Migration
GEOinovo will plan to work with all project stakeholders (City staff, CentralSquare, Tyler
Technologies) to assess GIS-related functionality from the licensing and permitting modules
from TRAKiT to EnerGov. GEOinovo will work with the City to launch Tyler's EnerGov by Q4
2023. This schedule may change depending on City requirements and/or other factors that may
arise during the project.
Sub Task 4.2: Full Integration and Use of GIs Across All Enterprise Systems
During the Project Kickoff Meeting and GIS Assessment, GEOinovo will work with the City to
determine the GIS integration goals. The timeline and tasks will be determined based on input
from City staff.
Sub Task 4.3: GIS Support
At a minimum GEOinovo will provide as needed GIS support services on a weekly/bi-weekly
schedule remotely. The City will provide a list of GIS questions, requests, and concerns prior to
meeting with GEOinovo. In many cases GIS support can be provided on an ad hoc basis through
our helpdesk. We encourage the City to communicate with the GEOinovo team and reach out as
issues arise rather than waiting for a scheduled meeting.
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We will provide time and materials support throughout the contract. City Staff will have access
to GEOinovo staff to ask questions and report any issues with the GIS portals should they arise.
We will provide a helpdesk and provide the City with contact information for the helpdesk along
with operating hours. We anticipate helpdesk hours to be standard business hours, specifics will
be discussed during Task 1: Project Kickoff Meeting.
• City responsible for purchasing appropriate software licenses to carry out requested tasks.
GEOinovo will provide guidance to the City regarding appropriate software licenses
during Task 1.
• If travel is required, GEOinovo will coordinate and obtain approval from the City prior to
scheduling travel for cost reimbursement purposes.
1.5. Implementation Plan
1.5.1. Project Milestones
The following milestone schedule is based on a project start date of November 1, 2022. For the
full project schedule with timelines and tasks, please refer to section 1.3.1. Timeline.
Task Name
. 5— . FINIn
• Geographic Information System (615) Technical Support Services
Tue 11/1/22 Wed 4/17/24
Task 1: Project Kickoff Meeting
Tue 11/1122 Wed 2112/22
Project Milestone 1: Project Kickcff Meeting
Wed 11/2/22 Wed 11/2/22
Task 2: GIS Foundation Development
Wed 11/2/22 Mon 9/18/23
Project Milestone 2: 7ask2 Milestone
Tue 9119/23 Tue 9/19/23
Task 3: GIS Hardware a nd Software
Fri 1/6123 Thu 9/14/23
Project Milestone 3: GIS Hardware and Software Implemented
Fri 9/15123 Fri 9/15/23
Task4: GIS Enterprise Enhancements
Wed 11/16/22 Wed 4/17/24
• Project Milestone 4: Completion of Task
Wed 4/17/24 Wed 4117/24
Hair Z 1.1 Man I, 2a23 HaX P, Pa23 Han r, 114
. our.rloH 4 _ _
382 days
2 days
0 days Ana
229 days r r
0 days a 9/ta
130 days
0 days 9/15
371 days
0 days • 4117
1.5.2. Accomplishment of Scope of Services
The following sections outline each of the project milestones and a description of key objectives
of each milestone.
Project Milestone 1: Project Kickoff Meeting
Project Milestone 1: Project Kickoff Meeting will be considered completed at the end of the
Project Kickoff Meeting with the City.
Project Milestone 2: Task 2 Milestone
To meet the Task 2 Milestone, GEOinovo will have completed the following items per Task 2
Sub Tasks:
• Sub Tasks 2.1: GIS Assessment: A report will be provided summarizing findings.
• Sub Task 2.2: Centralize High Priority Layers: At the completion of this Sub Task,
GEOinovo will provide the City with a list of the layers.
• Sub Task 2.3: Knowledge Bank: Report detailing how to use the Knowledge Bank and
the materials included in the Knowledge Bank will be provided to the City.
• Sub Task 2.4: Focused Training: This Sub Task will be considered complete upon the
end of training.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 16 The City of La Quinta
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• Sub Task 2.5: ArcGIS Online Services: This Sub Task will be done with the
completion of the ArcGIS Online Implementation.
• Sub Task 2.6: Quarterly Meetings: Meeting notes will be provided to the City for each
Project Milestone 3: GIS Hardware & Software Assessment
Project Milestone 3 will be considered completed with the delivery of a document and system
diagram summarizing the findings of the assessment.
Project Milestone 4: GIS Enterprise Enhancements
To meet the Task 4 Milestone, GEOinovo will have completed the following items per Task 4
Sub Tasks:
• Sub Tasks 4.1: TRAKiT to EnerGov Migration: This task will be considered
completed with the finalization of the migration from TRAKiT to EnerGov.
• Sub Task 4.2: Full Integration and Use of GIS Across All Enterprise Systems: A
summary of GIS integrations will be provided for all tasks approved by the City.
• Sub Task 4.3: GIS Support: Since helpdesk support will be ongoing, this Sub Task will
be considered completed with the setup of the helpdesk.
1.5.3. Organization of Resources
GEOinovo's proposed organization of resources will support the project goals through clear lines
of communication, staff responsibilities, and leadership. The following provides details on the
roles and responsibilities of each staff member assigned to support the City. For further details
and organizational chart please see section 5. Staffing and Project Organization.
The two key points of contact with the City will be Luciane Musa and Alex Sainz. The following
detail their specific roles and responsibilities on the Contract with the City. Both bring years of
GIS experience to the project and will be available to the City throughout the contract.
• Luciane Musa: Ms. Musa will provide project oversight, contract administration with
the City, and Subject Matter Expertise where required. Her many years of experience
with GIS and program management will ensure the contract is well managed and that
City Staff always feel comfortable with the direction of the project.
• Alex Sainz: Mr. Sainz will provide project management and task management. He will
be one of the main points of contact during the project. His technical expertise with GIS
for local government will provide deeper project understanding as we work with the City
on the many GIS tasks. To make optimum use of staffing resources, Alex Sainz will
assign tasks accordingly to the following resources:
o Jeremy Huey: Will provide support as a GIS Analyst / Drone Pilot.
o Peter Von der Porten: Will provide support as a GIS Analyst / Drone Pilot.
o Rebecca Grover: Will provide support as a GIS Analyst.
o Ming Hsueh: Will provide development support, scripting, and quality
control/quality assurance process improvement. Mr. Hsueh's expertise provides
opportunities for streamlining various processes. He will be assigned to develop
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 17 The City of La Quinta
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' Bronze
improvements with the goal of reducing time spent on specific activities and
improving quality.
2. References
Reference Contact
Name Melisa Caric Lee Title GIS Coordinator
Email or Phone (858) 636-4823
Date of Project 2021
Project Summary
GEOinovo collaborated with the City of La Mesa Public Works and Engineering Departments to provide
professional GIS support services for sewer and stormwater utilities, web maps, database management, and
more. Sewer and Stormwater infrastructure updates were completed using scanned improvement plans and as-
builts from Engineering. In some cases, georeferencing was done to assist with the location of infrastructure
improvements relative to existing assets and landmarks. Plan and profile views provided important attribute
information, including pipe material, diameter, slope, flow direction, asset owner, lifecycle status, and more.
The City of La Mesa utilizes a web -based redline (mapping) tool hosted in ArcGIS Online to submit GIS requests
for utilities, pavement, traffic infrastructure, and other assets. This provided a direct link between City staff and
GIS to update spatial data across departments.
GEOinovo has configured and deployed the City's first open data portal via ArcGIS Hub. This solution provides
easy access to publicly available GIS data and significantly reduces staff time spent processing Public Records
Act (PRA) requests. The City Projects collaboration app designed with ArcGIS Web App Builder enables staff
to view current and planned projects across departments, including Public Works, Community Development,
and Engineering.
The Encroachment Permit map is used by Engineering staff to enter and track the status of projects that require
work in a city right-of-way or easement. The web map enables staff to search and filter current and historical
permit data by type, status, and year. Search functionality allows users to type in the Encroachment Permit
Number and zoom directly to the map location when a match is available. GIS update processes and web -based
mapping tools deployed by GEOinovo have improved data accuracy and reduced time and effort for city staff
and the public to acquire relevant spatial data for tasks and projects.
Related Tasks
• Track progress on utility GIS requests via ArcGIS Online web mapping application
• Technical training and support
• Configuration of custom web maps and queries for internal use.
• Application integration with GIS
• Deploy easy -to -use mobile apps for field data collection.
• Database management
• Asset Management for Sewer and Stormwater utilities
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Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
Reference Contact
Name April Quintanilla Title
Email Phone
Date of Project October 2021 to April 2022
Cost $185,000 Population
Project Summary
Assistant District
The GEOinovo Team provided Redistricting and Demographer services on behalf of Bay Area Rapid Transit
(BART). This work included digital maps, web maps for comparing district boundaries, created an application
for the public to provide input, demographic analysis, community engagement, participation in public hearings,
producing district maps using input from the community, and implementing the best practices of the California
Fair Maps Act.
BART was required to update their Districts per federal and state regulations to account for demographic changes
in their District from the last decennial census. To engage with both the board and the community, the GEOinovo
Team provided statistical and demographic analysis of the proposed council districts and produced maps to help
the board and the community better understand issues with the district boundaries.
The redistricting process followed the following progression: (1) demographical and statistical analysis of the
population in the District, (2) mapping communities of interest (COI), (3) community meetings/hearings/input
(4) creating three map iterations of the potential district boundaries, and (5) presenting potential maps to the
board of education.
Our methods for community engagements follow the processes required by the California Fair Maps Act. Each
stage in the process is critical for meeting the California Fair Maps and Section II of the Federal Voting Rights
Acts best practices and regulations. The GEOinovo Team has experience supporting these best practices.
Related Tasks
• Map creation and publishing
• Technical training and support
• Configuration of custom web maps and queries for public viewing
• Dashboard and Survey 123 configuration
• Database management
• Data analysis
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San Diego Regional Public Safety GIS Program
Name Mike Scott
Reference Contact
Email Phone
Date of Project September 2017 to June 2021
Project Summary
Emerging Technologies
Program Manager
GEOinovo provided staff for the RPSG project both for regular staff augmentation as well as additional project
support. We staffed the project with three remote positions. The Regional Public Safety Geodatabase Program
aims to create standardized data, products, and geospatial services for fire, medical, and law enforcement
personnel within San Diego County. Our talented team provided services in modeling, designing, documenting,
programming, maintaining, and testing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, models,
procedures, and software routines to automate geographic analysis and data processing. Our responsibilities
included budget oversight duties, geodatabase design, administration, and automated processing tools, including
GIS programming, managing the successful deployment and maintenance of many GIS deliverables.
This project directly benefitted the public safety agencies and the contributions and work performed by
GEOinovo expanded and touched multiple aspects of the County, including transportation planning, traffic,
construction, utility management, impact forecasting, community relations, among others. This project included
significant effort and work across multiple sub -projects. For clarity we have provided a summary of the many
services we performed.
GEOinovo was responsible for gathering and identifying all relevant data points including transportation, street
networks, bus stops and routes, future, and planned routes; detour traffic flows, all roads, sidewalks, walking
paths, as well as underground and above ground utilities, transportation stops, freeways, parcels, easements,
structures, and other supplementary data. More than just identifying this critical mapping information,
GEOinovo worked with mobile applications such as Survey 123 and Collector to create inventories to streamline
the process and keep accurate records of all assets. Examples of the field collection assets include hydrant types
and conditions, damaged assessment collector, preplan data collection, and tree inventory.
As the geodatabase grew, GEOinovo worked with engineers, planners, and construction crews to georeference
AutoCAD files and converted data into actionable information. We performed an impact analysis by creating
buffers within a specific radius to find the number of homes, businesses, and populations affected by each
construction project stage. This analysis allowed the County and surrounding agencies to proactively interact
with the community and be transparent about how the project would affect their lives, when, and for how long.
This information also allowed crews and planners to be proactive, knowing in advance the effect any action or
construction would have on utilities, power, water lines, and traffic. This approach directly and positively
influenced the communication with the citizens and allowed for significant problems, setbacks, and surprises to
be forecasted and avoided.
Related Tasks
• Coordinated data collection and integration.
• Development of cartographic products such as mapbooks, wall maps, digital maps, web -based map
• Made recommendations regarding upgrades, considering the implications of new or revised GIS
software, equipment, or applications.
• Third -party software integration with GIS
• NextGen 911 readiness and maintenance
• Data exchanged with various government agencies
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3. Complete Pricing List
GEOinovo proposes a time and materials fee of $153,430 for the scope of work outlined in the
proposal. This pricing model enables the City to acquire professional services throughout the
contract while also providing flexibility with technical support and other related tasks.
3.1. Time and Materials Tasks
GEOinovo proposes all tasks and sub tasks be billed on a Time and Materials basis. The
following table outlines our estimates regarding these tasks. These prices could change as more
information becomes available. These are based on the labor categories provided below and will
change depending on the number of hours required by the City to complete these tasks.
Time and Materials Tasks
Estimated Hourly Cost
Task 1: Project Kickoff
Task 2: GIS Foundation Development
Sub Task 2.1: GIS Assessment
Sub Task 2.2: Centralize High Priority Layers
Sub Task 2.3: Knowledge Bank
Sub Task 2.4: Focused Training (per subject)
Sub Task 2.5: ArcGIS Online Services
Sub Task 2.6: Quarterly Meetings (4 meetings per year)
Task 3: GIS Hardware and Software**
Task 4: GIS Enterprise Enhancement,s *
Sub Task 4.1: Initial TRAKiT to EnerGov Assessment
Sub Task 4.2: Full Integration / Enterprise Systems Assessment
Sub Task 4.3: GIS Support (up to 300 hours)
• City is responsible for purchasing appropriate software and user licenses to carry out
requested tasks. GEOinovo will provide guidance to the City regarding appropriate
software licenses.
• If travel is required, GEOinovo will coordinate and obtain approval from the City prior to
scheduling travel for cost reimbursement purposes.
• *This is only an estimated cost. GEOinovo will notify the City for approval prior to any
changes that might change the estimated project cost.
• **This is an initial estimate based on information available in the RFP. The cost for these
tasks will vary depending on hardware, software, enterprise enhancements, and project
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3.1.1. Labor Category Rates
Any additional services and/or hours will be charged at the following rates at the direction and
approval of the City.
Labor Category
Hourly Cost (USD)
Cybersecurity Specialist
Network Architect
Project Manager
GIS/DBA Administrator
Senior GIS Analyst
GIS Analyst
Technical Writer
4. Complementary Services and Pricing
As a complementary service to the City, GEOinovo will provide our Helpdesk application for
free during the contract period of performance. This will streamline the management of tickets
from the City and allow for improved communication with the City and GEOinovo as any issues
or questions arise.
5. Staffing and Project Organization
We have assembled a team of experienced staff to provide full GIS, data conversions, and
mapping services for this project. We provide GIS services from GIS data cleanup to advanced
GIS analysis and modeling. As a technologically forward -thinking company we strive for
process improvement and automation of GIS, database, and data management functions through
software development, widget creation, and scripting. To support our technical staff and partners,
we offer Project Management expertise in GIS, software development, and data conversion and
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Staff Highlights
Peter Rebecca
Role Program Project Developer GIS Analyst GIS Analyst GIs
Manager / Manager / / Drone / Drone Analyst
GIS Admin Senior GIS Pilot Pilot
Years of Experience 20 14 25 13 11 11
Mapping / GIS
ArcGIS Pro / Desktop
ArcGIS Online
Data Management
Model Builder
Operations Dashboard
Webapp Builder
Enterprise GIS
Deployment and
CAD/PDF data
Conversion to GIS
SQL Database
Portal for ArcGIS
ArcGIS Server
ESRI Extensions
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Project Management
Part 107 Remote Pilot
License, FAA
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Ms. Musa is the CEO and Founder of GEOinovo, where she oversees strategic
direction, company operations, and strategic relationships. Going beyond her duties
as CEO, Ms. Musa is a certified GISP and acts as a Project Manager and Senior GIS
Analyst on company projects. A pioneer in her field, Ms. Musa helped mold the
Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)
requirements that govern the data standards per Department of Defense (DoD)
policy. She established geospatial standards, implemented and maintained GIS
system architectures, and created workflow processes. She heads projects across
various fields, including environmental, public works, utilities, engineering,
transportation, military training initiatives, real estate, and public safety.
Selected Experience
GIS Technical Manager, Camp Pendleton
As the GIS Technical Manager, Ms. Musa supported water utilities for Camp
Pendleton. She supported multiple programs and projects in this role including
DigAlert, Repair and Maintenance Support Maps, Maximo Asset Management, and
Geodatabase Schedule Development. Serving in both technical and management
roles, she has expertise with handling all aspects of project and technical
GIS System Administrator/Project Manager, San Diego Regional Public
Safety (RPSG) GIS Program
Ms. Musa's responsibilities included preparing GIS data to be consumed by Tritech
911 CAD and Mobile MDCs and editing public safety data such as Address Points,
Street Centerlines, Buildings, and Hydrants. She reconciled, validated, and ensured
data accuracy in support of three 9-1-1 Dispatch Centers within San Diego County
and managed the GIS Public Safety Repository Database for the entire county. She
was responsible for the maintenance and administration of GIS software such as GIS
SDE and SQL databases. She published and managed web services from ArcGIS
Server, Portal, and ArcGIS Online. In addition, she designed, planned, and
implemented an improved GIS architecture to support advanced GIS software and
extensions, providing the ability to scale to meet future GIS needs. Her work
ensured the County transitioned to NextGen 911 requirements to make sure data is
compliant with NENA Standards.
GIS Coordinator, N I V 15
Ms. Musa was the GIS Coordinator for NV5 specializing in support of utility assets
for gas and electric infrastructure. She set up ArcGIS Server enabling the creation of
web services to support real time field data collection. She was responsible for the
ArcGIS Portal administration and provided GIS training. She migrated the database
from PostgreSQL (open source) into SQL Server Enterprise database. Her work
im roved workflow productivi by 70%.
GIS Skills
Cartography, GIS Architecture Design &
Implementation, Data Management, Enterprise GIS
GIS Technology
Esri Suite: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS
Extensions: Utility Network, ArcServer, GeoEvent and
Image Server, Drone2Map, Pix4D, Lidar, 3D Analyst,
Business Analyst, Dashboard, Image Analyst, Network
Analyst, Spatial Analyst
Software Integration, Programming / Scripting, Python,
SQL, Web app development for mobile field application,
Cloud Technology
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure
SDE, Enterprise SQL, Oracle, Access
Asset Management
Maximo, DocScout, iNFADS
and Inventory
Data Collection
Trimble, Leica, Collector for ArcGIS, Survey 123
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 25 The City of La Quinta
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Mr. Sainz is a seasoned GIS professional who serves as a GIS Administrator and
Senior GIS Analyst for GEOinovo. His skills and abilities include ArcGIS
Enterprise services and applications, database management, on -premise and cloud -
based solutions, web services, data integration, and much more. He has first hand
experience working with local governments in Southern California. Mr. Sainz
possesses the ability to communicate technical concepts to stakeholders at all
organization levels, from the executive team to field staff. Beyond the creation and
modernization of the GIS infrastructure, Mr. Sainz is an expert data manager, able to
create compelling, relevant reports to ensure project adherence, as well as driving
decision making through actionable data.
Selected Experience
GIS Analyst, City of La Mesa
As the City's GIS Administrator, Mr. Sainz was configured and deployed web and
mobile maps for the City's asset management and work order system. These
mapping solutions enabled Public Works staff to link infrastructure assets to work
orders directly from the map. This capability was available for many asset types,
including stormwater pipes, structures, and drainage basins. These integrated maps
provided field staff with a comprehensive view of publicly maintained assets,
including trees, sidewalks, traffic signals, parks, medians, and much more.
GIS Administrator/Analyst, City of San Marcos
Mr. Sainz managed and prioritized wide-ranging projects and data requirements
along with managing expectations throughout the organization. His position
demanded sufficient technical, collaboration, and leadership abilities to operate as a
one -person GIS operation. He was responsible for project and database management
and lead an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment resulting in increased accessibility to
data and apps throughout the organization. Mr. Sainz managed web services,
database management, and ArcGIS integration with the City's asset management,
land management, and records management systems.
Mr. Saint configured and deployed web and mobile maps for the City's asset
management and work order system. These mapping solutions enabled Public
Works staff to link infrastructure assets to work orders directly from the map. This
capability was available for many asset types, including stormwater pipes,
structures, and drainage basins.
GIS Specialist/Coordinator, City of Chula Vista
Mr. Sainz collaborated with technical and operational personnel, communicated
project updates to leadership, and represented the City at regional project
meetings/committees. He tested and implemented GIS automation and workflow
tools and leveraged innovative solutions such as Attribute Assistance for ArcMap.
Mr. Sainz modernized nearly two decades of legacy data in under two years. The
long-term results of his work have provided high -quality GIS data to first responders
throu hout San Diego County.
GIS Skills
Cartography, Geodatabase Design and Administration, Data
Management, Enterprise GIS, Field Applications, Info ra hics
ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, Model Builder, Attribute Assistant,
Attribute Rules, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server, Business Analyst,
Dashboard, Web AppBuilder, ArcGIS Extensions: Utility
Network, Network Analyst, Spatial Analyst
SQL, Enterprise Geodatabase
Lucity, TRAKiT, Laserfiche, TriTech Software Systems
Trimble, Collector for ArcGIS, Survey 123
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Mr. Hsueh is a talented and experienced Developer, Programmer, and DBA with an
innate ability to understand all things within information technology, streamline and
automate processes, and create and develop applications. His contributions to clients
increase productivity by modernizing and automating manual processes to save time
and reduce errors. His extensive professional history includes in-depth work with
relational databases and program development focused on SQL Server, Microsoft
Stack, and .Net Framework/.Net core.
Selected Experience
GIS Analyst/Developer, Heartland Communications
Mr. Hsueh served as the GIS Analyst/Developer of Heartland Communications. In
this role he georeferenced new communities and updated and enhanced Heartland
Communications routing layers. Mr. Hsueh developed a one -click deployment
application utilizing Visual Studio Dot Net to simplify the MDC update process for
the fire agencies when the new
Sr. GIS Analyst/Developer, RPSG
Mr. Hsueh assisted in the development of the data score card and developed
applications to consume SABER and WAZE API data. He analyzed database
structures and rewrote data analytics to accelerate the data calculation process from
a task that previously took over 1 hour to less than 30 seconds.
IT Development Lead, Verizon
Mr. Hsueh developed and implemented various REST and SOAP APIs for multiple
process improvements and enhancements, including the sales of GIS tracking
module by the entire Sales Team. He implemented a Financial Calculation
improvement that took a 7-day process down to 20 minutes.
Senior SQL Developer/Programmer/DBA, Buffini & Company
As the Senior SQL Developer, Mr. Hsueh migrated over 50 reports from Crystal
Reports to Microsoft SQL SSRS. He analyzed, redesigned, and simplified the sales
commission's application to allow the accounting department to handle 99% of the
commissionable sales without the IT department's assistance.
Senior Business Analyst, Abbott Vascular
Mr. Hsueh was the technical lead for the team that developed Abbott Vascular's
Business Process Scorecard (BPS) used to analyze and present the various
departments' performance at Abbott Vascular.
GIS Skills
Cartography, GIS Architecture Design & Implementation,
Data Management, Enterprise GIS
GIS Technology
Esri Suite: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS
Extensions: Utility, ArcServer, GeoEvent and Image
Visual Studio, Entity Framework, C#, C++, Visual Basic,
Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Software Integration,
GitHub, TFS, VBA, Windows Communication
Foundation (WCF), REST APIs, SOAP APIs, JSON,
XML, ASP.NET, Model -View -Controller (MVC),
Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation
Cloud Technology
Amazon Web Services, Azure Cloud Services
Microsoft SQL Server, T-SQL, Stored Procedures,
Triggers, Service Broker, SSIS, SSRS, MS Access, MS
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Mr. Jeremy Huey has a M.Sc. in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from the
University of Denver, and has proudly served with the United States Navy and
United States Peace Corps. He is a GIS Analyst, QC Analyst, and Field Data
Collector with more than 10 years of experience, and an UAS drone pilot with more
than 4 years of experience. His expertise includes many phases of project planning
and execution including archaeological, biological, and UXO survey, data
preparation and collection, data editing, application development, and preparing
report figures. He has fulfilled roles as both GIS analyst/manager and field support
for archaeological, environmental, and UXO contracts. Mr. Huey has been a part of
Sagegrouse habitat assessments in Wyoming, cultural resource protection projects at
White Sands Missile Range, GIS database management at Naval Airfield Fallon
NV, UXO recovery and remediation for Camp Hale in the Rocky Mountains of
Colorado, and worked as a lead cartographer alongside scientific groups during the
MC252 Deepwater Horizon (BP) Oil Spill Response. Mr. Huey's diverse
experiences both personally and professionally lend to his deep understandings of
project goals and enable him to meticulously execute on his technical work and
client support.
Selected Experience
GIS Analyst, Grand Canyon Tuweep Architecture History
Supported architectural historian's mapping of the Tuweep Ranger Station in the
Grand Canyon, both in field and with desktop analyses. Using Collector and sub -
meter accurate Bluetooth GPS, Oakum Solutions collected data for more than 200
resources and documented them for reporting purposes. A historic analysis was
performed via aerial and topographic images before the start of survey, contributing
to a more effective field investigation.
GIS Regional Coordinator, SCE CWA 2047 Transmission Civil Operations
Lead GIS analyst and creator of KMZ and mapping packages used for
multidiscipline surveys and construction support. Southern California Edison
Company CWA 2047 reflects the Southern California Edison TCO program for
annual road grading along the distribution or transmission circuit lines throughout
SCE service territory. Project included the creation of GIS maps and files for
biological review.
GIS Analyst, High Speed Rail CP4 NEPA/CEQA RE-Examiniation
Conducted CAD and data conversion, helped design survey corridors, and led GIS
data and mapping operations. The California High -Speed Rail Authority proposed to
construct, operate, and maintain an electric -powered high-speed rail system in
California. When completed, the nearly 800-mile high-speed train system would
provide new passenger rail service to California's major metropolitan areas and
through the counties that are home to more than 90% of the state's population. The
CP4 construction area is a 22-mile stretch within the counties of Tulare and Kern
and the cities of Wasco and Shafter.
GIS Skills
Cartography, Geodatabase Architecture Design &
Implementation, Data Management, Enterprise GIS, Data
collection/ digitizing
GIS Technology
Esri Suite: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server,
ArcGIS Extensions: Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Model
Lidar — Analysis with lidar derrived data
Software Integration, Python scripting
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft SQL Server, SDE, Access
Data Collection
Trimble, Leica, Drone, Collector for ArcGIS, Suvey 123
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 28 The City of La Quinta
GEC -1novo
Mapping Solutions
esrPartner Network
Peter Von der Porten is a GIS Analyst, QC Analyst, and Field Data Collector with
more than 10 years of experience, and an UAS drone pilot. His expertise includes
many phases of project planning and execution including archaeological and
biological, data preparation and collection, data editing, application development,
and preparing report figures. He has fulfilled roles as both GIS analyst/manager and
field support for archaeological and environmental contracts. Mr. Von der Porten
has experience in environmental consulting, construction projects, technical writing,
and GIS technologies placing him at a unique intersection of skillsets for working
with geospatial products in a wide range of applications.
Selected Experience
GIS Manager, Proponent's Environmental Assessment
Mr. Von der Porten provided GIS/GPS support for archaeological, architectural
history, biological, and paleontological field surveys of project routes. He created
100+ report figures synthesizing dozens of data sources, including field surveys,
engineering plans, assessor's parcel data, and environmental agency data. He
maintained data and updated figures throughout a staged engineering design process.
In addition, Mr. Von der Porten compiled GIS data deliverables for formal submittal
with CPUC filings. Performed calculations to estimate the potential impacts of the
project design on natural and cultural resources.
GIS Specialist, Alameda Corridor -East (ACE) Construction Authority
As the GIS Specialist, Mr. Von der Porten provided GIS/GPS support for
archaeological data recovery phase report writing and ongoing monitoring efforts of
prehistoric, protohistoric, and historic archaeological resources at San Gabriel
Mission. He maintained a GIS database (ESRI ArcSDE) containing 2,000+ features
and added archaeological data digitized from field records. He created GIS-based
figures for technical reports and Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) site
record forms.
GIS Specialist, Southern California Edison
Mr. Von der Porten developed semi -automated workflows to process SCE's raw
infrastructure data into task -specific deliverables for biological assessments. He built
a custom GIS toolbox using ESRI ArcGIS ModelBuilder to automate repetitive
geospatial processing tasks and trained junior staff to use customized tools as part of
the project workflow. The SCE TCO program performs annual road grading along
electrical distribution and transmission circuit lines throughout the SCE service
territory. Tasks included project creation of GIS maps and files, biological pre -
reviews for the specified project, and construction support, such as preconstruction
surveys and monitoring in order to follow the biological clearance measures issued.
GIS Skills
Cartography, Geodatabase Architecture Design &
Implementation, Data Management, Enterprise GIS, Data
collection/ digitizing
GIS Technology
Esri Suite: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server,
ArcGIS Extensions: Spatial Analyst, Model Building
Software Integration, Python scripting
Amazon Web Services
SDE, Access
Data Collection
Trimble, Leica, Drone, Collector for ArcGIS, Suvey 123
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 29 The City of La Quinta
VInovo Mapping Solutions
esri Partner Network
Rebecca is an experienced GIS professional with two degrees in Geography.
Rebecca obtained many years of GIS experience working for regional and local
government entities in the San Diego, CA area. This included the City of Poway,
CA and over six years as a GIS Analyst for the regional planning agency of San
Diego, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Rebecca has built
GIS expertise in the areas of transportation and land use planning, demographic
modeling and forecasting, mobility planning, active transportation, binational U.S.-
Mexico border collaboration, and most recently renewable energy and solar project
development. She has created professional maps and analyses, managed, edited,
documented, and maintained spatial data, managed tasks and projects from start to
finish, provided ongoing support for mapping and data updates, and designed and
maintained ArcGIS and Excel databases. Rebecca has also been a project manager
for important efforts such as updating the San Diego Regional Bike Map, and has
experience in creating web maps and applications using ArcGIS Online. Rebecca
prides herself on her combination of technical expertise, creative problem -solving,
and excellent communication skills that have gained her much praise on being very
desirable to work with.
Selected Experience
GIS Analyst, Atlas Renewable Power
As a GIS Analyst for Atlas Renewable Power, Ms. Grover worked to map greenfield
project developments and other related assets. Her work included editing, managing,
and creating maps and map layers. She managed GIS tasks and implemented
updates to the San Diego Regional Bike Map.
GIS Analyst, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
Ms. Grover started as a GIS Intern as the San Diego Association of Governments.
Shortly after starting as an intern, she joined SANDAG as a GIS Analyst in
December 2012. She supported SANDAG with GIS support for transportation and
GIS Intern, City of Poway, California
Ms. Gover worked as a GIS Intern for the City of Poway for almost a year. Her
work included mapping, updating GIS layers, cartography, and geodatabase
GIS Skills
Data compilation and maintenance, map production, editing,
online and mobile map applications, spatial analysis,
database management, imagery analysis, GIS to KMZ
GIS Technology
Esri Suite: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server,
ArcMap, QGIS, Google Earth, ArcGIS Extensions: Spatial
Analyst, Model Building
SQL Server
Data Collection
Collector for ArcGIS, Suvey 123
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 30 The City of La Quinta
GEL -1 na�a
Partner Network
V Mapping Solutions Bronze
6. Subcontracting Services
GEOinovo will not be using any subcontractors to complete the anticipated scope of work.
7. Disclosures
GEOinovo has no negative history regarding litigation, agreement failures, or any other related
8. Explanation of Methodology
GEOinovo will assess the City's current GIS capabilities as part of Sub Task 2.1 GIS
Assessment. The GIS Assessment is included in the project schedule immediately after the
Project Kickoff Meeting to allow for necessary scope of work adjustments depending on the
findings of the GIS Assessment. For further details please see 1.4 Scope of Work, Sub Task 2.1:
GIS Assessment.
GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 31 The City of La Quinta
GEC -1 nova
Mapping Solutions
esrPartner Network
9. Acknowledgement of Insurance
(Attachment 2)
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
I Luciane Musa, GISP (Name) hereby acknowledge and
confirm that GEOinovo Solutions Inc
(Company) has reviewed the
City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F
of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance
certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is
I am CEO/Founder of GEOinovo Solutions Inc.
(Title) (Company)
Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001)
$1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate)
Must include the following endorsements:
General Liability Additional Insured
General Liability Primary and Noncontributory
Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001)
$1,000,000(per accident
Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable
Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate)
Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements)
Must include the following endorsements:
Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation
Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable
Cyber Liability/Technology Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000
(per occurrence/loss
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GEOinovo Solutions Inc.
The City of La Quinta
yinovo Mapping Solutions
oesriPartner Network
10. Non -Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3)
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
I, Luciane Musa, GISP (Name) hereby declare as follows:
I am CEO/Founder of GEOinovo Solutions Inc. ,
(Title) (Company)
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of,
or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization,
or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer
has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or
sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed
with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain
from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by
agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the
proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the
proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the
public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement;
that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has
not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof,
or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will
not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization,
proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Proposer Signature:
Proposer Name:
Proposer Title:
Company Name:
�A C,; w. �Nsa
Lucaine Musa, GISP
GEOinovo Solutions Inc.
39252 Winchester Rd. #107-125, Murrieta, CA 92563
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GEOinovo Solutions Inc. 33 The City of La Quinta
GE-," -1 novo
IfMapping Solutions
11. Acknowledgement
esrPartner Network
of Addenda (Attachment 4)
-- c::\I fFUHNIA-
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal;
If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating
Not Applicable and sign
FA0101401B111u0 lei ►FA1111:1404►103COY 010[e1:7xe14421
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