2021-09-01 Criste - Wavepark Letters to City_RedactedSaturday, April 2, 2022 at 12:07:26 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Re: Wavepark le,ers sent to you Date:Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7:18:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:mike charles To:Nicole Criste As always, thank you for the prompt response, Mike On Sep 1, 2021, at 6:48 AM, Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> wrote: Good Morning Mike, We have separate records of public comments not directly associated with the EIR. Whether the le,ers were sent to this email or my City email, or another member of staff at City Hall, they are all saved as public comments. Those will be part of the packet of informaWon that is packaged with the staff report for both the Planning Commission and the City Council. Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner City of La Quinta TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH, INC.® 42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101 PALM DESERT, CA. 92211 (760) 341-4800 FAX#: 760-341-4455 E-Mail: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com From: mike charles Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 4:34 PM To: Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> Subject: Wavepark le,ers sent to you Nicole, I hope you are weathering the heat and the worst has almost past. I have a quesWon for you. In regards to the le,ers that have been wri,en to your city email referencing the wavepark, have all of these been saved? And is so will they be presented to the city council once they decide to receive public input? A lot of le,ers were wri,en once the D- EIR was made available with a stop date. But there was also many le,ers wri,en prior to the D- EIR being released. So, I’m asking will the city council be receiving all of these le,ers for their review? Many thanks, Mike Mike Charles cell: Page 2 of 2