2022-03-10 Flores - Publication ReviewSaturday, April 9, 2022 at 13:57:37 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:RE: ORDER# GCI0843917 | Proof Review for City Of La Quinta | PUBLISH DATE(S): 3/11
Date:Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 9:00:39 AM Pacific Standard Time
From:Tania Flores
To:Cheri Flores, Nicole Criste, Carlos Flores
ADachments:image002.png, image004.png, image005.png, DS-GCI0843917-01_REVISE.pdf
Has everyone reviewed and approved this proof?
Tania Flores | Administrative Technician
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. (760)777-7023
City Hall is now open to the public during normal business hours. Please follow all CDC and State
recommended guidelines as they pertain to COVID-19 safety and awareness. All public services
continue to be available via phone, email or online web portal and the public is encouraged to
utilize these services when possible. Thank you.
From: Lackey, Nicolle <NLackey@localiq.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 1:02 PM
To: Tania Flores <dlores@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Nicole Criste (Contract Planner)
<ncriste@Terranovaplanning.com>; Carlos Flores <cflores@laquintaca.gov>; Ganneg Legals Public Noices
4 <ganlegpubnoices4@ganneg.com>
Subject: RE: ORDER# GCI0843917 | Proof Review for City Of La Quinta | PUBLISH DATE(S): 3/11
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cauion when
opening agachments, clicking links or responding to requests for informaion. **
Hi Tania –
Agached is the revised proof for your review…
Our final publicaOon deadline is Thursday, 3/10 at 3pm PST
Thank you,
Nicolle Lackey
Account Coordinator | SMB-Classifieds
Classifieds: SMB-ClassifiedsSupport@ganneg.com
Legals: SMB-ClassifiedsLegalSupport@ganneg.com
From: Tania Flores <dlores@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 10:34 AM
To: Lackey, Nicolle <NLackey@localiq.com>
Cc: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Nicole Criste (Contract Planner)
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Cc: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Nicole Criste (Contract Planner)
<ncriste@Terranovaplanning.com>; Carlos Flores <cflores@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: ORDER# GCI0843917 | Proof Review for City Of La Quinta | PUBLISH DATE(S): 3/11
Hi Nicolle,
Please see the following corrections:
Typo on the first reference to Specific Plan, it reads “Specifical Plan”
APNs should read:
APNS 764-200-076, 764-210-007, 764-210-028, 764-210-029, 766-070-003,
766-070-006, 766-070-012, 766-070-014, 766-080-001, 766-080-002,766-
080-004 & 766-080-005
Also add the following paragraph:
The Coral Mountain Resort project proposes a General Plan Amendment, Zone
Change, Specific Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Tentative Tract Map to allow
the development of a master planned community consisting of:
Up to 600 residential units (496 in the Low Density Residential areas, and
104 in the Tourist Commercial area)
Up to 150 hotel rooms
Up to 60,000 square feet of Neighborhood Commercial uses at the
southwest corner of Madison and Avenue 58
Up to 57,000 square feet of resort commercial uses in the Tourist
Commercial area
A 16.6 acre wave pool and the equipment to create the waves,
maintenance and water treatment buildings and a water tank.
26.5 acres of “back of house” area immediately south of the wave pool,
which can include parking, temporary buildings and facilities for operations
and special events
24 acres of open space on the south end of the property, to include trails,
ropes courses, and passive and protected open space
A Site Development Permit is also proposed for the wave basin area of the
An updated draft is attached with highlighted corrections.
Tania Flores | Administrative Technician
Design & Development Department
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Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. (760)777-7023
City Hall is now open to the public during normal business hours. Please follow all CDC and State
recommended guidelines as they pertain to COVID-19 safety and awareness. All public services
continue to be available via phone, email or online web portal and the public is encouraged to
utilize these services when possible. Thank you.
From: Lackey, Nicolle <NLackey@localiq.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 8:55 AM
To: Tania Flores <dlores@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Ganneg Legals Public Noices 4 <ganlegpubnoices4@ganneg.com>
Subject: ORDER# GCI0843917 | Proof Review for City Of La Quinta | PUBLISH DATE(S): 3/11
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cauion when
opening agachments, clicking links or responding to requests for informaion. **
Good morning, Tania!
I have the proof for your legal ad agached and ready for your review. Please let me know if you’d like any
updates to the ad or if this is approved for publicaion.
Our final publicaOon deadline is Thursday, 3/10 at 3pm PST
Order Details:
Order Number: GCI0843917
Publicaion: Desert Sun
Secion: MAIN
Run Date(s): 3/11
Ad Size: 3 columns x 5.25 inches
Total Cost: $441.00
Affidavit - 1
Thank you,
Nicolle Lackey
Account Coordinator | SMB-Classifieds
Classifieds: SMB-ClassifiedsSupport@ganneg.com
Legals: SMB-ClassifiedsLegalSupport@ganneg.com