2022-03-21 Flores - Coral Mtn Representative Attendance1 From:Cheri Flores Sent:Monday, March 21, 2022 8:41 AM To:John Gamlin; Nicole Criste (Contract Planner) Cc:Tania Flores Subject:RE: PC Hearing on 3/22 - CM representatives attendance list John, Thanks for the heads up. Can you give us a list of the names and organizations of those who are attending by tomorrow at 3 pm so we can have it for the record? Can you also let us know who might be speaking or could be answering questions? I’ve CC’d Tania, the Commission Secretary. Please include her on the list email. Thanks!    Cheri L. Flores | Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 www.laquintaca.gov From: John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com>   Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2022 9:06 AM  To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Nicole Criste (Contract Planner) <ncriste@Terranovaplanning.com>  Subject: PC Hearing on 3/22 ‐ CM representatives attendance list  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Hello Cheri and Nicole,  As of today, between our internal and consultant team, we expect a head count of 12 in person and 17 virtual (with a  few of the latter possibly not logging on).  JG  John Gamlin  760‐238‐2443 mobile  jgamlin@coralmountain.com   Coral Mountain  Sent from Mail for Windows 10