2022-03-22 Callimanis - LQRRD Presentation Order_Redacted1
From:Alena Callimanis
Sent:Tuesday, March 22, 2022 11:01 AM
To:Cheri Flores; Tania Flores
Cc:Monika Radeva
Subject:Presenters for La Quinta Residents for Responsible Development for Planning Commission 3/22
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Folks, we will have a total of 15 presentations, 13 in person and two over zoom. If possible, since these folks are La
Quinta Residents for Responsible development, we would like them to be together. I will send you the presentations,
one at a time, copying the presenters. Let me know if you want it another way. I may have a third zoom person but
should know shortly. I am sorry this is so late. It was way too much information to digest and create presentations since
Alena Callimanis
1)Laura Dolata & Lori Kilburn they will do three minutes apiece for one presentation for a total of 6 minutes ‐ general
2)Lisa Castro ‐ regarding her house and the project
3)Carolyn ‐ EIR Discrepancies
4)Monica Harrington ‐ new technology adaptation
5)Rick Roth ‐ actuarial perspective
6)Philip Novak ‐ green house gas
7)Laura DuMaurier ‐ Lights
8)Karen Tomcala ‐ EIR comments
9)Alena Callimanis ‐ Public Health
10)Robin Nenninger ‐ Wave Pool Does not Cool
11)Donna Williams ‐ Noise
12)Derek ‐ General comments
13)Ramon‐ new residences
Over Zoom
14) Anast Demitt ‐ engineers
15) Dr. Jay Famiglietti ‐ Water