2022-03-22 Callimanis - PC Presentation_Redacted1
From:Alena Callimanis
Sent:Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3:01 AM
To:Cheri Flores; Tania Flores
Cc:Monika Radeva
Subject:Dr. Jay Famiglietti March 22 Planning Council Presentation
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
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Attachment available until Apr 21, 2022
Good day. Here is the presentation for Dr. Jay Famiglietti for the March 22 Planning Commission meeting. It has to be
powerpoint because there is animation in screen show mode.
I will provide the order for all the LQRRD presenters in the morning. I am sorry I have the order of two of the speakers
to finalize.
Please let me know if you were able to download this. If not I will bring it over in the morning on a memory stick.
Thank you so much for your help.
Alena Callimanis
Click to Download
Dr Jay Famiglietti March 22 2022.pptx
33.8 MB