CE-20-0380 Entered 02-28-20205/7/2021 Print Code Enforcement Case https://user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 1/2 Code Enforcement Case: CE-20-0380 Entered on: 02/28/2020 00:00 Printed on: 05/07/2021 Topic: Property Maintenance Status: Closed Due Date: 03/11/20 Assigned To: Gerald Duchene Initiated by: Neighbor Area #: (Select) Permit Permit #: Business name: License #: Property Location Occupant Name: Lic: DOB: Address: 55075 MONROE ST , 92253 Phone: Cell #: APN : 767-580-048 Owner Information Owner Name: BRENT DILL / EILEEN DILL Address: Phone: Cell #: Actions Action By Date TimeHours Note/Observation Complaint Gerald Duchene 02/28/2020 0.25 Neighbor states loud noises and large trucks entering the property. Inspection Gerald Duchene 02/28/2020 0.25 Upon arrival of 55075 Monroe St, I made contact with contractor Vacation Polls who stated he and his crew were her to do some exterior landscape work only. He stated the large trucks were just dumping of DG. I did notice he had multiple vehicles in the right-of-way without an encroachment permit. I asked that he move the vehicles inside the lot, which he did immediately. No other violations observed. Phone Call Gerald Duchene 03/11/2020 0.25 I made contact with RP and informed her of my recent findings. I explained I observed a landscape crew addressing the exterior landscape. I explained that I drove passed the property a few days later and noticed the landscape was completed. She said she hasn't heard any more noise at the property in a week , but will call if the noise starts again. This case will be closed as resolved. Violations #Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date Inspection Notes Date: ________________ Time: ______________ Findings:________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Photographs 5/7/2021 Print Code Enforcement Case https://user.govoutreach.com/laquintaca/ceeditcase.php 2/2 2020-02-28 11.14.29.jpg 2020-02-28 11.16.32.jpg 2020-02-28 11.16.37.jpg 2020-02-28 11.16.47.jpg 2020-02-28 11.22.37.jpg