MUP 2022-0019 Point Happy Temporary Sales Office (10.14.2022)ta �W CALIFORNIA October 14, 2022 Mr. Zachary Nordby Williams Homes Inc. 24911 Avenue Stanford Santa Clarita, CA 91355 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2022-0019 POINT HAPPY TRACT 31348 TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE Dear Mr. Nordby: The City of La Quinta Design and Development Department has reviewed and approved Minor Use Permit 2022-0019, for a temporary sales office within the Point Happy development, subject to the information on file and attached and the following conditions of approval: FINDINGS • The proposal is consistent with the general plan and provisions of the zoning code. The proposal is in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and would be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15304, Minor Alterations to Land. • The proposal would not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. The proposed use of the sales office is temporary in nature and is consistent with other residential areas. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning 1. The temporary sales office shall be permitted to remain for two (2) years, beginning from the date of this approval, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Design and Development Director may extend the permit for up to one year, upon written request from the property owner. No fee will be charged to extend this permit. ta �W CALIFORNIA 2. The following advertising devices or activities are expressly prohibited within or outside the project: banners, balloons, portable trailer signs, or human indicators/sign twirlers. Permitted signage can be found in LQMC Section 9.60.240. 3. ADA accessible route(s) from the sales office to and throughout the model complex area shall be provided and maintained as may be required by the Public Works Department and the Building Division. 4. Any building, structure, facility, complex or improved area, or portions thereof, which are used by the general public shall be provided barrier free design to ensure that these improvements are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities. Plans shall fully detail how the proposed model complex can be approached, entered and used in compliance with the California Accessibility Standards as applicable in Title 24 Chapter 11B and per Federal ADA Regulations. Fire 5. Construction Permits Fire Department Review: Submittal of construction plans to the Office of the Fire Marshal for development, construction, installation and operational use permitting will be required. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when the Office of the Fire Marshal reviews these plans. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code, and related codes, which are in effect at the time of building plan submittal. 6. Addressing: All commercial buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the address side and additional locations as required. Ref. CFC 505.1 and County of Riverside Office of the Fire Marshal Standard #07-01 7. Install portable fire extinguishers per Title 19, but not less than 2A10BC in rating. Contact a certified extinguisher company for proper placement and spacing of equipment. ■ W �dorcu CALIFORNIA - Building 8. A building shall be obtained prior to construction. The proposed construction shall comply with all other development standards as required under the La Quinta Zoning Code. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7086. Sincerely, Sijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner Design and Development 25 CITY OF LA OUITA, CALIFORNIA MINOR USE PERMIT SITE PLAN SEPTEMBER 2022 PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# MUP2022-0019 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 10/14/2022 3:45:18 PM VICINITY MAP NOT TO scALe 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 SHEET INDEX i--------------- DESCRIPTION _ ---- �TRUESNEET 13 i ISITEMEAN_, K_COUflT _ \ 40 / I 12 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ED EPER'DC".' UW.G41 \ I APN DP3Ez� D3z BD. PARE E , PROPOSED MILES RAI R&PARKING E.LAND USE 42 I I I GENERALPLAN DESIGNATION. LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL o l 39 38 37 36 35 34 oIED NG:ONINGDESIGNATION . R 10 I > I I I I I I 43 l ---- — PROPOSED MINOR USE �- HERITAGEWAY -- I I PARKING WITH S STANDARD STALIGS(2 ADA) TRAILER WITH TEMPORARY TEHIPORARr iz� wIDE Braz• La 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \ II 46 \ ` 49 \ I � 47 �I II 50 I — 1 N i' INDEX MAP so cRAPHIc s e APPLICANT/OWNER o 1 INCH - R PREPARER SHEET 1 OF 2 SANTACARiTA,CA91355 C ANDERSON POINT HAPPY ESTATES CoNToevpwnuArnsHOEnES.mm izs�s max e�u suiTe 3oD CONSULTING 61)en-sve3 I�ase1 visD,v gszR3D ENGINEERS, INC. SALES TRAILER&PARKING TELEPHONE. MINOR USE PERMIT SITE PLAN CITY OF LA OUITA, CAUFORNIA MINOR USE PERMIT SITE PLAN SEPTEMBER 2022 I I I I � I I I I I � I I � I I � I I I 3"AC/4" AB I I I I I I R33 y I I 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R- I9 I - I I -- CONE. DWY PER CITY M. 221 _ -- I I HERITAGE (\ � I � I �\ 1 2. 1 INCH SCALE - -_� H =10 R 1p �p �oA[siioti SHEET 2 OF 2 wNO: o>j.,o PxEP,wm uNOFJ+ n+e suPRnsroH or: ANDERSON POINT HAPPY ESTATES ✓, cwd d 0.�f®'/!,� CONSULTING SALES TRAILER & PARKING FOP GL6 532 *� ENGINEERS, INC. MINOR USE PERMIT SITE PLAN ece. .aPw ero. WWU mobil modular PM Your Project -Our Commitment ENERGY NOTES 1. ALL UNITS A INSUTAnON R-19 Ceiling R-11 M. ontl Exterior Walla (or submit Forme 1, 2. & 3) B. AR INFILTRATION - UO-105 (2-5317) 1. Door Intl WNdow. bdween comditionetl Intl u conditioned apace andl be designed t limit air leakage into or from the building envelope. 2. Mlnuf,,t,,d Doors, Windows Md Curtain Walla ah,II hove infiltration rates c ,UKIM by the m... fldurer Ia not exceeding tho.e below: Windows and Single Doors (sliding .1 winging): .050 dm/ft Double Doom: 1.0 cfm/H 3. Exterior Idol Intl opening. in the builtling envelope Nat aro ob.enable eo ea of air leakage ah.11 be caulked. 9.A.ted. weather-stripped Ir dherwis. sealed. C. VENTILATION SV5IEMS - T20-1505, 1508. & 15M (2-5316) 1. Nr Handling Duct System. shall be constructed, ihedlad, sealed and inaw,ted I, provided in Chapter 10 of ode. (U. M. C. Ne Stat Mechanical C1982) 2. Grevi w d Mechanical Supply Intl Exhaust Sot....h.11 be equipped Rh hh a of providing Ii volume reduction o shut-oH when ventilolion i, not roq.i.d. (Doe. rid apply t wmbudi,m Iw intakes. 0. HEAT PUMPS Heat Pumps shall be installed with co trot, to prevent Supplementry heder operation when heating load con be Md by the had pump Ilona. Supplementy heder operation is Permitted during trenaisn[ period,, ouch Is start-up. following Room thernoalat .el -point advance Intl during defeat. L1GH11NG CONTROLS - MO-1541 (2-5319 SALES &INVENTORY CENTER 12X42 B o�Ao� BOULEVARD MRAMSALES OFFICE (951) 360-6600 FAX (951) 360-6622 1. Each a enclosed by ceiling -high partition. .hall have independent control of the lighting within the area. 2. Each a a ah.11 have at teat on readily ,...able m h..Ily operated awilching device to control lighting within that aro , For lighting control.. 'readily att libI*' m .located so that a person using the device can. the rnntmlled light. or the area being lit 3. The general lighting of any area IN square feet or larger in which the wmm,ded lighting load equal. or teed. 1.0 watt./fU throughout din.entire , a shall be controlled xao that the load m,y be rod- by It 1-t 15 while maintaining a ......bay uniform level If illumination throughout 1Ae ... NOT WATER PIPING INSULATION - T20-1521 (2-5312) NI service hot water pipe Not - groat., thou 12 feet ah.11 be Ina 1- with the following thi.1m.. If R-4 insulation: L„e than 2' di,mder pipe: 1.0' Greotr than 2' dime., pipe: 1.5' II. UNI15 W11H FLOOR AREA GREATER THAN 100 FT2 A TEMPERATURE CONTROLS - MO-1503 (2-5315) 1. Each WAG Sysyem shall be equipped with at I- on• I_- device far retlucing HVAC energy use dudmg the parioda d nonuae. 2. Each AAC Sys shall be able t maintain apace lemperot,m set=point from 55 F 10 85 F. 3. Each AAC System .hall be able to provide sequential temperature control of h-Ung ontl coding capacity in each zone if = heating and cooling are provided. 4. Provide a range d temperature up to 10 F in which no heeling I', le previdetl to the apace if the HVAC System hoe bath heeling Intl cooling capability. S. Be able to terminate III healing 70 F or 1. ontl be able t terminate III cooling It 78 F Ir m.- B. MNNIENANCE - T20-1517 (t20-1103[b]) The builder ,hall provide mainemmI. informlNon to the building r for all features. teridle. pon.Ms and equipment that require routine maintenance for efficient operation. C. ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEATING - T20-IM4 (2-5331) No ledric roei.t,nce h.Ung hall be d except ,. supplementary heating in a heal pump ay,tem. D. UGHTING ah.11 be limited b 2.4 watt./fU of flaw aro. except when energy IighOng wmpliance Form 5 i..ubmifted j.Wlifying larger load.. H. UNITS WRH LESS TUN 1000 92 OF FLOOR AREA A LIGHTING ,hall be 2.7 watt/ft2 unleu judified with Form S. GENERAL NOTES 1. Code to be CCR T25, Chapter 3, Subchapter 2, Mtid. 3 AND 3.5. 2. Occupancy I. B 3. C..-.ion cl... ficatianto be Type VN nomrotetl. 4. Design Load.: System.. Roof: pd. M M- nddr p.f. 50 E- Wind: pf. 2.2.6 P- Seiamic Zone 4 S- Imp rtance F.dor 1.0 5. SWcturo c a to , public at..t h.t less than 20 feat in width and shall be- not less than 20 feet from te hproperty line. I. per Section 703. UBC. & Chapter 5 UBC. B. Exit doors shall be op ... ble from inside without the use of o key sign h.11 be placetl adjacent to s d exit saying This Door to Remain Unldcketl During Buainesa Haura.' 7. Landing at exit doors 11,11 comply with Section 33 (1), UBC. 8. Roof covering a 11 comply - Tdle 25, Chapter 3, S-436. 9. Gtzing shall campy with TRW 25, Chapter 3, S-4371 (Chaptr 4 UCB). 10. In,ala on,: Roof: R-19 Walla: R-11 noon: R-11 11. NI Electrical oonnectiona on aNe are by Others 12. Al water ontl waste I... lions on site aro by Others 13. Al aNe p,iPI,Uo 1, the responsibility d Customer 14. Unite shall have a mechanically Iperattl ventilation system providing I min,um of 15 cfm per occupant with 5 cfm of outside air. 15. Maxium florae-.pread d interior wolf ontl -ling panel. shall be 200 ontl have a minium thickness of )(' or be Class 1 material. 16. Realr... facilities for both se Ind h,ndio,ppdd ah.11 be pnvd.d for in I. djacent building on -I property as per Section 510 ontl Se U.. .705, UBC. 17. OC p,nay Io,d sh,11 be 4 t8. Stnduro le not to be located less than 20 feet from Iny property line. DESIGN CODES: (MODIFICATIONS) 2010 CALWILDI NG DING CODE 2010 CA-1 RNA PLUMBING CODE 2010 CAIJFORNA MECHANICAL CODE 2010 CALIFORNA ELECTRIC CODE 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE CHAP. II (ACCESSIBILRY) AMERICANS w/DISAeIunEs ACT, TITI III CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, PART 6 ENERGY DESIGN CODES: (E)OSTING) 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 991 UNIFORM MECHwIC& CODE 1991 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 1993 UNIFORM ELECTRIC CODE TABLEOF CONTENTS TOMER: Williams Homes 34549 TRACT: 38929 RESS: 46272 point hapy LA Quinta, 92253 CS-1 COVERSHEET 9 9 22 A-1 FLOOR PLAN- NOTES 9/9/22 PLUMBING EXISTING ROOF BID 34549 CODE: CALIFORNIA D.O.H. OFFICE UNITS B-2 TYPE VN UNIT MANUFACTURED BY (ID) DATE OF MFR. I SIZE OF UNIT I MFR. SERIALI INUMBER RESTROOM I INSTALLED CALIF. D.O.H. INSIGNIA NO. MODTECH 14/1/20041 12X42 1 74301 (X) T—L 137106 GENERAL NOTES: 1) CHASSIS: CHASSIS SMALL BE MANUFACTURER'S ORIGINAL DESIGN, PERIMETER OR OUTRIGGER CHASSIE CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING 50 psf (min) FLOOR LOAD. 2) FLOORS: FLOOR FRAMING/DESIGN SMALL BE MANUFACTURER'S ORIGINAL /STEEL, OR WOOD JOIST & DECKING CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING 50 paf (min) FLOOR LOAD. 3) EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 2z4 MIN. CONSTRUCTION w/STUDS O 16" o/c HEADERS IN BEARING WALLS SHALL BE PER 4X4 to 48' & 4z6 to 60". 4) INTERIOR WALLS: INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE NON —BEARING 2X4 CONSTRUCTION w/STUDS O 16' o/c. 5) ROOF FRAMING: ROOF FRAMING SHALL BE MANUFACTURER'S ORIGINAL DESIGN /STEEL, WOOD, OR TRUSSES w/SHEATHING CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING A 20 p4f (min) ROOF LOAD. SN # 74301 6> FINISHES: EXTERIOR © GALV. MEFAL ROOF © 1" T7-11 EXTERIOR SIDING /GROOVES O 8' o/c or 19/32 SMART PANEL ® }" x 8' TOP & BOTTOM HORIZONTAL TRIM Ifl 3" x 4" CORNER TRIM © 4' z 3" DOOR & WINDOW TRIM ® OPT. SKIRTING TO MATCH SIDING INTERIOR ® FLOORING: CARPET READY, RESTROOHA d' ARMSTRONG VCT TILE ®WALL COVERING: }" LUAN PANEUNG TAPE & TEXTURE ADD PAINTED w/FS-200 or 1/2" DRYWALL or 1/4' GRASSCLOTH or 1/4" BIRCH. ® MOULDING: TO BE COMPATABLE TO WALL FINISH ® CEILING: SUSPENDED T—BAR CEILING, ARMSTRONG DRYWALL SYS. MAIN RUNNER —HD 8906 W/ CAN LIGHTS DRYWALL FOR HARD UD NEEDS TO BE 5/8' ® 48' z 48" z �' PARTITION GLASS (TEMPERED) 7) DOORS: O 6'-0' X 6'-8' DOUBLE WHITE FRENCH DOOR WITH TEMPERED GLASS HARDWARE: LEVER PASSAGE & DEAD BOLT—DBL CYLINDER. O INTERIOR DOOR: SINGLE LITE w/TIMELY WINTER WHITE FRAMES WITH SIX RAISED PANELS, DOOR PAINT TO MATCH INTERIOR. 8) WINDOWS: (D 48"x48" DUAL PANE TEMPERED GLASS WHITE FRENCH GRID HORIZONTAL SLIDERS WITH TONG SCREENS. ® 35"x48" DUAL PANE TEMPERED GLASS WHITE FRENCH GRID HORIZONTAL SLIDERS WITH TONG SCREENS. 9) HVAC UNIT: AC UNIT: EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT (2) 2 TON DUCTED SUPPLY AND RETURN. 10) NOTE: 1) GLAZING IN FIXED OR OPERABLE PANELS WITHIN 24" OF VERTICLE EDGE OF DOORS PER UBC SECTION 5406(d) SHALL BE SAFETY TYPE GLASS. a SHEAR STRAPPING PER S-104 WATER HEA PANEL: A t TOP 035 4 T ELECTRICAL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Q OUPLEX,REC�EPT — 15a 125v 3 WIRE GROUNDING TYPE. GFI DENOTES GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER W DUPLEX RECEPT — 20a 125v 3 WIRE GROUNDING TYPE. SINGLE SWITCHES IN SINGLE GANG BOX DOUBLE SWITCHES IN DOUBLE GANG BOX TRIPLE SWITCHES IN TRIPLE GANG BOX INCANDESCENT SURFACE MOUNTED EXTERIOR LIGHT WITH IMPACT RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. 100 WATTS *ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL AND MAY VARY DUE TO STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATION HARRIS 300 ® ELECTRICAL PANEL BY CUTTER —HAMMER MOBILE MODULAR 11450 MISSION BLVD. HVAC WALL MOUNTED A/C BY BARD MIRA LOMA, CA 91752 x 4' FLUORESCENT DROP IN FIXTURE, ACRYLIC SCALE: NTS DRAWN BY: V,SANDOVAL ®2' P ISMATIC LENS ENERGY SAVING BALLAST. (4� 40 WATT NBES, WT. 27 Ibs 160 WATTS. DATE: 9/9/22 REV: OCAN LIGHT ADDRESS:tZ2WIIlHNS Hours x IUPV w a Wi A tw 9t253 DRAWING NUMBER rE-1 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULE: A VOLTS: 120/24❑ V MOUNTING: EXTERIOR VOLTS: 1� MAIN: 1 00 6UB: WIRE: 3 LOCATON A0A Bf OABOmZrc�AfA�BfLOCATION 234HVAC450056HVAC 1 asoo7 1�2 azoat4aa RECPTS. RECPTS.144o9tozoms2oLGHTSPORCH & FN LGHTSPORCH & FN +se 9nt2zo1a6o GF.I WATER HEATER tsoo WATTS/PHASE A='J�9fi0 WATTS/PMA9E B= fi,')fi5 TOTAL WATTS= 1 ,CI45 AMPS='J 5.2 LC L= 332G SN # 74301 BID 34549 NOTE. LOCATIONS OF DUCTS, GRILLS, REGISTERS, ETC. MAY VARY DUE TO PRESENT LOCATIONS OF STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS OF ROOM CONFIGURATIONS. VERTICAL COMPRESSION STRUT ® SPLAY WIRE LOCATIONS 12 G.. SLACK SAFETY WIRE DIAGONAL CORNERS ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE ABV7 TYP.: 12 GA. VERTICAL HANGER WIRE ® 4'-0" EA. WAY W�MIN. 3 TIGHT TURNS IN 1-1/2 EACH END OF WIRE 12 G.. SPLAY WIRE W/MIN. 4 TIGHT TURNS IN 1-1/2" EACH END OF WIRE- TYP H VA C LEGEND MAX. TYP SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ATTACH LIGHT O AIR TERMINAL TO � GRID W/ #10 SM TO THERMOSTAT LOCATION SCREW OR APPROVED MAIN RUNNER CLIP ATTACH SPLAY WIRES TO CROSS RUNNER MAIN RUNNERS 2" MA%. ® ELECTRICAL PANEL FROM CROSS RUNNER INTERSECTION-TYP HVAC I EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED HVAC (AIR CONDITIONER) NOTES: (A) 1/4 OF THE LENGTH OF THE RUNNER WHICHEVER IS LEAST. (B) NAILS AT ENDS OF HORIZONTAL STRUTS ARE TO BE PLACED WITH NAIL HEAD TOWARD r OF SPAN OF STRUT. O RESTROOM EXAUST FAN/S (C) "HEAVY DUTY" SYSTEMS ARE USED, NUMBER 12 GAGE HANGERS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE GRID MEMBERS WITHIN IN AN 4'-0"z4'-O" MODULAR PATTERN UNLESS PERIMETER MEMBER ARE LISTED AS STRUCTURAL MEMBERS EACH MAIN OR CROSS RUNNER MUST BE HUNG WITHIN 8" OF EACH WALL SUPPLY AIR REGISTER ® RETURN AIR GRILLE _R_ --_ TYPICAL SUPPLY & RETYRN DUCTING ABOVE T-BAR CEILING. -ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL AND MAY VARY DUE TO STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATION MOBILE MODULAR A O RETURN AIR GRILLE 11450 MISSION BLVD. 0 MIRA LOMA, CA 91752 EXISTING ROOF 0 ADA APPROVED FIXTURE 1.6 GAL. PER FLUSH MAX. © WALL MOUNTED LAVATORY © 42" LONG GRAB BAR [fl 36" LONG GRAB BAR ® 36" INT. DOOR ® 60" 0 WHEELCHAIR TURNING RADIUS 0 30' X 48" CLEAR FLOOR SPACE ® TOILET PAPER DISPENSER PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS: 1) ALL MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO CAC. TITLE 25. CHAPTER 3, SUB —CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 3. 2) ALL WATER LINES TO BE TYPE "L' COPPER. 3) ALL WATER HEATERS SHALL BE APPROVED BY STATE ENERGY COMMISSION. 4) DRAIN AND VENT UNES SHALL BE ABS PLASTIC TO GRADE. FOR DRAIN LINES FROM GRADE TO SEWER INLET DRAINS SWILL BE CAST IRON. 5) ALL BXATURES SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 2, 5, AND APPENDIX 'C' OF REQUIRED U.P.C. 6) SHOWER HEAD AND FAUCET REQIREMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECRON T20-1525 of C.AC TITLE 24, part 6, di, T20. SHOWERS LAVATORY FAUCETS AND SINKS FAUCETS, USED FOR OTHER THAN SAFETY REASONS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FLOW CONTROL DEVICES TO UMIT TOTAL FLOW TO A MAXIMUM OF 3 GALLONS PER MINUTE. IN ADDITION NO SHOWER HEAD, LAVATORY FAUCET, OR SINK FAUCET USED FOR OTHER THAN SAFETY REASONS, SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS SAMPLES HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED TO WE ENERGY COMMISSION. 7) ALL SERVICE HOT WATER PIPE RUNS GREATER THAN 12 ft. SHALL BE INSULATED ACCORDING TO THE REOIREMENTS SET FORM IN SECTION T20.1507 TABLE 5-1 OF THE NON—RESIDENTIAL ENERGY REGULATIONS. .N. yI�1 Elm �,TT..icn,Ai HOT & COLD WATER SUPPLY NOTES: 1) WATER PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE TYPE 'L' COPPER AND ALL FITTINGS SOALL BE SWEAT FITTINGS. 2) ALL FTBNGS AND MATERIALS TO BE USTED BY AN APPROVED TESTING AGENCY. 3) SUPPLY TUBING TO BE 3/8" O.D. MAX. LENGM — 18". 4) PIPE SHALL BE SECURED AT 48" INTERVALS AND AT CHANGES IN DIRECTION WITH APPROVED HANGERS. 5) SYSTEM SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAP. 10. 1999 UPC CAC TITLE 25. 6) WATER HEATER EQUIPPED WITH TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE REUEF VAVLE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS AND A 3/4' REUEF VILE TERMINATING AT A APPROVED LOCATION. 7) SUPPLY SYSTEM WATER PRESSURE SHALL BE MINIMUM 60 "1. 8) TOTAL DEVELOPED LENGTH IS 40 LF. �E � I I I �I J 11 ABS NOTE: MIRROR IMAGE OF BOOR PLAN MAY BE USED Sa^ 2"MAX. MINd2"MIN. GRAB BAR T min-Y Max. SIDE WALL DRAIN PLUMBING NOTES: NOTE: MIRROR IMAGE OF FLOOR PVJd MAY BE USED tr MIN. 38'MIN GRAB BA TIwa Rah wj Hoax (sLaN)Tlrv. ro �rBACK WALL 1) PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE BID 34549 2) DRAIN UNES SHALL SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT. 3) DRAIN UNM 5' OR LONGER SHALL HAVE A CLEANOUT AT Ts UPPER END. "ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMI A CLEANOUT TOOL SHALL NOT PASS THROUGH MORE THAN 13S CHANGES IN DIRECTION. MOBILE MODULAR 11450 MISSION BLVD. 4) VENTS SHALL TERMINATE VERTICALLY NOT LESS THAN 6" ABOVE WE ROOF; MIRA LOMA CA 91752 AT LEAST 3" ABOVE OR 10" AWAY FROM ANY WINDOW. SCMP: LE 25. 5) SYSTEM SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAP. 4, 1999 UPC AND CA.C. TITLE TO SCALE DATE 9/9/22 6) ALL FITTINGS AND MATERIALS TO BE USTED BY AB APPROVED TESTING AGENCY. ADDRESS: 7) PIPE SHALL BE SUPPORTED AT 48' INTERVALS AND AT CHANGES IN UNTA cA DIRECTION WITH APPROVED HANGERS. PLUMBING LEGEND A = SANITARY TEE C - LONG TURN TEE WYE E - VENT ELBOW F = VENT TEE CO = CLEANOUT LOCATION LAV = LAVATORY WC — WATER CLOSET WH = WATER HEATER POC= POINT OF CONNECTION ST = STRAINER = COLD WATER LINE — = HOT WATER LINE = WASTE/DRAIN LINE = VENT LINE = CLEANOUT �t 98 caPPLR PA.G 51Nr WATER COPPER